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Obama: Ferguson report exposed racially biased system

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POLL: Race Relations Worse Under Obama
A new poll shows that nearly half of Americans believe race relations have worsened over the course of the presidency of Barack Obama, the first half-black man elected to the White House.
The CNN poll found 39 percent believe relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse, not better, since Mr. Obama took office in January 2009. Just 15 percent say relations have improved. In an interesting finding, 45 percent of whites think relations have worsened while just 26 percent of blacks think so.
The survey of 1,000 adults was taken last month, before a Department of Justice report released this week found racial bias in the Ferguson, Mo., police department.

"Barack Obama, the first half-black man..." This is not the first time I have seen the far right posters make reference to President Obama as a product of miscegenation. This appalling racism takes us right back to the plantation era. Why not just call him a 'mulatto'?

Murphet writing an occasional paper for Seton Hall University on the topic of mulattos says:

"The unspeakableness of ‘mulatto’ today is, of course, an index of its historicity — our retrospective distaste for it springing from its contamination by an essentialist doctrine of races, from which we have emerged into the broad light of ‘culturalist’ day. Any such transcendence of nineteenth century racialism, which invariably decodes for us as racism, is surely a boon of the great modern revolutions in ethnography, biology and social science" http://extra.shu.ac.uk/wpw/race/murphet.htm

Clearly, for some folks, this emergence into the broad light of culturalist day is yet to come.

Yes, 19thC racialism is racism and it is appalling to see it thriving. References to President Obama as Half White or Half Black are undeniably part of this attitude. Are people ready for an actual and real debate on racism? Not from many of the posts on this thread.

I doubt if many people really care what color Obama is. America needs a strong intelligent leader, not an arrogant, incompetent, race baiter, who has done more to hurt race relations in America, than any American President in history. Obama is nothing more than a liberal social experiment that went terribly wrong. This guy couldn't lead a boy scout troop.

Calling Prez Obama a "race-baiter" is extreme. It is far, far out of the mainstream of American society, culture, politics. Fifty-five million Americans voted to re-elect Barack Obama president and one rarely if ever hears the term "race-baiter" from mainstream America to include the MSM.

Only the right wing fringe extremist political lunatics carry on in these marginal ways with comments that used to be said under the breath of even the most harsh states rights activists and anti-civil rights politicians.

The Ferguson emails are but the tip of the racist iceberg in what is a cultural and moral cesspool of American society that the DoJ has stepped forward boldly and courageously to confront and to correct. The fact of history is that it is always the feds who correct these severe deficiencies in the character and integrity of the extremist citizenry. The new aspect of the federal role in these respects is that there is a black man as Attorney General and a black man as President so it has provoked an unprecedented, blatant, shameless extremism.

Trying continually to discredit the necessary role of Washington in combating reactionaries is, as always, the bottom feeder approach. For instance, saying one doubts many people care what color Barack Obama is then several words later declare Prez Obama to be a "race baiter" reveals the shamelessly flawed character and approach of the resisters.

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< Inflammatory comment removed >

Given that the report was made by the Holder led task force of the DOJ, I would consider it to be biased from the get go, so no point in reading it. Holder has proven himself to be racially biased in the past.

I'd like to note the following: chuckd, Ulysses G. and CMNightRider like this

Every single person who has criticized the report has self-admitted complete ignorance about the report.

Despite four threads discussing the subject, not once has anyone found a single lie or "bias" in the report itself.

Anyone who actually read the report would realize that it is almost entirely made up of incidents and numbers pulled directly from the Ferguson Police Department's own reports.


Occasionally citizen statements are given, but 9 times out of 10 the police department's own report is enough to condemn them. The only significant space taken up the report is the numerous citations and quotes from court cases that are needed to prove that the FPD's actions are unconstitutional.

Yet thaibeachlovers, chuckd, Ulysses G., and CMNightrider openly acknowledge that they haven't read the report, they're not going to read the report, and they were biased against the investigation long before the report came out.

