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Have you changed your viewpoint of Thais and Thailand since arriving


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With all of its corruption Thailand is still the best place on earth.

I will live and die in Thailand.

What a bunch of tosh. Best place on earth? I take it you've experienced life everywhere else before you made your fatuous statement?

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It's the loud, corrupt, ugly, rude, selfish 10% that ruin it for the rest

I find it more than 10%

Depends on your location I believe.

Tourist areas can have a higher level of greed, and there are regional variations.

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I come and go to thailand to have fun not bash thais I take them as they are , it is bad some times but not care because I have good fun good sex and when I am sick of the bullsh?T

Sorry did not finish when I am sick of the bullsh?t I get on a plane and go home and when I feel like it I go back to thailand and have fun again so if you can't stand go home to were you come from sorry to say that but sick of western man get on here and just bush thais not all thais are bad ok it is the same were I come from have dick head to you no .

Got your priorities sorted then, go to the restaurant, eat like a pig, make a mess of the table, and then leave without a care for the staff.


What are you on about with my reply are you on drugs were do you get off saying I eat like a pig you are the pig ok get a life ok you would be one of the many Man that go thailand and can never go back home because you put all your money in to thailand you poor sole .

I can't believe that you took that literally, look up the word 'metaphor' ..... a quick anger management course wouldn't go amiss either.

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After 10+ years here I've noticed that my novelty as a foreigner has faded, which in some ways I miss.

On the upside, it's pretty rare these days for someone to try and rip me off. I don't know if word has gotten around not to mess with me, or they feel sorry for me because I'm getting older, but I don't encounter the 'let's see if we can overcharge the farang' mentality as much as I did when I first moved here.

The only scam artists I run into these days are the sales clerks lurking in the aisles at HomePro. Some of those people will tell you anything to make a sale.

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After 10+ years here I've noticed that my novelty as a foreigner has faded, which in some ways I miss.

On the upside, it's pretty rare these days for someone to try and rip me off. I don't know if word has gotten around not to mess with me, or they feel sorry for me because I'm getting older, but I don't encounter the 'let's see if we can overcharge the farang' mentality as much as I did when I first moved here.

The only scam artists I run into these days are the sales clerks lurking in the aisles at HomePro. Some of those people will tell you anything to make a sale.

I agree about home pro Gecko,it puts me off going in there,how as soon as your eyes glance at something on the shelf they swoop on you,it is vastly overstaffed.

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Yes,when i first lived here my father in law was a thankfully distant figure who,disdained even to come to our wedding,as he stated he does not like falangs,my wife has 2 sons from a previous relationship with a german chap,i asked her so does he not like them?

You sound like a walking disaster.

Your wife has two sons from a previous marriage with a German? Geez!

More of a stumbling disaster actually,but it keeps life interesting.

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Yes,when i first lived here my father in law was a thankfully distant figure who,disdained even to come to our wedding,as he stated he does not like falangs,my wife has 2 sons from a previous relationship with a german chap,i asked her so does he not like them?

You sound like a walking disaster.

Your wife has two sons from a previous marriage with a German? Geez!

What's wrong with that? Well done for taking on others kids.

My missus had one when I met her. Added one more. She left. I got the kids and now 3 grandkids. Loving it.

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Yes,when i first lived here my father in law was a thankfully distant figure who,disdained even to come to our wedding,as he stated he does not like falangs,my wife has 2 sons from a previous relationship with a german chap,i asked her so does he not like them?

You sound like a walking disaster.

Your wife has two sons from a previous marriage with a German? Geez!

Not "marriage" apparently. "Relationship"!!

German evidently had the presence of mind to pass up the option and didn't even toilet-train them before handing them over to marko to raise.

Ah well, this is what happens when you leave all major decisions in life to your penis biggrin.png

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The question in the OP is already loaded: "viewpoint of Thais and Thailand" ... so all parts of Thailand and all Thais are the same.

I can say, I came to Thailand with no expectations at all, and I left my "home countries" already with a pretty bad opinion about people in general.

I recall my first time in Thailand and I saw only the good sides.

But it was already clear to me that the whole of Thailand and Thai people wouldn't be perfect...

I judge every individual separately and avoid prejudices.

That being said, I also know how most Thai people are likely to behave, so I am sometimes pleasantly surprised.

I think expecting nothing (i.e. do not trust anyone) and still allowing oneself to be pleasantly surprised is the key to accepting Thai reality.

My biggest gripe in Thailand is with getting things done right... I guess that's everyone else's number one problem as well, even of Thais.

Edited by manarak
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After 10+ years here I've noticed that my novelty as a foreigner has faded, which in some ways I miss.

