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Thai wife has moved out.

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Not if the new career is 'online pikey'.

New career is evening courses training as a plumber, electrician, surveyor ...........

I've never met anyone who ever made it online, seems a bit like hoping to win the lottery.

Just because you've never met someone doesn't mean they don't exist. I'd suggest there are two types of online worker - people who are doing it because they have very little other options and do anything they can to make money and people who have the freedom to do what they like because they are making money online. The first group are usually not as smart and they are doing something out of desperation and aren't generally successful as they are doing as they see it as the easy route. The second group see it like any job and put the hours in.

Do you actually understand the scope of online work and what it can entail?

Yes I do,

Nobody that even scrapes a living started as late as 46.

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Tough situation .Yes.

Biggest problem mate. YOUR MOTHER.

You are married to your wife, time for your mother but out ,shut up.

How many maraiges have been f....d up, because of interfering mothers? i will tell you too many!!

Very true. Plus some loss of face by my wife.


True? You blame your mother? Geez. That's sad.

Your wife wants to be married to a man, not a mama's boy.

You sit at home and write a travel blog? Go out and get a job. Get three jobs. Dig ditches. Clean toilets. Work flipping burgers. Whatever. Make money to support your family in your own home.

Come on, Tribal.

"We have been living with my parents since June 2012"

"True? You blame your mother? Geez. That's sad. "

Yes, the mother may have stuck in nose in, but you were/are living in her house. Doubt your wife felt loss of face (a rather lame accusation). She probably thought her husband had lost something further south of his face.

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I have read all the posts and am getting completely differing messages. Do you actually want your marriage to work, or aren't you bothered any more ?

My advice would be to stop feeling sorry for yourself, take her by the arm when she does finally contact you, and go back to Thailand. There at least she would be happy presumably, and you could start looking for a job, whether it be in TEFL, with a newspaper like the Straits Times, Bangkok Post or the Nation, or even consider a reputable MLM company. There is always work for those who are determined to find it, but if you are always looking for the ideal or excuses, then you will always find them! Work out what you really want out of life. Blogs should be a hobby for you at this stage, not an apology for a job! Try harder. I can give you further advice on finding work in LOS if you want - I have got far too much on my plate and it is coming out of my ears!!

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Not if the new career is 'online pikey'.

New career is evening courses training as a plumber, electrician, surveyor ...........

I've never met anyone who ever made it online, seems a bit like hoping to win the lottery.

Just because you've never met someone doesn't mean they don't exist. I'd suggest there are two types of online worker - people who are doing it because they have very little other options and do anything they can to make money and people who have the freedom to do what they like because they are making money online. The first group are usually not as smart and they are doing something out of desperation and aren't generally successful as they are doing as they see it as the easy route. The second group see it like any job and put the hours in.

Do you actually understand the scope of online work and what it can entail?

Yes I do,

Nobody that even scrapes a living started as late as 46.

In this chaps case I don't think he will be able to - and it's uncommon to start late, however, I know a guy who started websites and online marketing at 47 and 9 years later he's running a successful agency with a number of international clients.

Also I know a number of online marketers who have started out in their 50s and are making great money, we're talking people who are driven and often have a background in sales and can see the opportunity.

To say no one does it is plain wrong, to say it's uncommon - especially among expats I would say is fair. Plus in your first post you made no mention of age - there are plenty of younger guys - in Thailand and elsewhere making very good money without being tied to any location or company.

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Looking at the OP's responses (before his mum told him to turn out the lights and go to sleep), it does sound like the OP is having his mid-life crisis at a really, really inopportune moment.

I reportedly had mine in Houston when I was about the same age as the OP. I didn't notice it but my mates all beat me up about it now. Luckily, I had just gotten out of a drama-filled engagement so damage limitation was easy. But I had been living away from home since I turned 18 so that made a big difference too.

I wonder if there's even a Thai translation for 'mid-life crisis'? Do Thai's even get them?

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You need to talk to her directly-face to face. Try finding her at her workplace if she doesn't answer your calls. Effective communication is essential to work out issues. Let her voice out her frustrations first, then you try to let her see from your point of view, and try to come to compromising each other. Good luck!

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MaeJoMTB, what on earth are are you talking about?

46 too old to start?

Rubbish! First of all it is not even old, and secondly I know of lots of people who have retired and turned their hobby into a lucrative business, some even on eBay alone!!

I do know what I am talking about, as I specialize in Anti-aging Medicine (AAM), and have done for the last 25 years!

What is really required, is a determination to do it and succeed, no matter what!

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So I take the assumption you've been married maybe 8-9 months before leaving Thailand?...and now close to four years? Where are you living near London?

