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Good illustration. Actually, that shows why YOU need filters. Some of us don't have that problem. smile.png

I'm happy for you, but the point was in response to the threads about washing machine filters.

Water here 'can' appear clean but when filtered you see whats actually in it.

Before I installed the sediment filter my water did appear clean, but I posted this to illustrate water isn't always as clean as it may appear

  • Like 2

Isaan, and yes, this is Govt piped water

Where did you get the filter? And price if you don't mind... How often do you need to change the filters?


Thanks for the info and pics. I am in Buriram and have both sediment and calcium in my bore water. I believe I need to get a salt based filtering system for the calcium which is quite costly in initial outlay (29,000) and for the salt. Hopefully that will also reduce the sediment. I believe the government water here is poor and similar to your water.


Filtering sediment from your water does little to nothing producing safe water. You can make it "look" clean, but it changes nothing as to the chemicals, metals, VOC's, virus or bacteria you are ingesting. I suggest you take more important matters in hand concerning your water.

Those filters in the pic are simple fiber micro filters to remove particulate matter. Wasting your $$ there I'm afraid.


Any one tell me where I can get a UV filter and decent particulate filter system, the ones I've seen at building supply stores are the type that deliver a pathetic trickle from a 5 or 6mm outlet.

In issan nearest city Khon Kaen


Filtering sediment from your water does little to nothing producing safe water. You can make it "look" clean, but it changes nothing as to the chemicals, metals, VOC's, virus or bacteria you are ingesting. I suggest you take more important matters in hand concerning your water.

Those filters in the pic are simple fiber micro filters to remove particulate matter. Wasting your $$ there I'm afraid.

This is not complete correct. When you filter up to 1Micron (0,001mm) bacteria and viruses can not pass. They are bigger then this. Everything what is solved in the water, so metals, chemicals, minerals can pass.


I wish I could filter down to 1 micron, but the pictures above are for a 5 micron filter after 8 weeks.

I think of I tried to move to 1 micron I'd be changing the darn things weekly



Isaan, and yes, this is Govt piped water

Where did you get the filter? And price if you don't mind... How often do you need to change the filters?

I have to change them every 6-8 weeks. As for the price, I used to buy them at HomePro, but thanks to KhunBENQ he gave me a link to an online retailer that sells them at considerably less price, 20฿ each


PP-1005C-B PP 10" 2.5" 5 1 ลัง 50 pcs. Colandas 1,000 คลิ๊ก

The filter unit itself I bought from HomePro, about 2000฿ I think. It;s made by Filtrex

Thanks for sharing the information. I see what is probably a carbon filter in the background. Have you installed the carbon filter before or after the other filter?

  • Like 1


Isaan, and yes, this is Govt piped water

Where did you get the filter? And price if you don't mind... How often do you need to change the filters?

I have to change them every 6-8 weeks. As for the price, I used to buy them at HomePro, but thanks to KhunBENQ he gave me a link to an online retailer that sells them at considerably less price, 20฿ each


PP-1005C-B PP 10" 2.5" 5 1 ลัง 50 pcs. Colandas 1,000 คลิ๊ก

The filter unit itself I bought from HomePro, about 2000฿ I think. It;s made by Filtrex

Thanks for sharing the information. I see what is probably a carbon filter in the background. Have you installed the carbon filter before or after the other filter?

It's; Sediment filter - Carbon Filter - Storage Tank. I use UV inside the house for drinking water


Thanks a lot for posting this GinBoy, looks exactly like what I want.

I have some little filters on the tank which let enough dirt through that the bath water looks slightly brown. I was looking around for something better.

  • Like 1

Thanks for the info and pics. I am in Buriram and have both sediment and calcium in my bore water. I believe I need to get a salt based filtering system for the calcium which is quite costly in initial outlay (29,000) and for the salt. Hopefully that will also reduce the sediment. I believe the government water here is poor and similar to your water.

I use filters that take out the following as tested by an independent lab. Costs me about $0.01 per gallon to process. All beneficial minerals are left intact.