On the upside, it's pretty rare these days for someone to try and rip me off. I don't know if word has gotten around not to mess with me, or they feel sorry for me because I'm getting older, but I don't encounter the 'let's see if we can overcharge the farang' mentality as much as I did when I first moved here.

The only scam artists I run into these days are the sales clerks lurking in the aisles at HomePro. Some of those people will tell you anything to make a sale.

I agree about home pro Gecko,it puts me off going in there,how as soon as your eyes glance at something on the shelf they swoop on you,it is vastly overstaffed.

many of the lurking scam artist parasites there don't even work for HomePro or HomeWorks, they work for suppliers and earn commissions on sales.

They got a new technique: some will observe you taking stuff out of the shelves and then follow you to the cashier to get their ID scanned to get the commission...

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Yes,when i first lived here my father in law was a thankfully distant figure who,disdained even to come to our wedding,as he stated he does not like falangs,my wife has 2 sons from a previous relationship with a german chap,i asked her so does he not like them?

You sound like a walking disaster.

Your wife has two sons from a previous marriage with a German? Geez!

Not "marriage" apparently. "Relationship"!!

German evidently had the presence of mind to pass up the option and didn't even toilet-train them before handing them over to marko to raise.

Ah well, this is what happens when you leave all major decisions in life to your penis biggrin.png

Of course ,you have never made, a mistake or uncalculated decision in your life have Ch,i am trying to picture you,you must be somewhat like the Borg out of star trek,and before casting around your spurious opinion 's,my wife kicked him out,because he was a "chow shu' and control freak,the kids where about 2 and a newborn,so yeah,not toilet trained,i knew all this before i got married,but the difference is ch,i love my wife,for the person she is not for sex,and the difference between you and i is ,i am a human,you are some type of machine,without emotion ,at least that's the way you come across on here.

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After 10+ years here I've noticed that my novelty as a foreigner has faded, which in some ways I miss.

On the upside, it's pretty rare these days for someone to try and rip me off. I don't know if word has gotten around not to mess with me, or they feel sorry for me because I'm getting older, but I don't encounter the 'let's see if we can overcharge the farang' mentality as much as I did when I first moved here.

The only scam artists I run into these days are the sales clerks lurking in the aisles at HomePro. Some of those people will tell you anything to make a sale.

I agree about home pro Gecko,it puts me off going in there,how as soon as your eyes glance at something on the shelf they swoop on you,it is vastly overstaffed.

many of the lurking scam artist parasites there don't even work for HomePro or HomeWorks, they work for suppliers and earn commissions on sales.

They got a new technique: some will observe you taking stuff out of the shelves and then follow you to the cashier to get their ID scanned to get the commission...

Well the suppliers should better train them. Most know sweet fa about their products.

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Yes,when i first lived here my father in law was a thankfully distant figure who,disdained even to come to our wedding,as he stated he does not like falangs,my wife has 2 sons from a previous relationship with a german chap,i asked her so does he not like them?

You sound like a walking disaster.

Your wife has two sons from a previous marriage with a German? Geez!

More of a stumbling disaster actually,but it keeps life interesting.

So the German did not share your view about this wonderful Thai wife. BTW, where did she meet him ?

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Of course ,you have never made, a mistake or uncalculated decision in your life have Ch,i am trying to picture you,you must be somewhat like the Borg out of star trek,and before casting around your spurious opinion 's,my wife kicked him out,because he was a "chow shu' and control freak,the kids where about 2 and a newborn,so yeah,not toilet trained,i knew all this before i got married,but the difference is ch,i love my wife,for the person she is not for sex,and the difference between you and i is ,i am a human,you are some type of machine,without emotion ,at least that's the way you come across on here.

So you're saying you made a mistake marrying her?

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Yes,when i first lived here my father in law was a thankfully distant figure who,disdained even to come to our wedding,as he stated he does not like falangs,my wife has 2 sons from a previous relationship with a german chap,i asked her so does he not like them?

You sound like a walking disaster.

Your wife has two sons from a previous marriage with a German? Geez!

Not "marriage" apparently. "Relationship"!!

German evidently had the presence of mind to pass up the option and didn't even toilet-train them before handing them over to marko to raise.

Ah well, this is what happens when you leave all major decisions in life to your penis biggrin.png

Of course ,you have never made, a mistake or uncalculated decision in your life have Ch,i am trying to picture you,you must be somewhat like the Borg out of star trek,and before casting around your spurious opinion 's,my wife kicked him out,because he was a "chow shu' and control freak,the kids where about 2 and a newborn,so yeah,not toilet trained,i knew all this before i got married,but the difference is ch,i love my wife,for the person she is not for sex,and the difference between you and i is ,i am a human,you are some type of machine,without emotion ,at least that's the way you come across on here.