As a result, they're proving in post after post that they are completely wrong in nearly everything they say about the actual contents of the report. Even if the report were indeed biased, it would benefit them to read it so they stopped making inaccurate, stupid-sounding statements about what they think is in it.

The celebration of self-ignorance. And we wonder why there are problems in this world.

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POLL: Race Relations Worse Under Obama

A new poll shows that nearly half of Americans believe race relations have worsened over the course of the presidency of Barack Obama, the first half-black man elected to the White House.
The CNN poll found 39 percent believe relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse, not better, since Mr. Obama took office in January 2009. Just 15 percent say relations have improved. In an interesting finding, 45 percent of whites think relations have worsened while just 26 percent of blacks think so.
The survey of 1,000 adults was taken last month, before a Department of Justice report released this week found racial bias in the Ferguson, Mo., police department.

Yes, you're definitely right Chuck! From your own link, look at what was said:

"45 percent of whites think relations have worsened while just 26 percent of blacks think so."

So, the White people think that race relations are worse, not the Black people. So has obviously been White people, not Black people, who have been targeted with the heightened racial language. Now, WHO BENEFITS FROM THAT?

I showed indisputable evidence that Republicans had used the race issue for 40 years in order to attract anti-Black votes, because there are a lot more anti-Black votes up for grabs then there are Black votes up for grabs.

Yes, race relations in many ways have worsened over the last 6 years, because the anti-Black contingent has spent six straight years using the image of a Black president to drum up their support over and over again, as this very thread proves over and over again.

They even take exact evidence for that, like the link you just posted, and try to turn it into something anti-Obama even though there's not one piece of evidence to blame Obama, rather than anti-Obama Republicans for the trend. In fact, both the numbers (Whites, not Blacks, being targeted) and the motive (already discussed in depth) prove just the opposite.

This is how deluded this side is. They will even jump on top of things that prove the very opposite of what they're trying to claim.

I find it interesting that people automatically assume Obama to be "black" when he is in fact only HALF black. Given that his mother is white and he appears to have been raised without his father present ( am I wrong on that? ) would his outlook on life not be more "white" than "black"?

I agree with everything you say here.

Obama was almost entirely raised by White people - about half the time by his White grandparents and the other half by his White mother, with a Black father and an Indonesian step-father only present for brief periods. He also was raised primarily in Hawaii, which doesn't have a very large Black community.

Now, of course most other people treated him as a Black boy and Black man, and he would identify with the experience of Black people in America in some ways, so it seems likely that his outlook in life would be a cultural mix. But there certainly seems to be more White influence than Black influence in his life, especially in the developmental stages.

But this has nothing to do with what I was talking about. So I am at a loss to understand why you ignored everything I said and replied with a completely off-topic meditation on Barack Obama's upbringing. As far as I can tell, there's only one relevant quote:

"This is how deluded this side is. They will even jump on top of things that prove the very opposite of what they're trying to claim."

Were you just trying to prove me right?


Yet thaibeachlovers, chuckd, Ulysses G., and CMNightrider openly acknowledge that they haven't read the report, they're not going to read the report, and they were biased against the investigation long before the report came out.

I didn't "acknowledge" ANY OF THIS. This is a blatant lie.

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< Inflammatory comment removed >

Given that the report was made by the Holder led task force of the DOJ, I would consider it to be biased from the get go, so no point in reading it. Holder has proven himself to be racially biased in the past.

I'd like to note the following: chuckd, Ulysses G. and CMNightRider like this

Every single person who has criticized the report has self-admitted complete ignorance about the report.

Despite four threads discussing the subject, not once has anyone found a single lie or "bias" in the report itself.

Anyone who actually read the report would realize that it is almost entirely made up of incidents and numbers pulled directly from the Ferguson Police Department's own reports.