Measured in ug/L ph=6.5

Contaminant Concentration before Concentration after Reduction

Aluminum 214 <2 99.0
Antimony 6.1 <0.5 99.9
Arsenic 312 <2 99.9
Beryllium 50.2 <0.5 99.9
Bismuth 50.2 <2 99.9
Cadmium 30.5 <0.5 99.7
Chromium 310 <2 99.9
Copper 3,150 <2 99.9
Iron 3,100 <2 99.9
Lead 152 <2 99.9
Manganese 1,040 <2 99.9
Mercury 6.1 <0.5 99.9
Nickel 102 <2 99.9
Selenium 106 <2 99.9
Zinc 3,000 <2 99.9
Ametryn 50.4 <0.5 99.9
Atraton 50.0 <0.5 99.9
Atrazine 9.0 <0.5 99.9
Beta-BHC 49.7 Pesticide Contaminants in µg/L
Can you please give specifics for your filter? Seems like a damn good filter!

Filtering sediment from your water does little to nothing producing safe water. You can make it "look" clean, but it changes nothing as to the chemicals, metals, VOC's, virus or bacteria you are ingesting. I suggest you take more important matters in hand concerning your water.

Those filters in the pic are simple fiber micro filters to remove particulate matter. Wasting your $$ there I'm afraid.

Totally agree that other smaller harmful contaminants wouldn't be screened out by just a sediment filter.

Also agree that filtering water should be done properly, or not at all.

Some companies will test your water to determine the type(s) of filtration needed. Some are free, others re-reimburse the cost upon purchases.


  • Like 1

Thanks for the info and pics. I am in Buriram and have both sediment and calcium in my bore water. I believe I need to get a salt based filtering system for the calcium which is quite costly in initial outlay (29,000) and for the salt. Hopefully that will also reduce the sediment. I believe the government water here is poor and similar to your water.

I am in Buriram as well. if you need more reliable advice, contact me.

I am in the water purification business a long time and know a lot.

The price you mentioned is to high and I know you talk most likely about the "MASTER" brand you see everywhere like in home mart etc.

We install all kinds of water purification systems in houses but als we provide clean and safe drinking water at schools in Buriram and other provinces.


Filtering sediment from your water does little to nothing producing safe water. You can make it "look" clean, but it changes nothing as to the chemicals, metals, VOC's, virus or bacteria you are ingesting. I suggest you take more important matters in hand concerning your water.

Those filters in the pic are simple fiber micro filters to remove particulate matter. Wasting your $$ there I'm afraid.

This is not complete correct. When you filter up to 1Micron (0,001mm) bacteria and viruses can not pass. They are bigger then this. Everything what is solved in the water, so metals, chemicals, minerals can pass.


1 micron, bacteria can not pass. (but don't rely on that 100%)

virusses are much smaller and pass with no problem at all.

sediment filters are most times 10 or 5 micron.

to go smaller than that you shift to ceramic and even better, reverse osmosis.


Any one tell me where I can get a UV filter and decent particulate filter system, the ones I've seen at building supply stores are the type that deliver a pathetic trickle from a 5 or 6mm outlet.

In issan nearest city Khon Kaen

Satuk, Buriram


Where did you get my pictures from ? biggrin.png

I am soon to order another package from Duan shop.

Some still don't understand: the topic starter filters the water for washing, showering etc. and NOT for drinking (same as we do).

And it is worth the (relatively cheap) effort.

Congrats to those who have clear water from the tap in Thailand.

Fill it in a 1000 l tank (1,6 m height) and check the visibiity.

Ibuprofen in the water?

Sure, almost all surface water in densely populated countries contain pharmaceutical substances.

Ibuprofen is likely among the top 10 I guess.

As far as I remember Diclofenac is top of the pops.

Maybe some antibiotics also in the hit list.

Spare me from describing how they get there whistling.gif

  • Like 2

As the water quality is differend thrue whole of Thailand, has anybody good information and maybe links about good safe water purifiers.

For me it is a confusing matter. Everybody who sales something is telling it is good, it is the best and it is cheap.

I have my doubts about that.

So if anybody knows?

Thanks in advance.


