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Clinton on emails: I should have used government account


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Hillary's Staff --- Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, and Phillippe Reines, used her private email system.


Man. That is some extreme stuff there.

Thats like one of those goofy supermarket gossip sheets. Aliens breed with hollywood star... and stuff like that.

"Muslim Brotherhood Princess Used Hillary's Email Server" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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The right wing have been intensely investigating her and Bill for decades. If there was dirt, the Clintons would have been history long ago.

Remember, attorney Ken Star spent 200 million dollars legally harassing them. Came up with nothing trying to railroad Bill Clinton from office.

That's the conservative routine...if they don't win, they harangue and harass.

Has anyone in American politics taken as much abuse as Hillary?

the abuse Hillary has gotten pales (pardon the pun) in comparison to the abuse Obama has received. I have lots of issues with Obama (from the left), but I cannot imagine any white president getting the abuse and disrespect he has suffered.

Were you living in Deep Isaan with no TV, no Email, No Internet, No Radio from 2000 to 2008... and even into Obama's first term?

Edited by JDGRUEN
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What does that have to do with Hillary Clinton breaking the law?

She broke the law? Really? Has she been convicted?
I know the republicans spent well over $200,000,000 of taxpayers money, on lawyers digging up dirt. But I didn't hear she was actually convicted of crimes.
You might want to check your sources.

The gentleman above asked for some clarification regarding they 401K plan so I explained how 220,000,000 Americans with a 401K can protect their nest egg from a market crash by using 'stops' and keep the amazing 200%+ gains under the current administration.

"I know the republicans spent well over $200,000,000 of taxpayers money, on lawyers digging up dirt"

You able to back this up with anything like facts? Just curious.

You don't remember Ken Star?, the republican special prosecuter? He had 57 lawyers harassing the Clintons for years. I recall the he spent $7,000,000 on the Monica case alone.
And what did he come up with?
Bill had a girlfriend. BFD.

FOX spent a lot too and had their people posted at Bill & Hillary's home town, going over every piece of paper, phone call, contract, canceled check..
Came up with zilch.
Hillary got thru that, she was vetted in the Democrat primaries, then the subsequent years & years of FOX harassment.
The conservatives are desperate...all they have is their fake manufactured crisis ....BENGAAAAZZZIIII
FOX should start a new channel...Bengggaaaaazzzziii 24/7.

Wouldn't it be better if the conservatives just fielded a decent candidate?

In other words, you can't provide any proof to your statement that..."I know the republicans spent well over $200,000,000 of taxpayers money, on lawyers digging up dirt"

Does that make you seriously ill informed or intentionally dishonest?

For your information, Ken Starr took over the Whitewater investigation which originally had NOTHING to do with Monica Lewinsky or Clinton's lying to federal authorities.

You do know that is what he was impeached for, don't you? The impeachment had nothing to do with his sexual activities in the Oval Office or nearest toilet facility, as the urgency of his particular situation at that point in time called for.

Anyway, your hysterical screams...BENGAAAZZZIII...have nothing to do with the Republicans allegedly spending $200,000,000 on investigating Bill's sexual trysts.

I'll mark up your $7,000,000 claim with the same respect I give your $200,000,000 WAG.

What you seem to be overlooking is all of Bill Clinton's actions during his presidency are going to come under the microscope if Hillary should decide to run for President.

She will be loaded down with all of Bill's personal baggage as well as her own sizable moving van full of luggage. That moving van will include Benghazi, sniper fire, failed health care attempt, Senate votes, Secretary of State decisions and, of more recent news, her e-mail cover-up.

She may very well find out in her campaign the answer to her famous question..."What difference at this point does it make?"

PS: Starr actually spent closer to $40 million on the Whitewater Investigation.

Just 40 million.
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Hillary's Staff --- Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, and Phillippe Reines, used her private email system.


I half expect legal moves by the Egyptian government to have access to the emails to investigate treason committed by the Muslim Brotherhood against them. Egyptian press sources have indeed reported on the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the Obama administration. Indeed I would be amazed if the emails ever turn up save for Hillary exchanging cooking recipes with Huma Abedin.