Occasionally citizen statements are given, but 9 times out of 10 the police department's own report is enough to condemn them. The only significant space taken up the report is the numerous citations and quotes from court cases that are needed to prove that the FPD's actions are unconstitutional.

Yet thaibeachlovers, chuckd, Ulysses G., and CMNightrider openly acknowledge that they haven't read the report, they're not going to read the report, and they were biased against the investigation long before the report came out.

As a result, they're proving in post after post that they are completely wrong in nearly everything they say about the actual contents of the report. Even if the report were indeed biased, it would benefit them to read it so they stopped making inaccurate, stupid-sounding statements about what they think is in it.

The celebration of self-ignorance. And we wonder why there are problems in this world.

I've read it. It's very biased, only tries to prove the point it started with. It's statistics are skewed. It asks the perps, not witnesses, what happened.
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I've read it. It's very biased, only tries to prove the point it started with. It's statistics are skewed. It asks the perps, not witnesses, what happened.

That's simply false. The vast majority of the report is pulled directly from police reports, court records, and internal documents. The "perps", as you call them, were interviewed a small minority of the time (can you imagine how difficult it would have been for the DOJ to try to track down the 'perps' in 90,000 citations for interviews?).

In the "Justice Department's Ferguson Report" thread, I posted exact quotes from the report, which shows both how the report relied on officer accounts and the qualified language that the report used whenever a citizen's account is mentioned.

Isn't it telling that hawker9000, the other anti-DOJ guy who has now claimed to have read the report, still had to admit, " But they are undoubtedly true stories, so not much the department can say." He just tried to excuse the stories away with "every department has its sour moments". It's not surprising that the two of you have come up with opposite excuses to try to wish the report away - throw it all at the wall and see what sticks, right?

Perhaps you innocently misread the report, and didn't realize that they were pulling from the policemen's own descriptions?

Or maybe you're right. Why don't you give us a few examples of incidents in which the DOJ "asks the perps, not witnesses, what happened".


Knocked Out: Is America Becoming South Africa?

"There is a new game spreading across urban America, my friends, and you cannot buy it from Nintendo. It’s called the “Knockout Game.” Caution: If you lose, it could cost you your life. But don’t expect the liberal media to report it. You see, it is perpetrated by blacks against whites. That kind of news simply doesn’t wash, especially under the Presidency of Barack Obama."

America is becoming like South Africa


The media calls them “flash mobs”. Isn’t that quaint? Flash Mobs? Aren’t those the dancing folks? Bull sh*t. These are not “flash mobs”. These are organized gangs of black thugs and criminals attacking whites and white owned businesses...

...To think that this is random stretches the furthest bounds of credulity and requires a suspension of disbelief bordering on comatose. The spark of these attacks is planned and some of them were actually organized on social media sites. Do you remember which president got elected using social media sites?


Future primitive: America parallels South Africa, Exclusive: Erik Rush sees chilling prescience in Ilana Mercer's 'Into the Cannibal's Pot'

"One of the most distressing things I encounter on a regular basis from Americans is the belief that it can’t happen here and that scenarios representing incomprehensibly radical, dystopian transformations of our society are not only preposterous, but the product of delusional minds. More often than not, when I speak of such things I am referencing the fundamental transformation of America President Obama and his Marxist co-conspirators are foisting upon us.

Europhobia The Racism of Anti-racists

""In a climate of Euro-phobia, we have every legitimate reason to fear and resist a substantial racial/ethnic shift. Assimilating non-European immigrants into America's traditional Euro-culture is difficult. Europhobia makes it nearly impossible. As many of the newcomers absorb this hostility, European-Americans will face increasing tension, discrimination, and perhaps physical danger. We are under no moral obligation to accept these risks either for ourselves or our children.

The "Game" is in play, and all most people want to do is describe the rules, who is breaking the rules, who made the game in the first place, or stupidly play along in the game and think they can win, or even get along with the other players, when in fact the game is rigged, and a lot of those players are playing another "Game" (The real Game) below the surface of the table which the game is being played on... and they certainly do not have your best interests in mind.