Thanks for the info and pics. I am in Buriram and have both sediment and calcium in my bore water. I believe I need to get a salt based filtering system for the calcium which is quite costly in initial outlay (29,000) and for the salt. Hopefully that will also reduce the sediment. I believe the government water here is poor and similar to your water.

I use filters that take out the following as tested by an independent lab. Costs me about $0.01 per gallon to process. All beneficial minerals are left intact.

Measured in ug/L ph=6.5

Contaminant Concentration before Concentration after Reduction

Aluminum 214 <2 99.0
Antimony 6.1 <0.5 99.9
Arsenic 312 <2 99.9
Beryllium 50.2 <0.5 99.9
Bismuth 50.2 <2 99.9
Cadmium 30.5 <0.5 99.7
Chromium 310 <2 99.9
Copper 3,150 <2 99.9
Iron 3,100 <2 99.9
Lead 152 <2 99.9
Manganese 1,040 <2 99.9
Mercury 6.1 <0.5 99.9
Nickel 102 <2 99.9
Selenium 106 <2 99.9
Zinc 3,000 <2 99.9
Pesticide Contaminants in µg/L
4,4’-DDD 50.1 <0.5 99.9
4,4’-DDE 50.2 <0.5 99.9
4,4’-DDT 50.0 <0.5 99.9
Alachlor 40.1 <0.5 99.9
Aldrin 50.1 <0.5 99.9
Alpha-BHC 50.3 <0.5 99.9
Ametryn 50.4 <0.5 99.9
Atraton 50.0 <0.5 99.9
Atrazine 9.0 <0.5 99.9
Beta-BHC 49.7 <0.5 99.9
Bromacil 50.2 <0.5 99.9
Carbofuran 80.2 <0.5 99.9
Chlordane 40.3 <0.5 99.9
Chlorneb 51.6 <0.5 99.9
Chlorobenzilate 50.1 <0.5 99.9
Chlorothalonil 50.2 <0.5 99.9
Chlorprophane 51.1 <0.5 99.9
Cyanizene 51.3 <0.5 99.9
Delta-BHC 50.2 <0.5 99.9
Dichlorvos 50.4 <0.5 99.9
Dieldrin 49.7 <0.5 99.9
Diphenamid 50.2 <0.5 99.9
Disulfoton 51.5 <0.5 99.9
Endosulfan Sulfate 51.2 <0.5 99.9
Endrin 6.1 <0.5 99.9
Endrin Aldehide 51.2 <0.5 99.9
Endrin Ketone 52.1 <0.5 99.9
Endusulfan I 49.8 <0.5 99.9
Endusulfan II 50.2 <0.5 99.9
Ethoprop 50.2 <0.5 99.9
Fenamiphos 51.2 <0.5 99.9
Fluoridone 51.4 <0.5 99.9
Gamma-BHC (Lindane) 2.1 <0.5 99.9
Heptachlor 81.2 <0.5 99.9
Methoxychlor 120 <0.5 99.9
Molinate 50.2 <0.5 99.9
PCB’s 10.0 <0.5 99.9
Prometron 50.2 <0.5 99.9
Simazine 12.0 <0.5 99.9
Toxaphene 15.0 <0.5 99.9
Acenaphthylene 50.2 <0.5 99.9
Anthracene 50.0 <0.5 99.9
Benz[a]anthracene 50.5 <0.5 99.9
Benzofluoranthene 51.2 <0.5 99.9
Benzo[k]fluoranthene 51.0 <0.5 99.9
Benzo[a]pyrene 50.3 <0.5 99.9
Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 50.4 <0.5 99.9
Butylbenzylphthalate 50.5 <0.5 99.9
Carboxin 50.1 <0.5 99.9
2-Chlorobiphenyl 50.3 <0.5 99.9
Chrysene 52.0 <0.5 99.9
Cycloate 51.5 <0.5 99.9
Dacthal (DCPA) 51.0 <0.5 99.9
Diazinon 51.0 <0.5 99.9
Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 50.6 <0.5 99.9
Di-n-Butylphthalate 50.9 <0.5 99.9
2,3-Dichlorobiphenyl 50.6 <0.5 99.9
Diethylphthalate 49.7 <0.5 99.9
Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 50.4 <0.5 99.9
Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 51.0 <0.5 99.9
Dimethylphthalate 51.6 <0.5 99.9
EPTC 50.7 <0.5 99.9
Fluorene 49.9 <0.5 99.9
2,2', 3,3', 4,4', 6-Heptachlorobiphenyl 51.4 <0.5 99.9
Hexachlorobenzene 49.4 <0.5 99.9
2,2', 4,4', 5,6'-Hexachlorobiphenyl 50.2 <0.5 99.9
Hexachlorocyclohexane, alpha 51.2 <0.5 99.9
Hexachlorocyclohexane, beta 51.2 <0.5 99.9
Hexachlorocyclohexane, delta 51.0 <0.5 99.9
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 50.4 <0.5 99.9
Hexazinone 50.0 <0.5 99.9
Indeno[1,2,3,c,d]pyrene 49.8 <0.5 99.9
Isophorone 51.5 <0.5 99.9
Merphos 51.5 <0.5 99.9
Methyl Paraoxon 51.4 <0.5 99.9
Norflurazon 51.4 <0.5 99.9
2,2', 3,3', 4,5', 6,6'-Octachlorobiphenyl 50.4 <0.5 99.9
Pebulate 50.4 <0.5 99.9
Pentachlorophenol 50.5 <0.5 99.9
Phenanthrene 50.4 <0.5 99.9
cis-Permethrin 51.4 <0.5 99.9
trans-Permethrin 49.7 <0.5 99.9
Prometon 51.1 <0.5 99.
Prometryn 50.5 <0.5 99.9
Pronamide 50.4 <0.5 99.9
Propachlor 51.2 <0.5 99.9
Propazine 51.0 <0.5 99.9
Triademefon 50.2 <0.5 99.9
2,4,5-Trichlorobiphenyl 51.3 <0.5 99.9
Triademefon 50.2 <0.5 99.9
2,4,5-Trichlorobiphenyl 50.5 <0.5 99.9
Tricyclazole 51.2 <0.5 99.9
Trifluralin 51.5 <0.5 99.9
Chloramines 3.2 mg/L <0.1 mg/L 99.9
Free Chlorine 2.1 mg/L <0.1 mg/L 99.9
Chloride 252 mg/L <1 mg/L 99.6
Fluoride 8.1 mg/L <0.1 mg/L 99.9
Acetaminofen 20.5 <0.1 99.5
Caffeine 20.1 <0.1 99.5
Carbamazepine 20.2 <0.1 99.5
Ciprofloxacin HCl 21.5 <0.1 99.5
Erythromycin USP 20.5 <0.1 99.5
Sulfamethoxazole 21.3 <0.1 99.5
Trimethoprim 20.7 <0.1 99.5
Bisphenol A 20.5 <0.1 99.5
Diclofenac Sodium 20.5 <0.1 99.5
4-para-Nonylphenol 20.4 <0.1 99.5
4-tert-Octylphenol 20.5 <0.1 99.5
Primidone 20.4 <0.1 99.5
Progestrone 20.5 <0.1 99.5
Gemfibrozil 20.2 <0.1 99.5
Ibuprofen 20.1 <0.1 99.5
Naproxen Sodium 20.4 <0.1 99.5
Triclosan 20.4 <0.1 99.5
Gasoline 50.1 <0.5 99.9
Diesel 50.5 <0.5 99.9
Crude Oil 50.8 <0.5 99.9
Kerosene 50.6 <0.5 99.9
Mineral Spirits 50.1 <0.5 99.9
Refine Oil 50.3 <0.5 99.9
Methylcyclohexane-methane 132 µg/L <0.5 µg/L 99.9
Total Coliform Present Absent 99.9
Fecal Coliform Present Absent 99.9
e. Coli Present Absent 99.9
Now this is a hellava filter!

Yes and a load of Manufacturers sales crap. Go ahead and install it and then get your independant lab tests done instead of posting this Manufacturer propaganda. In fact if anywhere true in the 99.9 removal rate and as you say>>> All beneficial minerals are left intact.<<<< NOT TRUE.. Zinc and Selenium for 2 needed by the bodies specially in an aged group.

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