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American arrested in Bangkok over multi-million dollar US property scam

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Now surely the name of "Kwame Rasheed Jackson" would raise some questions when leaving the US?

It doesn't sound like an American name?

But then neither does Barack Obama.

True and it doesn't stop him wandering in and out like he runs the place.☺

To be honest if you exclude native American names what is a typical American name? They've been brought in from around the world although sometimes they're changed if they seem too foreign.

easy , US captures pretty awesome census data:


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I always wonder why these criminals. Make there homes in Thailand? sic

Obviously they find it easy to leave the US undetected by US law enforcement agencies or US immigrations ... or they know who to slip a little tea money to become "invisible" to US authorities. The same apparently applies to European "entrepreneurs" and those farang police.

Once again it's up to Thai police to do the work of farang police & immigrations.

Is this post intended to be sarcastic?

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To all the libertarians out there....this is why there are regulations and enforcement. They come to Thailand because there are less of both of those things.

You cannot change basic human nature. Greed, fear and people willing to take advantage of that will always exist no matter what.

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Is the USA the centre of greed and gullibility?

Viewing endless "American Greed" series, it seems that people we might think were above such weaknesses are constantly

being duped of millions in pursuit of a few more percentage points.

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Few years in a Thai prison will wipe the smile off his face!

He'll be extradited to the U.S. I'm pretty sure. Since he'd fled to Thailand to begin with, I'd at least hope he'd be considered a flight risk and denied bail, esp. with the nature of his crime being such that he's probably got plenty of cash stashed away for it if offered.

Edited by hawker9000
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Now surely the name of "Kwame Rasheed Jackson" would raise some questions when leaving the US?

It doesn't sound like an American name?

But then neither does Barack Obama.

Some of the only true American names one will find are:

Mescalero-Chircahua AKA Geronimo

Thathanka Iyotake AKA Sitting Bull

etc etc

Stan Smith is not...wink.png

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Too many boiler room scumbags like this in SE Asia. There should be the death penalty for people that deliberately and knowingly cheat others money.


(Over the Top)

Takes two to tango.They prey on the greed of people.How dumb do you have to be to hand over your money to somebody you have never met from a cold call.

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I always wonder why these criminals. Make there homes in Thailand? sic

I would take a wild guess and suggest it is because, especially if you have a few $, there is absolutely no real rule of law.


But against all odds he was caught and deported!!!

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I always wonder why these criminals. Make there homes in Thailand? sic

May be they haven't realised yet, that this Government has made the police to be serious and move their asses to apprehend them.

Eventually they will learn........

If you read the article you will see that this junta have nothing to do with this guy being arrested, he was found by the DSS after he crossed into Thailand pass your junta's immigration officers and staying among your junta's police officers. Can you please supply us with the statistics to indicate that under the junta more foreign crimminals have been caught, if not I will take your post as junta cheering. Be happy man be happy.

I presume he entered Thailand on the same fake passport that he left the States with.

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Too many boiler room scumbags like this in SE Asia. There should be the death penalty for people that deliberately and knowingly cheat others money.

Death penalty for dishonest people ?? Oh my, did you get our from the wrong side of the bed and fell on your head this morning ? Or are you perhaps related to Hitler ?

A lot of people on this forum seem to be related to Hitler somehow, my dear Cape Thai. Wishing prisoners to be raped, tortured, condemning suspects to death before the case goes to court (especially if the charge is paedophilia), assuming that all Muslims are mad terrorists, hating blacks because they're black, commenting endlessly on people's names if said name look even a bit arabic or African, and ceaselessly bashing Thais for their 'Thainess', whatever the hell that means ....

Yep, big gene pool, that Hitler guy.

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Now surely the name of "Kwame Rasheed Jackson" would raise some questions when leaving the US?

It doesn't sound like an American name?

given that the US is a country composed almost entirely of immigrants, what exactly does an american name sound like again?


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Individuals like that, I tend to think, make things worse for a place like Thailand. Although I do moan about life in Thailand, I do, however, believe Thailand has a chance to progress in the right direction. When I read articles like this, it just seems to make me feel that Thailand is not such a nice place plus it could have an impact on those farang who are here trying to take care of dependents, build homes etc. Its hard enough as it is. Most are struggling. I hope he and those concerned are dealt with, the appropriate justice?

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Too many boiler room scumbags like this in SE Asia. There should be the death penalty for people that deliberately and knowingly cheat others money.

There would be no bargirls left in LOS then ...whistling.gif

Up to your usual pithy comment.You must have been stung big time.

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American arrested in Bangkok over multi-million dollar US property scam


Joseph Arsenault: image supplied

BANGKOK:-- Joseph Arsenault, an American national and resident of New York, has been arrested in Bangkok for his involvement in a telemarketing scam, which netted fraudsters more than US$20 million from 290 victims in the US and Canada.

Arsenault, who was charged with rape and drug possession in 2007 and previously had a failed career as an actor, was one of 16 individuals involved in the scam to be charged in the United States in November 2014.