Anyone who thinks this Obama-fueled, Marxist form of discrimination will fade away is fooling themselves. A fire can't die when the wood keepers continue to fuel it.

Anyone who feels that deep deep down there is something very wrong going on in this world and blames it on the whites, is either severely confused, brainwashed or my bitterest enemy.

Is this really the material you read? You post a bunch of anti-Black stories from extremist blog sites...to what end? I don't know you, but you look like you're in full-on "Let's scare people with the idea of a Black-White race war!" mode. And on top of that, several of those sites imply that Obama is plotting the race war!

Other people are calling out MSNBC for being, liberal, and yet you can post that without any of those same people peeping up at all?

This is who you are. Claiming that organized gangs of Black thugs organized by President Obama's forces are targeting White people. Claiming that America is turning into Africa and will become a Black-dominated society. Referencing the Holocaust and Pol Pot's Killing Fields in association with Obama's America.

Isn't there a single one of the anti-DOJ side who will at least call this man out for his blatant ridiculousness? You blame Obama for negatively impacting race relations...but you stay silent when people post that trash???

Has anyone here been attacked by Black mobs roaming the countryside? Do you actually believe that Obama's forces are using social media to start a race war against White people? Do you read extremist blogs like World Net Daily and ConUnderground, or radical groups like the "American Immigration Control Foundation", and actually believe they are telling the truth?

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I've read it. It's very biased, only tries to prove the point it started with. It's statistics are skewed. It asks the perps, not witnesses, what happened.

That's simply false. The vast majority of the report is pulled directly from police reports, court records, and internal documents. The "perps", as you call them, were interviewed a small minority of the time (can you imagine how difficult it would have been for the DOJ to try to track down the 'perps' in 90,000 citations for interviews?).

In the "Justice Department's Ferguson Report" thread, I posted exact quotes from the report, which shows both how the report relied on officer accounts and the qualified language that the report used whenever a citizen's account is mentioned.

Isn't it telling that hawker9000, the other anti-DOJ guy who has now claimed to have read the report, still had to admit, " But they are undoubtedly true stories, so not much the department can say." He just tried to excuse the stories away with "every department has its sour moments". It's not surprising that the two of you have come up with opposite excuses to try to wish the report away - throw it all at the wall and see what sticks, right?

Perhaps you innocently misread the report, and didn't realize that they were pulling from the policemen's own descriptions?

Or maybe you're right. Why don't you give us a few examples of incidents in which the DOJ "asks the perps, not witnesses, what happened".

Better question: Why, if there is so much evidence to prove your point, why didn't they file it with a judge? And don't even start with the "higher standards" thing. Because that's not true.


A report of police discrimination conducted by DOJ Attorney General Holder and any of this biased staff or even if contracted could never be anything less than highly questionable. Holder has shown racial bias to the extreme in the case of the New Black Panthers caught on video carrying clubs at a voting station... Holder let them off with a slap on the wrist. Holder has also made many other statements revealing his racial bias in favor of blacks and against whites. Nothing he would conduct can be taken seriously. Holder is bankrupt when is comes to racially blind justice ... Holder is hypocritical - he calling anyone else a racist is laughable ...

6 likes for another off-topic race-based dog whistle. What a surprise.

You do realize that the incident happened under the Bush Administration and it was the Bush Administration that dropped the criminal charges, right? The only thing that happened under the Obama Administration was that the civil charges were also dropped.

Here's some reading material from a few conservatives:

A conservative dismisses right-wing Black Panther 'fantasies'

No proof in New Black Panther Case: Official

New Black Panther Case: A Conservative Dissent

Note that those three articles are from Publico, CBS, and National Review, all of which are centrist or openly right-leaning.

