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Democratic ally urges Clinton to explain her email actions


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Democratic ally urges Clinton to explain her email actions

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton should fully explain her actions involving the use of a private, nongovernment email account when she was the country's top diplomat, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein said on Sunday, becoming the first major Democrat to urge Clinton to share more details of the private account.

Feinstein said the former first lady and New York senator "needs to step up and come out and say exactly what the situation was," adding that from "this point on, the silence is going to hurt her."

Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, avoided the controversy Sunday morning.

Asked whether his wife was treated fairly, Bill Clinton replied, "I'm not the one to judge that. I have an opinion, but I have a bias."

"I shouldn't be making news on this," he said, in remarks reported on CNN.com.

Hillary Clinton has been criticized for her use of the private email account and whether she complied with federal rules requiring officials to retain their communications. Clinton says that she's turned over all relevant emails — totaling 55,000 pages — to the State Department for review.

Last week, the House committee investigating the Benghazi, Libya, attacks, issued subpoenas for Clinton's emails, and the chairman said Sunday, "We're not entitled to everything. I don't want everything. I just want everything related to Libya and Benghazi."

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said "there are gaps of months and months and months" in the emails the committee had previously received. "It's not up to Secretary Clinton to decide what's a public record and what's not."

Clinton is considered the front-runner for the party's 2016 presidential nomination, but hasn't entered the race yet. So far, a tweet has been her only comment on the controversy. She did not address the issue Saturday night during an event in Coral Gables, Florida, for the Clinton Global Initiative University.

One of Clinton's predecessors, former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday he has retained none of the emails sent from his personal email account during his tenure at the department in the first George W. Bush administration.

"I don't have any to turn over," he said on Sunday. "I did not keep a cache of them. I did not print them off."

Powell added: "A lot of the emails that came out of my personal account went into the State Department system. They were addressed to State Department employees and the State.gov domain. But I don't know if the servers (for) the State Department captured those or not."

Powell said all the emails from his account were unclassified and most were "pretty benign, so I'm not terribly concerned even if they were able to recover them."

Feinstein appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press," Gowdy was on CBS' "Face the Nation," and Powell spoke on ABC's "This Week."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-03-09

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She better think again,........... about running for President. There are so many unanswered questions about Bengauzie,

Whitewater, Death of Foster, IRS documents hidden in the White House.........and all she can say is....."what difference does it Make?" And she will be pounded down again and again If she's smart.......don't run, just hide from the truth and.....just disappear from the public lime lite!

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" I remember landing under sniper fire and we had to run to the terminal building, no ceremony on the tarmac " said a smiling Hillary.

Later video showed her and Chelsea strolling off the plane and being greeted by children.

Not a problem as she explained it away simply saying she ' mispoke ' which was a euphemism for something else.

Telling the truth isn't a Clinton trait so expect a lot of ducking and weaving on this.

Poor dear, maybe this time she simply ' mistyped '.

And perhaps misaligned can be the new PC word for treason.
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Missing emails which are important to investigating criminal wrong doing is the hallmark of this Obama administration...take the IRS cover up...followed by the H. Clinton's audacity of keeping her government work emails in her home...how can anyone trust this government...If you like your insurance...you can keep your insurance...Obamacare will save you money...cheesy.gif

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O yes the hallmark of Barry's administration is one scandal after the next. And I'll bet you for every one that we know about there are 1000 that we do not know about. The most corrupt administration in US history. The entire administration are a rogues gallery of miscreants. If I were Josh Ernest I would be a little careful. When he says that Barry very first learned about it on the news. After Josh is back in private life he might be called to testify in front of the Senate under threat of perjury. Barry's spin doctor is on a high wire with no safety net.

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