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My 1000th Post


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It almost seems obligatory now. Why does everyone have to start a thread telling us all when they've reached 1000 posts??? I didn't do this. I don't get it. When you get to 500 at least you get something out of it. 1000 posts has no significance at all.


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I don't get it? All the congrads,etc. Was your posts of help to anyone? That is what I ask myself? (Have not read any of yours, so hence this response) This being my 1st real Forum, I HOPE I can answer or give a comment that will make a difference to any readers and help in some way. Im not happy with the flammers, that apparentlly don't get banned, since the more posts you have and kiss-assing the mods, usually gets you far here, at least on some threads-Sorry for going a bit off-topic, but is this the reason for the congrads? (Absoulutlly no disrespect to anyone!)

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I don't get it? All the congrads,etc. Was your posts of help to anyone? That is what I ask myself? (Have not read any of yours, so hence this response) This being my 1st real Forum, I HOPE I can answer or give a comment that will make a difference to any readers and help in some way. Im not happy with the flammers, that apparentlly don't get banned, since the more posts you have and kiss-assing the mods, usually gets you far here, at least on some threads-Sorry for going a bit off-topic, but is this the reason for the congrads? (Absoulutlly no disrespect to anyone!)

Well i admit it wasnt helpful too anyone, just i find it amazing to think i have sat and typed 1000 posts, i expect 2000 will come up even quicker!!

Still cant please everyone, thank god. :o

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I HOPE I can answer or give a comment that will make a difference to any readers and help in some way. (Absoulutlly no disrespect to anyone!)

I am just wondering, has this post helped anyone?

And there is no disrespect intended here either.

Good Luck


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I don't get it? All the congrads,etc. Was your posts of help to anyone? That is what I ask myself? (Have not read any of yours, so hence this response) This being my 1st real Forum, I HOPE I can answer or give a comment that will make a difference to any readers and help in some way. Im not happy with the flammers, that apparentlly don't get banned, since the more posts you have and kiss-assing the mods, usually gets you far here, at least on some threads-Sorry for going a bit off-topic, but is this the reason for the congrads? (Absoulutlly no disrespect to anyone!)

Well i admit it wasnt helpful too anyone, just i find it amazing to think i have sat and typed 1000 posts, i expect 2000 will come up even quicker!!

Still cant please everyone, thank god. :o

Mark, Maybe one day you'll find that to give IS better than to get. I thank you for you're honesty.

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hi uk,

if you where that happy about belting in the 1000th post, you would be shouting all my top mates here on this forum a bloody larger. :D

anyways, when are you going to cough up with the beer my friend. ?

im getting dehydrated here uk.

cheers :o

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Well i admit it wasnt helpful too anyone, just i find it amazing to think i have sat and typed 1000 posts, i expect 2000 will come up even quicker!!

Being a little modest here, Mark me thinks, just found a post of yours regarding passports and you gave a positive response, decent feed back.

Good Luck


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Congrats mate. Herse to the next 1000.

Nobody offered me a long black car of death at 2000........... :D:o:D


They certainly thought it though, or so I have been told :D

Good Luck


Wahey, I'll rack em up.................. :D:D


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ok fella,

the boys are getting very bloody thirsty. :D

where's the frigging larger. :D

i'll have VB please. :D

cheers my good friend :o

You'll have Stella and not bleedin moan..... :D:D


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