Good reply....btw...as you refer to your FIL looking like Klaus Kinski....it is then fair to assume that your wife, his daughter, resembles Natasja Kinski ?

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Of course ,you have never made, a mistake or uncalculated decision in your life have Ch,i am trying to picture you,you must be somewhat like the Borg out of star trek,and before casting around your spurious opinion 's,my wife kicked him out,because he was a "chow shu' and control freak,the kids where about 2 and a newborn,so yeah,not toilet trained,i knew all this before i got married,but the difference is ch,i love my wife,for the person she is not for sex,and the difference between you and i is ,i am a human,you are some type of machine,without emotion ,at least that's the way you come across on here.

So you're saying you made a mistake marrying her?

I read it as he loves her, he loves her kids. he doesn't love his FIL but tolerates him because he is his FIL for the sake of his wife and her kids. Seems like a nice guy with a problem in communicating in English. Not that that's a problem for me either.

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Of course ,you have never made, a mistake or uncalculated decision in your life have Ch,i am trying to picture you,you must be somewhat like the Borg out of star trek,and before casting around your spurious opinion 's,my wife kicked him out,because he was a "chow shu' and control freak,the kids where about 2 and a newborn,so yeah,not toilet trained,i knew all this before i got married,but the difference is ch,i love my wife,for the person she is not for sex,and the difference between you and i is ,i am a human,you are some type of machine,without emotion ,at least that's the way you come across on here.

So you're saying you made a mistake marrying her?

Not at all Ch,she is a wonderful woman,but yes,there is baggage,some i was aware of and some that has been thrown at me,ie,the fil,but i must realise too i am in Thailand,and it is her duty too take care of him,even though i may disagree,i have compromised,am i happy about it,probably no,but being able to compromise,in a marriage is a useful skill,of course you ch,probably have them in full mind control mode,running hither and thither too carry out your demands,and no doubt they do.

Edited by marko kok prong
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Good reply....btw...as you refer to your FIL looking like Klaus Kinski....it is then fair to assume that your wife, his daughter, resembles Natasja Kinski ?

Yes,Ben,but a thai version.now that's what i am talkin about.

Without a photo...your comment means...well....nothing.

PM will suffice.

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Good reply....btw...as you refer to your FIL looking like Klaus Kinski....it is then fair to assume that your wife, his daughter, resembles Natasja Kinski ?

Yes,Ben,but a thai version.now that's what i am talkin about.

Without a photo...your comment means...well....nothing.

PM will suffice.

Love too old chap,unfortunatley,no can do,i do not want you to go into cardiac arrest,whilst perusing said print.

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My viewpoint is a positive one, as long as I keep these in mind:

I am not in charge of Thailand or the Thais

The world doesn't revolve around me

I take it easy and try not to judge others based on my preconceived values

I live life on life's terms, not those I fabricate based on past experiences

I try to do all things in moderation

Its not my country and I am only passing through, year by year.

When it becomes something I am not liking, I can move on.

I take one day at a time and try not to complicate the simple things in life

I try to be nice to people, particularly those that seem to be having trouble getting through the day.


Excellant post, much better than moaning like little sissy girls

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Of course ,you have never made, a mistake or uncalculated decision in your life have Ch,i am trying to picture you,you must be somewhat like the Borg out of star trek,and before casting around your spurious opinion 's,my wife kicked him out,because he was a "chow shu' and control freak,the kids where about 2 and a newborn,so yeah,not toilet trained,i knew all this before i got married,but the difference is ch,i love my wife,for the person she is not for sex,and the difference between you and i is ,i am a human,you are some type of machine,without emotion ,at least that's the way you come across on here.

So you're saying you made a mistake marrying her?

Not at all Ch,she is a wonderful woman,but yes,there is baggage,some i was aware of and some that has been thrown at me,ie,the fil,but i must realise too i am in Thailand,and it is her duty too take care of him,even though i may disagree,i have compromised,am i happy about it,probably no,but being able to compromise,in a marriage is a useful skill,of course you ch,probably have them in full mind control mode,running hither and thither too carry out your demands,and no doubt they do.

Good luck to you. May I ask if you met her in the same place as the German guy did ?

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Of course ,you have never made, a mistake or uncalculated decision in your life have Ch,i am trying to picture you,you must be somewhat like the Borg out of star trek,and before casting around your spurious opinion 's,my wife kicked him out,because he was a "chow shu' and control freak,the kids where about 2 and a newborn,so yeah,not toilet trained,i knew all this before i got married,but the difference is ch,i love my wife,for the person she is not for sex,and the difference between you and i is ,i am a human,you are some type of machine,without emotion ,at least that's the way you come across on here.

So you're saying you made a mistake marrying her?

