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Britain's white jihadi' a teen from Australia: report


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Britain's white jihadi' a teen from Australia: report

Sydney (AFP) - A westerner pictured alongside Islamic State group fighters and dubbed by media as "Britain's white jihadi" is in fact a teenager from Australia who converted to Islam, a report said Monday.

A picture of the meek-looking youth, holding a rifle and sitting in between two jihadists with a black IS flag in the background, emerged on Twitter in late December.

At the time the militant group, which has run rampant through swathes of Iraq and Syria, hailed his recruitment as "a major coup" with the British media dubbing him "Britain's white jihadi".

Doubts about the authenticity of the picture subsequently emerged after a blogger claimed he had fabricated the image to hoax the British press.

But Australia's Fairfax Media said the photograph had now been positively identified by friends of the teenager and members of two mosques in Melbourne.

-- YAHOO! News 2015-03-09[/b]

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A jihadi by any color or nationality is still a jihadi. They will burn in hell, if there is one. coffee1.gif

Understand and agree, but perhaps you also understand that the implication of color of skin here is another Marxist design by the mainstream, Marxist media to put another nail of guilt and self-hating shame into the coffin of white people around the world. Why else would this be news; a story of one single recruit mugging for a photo shoot? The headline says it all, yet ignores the same distinct facts of percentages in reverse. Moreover, you'll be hard pressed to find any similar story regarding an Islamic Jihad recruit with skin of any other color.

A pathetic attempt by some sick and twisted editor to up the ante, in my view.

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A jihadi by any color or nationality is still a jihadi. They will burn in hell, if there is one. coffee1.gif

Understand and agree, but perhaps you also understand that the implication of color of skin here is another Marxist design by the mainstream, Marxist media to put another nail of guilt and self-hating shame into the coffin of white people around the world. Why else would this be news; a story of one single recruit mugging for a photo shoot? The headline says it all, yet ignores the same distinct facts of percentages in reverse. Moreover, you'll be hard pressed to find any similar story regarding an Islamic Jihad recruit with skin of any other color.

A pathetic attempt by some sick and twisted editor to up the ante, in my view.

Not hard pushed at all. Jihadi John has made a bigger media storm and he is Kuwaiti (a UK citizen though). Other than that, you are absolutely right. The self-hating downtrodden white masses are being persecuted again.

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What's Marxism to do with skin colour??

Ahhh, another searing red-hot issue I never knew even existed. I feel privileged that I can learn about these things more or less for free. Every day's a school day. As they say.

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A jihadi by any color or nationality is still a jihadi. They will burn in hell, if there is one. coffee1.gif

It's up to us to create one for them!

About time that they started burying them with pig offal to mess up their (believed) chances of going to paradise for the 72 virgins etc. There was a thing about General Pershing doing it in Philippines during the Moro rebellion. Captured 50, killed 48, kept 2 alive & released them to go & tell their mates after they had seen the funeral arrangements. That might slow down the recruitment & suicide bombers if heaven is not perceived to be waiting with open arms for them. Mind you, you have to find enough of a suicide bomber to bury, to start with. That is a flaw in one part of that plan.

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How do you train to be a suicide bomber, and it is the place a nobody goes to be a somebody, he was to scared to be a suicide bomber, so decided to be a soldier, so does he get 40 sluts for that, instead of virgins, PATHETIC PEOPLE

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A jihadi by any color or nationality is still a jihadi. They will burn in hell, if there is one. coffee1.gif

Understand and agree, but perhaps you also understand that the implication of color of skin here is another Marxist design by the mainstream, Marxist media to put another nail of guilt and self-hating shame into the coffin of white people around the world. Why else would this be news; a story of one single recruit mugging for a photo shoot? The headline says it all, yet ignores the same distinct facts of percentages in reverse. Moreover, you'll be hard pressed to find any similar story regarding an Islamic Jihad recruit with skin of any other color.

A pathetic attempt by some sick and twisted editor to up the ante, in my view.

Not hard pushed at all. Jihadi John has made a bigger media storm and he is Kuwaiti (a UK citizen though). Other than that, you are absolutely right. The self-hating downtrodden white masses are being persecuted again.

Still a Kuwaiti scumbag, who was given a UK nationality, they should revoke the given UK nationalities of all member families who join ISIS, and then they can blame it on them,

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A jihadi by any color or nationality is still a jihadi. They will burn in hell, if there is one. coffee1.gif

It's up to us to create one for them!

About time that they started burying them with pig offal to mess up their (believed) chances of going to paradise for the 72 virgins etc. There was a thing about General Pershing doing it in Philippines during the Moro rebellion. Captured 50, killed 48, kept 2 alive & released them to go & tell their mates after they had seen the funeral arrangements. That might slow down the recruitment & suicide bombers if heaven is not perceived to be waiting with open arms for them. Mind you, you have to find enough of a suicide bomber to bury, to start with. That is a flaw in one part of that plan.

Nuremberg trials obviously did not have a deep effect on you.

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What's Marxism to do with skin colour??

Skin color is used as a class marker, plain and simple. It overlooks what those of one skin color do and focuses on what those of another skin color do. It is a means to an end; Cultural Marxism.

"Cultural Marxism: An offshoot of Marxism that gave birth to political correctness, multiculturalism and "anti-racism." Unlike traditional Marxism that focuses on economics, Cultural Marxism focuses on culture and maintains that all human behavior is a result of culture (not heredity / race) and thus malleable. Cultural Marxists absurdly deny the biological reality of gender and race and argue that gender and race are “social constructs”. Nonetheless, Cultural Marxists support the race-based identity politics of non-whites. Cultural Marxists typically support race-based affirmative action, the proposition state (as opposed to a nation rooted in common ancestry), elevating non-Western religions above Western religions, speech codes and censorship, multiculturalism, diversity training, anti-Western education curricula, maladaptive sexual norms and anti-male feminism, the dispossession of white people, and mass Third World immigration into Western countries. Cultural Marxists have promoted idea that white people, instead of birthing white babies, should interracially marry or adopt non-white children. Samuel P. Huntington maintained that Cultural Marxism is an anti-white ideology. Critics of Cultural Marxism have maintained that Cultural Marxists intend to commit genocide against white people through mass non-white immigration, assimilation, transracial adoption and miscegenation."
Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Just curious, non of this is mentioned in the media, when he gets to Syria, what language does he use to communicate with his new friends.

In groups like these, most communication requirements are easily satisfied with a small range of vigorous, mostly one-handed gestures.

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A jihadi by any color or nationality is still a jihadi. They will burn in hell, if there is one. coffee1.gif

Understand and agree, but perhaps you also understand that the implication of color of skin here is another Marxist design by the mainstream, Marxist media to put another nail of guilt and self-hating shame into the coffin of white people around the world. Why else would this be news; a story of one single recruit mugging for a photo shoot? The headline says it all, yet ignores the same distinct facts of percentages in reverse. Moreover, you'll be hard pressed to find any similar story regarding an Islamic Jihad recruit with skin of any other color.

A pathetic attempt by some sick and twisted editor to up the ante, in my view.

When I at first glance read your post and read "Marxist" my mind thought '<deleted>?' I re read your post and while I have never considered this issue through your lens, I think you are correct! Perhaps it was the word "marxist" that threw me off and I would have chosen another label; but it does fit... it could work. I see your point!

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