But once again, this is a meaningless off-topic red herring and I'm not going to respond any further to attempts to ignore the actual report we're talking about. What two guys did in Philadelphia 7 years ago cannot possibly be proof that the police in Ferguson obeyed the law. By your logic, because of the Black Panther case, Ferguson police should be allowed to get away with anything and no federal case against them shall ever be legitimate. That's just stupid.

Holder didn't make up anything in the report...and if you'd actually read it, you'd see that Holder didn't call anyone in it a "racist".


"Why, if there is so much evidence to prove your point, why didn't they file it with a judge? And don't even start with the "higher standards" thing. Because that's not true."

It seems that you haven't read the report and don't understand the process.

If the Ferguson Police Department contests the report, then yes, it will be filed with a judge. But the Ferguson Police Department has said that it will abide by the report and beginning making the necessary changes. The point of DOJ reports like this one is to fix police departments and improve public safety, not process unnecessary litigation. Processing unnecessary court cases at the expense of public safety is what Ferguson does.

To throw your question back out you, if there isn't evidence to prove the point, then why doesn't Ferguson file it with a judge? There would be almost unlimited money raised by conservatives to challenge this case and win points against Holder and Obama if conservatives actually thought they could win it.

On a different note, there are plenty of court cases pending against the Ferguson PD right now, that have been filed by the individuals involved. They have already lost some of those cases and are certain to lose more. Again, those cases are mentioned in the report.

Also, I believe that to this point five police officers have not been fired or forced to resign for misconduct, as has one city court official. And more are likely coming. Again, if their firings were unjust, why aren't they contesting the case and winning?

POLL: Race Relations Worse Under Obama
A new poll shows that nearly half of Americans believe race relations have worsened over the course of the presidency of Barack Obama, the first half-black man elected to the White House.
The CNN poll found 39 percent believe relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse, not better, since Mr. Obama took office in January 2009. Just 15 percent say relations have improved. In an interesting finding, 45 percent of whites think relations have worsened while just 26 percent of blacks think so.
The survey of 1,000 adults was taken last month, before a Department of Justice report released this week found racial bias in the Ferguson, Mo., police department.

"Barack Obama, the first half-black man..." This is not the first time I have seen the far right posters make reference to President Obama as a product of miscegenation. This appalling racism takes us right back to the plantation era. Why not just call him a 'mulatto'?


Just for the record, the "the far right posters" you are referencing as being miscegenational is from my post and I said nothing of the sort.

CNN made the reference. I made no editorial comment whatsoever on the linked article

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No one thought Wilson would have a chance of a federal conviction from the get go.

I think you should ask Publicus about that. rolleyes.gif

Produce the post(s).

Support this bogus claim.

Produce the post.

This is the second time today I've seen this bogus claim and it's the second time I've demanded the claimant produce the post(s). The bogus post fails to address me directly. Consequently, I happened upon this bogus claim just now.

Put up or shut up cause if I see this again I won't call you a 'claimant'.

Produce the post.


A report of police discrimination conducted by DOJ Attorney General Holder and any of this biased staff or even if contracted could never be anything less than highly questionable. Holder has shown racial bias to the extreme in the case of the New Black Panthers caught on video carrying clubs at a voting station... Holder let them off with a slap on the wrist. Holder has also made many other statements revealing his racial bias in favor of blacks and against whites. Nothing he would conduct can be taken seriously. Holder is bankrupt when is comes to racially blind justice ... Holder is hypocritical - he calling anyone else a racist is laughable ...

Wrong as has been pointed out when this disinformation was consciously presented to threads previously....the hysterical and double-talking right forgets it's been corrected publicly on this and it anyway is so used to reciting the above lines that presenting the same untrue information is done without a second thought from way out over there at the distant right.

The case occurred during the transition between election day 2008 and the inauguration January 20, 2009.