Not at all Ch,she is a wonderful woman,but yes,there is baggage,some i was aware of and some that has been thrown at me,ie,the fil,but i must realise too i am in Thailand,and it is her duty too take care of him,even though i may disagree,i have compromised,am i happy about it,probably no,but being able to compromise,in a marriage is a useful skill,of course you ch,probably have them in full mind control mode,running hither and thither too carry out your demands,and no doubt they do.

Good luck to you. May I ask if you met her in the same place as the German guy did ?

How would one know,but you are a very witty guy ,i must say.

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Of course ,you have never made, a mistake or uncalculated decision in your life have Ch,i am trying to picture you,you must be somewhat like the Borg out of star trek,and before casting around your spurious opinion 's,my wife kicked him out,because he was a "chow shu' and control freak,the kids where about 2 and a newborn,so yeah,not toilet trained,i knew all this before i got married,but the difference is ch,i love my wife,for the person she is not for sex,and the difference between you and i is ,i am a human,you are some type of machine,without emotion ,at least that's the way you come across on here.

So you're saying you made a mistake marrying her?

Not at all Ch,she is a wonderful woman,but yes,there is baggage,some i was aware of and some that has been thrown at me,ie,the fil,but i must realise too i am in Thailand,and it is her duty too take care of him,even though i may disagree,i have compromised,am i happy about it,probably no,but being able to compromise,in a marriage is a useful skill,of course you ch,probably have them in full mind control mode,running hither and thither too carry out your demands,and no doubt they do.

Good luck to you. May I ask if you met her in the same place as the German guy did ?

May i ask if you have entered puberty yet?

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Not at all Ch,she is a wonderful woman,but yes,there is baggage,some i was aware of and some that has been thrown at me,ie,the fil,but i must realise too i am in Thailand,and it is her duty too take care of him,even though i may disagree,i have compromised,am i happy about it,probably no,but being able to compromise,in a marriage is a useful skill,of course you ch,probably have them in full mind control mode,running hither and thither too carry out your demands,and no doubt they do.

Not at all but by avoiding Thai women

1. With young child/ren

2. With unfunded financial imperatives

3. With family members unable to support themselves and

4. With the impression they'll receive a monthly handout

I've not had even a WHIFF of the nonsense men like you have to deal with.

I make as many mistakes as the next guy but by sticking to those basic rules of engagement, it's easy to avoid making them with Thai women.

I've no doubt whatsoever that there are some true gems out there who do have one or more of the no-nos I mentioned but why take the risk when there are so many gems who don't?

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Not at all Ch,she is a wonderful woman,but yes,there is baggage,some i was aware of and some that has been thrown at me,ie,the fil,but i must realise too i am in Thailand,and it is her duty too take care of him,even though i may disagree,i have compromised,am i happy about it,probably no,but being able to compromise,in a marriage is a useful skill,of course you ch,probably have them in full mind control mode,running hither and thither too carry out your demands,and no doubt they do.

Not at all but by avoiding Thai women

1. With young child/ren

2. With unfunded financial imperatives

3. With family members unable to support themselves and

4. With the impression they'll receive a monthly handout

I've not had even a WHIFF of the nonsense men like you have to deal with.

I make as many mistakes as the next guy but by sticking to those basic rules of engagement, it's easy to avoid making them with Thai women.

I've no doubt whatsoever that there are some true gems out there who do have one or more of the no-nos I mentioned but why take the risk when there are so many gems who don't?

I agree you make a valid point,but not everyone can aspire to your almost Godlike ideals,you know what you are starting to sound more like ys in every post,and i thought you where better than that,but of course us mere mortal's,can never aspire to your heights.

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For the most part I my thinking is in line with OP, but it wasn't always that way.

When I first arrived, and everything was new and exciting, it was easier to overlook or make excuses for the 'differences' I experienced. I told myself (and anyone else who would listen) that Thailand was a developing country and that things would get better. 12 years on and I see very little has changed. Sure there are some shiny new Bangkok shopping malls.... but that's about it. The vast majority of changes are superficial to satisfy self serving needs. Very little has been done for the betterment of society as a whole.

Perhaps in another 10 - to 20 years?

I think once you get over the "TAT portrayal" of Thailand, and the rosy spectacles come off and you start seeing through the veneer, there is a rather "dark undercurrent" that permeates everything in Thailand and the longer your here, you see it more and more.

for me personally it doesn't bother me, having worked in far worse places, but could well understand how this realization could become a bit of shock to people who have lived in their own countries most of their lives, never really been anywhere expect on holiday and up root everything and decide to settle in Thailand for "whatever" reason they have and then they find out Thailand, ain't that "tropical paradise" with the natives working the rice paddies who are happy with their lot in life

Afterwards the cheerful natives come to bow down and pray to godlike farang on the hill aka...me. It's exactly how I imagined my life would be in Thailand.

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