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I wonder what is worse, Prayut saying he felt like punching a reporter, or Abbott promising to Shirt-front Vladimir Putin? I would say Abbott wins hands down. cheesy.gif



Remember the Thaksin "press conferences" coffee1.gif

I remember when Yingluck was elected and you moaned that Thailand was becoming North Korea, Jingthing. Now that Thailand has an unelected coup ruling the country, martial law, military tribunals for citizens with no appeal, no constitution, no political rights, no civil liberties, greatly increased prosecution for political speech, among its many repressive features you can't still be going on about what a threat to democracy the Shinawatras are, can you? You can't possibly lack a sense of scale to that degree, right?

You missed one out: "and no government backed terrorist groups murdering innocent men, women and children on the streets with grenade launchers" - which coincidentally is the ENTIRE reason for the coup.

Still, ignore what you don't like eh ?. And always blame someone else ...

That bunch of cronies were using deliberate terrorism to murder civilians in their attempts to hold on to power. You can't get worse than that. And it's pretty obvious who gave the order.


Remember the Thaksin "press conferences" coffee1.gif

I remember when Yingluck was elected and you moaned that Thailand was becoming North Korea, Jingthing. Now that Thailand has an unelected coup ruling the country, martial law, military tribunals for citizens with no appeal, no constitution, no political rights, no civil liberties, greatly increased prosecution for political speech, among its many repressive features you can't still be going on about what a threat to democracy the Shinawatras are, can you? You can't possibly lack a sense of scale to that degree, right?

You missed one out: "and no government backed terrorist groups murdering innocent men, women and children on the streets with grenade launchers" - which coincidentally is the ENTIRE reason for the coup.

Still, ignore what you don't like eh ?. And always blame someone else ...

That bunch of cronies were using deliberate terrorism to murder civilians in their attempts to hold on to power. You can't get worse than that. And it's pretty obvious who gave the order.

Seem you have a great analytical mind. Care you explain why no coup in 2010 when events were more dire?


Remember the Thaksin "press conferences" coffee1.gif

I remember when Yingluck was elected and you moaned that Thailand was becoming North Korea, Jingthing. Now that Thailand has an unelected coup ruling the country, martial law, military tribunals for citizens with no appeal, no constitution, no political rights, no civil liberties, greatly increased prosecution for political speech, among its many repressive features you can't still be going on about what a threat to democracy the Shinawatras are, can you? You can't possibly lack a sense of scale to that degree, right?

You missed one out: "and no government backed terrorist groups murdering innocent men, women and children on the streets with grenade launchers" - which coincidentally is the ENTIRE reason for the coup.

Still, ignore what you don't like eh ?. And always blame someone else ...

That bunch of cronies were using deliberate terrorism to murder civilians in their attempts to hold on to power. You can't get worse than that. And it's pretty obvious who gave the order.

Just change "reason" to "pretense" and then you will have it right.


"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

As a matter of fact, no, he's not a Prime Minister at all. He just calls himself that.

He is and if you think he's not then maybe you need a punch to wake yourself up you wally.


"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

Yes he is and if you need to ask such a question, then maybe you ought to receive a punch to wake yourself up.


Reporters who are competant do their own research others who are just there for the coffee ask stupid questions just like this one did, The answers to his question were already there he/she was just too lazy to do the research. Well said Mr PM !. Make them listen to your speaches, read their own and other newspapers, do the analyses and then they will have the answers. Or is this beyond their capabilities?


Reporters who are competant do their own research others who are just there for the coffee ask stupid questions just like this one did, The answers to his question were already there he/she was just too lazy to do the research. Well said Mr PM !. Make them listen to your speaches, read their own and other newspapers, do the analyses and then they will have the answers. Or is this beyond their capabilities?

Reporters first do their own research (good ones), then ask the question (potentially multiple times) trying to get the person to answer directly as to confirm or deny things.

BTW, What was the question? You must be able to tell us if you are saying it is a stupid question..... Most leaders if asked a stupid question, will just say it is a stupid question.... no need for the person that wields all the power in thailand to bully the reporter (though they have been doing that since the onset of martial law).

Should everyone that gets asked something they don't like go around and threaten people?

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According to Prayut, the question was "What are the results of the government's work?" I know it's such a ridiculous question for a leader to answer. This also wasn't a spat between the reporter and Prayut in the moment, the general told the story while addressing a conference on government transparency. You couldn't make this up.


^ Asking such a question was making the general lose face because he could think of no accomplishments that were worth reporting, which meant the reporters question was only meant to embarrass the general who then threatened the reporter for asking such a question....

I think that about sums it up....

And I think as one poster said:

Much to do about very little

We should all go around following the leaders example and threaten anyone who asks a question we cannot answer with bodily harm....


He'll get his comeuppance, for sure, because he's so thick that one day he's really gonna put his foot in it, and so deeply he that deeply upsets the wrong crowd. It's coming.

He has threatened the Monks about having a march of demonstration and my wife says if this is disrupted by the military in any way should the monks go ahead with their march. She said all hell will break loose but she said Mr. Coup man boss leader of the uniform code of military justice dude knows this.

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"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

As a matter of fact, no, he's not a Prime Minister at all. He just calls himself that.