During the transition, the Bush Justice Department precluded filing criminal charges against the New Black Panthers, leaving the new Attorney General Eric Holder toothless in terms of charges that could be filed. Republicans then began to falsely -- knowingly falsely and willfully -- accusing AG Holder of favoring blacks, the New Black Panthers, being soft on the law etc etc etc.

Thus the deliberate campaign of the fringe far out extreme right, led by the Republican party, began against AG Eric Holder....and it is clear in the here and now that, despite the racial campaigners having been corrected repeatedly in the national and global media, the discredited extreme racialists of the far right continue the conduct and behaviors that self-identify them as being illegitimate.


Yet again busted in this very bogus same and always unchanged concoction against AG Eric Holder. The bogus right forgets which among the massive number of its known falsehoods it constantly drivels out have been disproved, so it keeps repeating even the corrected items of deliberate and willful misinformation and known falsehoods.

Right wingers here continue to refuse to discuss the specifics of the Report, or even to read the Report.....not skim the Report, to read it.


No one thought Wilson would have a chance of a federal conviction from the get go.

I think you should ask Publicus about that. rolleyes.gif

Produce the post(s).

Support this bogus claim.

Produce the post.

This is the second time today I've seen this bogus claim and it's the second time I've demanded the claimant produce the post(s). The bogus post fails to address me directly. Consequently, I happened upon this bogus claim just now.

Put up or shut up cause if I see this again I won't call you a 'claimant'.

Produce the post.

My posture is that the rules above are for all cops in their daily dealings with all citizens and nationals all of the time in all circumstances.

We've been down the shot in the back rumor before and it's been clarified more than once - the cop was chasing Brown down the street blasting away at Brown's back side. In all the chaos commotion and distractions it could be easy for someone or for anyone to believe Brown had been shot in the back. That had been cleared up long ago but because your case is weak some of you guys have to keep dredging it up along with other feeble aspects of it.

The rules I quote are literally for the Houston, Texas police department but their spirit, intent, purpose are universal or should be, need to be.

Police Officer Wilson the trigger happy on the run executioner is going down and he's going down deep and he's going down hard, never again to see the light of day. That won't solve or end anything but it will be and serve justice and it will constitute a needed precedent.

Edited by Publicus, 2014-08-19 03:22:22.


No one thought Wilson would have a chance of a federal conviction from the get go.

I think you should ask Publicus about that. rolleyes.gif

Produce the post(s).

Support this bogus claim.

Produce the post.

This is the second time today I've seen this bogus claim and it's the second time I've demanded the claimant produce the post(s). The bogus post fails to address me directly. Consequently, I happened upon this bogus claim just now.

Put up or shut up cause if I see this again I won't call you a 'claimant'.

Produce the post.

My posture is that the rules above are for all cops in their daily dealings with all citizens and nationals all of the time in all circumstances.

We've been down the shot in the back rumor before and it's been clarified more than once - the cop was chasing Brown down the street blasting away at Brown's back side. In all the chaos commotion and distractions it could be easy for someone or for anyone to believe Brown had been shot in the back. That had been cleared up long ago but because your case is weak some of you guys have to keep dredging it up along with other feeble aspects of it.

The rules I quote are literally for the Houston, Texas police department but their spirit, intent, purpose are universal or should be, need to be.

Police Officer Wilson the trigger happy on the run executioner is going down and he's going down deep and he's going down hard, never again to see the light of day. That won't solve or end anything but it will be and serve justice and it will constitute a needed precedent.

Edited by Publicus, 2014-08-19 03:22:22.

Very good because given the bents of the right wing posters, this needed to be put out on the table. Indeed, the poster in his fit of error needs the meaning, the impact, the significance of the quoted statement spelled out to him and very likely also to his fellow right wing supporters of officer Darren Wilson.

Former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson is an unemployed cop who is currently undergoing a radical career change, as reasonably foreseen in the quoted statement.