The scam involved the gang making unsolicited calls to addresses across 46 states in the US and in Canada, where they claimed they were able to be able to sell property located in Detroit at knockdown prices, which could then be resold to foreign investors and venture capitalists for big profits.

However, despite victims being led to believe that the purchase of property was a profitable way of buying and flipping homes in Detroit, the whole thing was a scam. There were no profits and each property purchased was transferred to a holding company controlled by the fraudsters. Some victims went onto invest in multiple homes with the fraudsters.

The FBI has described how gang members frequently changed their names to avoid arrest and being tracked down by people who had invested in the property scam.

In November the gang were charged with operating a fraudulent telemarketing scheme, along with conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and conspiracy to commit international money laundering.

Speaking of the scam, United States Attorney Barbara L. McQuade said:

This nationwide telemarketing fraud not only caused millions of dollars in losses to victims of the scheme, but it also contributed to blight in Detroit neighborhoods.

Thousands of homes were left to fall into decay as a result of these individuals using Detroit real estate as a commodity to accomplish their fraud.

Special Agent Paul M. Abbate also commented on the case saying: The perpetrators in this case stole millions of dollars from hundreds of victims.

However, they did more than steal moneytheir greed and fraud compounded the proliferation of vacant homes left for ruin in far too many Detroit neighborhoods. The FBI is committed to rooting out and bringing to justice those who would commit crimes of this nature and act against the interests of our communities.

Another member of the gang, Gregory Swarn fled to Thailand using a fake passport shortly after being charged.

However, the FBI, along with the U.S. Department of State, Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) located Swarn in Thailand last year and were able to deport him back to the United States.

At the time of his arrest, Swarn was on the DSS Most Wanted List.

Another member of the gang, and a known associate of Swarm, is Erez Arsoni, who is also thought to have fled overseas, however, it is not known if he is in Thailand currently.


-- 2015-03-10

Interesting choice of names

He's called Joe Arsenault..his associate is called Erez Arsoni

Look like a couple of a-holes

Interesting enough, his name originated as an Arabic word meaning "Arsenal"...where weapons were stored on the wharf for a Navy ship.

Originally from Normandy, the Arsenaults (and similar spelling) have a long Acadian history... When expulsed from present day Nova Scotia, they found themselves dispersed throughout the USA.

One of my favorite British Soccer Teams shares that name. I do not see them as A holes. One man cannot tarnish a family history

Edited by slipperylobster
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Now surely the name of "Kwame Rasheed Jackson" would raise some questions when leaving the US?

It doesn't sound like an American name?

But then neither does Barack Obama.

Some of the only true American names one will find are:

Mescalero-Chircahua AKA Geronimo

Thathanka Iyotake AKA Sitting Bull

etc etc

Stan Smith is not...wink.png

You're dead wrong, bro.

"Stan Smith" is most certainly an American name.

There is even a remote possibility that he is a descendent of John Smith, leader of the Virginia Colony in 1608, who named the region New England.

He noted: "Here every man may be master and owner of his owne labour and land... if he have nothing but his hands, he may... by industries quickly grow rich."

It was John Smith and men like him that created modern America.

They used and exploited Native Americans and later African slaves, but the Anglo-Saxons, the Spanish, and the French were the builders with the brains that made the country... for better or for worse.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Interesting. What does an American name sound like? Pachino? Weinstein? O'Donnell? Obama? How about first names. Are Barak, Woody, Cassius and Luigi American names?

It probably has one of the most diverse mixes of cultures of any country in the world.

As I'm sure you know, almost all converts to Islam adopt an Arabic name. There are many converts in the US. At some point in the future all those Arabic names will become American names.

His name sounds like a completely American name. An African American islamic convert from New York.

The bold-faced para is true, but not really related to the post you quote or with the thread. Kwame and Jackson are not Arabic or Islamic. Kwame is African, usually Ghana. The first sone of Jack was probably English. Rasheed is Islamic/Arabic in origin. It's also used in the US by non-Muslims - I suppose most often by African-Americans. But yes it certainly is (also) an Islamic name, one of the "blessed 99" in fact.

While I say "true", I do think you are behind the curve and every name in your post and every name in my post is an American name today.


I agree with both of you, although I am not as cognizant as Wanda : -)

. Since people come to America from all parts of the world, their names (should) become accepted as American names.

In the small government department in which I spent my final 17 years before retirement, 20% to 25% of the employees, although American citizens, were originally from Canada, Asia, Europe, and South America, and their names reflected that. Additionally, most of the others (U.S. born) had names that some people on TV might question, with origins in Poland, Italy, Ireland, Germany, etc.

Being surprised at someone's nationality because of their name is silly and very behind the times! Just my humble opinion.

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Now surely the name of "Kwame Rasheed Jackson" would raise some questions when leaving the US?

It doesn't sound like an American name?

But then neither does Barack Obama.

Some of the only true American names one will find are:

Mescalero-Chircahua AKA Geronimo

Thathanka Iyotake AKA Sitting Bull

etc etc

Stan Smith is not...wink.png

You're dead wrong, bro.

"Stan Smith" is most certainly an American name.

There is even a remote possibility that he is a descendent of John Smith, leader of the Virginia Colony in 1608, who named the region New England.