Are you working now?......I can understand the smell. Some Thai foods are strong, especially in UK where most foods are sort of bland. This girl friend she is staying with. Is she a flamboyant person ......meaning likes girls?......could this be the reason, or excuse breaking away from Mom's house?........Where did you

meet this Thai girl before marrying her? Bar? Massage parlor?..........Is she mad at you also?........got to know these particulars before I can pass judgment as an outsider. But I think the problem lies with the wife finding new adventures. Especially not calling you frequently, .....this is disturbing to me! Most wives miss the love and companionship of their honey buns!

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My Mom always used to say that "When Wolf come to door...Love Fly out Window!". And how right she is.

It is obvious what you need to do, if you want to save this marriage. It is to find a job and help support your wife. A year on some pipe dream is long enough to see you can't make a living with that.

But it seems to me you are content to leave things as they are and let things fall where they may. Just like after quitting your job and taking a vacation and not worrying until you got back.

Moving back to Thailand is not going to change a thing for you as wherever you go this is where you are. You have a better chance of making some badly needed finances where you are then in Thailand. Otherwise you wouldn't have left there in the first place.

As to your wife it is not home sickness that has grabbed her. It is just sick of the situation. She has been there over a year now and nothing has changed. It has not turned ut the way she expected or the way you both hoped it would be,

You need to change that and soon.

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An update. She is not allowed back in to my parents house as their are really upset that she did even say goodbye to them. The front door locks have been changed today because did not give the front door key back.

I did send her a message this morning on Line to meet up for lunch, she read the message and has not replied. I have had enough of her now with this behavior and may consider informing the Home Office about her current situation as she is legally not allowed to stay in the UK any longer.

good lord, why would she want to return? time for you to man up.

in my very humble opinion she is well shot of you and your hackneyed attempt at a second career, rehashing travel reviews across asia from your parent's house.

sorry mate, if my mom kicked my wife out - nevermind - my parents were dead by the time i was 30, i never had the luxury of mommys skirts.

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Tough situation .Yes.

Biggest problem mate. YOUR MOTHER.

You are married to your wife, time for your mother but out ,shut up.

How many maraiges have been f....d up, because of interfering mothers? i will tell you too many!!

I think the Mother has every right to say whatever she wishes to say as long as the couple are living under her roof. Obviously far better to live independently.

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I think this is OP's twisted way to pump up the hit rate for his site.

Well you have succeded and I can only say that I am sorry that I fell for it as well.

I did say that the internet is full of crap and this thread proves that!

You never know what is true or false on the internet, I'll leave it to your imagination...

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The wife is happy as a clam right now, socking away cash, having men take her out for meals, just like she planned. When her visa runs out she can move back to Thailand and buy a little flat, renovate her parent's place, and maybe open a restaurant.

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So heed!.............be careful what you bring home to Mom.....and................if you get married, never, never, never move in with mom. If you can't afford your own place, don't get married. Should of left her in Thailand and until you have your own little love nest, Keep her there! so now she has grown out of your relationship,

Go to umpur and get a divorce, chalk it up as lesson learned!

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FIrst of all to the OP congrats for your Alexa ranking.

Now lets get to some serious points.

1) A Travel Blog is great to kill some time at home. I too run a Travel Blog to kill my time when in Isaan but this is not making me any money. I have been in the Internet Travel industry since 1996 and I can tell you it isn't easy to make money. I have now around 1290 destination guides from 47 countries and it just generates a mere 2000 US$ per month in both web and mobile.

2) I have a wife and a 2 year old boy and I am almost 50 years. I still do consultancy work which pays the bills but I don't get as many calls as before because their are smarter peoples around that would work for almost nothing. My advise to you learn how to do basic programing and possible move the whole business model to mobile.

3) I fully understand your wife's behavior. All woman need security and on this issue I have to be honest that failed. When you met your wife you seem to have no savings, assets etc and I honestly think your wife had more expectations of you.

4) I honestly think you have to break loose from your mum. If your mum would have been smart she should have kicked you out as well so you will make the right decisions and stand on your own and care for your wife. I am still some how confused that your wife had to work. I always thought that visas are issued by the government that you are the financial sponsor.

5) Don't take it to easy about you have nothing once their is a divorce. You clearly mention your Mrs on your website which means if it comes to splitting assets she might have a good chance to take your Travel Blog away from you.

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I think this is OP's twisted way to pump up the hit rate for his site.

Well you have succeded and I can only say that I am sorry that I fell for it as well.

I did say that the internet is full of crap and this thread proves that!

You never know what is true or false on the internet, I'll leave it to your imagination...

No, only proves you're full of crap. The few extra page views your blog received can't redeem it. It's poorly designed and written. Here's one of your laughable pearls captured in a run-on sentence:

"The journey from Bangkok took 8 hours to reach Udon Thani and then a further 3 hours to reach the village, the journey back was the same."

It's not going to make you any money and it doesn't demonstrate marketable skills, being so amateurish.