He is and if you think he's not then maybe you need a punch to wake yourself up you wally.

Is that what you believe is a legitimate PM????? One who takes over militarily then sheds his uniform and stacks parliament with his cronies and then has them vote him in as the be all end all PM GET REAL and you better wake up. Your still watching a movie unfold that still has the editing department hard at the script. The action filled finale has yet to come!!!!

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"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

No, the rebuke is for saying it, not for feeling it.


"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

Yes he is and if you need to ask such a question, then maybe you ought to receive a punch to wake yourself up.

Think that you miss understood my question, It's not accepted behavior of o leader of a country to threaten to punch reporters in the face when facing questions that were not to his liking. better just to ignore the question than come up with such a stupid comment as he did,


"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

Yes he is and if you need to ask such a question, then maybe you ought to receive a punch to wake yourself up.

Think that you miss understood my question, It's not accepted behavior of o leader of a country to threaten to punch reporters in the face when facing questions that were not to his liking. better just to ignore the question than come up with such a stupid comment as he did,

Nor is it accepted behaviour to misrepresent facts. Saying what you feel in not threatening as long as it is constrained by civilised behaviour. Threatening is when you say "I will..........", or when law suits are regularly launched at journalists for asking the wrong question.


Nor is it accepted behaviour to misrepresent facts. Saying what you feel in not threatening as long as it is constrained by civilised behaviour. Threatening is when you say "I will..........", or when law suits are regularly launched at journalists for asking the wrong question.

So if a body builder came up to you in the street and stopped and stared at you and told you he felt like beating you to a pulp -- you would not feel threatened?

There is only one reason why you would communicate your violent feelings, and that is to threaten. The reporter was not his therapist.... If you thought the question was inappropriate, you would communicate that by telling them it was inappropriate....

Unfortunately there is laws on the books in respect to libel and slander that are written in such a way as to be able to be used to threaten anyone that could embarrass them (truthful or not) and there has been lots of lawsuits that have been going back and forth between the two parties and between yellows and reds. These laws existed for that purpose long before Thaksin came to power. Unfortunately truth is not a defense in all cases.

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"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

As a matter of fact, no, he's not a Prime Minister at all. He just calls himself that.

He is and if you think he's not then maybe you need a punch to wake yourself up you wally.

Is that what you believe is a legitimate PM????? One who takes over militarily then sheds his uniform and stacks parliament with his cronies and then has them vote him in as the be all end all PM GET REAL and you better wake up. Your still watching a movie unfold that still has the editing department hard at the script. The action filled finale has yet to come!!!!

What sort of foolishness are you espousing? Give you clowns an inch and you take a mile. I made a statement that yes, he is the PM, and you sprout off with all this nonsense. Then we have the movie, editing, scripts and finales. Give me your version of a finale, it will make interesting reading given the rest of the meaningless material you are spruiking. If one scrutinises what you have written then it is you who should wake up or at least come back to earth as you are definitely off this planet. And there is no need to yell within your post, it only highlights your lack of tact.


He'll get his comeuppance, for sure, because he's so thick that one day he's really gonna put his foot in it, and so deeply he that deeply upsets the wrong crowd. It's coming.

He has threatened the Monks about having a march of demonstration and my wife says if this is disrupted by the military in any way should the monks go ahead with their march. She said all hell will break loose but she said Mr. Coup man boss leader of the uniform code of military justice dude knows this.

The monks are fully aware that martial law has been declared and is in vogue and that any march or demonstration is illegal. Their position does not exempt them, and they should stick to their teachings. I also see we have two experts in your family now. Not only your biased comments but biased hearsay from the boss. Wonders will never cease.


"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

Yes he is and if you need to ask such a question, then maybe you ought to receive a punch to wake yourself up.

Think that you miss understood my question, It's not accepted behavior of o leader of a country to threaten to punch reporters in the face when facing questions that were not to his liking. better just to ignore the question than come up with such a stupid comment as he did,

No never misunderstood.

Many politicians often say something that they later regret but the way people are going on about this is getting a little over the top. This reporter needs exactly that, a good smack in the face to wake him up. He is an antagonistic grub of a reporter, who once again has tried his best to stir the possum. And look what it has brought out on the Forum. Just amazing.


"would almost punch the reporter in the face" was unbecoming given his status.

I man who usurped power by force. The staement is exactly what should be expected by such a man.


"felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

And this guy is a PM???

Yes he is and if you need to ask such a question, then maybe you ought to receive a punch to wake yourself up.

Think that you miss understood my question, It's not accepted behavior of o leader of a country to threaten to punch reporters in the face when facing questions that were not to his liking. better just to ignore the question than come up with such a stupid comment as he did,

No never misunderstood.

Many politicians often say something that they later regret but the way people are going on about this is getting a little over the top. This reporter needs exactly that, a good smack in the face to wake him up. He is an antagonistic grub of a reporter, who once again has tried his best to stir the possum. And look what it has brought out on the Forum. Just amazing.

What's more amazing is that you think it's fine to resort to violence and express the same sentiments, so violence is the solution and so what if the reporter is the lowest of the low, prayuth is the highest so stop defending the actions of a autocratic military career bully who has to threaten peoples by inviting them for attitude adjustment!!!

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