He noted: "Here every man may be master and owner of his owne labour and land... if he have nothing but his hands, he may... by industries quickly grow rich."

It was John Smith and men like him that created modern America.

They used and exploited Native Americans and later African slaves, but the Anglo-Saxons, the Spanish, and the French were the builders with the brains that made the country... for better or for worse.

oh dear, my comments went right over your head didn't they ? whistling.gif

besides "Smith" came from an old English word "smitan"....so no cigar pilgrim

By your logic, one wonders why Cecil John Rhodes got such a bad rap then ?....he "made" Southern Africa


and would be interested to know how "Stan Smith" I am talking about is related to John Smith...rolleyes.gif


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American arrested in Bangkok over multi-million dollar US property scam


Joseph Arsenault: image supplied

BANGKOK:-- Joseph Arsenault, an American national and resident of New York, has been arrested in Bangkok for his involvement in a telemarketing scam, which netted fraudsters more than US$20 million from 290 victims in the US and Canada.

Arsenault, who was charged with rape and drug possession in 2007 and previously had a failed career as an actor, was one of 16 individuals involved in the scam to be charged in the United States in November 2014.

The scam involved the gang making unsolicited calls to addresses across 46 states in the US and in Canada, where they claimed they were able to be able to sell property located in Detroit at knockdown prices, which could then be resold to foreign investors and venture capitalists for big profits.

However, despite victims being led to believe that the purchase of property was a profitable way of buying and flipping homes in Detroit, the whole thing was a scam. There were no profits and each property purchased was transferred to a holding company controlled by the fraudsters. Some victims went onto invest in multiple homes with the fraudsters.

The FBI has described how gang members frequently changed their names to avoid arrest and being tracked down by people who had invested in the property scam.

In November the gang were charged with operating a fraudulent telemarketing scheme, along with conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and conspiracy to commit international money laundering.

Speaking of the scam, United States Attorney Barbara L. McQuade said:

This nationwide telemarketing fraud not only caused millions of dollars in losses to victims of the scheme, but it also contributed to blight in Detroit neighborhoods.

Thousands of homes were left to fall into decay as a result of these individuals using Detroit real estate as a commodity to accomplish their fraud.

Special Agent Paul M. Abbate also commented on the case saying: The perpetrators in this case stole millions of dollars from hundreds of victims.

However, they did more than steal moneytheir greed and fraud compounded the proliferation of vacant homes left for ruin in far too many Detroit neighborhoods. The FBI is committed to rooting out and bringing to justice those who would commit crimes of this nature and act against the interests of our communities.

Another member of the gang, Gregory Swarn fled to Thailand using a fake passport shortly after being charged.

However, the FBI, along with the U.S. Department of State, Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) located Swarn in Thailand last year and were able to deport him back to the United States.

At the time of his arrest, Swarn was on the DSS Most Wanted List.

Another member of the gang, and a known associate of Swarm, is Erez Arsoni, who is also thought to have fled overseas, however, it is not known if he is in Thailand currently.


-- 2015-03-10

Interesting choice of names

He's called Joe Arsenault..his associate is called Erez Arsoni

Look like a couple of a-holes

Interesting enough, his name originated as an Arabic word meaning "Arsenal"...where weapons were stored on the wharf for a Navy ship.

Originally from Normandy, the Arsenaults (and similar spelling) have a long Acadian history... When expulsed from present day Nova Scotia, they found themselves dispersed throughout the USA.

One of my favorite British Soccer Teams shares that name. I do not see them as A holes. One man cannot tarnish a family history

i thought it meant the "arse" end of things, or your crapper.

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American held in Thailand linked to Detroit housing telemarketing scam


BANGKOK: -- Thai police have arrested an American suspected of being part of a group charged with operating a fraudulent Detroit housing telemarketing scheme that caused losses of over $20 million to nearly 300 people, a senior officer said on Tuesday.

New York resident Joseph Simon Arsenault was arrested in Bangkok on Monday after police acted on a request from the US embassy in Bangkok, said Police Major General Warawut Thaweechaiyagarn, investigative commander of Thailand’s Immigration Bureau.

Arsenault was one of 16 people charged in 2014 with a rangeof offences including conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraudby the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District ofMichigan in Detroit.

"We were asked to pursue this case by the U.S. embassy. Mr.Arsenault was arrested on Monday in Bangkok," Warawut told Reuters.

"We are waiting to send him back to the United States whichshould happen in the very near future."

Arsenault was not available for comment.

According to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, which investigated the case, Arsenault and 15 others are suspected ofoperating from call centres in Florida and New York and makingcalls to individuals across the United States offering to sell homes in Detroit.

The telemarketers, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, lied about the values of the homes and told investors they were buying bank-owned property that had previously had mortgages worth many times the sale price.

The homes were in reality bought for no more than $500 and sold to investors for between $7,500 and $15,000. The telemarketers then made investors believe the homes had been sold on to foreign buyers or hedge funds for a substantial profit when no such transactions took place, according to the US Attorney’s Office.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/American-held-in-Thailand-linked-to-Detroit-housin-30255789.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-11

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