Darren Wilson's certification by the State of Missouri to be a police officer is being challenged before the appropriate state board. The name Darren Wilson is a radioactive name so that if he ever again works as a cop, everyone in the country would be interested in the kind of police department or employer of any kind would be that might hire Darren Wilson once again into a job involving law enforcement or public (or private) safety.

The police department where Wilson had been employed for five years, in Ferguson, Missouri, is currently charged by the US Department of Justice with violating the US Constitution, specifically, the First, Fourth, Fourteenth Amendments, and is charged with ongoing violations of the Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1996, the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, all of which sound fairly serious to me. Attorney General Eric Holder has said he is prepared to petition the United States District Court to dissolve the FPD if it fails to display an openness to accepting and implementing the recommendations of the DoJ contained in its Report which was issued after months of investigation.

The police department where Darren Wilson got his first job as a cop, a dozen or so miles from Ferguson, had been dissolved in its entirely by the local city council due to its incorrigible corruption to include its terrible community relations. Wilson the Ferguson homicide shooter had been hired by the FPD from this dissolved and irretrievably immoral, unethical, unprofessional department.

The family of Michael Brown has filed a civil rights violation suit in federal court charging police officer Darren Wilson with violating the civil rights of said decedent.

In other words and as stated in words that are familiar to the poster and his right wing pals, former police officer Wilson, the trigger happy and formerly on the run executioner, is thus and therefore going down, down, down: and he may in fact already be down and out. Darren Wilson is going down deep and he's gone down hard. Darren Wilson will never again see the light of day as a police officer or as a credible citizen or employee in whom one can place his confidence, trust, belief.

Wilson was in fact not cleared of any homicide crime as the grand jury simply decided not to pursue any charges against him. The grand jury and the prosecutor investigating Darren Wilson's act of a homicide was a controversial grand jury called and directed by an even more controversial district attorney, and its decision called a great deal of unusual legal attention to both it and the district attorney, Robert Mcculloch. The further reality is that, Wilson has not stood trial in a court of law on any charges so no one knows the validity of the controversial grand jury's decision not to act.

In fact I would criticize the DoJ Ferguson Report for not carrying the focus on Darren Wilson any further than things are as they presently stand.

Nowhere did I say Wilson would be indicted. Nowhere did I say Wilson would be charged, arraigned, booked, jailed temporarily or longer term. Nowhere did I say Wilson would be put on trial in a court of law. My use of the word 'justice' is obviously a broad and general, societal, one that says or suggests nothing about criminal justice in a court of law. Nowhere did I say Wilson would be convicted by a trial jury of any crime. Nowhere, nuthin.

This is a big ado about nothing.

So I certainly do not wish to go off topic with the post, which is but a reply to what could be considered baiting and inflammatory posts, so I'd leave to the (clearly poor) judgement of the blood thirsty baiters any further posts in this bloody vein.


No one thought Wilson would have a chance of a federal conviction from the get go.

I think you should ask Publicus about that. rolleyes.gif

Produce the post(s).

Support this bogus claim.

Produce the post.

This is the second time today I've seen this bogus claim and it's the second time I've demanded the claimant produce the post(s). The bogus post fails to address me directly. Consequently, I happened upon this bogus claim just now.

Put up or shut up cause if I see this again I won't call you a 'claimant'.

Produce the post.

The claim is not bogus. It is true. I've posted it on the forum at least twice and it is immediately deleted as being off topic. I am guessing that you report it right away as it seems like an awful big coincidence that it keeps happening repeatedly.

I've never seen any such posts so I've never reported any such posts. I've never see it so there is nothing I could be aware of that might be a repeated action.

PM the specific posts to me forthwith, without delay please thanks.


Seeing as I'm not American I don't know the answer to this question, but I think it needs asking, so here goes.

After O.J Simpson was found not guilty of murdering his wife did the president either encourage or facilitate the civil charges which were brought against O.J Simpson?

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Seeing as I'm not American I don't know the answer to this question, but I think it needs asking, so here goes.