If your wife really did leave you, as she probably did, then I'd say she was about the best thing you had going. Seems unlikely she'll ever come back, but I think she deserves to remain in the UK until her visa runs out anyway. Hopefully she can find a real man by then. And you should wish her well. If she hasn't left you, then we're merely left wondering why not. smile.png

There was a thread similar to yours some years ago regarding employment in the UK for the unskilled, superannuated such as yourself, with the internet aspect. You might see if the advice there is still sound:

Can Anybody Teach Me How To Start A Small Internet Concern

And I think you should be banned from the forum at this point.

Edited by JSixpack
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I think this is OP's twisted way to pump up the hit rate for his site.

Well you have succeded and I can only say that I am sorry that I fell for it as well.

I did say that the internet is full of crap and this thread proves that!

You never know what is true or false on the internet, I'll leave it to your imagination...

No, only proves you're full of crap. The few extra page views your blog received can't redeem it. It's poorly designed and written. Here's one of your laughable pearls captured in a run-on sentence:

"The journey from Bangkok took 8 hours to reach Udon Thani and then a further 3 hours to reach the village, the journey back was the same."

It's not going to make you any money and it doesn't demonstrate marketable skills, being so amateurish.

If your wife really did leave you, as she probably did, then I'd say she was about the best thing you had going. Seems unlikely she'll ever come back, but I think she deserves to remain in the UK until her visa runs out anyway. Hopefully she can find a real man by then. And you should wish her well. If she hasn't left you, then we're merely left wondering why not. smile.png

There was a thread similar to yours some years ago regarding employment in the UK for the unskilled, superannuated such as yourself, with the internet aspect. You might see if the advice there is still sound:

Can Anybody Teach Me How To Start A Small Internet Concern

And I think you should be banned from the forum at this point.

You didn't have to read it did you, who is the fool, you or me?

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I think this is OP's twisted way to pump up the hit rate for his site.

Well you have succeded and I can only say that I am sorry that I fell for it as well.

I did say that the internet is full of crap and this thread proves that!

You never know what is true or false on the internet, I'll leave it to your imagination...

No, only proves you're full of crap. The few extra page views your blog received can't redeem it. It's poorly designed and written. Here's one of your laughable pearls captured in a run-on sentence:

"The journey from Bangkok took 8 hours to reach Udon Thani and then a further 3 hours to reach the village, the journey back was the same."

It's not going to make you any money and it doesn't demonstrate marketable skills, being so amateurish.

If your wife really did leave you, as she probably did, then I'd say she was about the best thing you had going. Seems unlikely she'll ever come back, but I think she deserves to remain in the UK until her visa runs out anyway. Hopefully she can find a real man by then. And you should wish her well. If she hasn't left you, then we're merely left wondering why not. smile.png

There was a thread similar to yours some years ago regarding employment in the UK for the unskilled, superannuated such as yourself, with the internet aspect. You might see if the advice there is still sound:

Can Anybody Teach Me How To Start A Small Internet Concern

And I think you should be banned from the forum at this point.

You didn't have to read it did you, who is the fool, you or me?

You. I got a laugh from my brief glance at it; you worked hard (for you, I mean) to give me that laugh; and in return you got a page view to fool yourself into thinking it meant something--which is another laugh.


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Just woken up from my lovely sleep and wow, you guys are great, thanks for 300+ page views on my website! smile.png

Internet marketing is great, if you like what you have read on the website please feel free to leave a comment...

Sorry have to go as I need to write 1500 words this morning.

I just checked your site, having realised at this post that this was a little game you were playing. I'll let others tell you what to go to do to yourself. In the meantime, let me give you one piece of feedback on the site itself...

You need to learn how to use a camera and how to post-process. The banner photo on your 'about me' page is noticeably slanted -- amateurish. And most of the photos I looked at had severe motion blur. You either need to learn how to hold a camera or get a camera that has anti-shake. Some of those photos (one of you among some plants) are downright nasty in terms of quality. If that's what you're doing now, you probably should go for that burger flipping job.

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Just woken up from my lovely sleep and wow, you guys are great, thanks for 300+ page views on my website! smile.png

Internet marketing is great, if you like what you have read on the website please feel free to leave a comment...

Sorry have to go as I need to write 1500 words this morning.

I just checked your site, having realised at this post that this was a little game you were playing. I'll let others tell you what to go to do to yourself. In the meantime, let me give you one piece of feedback on the site itself...

You need to learn how to use a camera and how to post-process. The banner photo on your 'about me' page is noticeably slanted -- amateurish. And most of the photos I looked at had severe motion blur. You either need to learn how to hold a camera or get a camera that has anti-shake. Some of those photos (one of you among some plants) are downright nasty in terms of quality. If that's what you're doing now, you probably should go for that burger flipping job.

Thanks for your feedback about the photos, I know some are not perfect. The photos have been used from my collection, I only got a decent Nikon camera in November last year. The blog is a mish mash of camera phone photos from all of my previous visits to Asia and in the UK. I've just had to make do with the content until my next visit to Asia.

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