After O.J Simpson was found not guilty of murdering his wife did the president either encourage or facilitate the civil charges which were brought against O.J Simpson?

Ask him.


There is a focus on the poster, the person -- me, myself.

Certain posters are working very hard and out of the ordinary to post with their focus on me, myself, as an individual poster. The posters who are trying to make me the topic of the thread need to focus on the thread topic and the posts, not to focus on me or myself as the individual poster.

The topic of this thread is not what I said or what I did not say in another thread in another topic of the saga, at yet another time or another phase of the ongoing events. What I may have said or what I did not say is not the topic nor can it be the focus of posting, especially a succession of posts about me myself that are made by more than one poster.

I am not the topic.

I am not the topic obsessive compulsives of the far right notwithstanding.


No one thought Wilson would have a chance of a federal conviction from the get go.

I think you should ask Publicus about that. rolleyes.gif

There you go thinking again.

It's trouble every time, but for yourself. blink.png

The poster doesn't need to do anything and the poster knows it.

You, and youse guyz on the other hand.......whistling.gif ...


snarky, have you noticed the multiple statements that this is a thread about THE FERGUSON PD, NOT OFFICER WILSON?

There is a body of posters so ridiculously obsessed about Officer Wilson, they'll do anything to ignore 102 pages of proof that the entire Ferguson system was corrupt and acting illegally as a matter of daily policy.


snarky, have you noticed the multiple statements that this is a thread about THE FERGUSON PD, NOT OFFICER WILSON?

There is a body of posters so ridiculously obsessed about Officer Wilson, they'll do anything to ignore 102 pages of proof that the entire Ferguson system was corrupt and acting illegally as a matter of daily policy.

Liberals and Leftists believe the Department of Justice report ... done under the direction and supervision of the most outrageous white hating racist in American History none other than AG Holder .... whose track record of anti-white racism is there for all to see - except those blinded by cult like adoration of 'The One' -- Dear Leader obama...

You seem to have no idea that AG Holder has a long history of being anti-white ... he even became violent back in the day ... do a little googling to get educated before mouthing off...

The report about the Ferguson Police Department is nothing other than a sham - exaggerations, embellishments and out right fabrications ... a total slanting of the situation. The objective of AG Holder was to send people out on a mission to BLACKEN the name (pardon the pun) of the Ferguson PD... The outcome was already known by the so called investigators before they started.

Notice -- PLEASE notice that the same Justice Department could not find sufficient evidence to file Federal Charges against Officer Wilson -- YET because they cannot find sufficient evidence to prosecute - they fabricate a report to DAMN the whole Ferguson PD ...

Don't you find it a bit odd that insufficient evidence was found to Federally prosecute yet the whole PD is found guilty ?

What are you smoking ? Or drinking ... or toking ?

But I expect little else from those who seem to be nothing more than bowing and curtsying obama Cult Members.

Read the report. Hard to exaggerate, embellish, or outright fabricate when 80% of the report comes from the cops' own reports and emails. Name a single thing in the entire report that the DOJ made up.

Back up your claims. Just one of them. Quote the report.

Funny how I've quoted the report extensively (to mere crickets chirping), yet all these detractors can't quote it once.

p.s. - Your faulty logic is incredible that you somehow are saying that the failure to file Federal Charges against Officer Wilson somehow makes the Ferguson PD report suspicious. If they DOJ clearly REFUSED to fake evidence against Officer Wilson, if they gave him a completely honest and upright report, then doesn't that make their Ferguson PD report even more believable?

What kind of strange world do you live in where the fact that a cop is exonerated in one case therefore means that every cop should be exonerated in every case?

There is no logic to your claim, "If Officer Wilson was innocent, then the entire Ferguson PD has always been innocent". There's no connection between one thing and the other at all.

p.p.s. - Since I turned against Obama by 2010, actively petitioned people not to vote for him in 2012, and am a registered Independent, exactly how can you characterize me as an "Obama cult member"?

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