Hillary's Chief of Staff is a plant for the Muslim Brotherhood?

Read the comments under the article. Some real nut cases out there. Ding dong ding dong ding dong..

This case is over folks. She already turned over the emails. So now they are trying to say a Muslim spy used her email server.......

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This case is over folks. She already turned over the emails.

You do have a link on that - don't you?

Everybody move along... shows over folks.

The FOX viewers will take some time to catch on. Rogers Ailes has invested a lot in this story and will milk it for a while.

Notice how they are now spinning it into a "muslim brotherhood used her email address"..cheesy.gif

Edited by joesanunu
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Hillary's Villain Looks a Lot Like Hillary

Her most believable if least persuasive explanation for putting the nation's state secrets on her private email account was that it was for her own "convenience," and the rest of us have a responsibility to trust her. But why worry? That's "herstory," and she's sticking to it.


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Hillary's Villain Looks a Lot Like Hillary

Her most believable if least persuasive explanation for putting the nation's state secrets on her private email account was that it was for her own "convenience," and the rest of us have a responsibility to trust her. But why worry? That's "herstory," and she's sticking to it.


You lose credibility when linking to these super right wing extreme articles. No?

When I hear of an issue and want information, why would I go read that kind of garbage?

Entertainment for rednecks is what you linked. Nothing to do with reality.

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GW Bush deleted 5 million emails, NO?

And what about Jeb Bush. It's been revealed he used private emails too.

Looks like many of the conservative candidate are also guilty.

"GW Bush deleted 5 million emails, NO?

NO! He nor anybody in his administration deleted 5 million emails.

Jeb Bush was a Governor, not the Secretary of State. He had no access to classified documents. A huge difference.

As usual, you don't have a clue what you are writing about.

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GW Bush deleted 5 million emails, NO?

And what about Jeb Bush. It's been revealed he used private emails too.

Looks like many of the conservative candidate are also guilty.

"GW Bush deleted 5 million emails, NO?

NO! He nor anybody in his administration deleted 5 million emails.

Jeb Bush was a Governor, not the Secretary of State. He had no access to classified documents. A huge difference.

As usual, you don't have a clue what you are writing about.

Dont post nonsense.

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GW Bush deleted 5 million emails, NO?

And what about Jeb Bush. It's been revealed he used private emails too.

Looks like many of the conservative candidate are also guilty.

"GW Bush deleted 5 million emails, NO?

NO! He nor anybody in his administration deleted 5 million emails.

Jeb Bush was a Governor, not the Secretary of State. He had no access to classified documents. A huge difference.

As usual, you don't have a clue what you are writing about.

Dont post nonsense.

From my post of 11:12 today on the other Clinton email thread:


The "loss" of the emails was temporary in nature and marked up to an Archiving mistake. All of them were located and turned over to the appropriate agency.

We should be so lucky with the missing Clinton emails. Since they are being vetted by the Clinton legal team, a complete turnover is hardly to be expected.

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GW Bush deleted 5 million emails, NO?

And what about Jeb Bush. It's been revealed he used private emails too.

Looks like many of the conservative candidate are also guilty.

"GW Bush deleted 5 million emails, NO?

NO! He nor anybody in his administration deleted 5 million emails.

Jeb Bush was a Governor, not the Secretary of State. He had no access to classified documents. A huge difference.

As usual, you don't have a clue what you are writing about.

Dont post nonsense.

From my post of 11:12 today on the other Clinton email thread:


The "loss" of the emails was temporary in nature and marked up to an Archiving mistake. All of them were located and turned over to the appropriate agency.

We should be so lucky with the missing Clinton emails. Since they are being vetted by the Clinton legal team, a complete turnover is hardly to be expected.

Like I said earlier too. "The shows over folks, move along, nothing to see."

Just another desperate attempt at a fabricated scandal.

I guess they believe Hillary is so powerful, they can't win....they know they have no chance vs Hillary so expect more fabricated outrage on that fake news channel about Hillary.

I haven't watched lately. Are they going 24/7 Hate Hillary 2016 now?

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The "loss" of the emails was temporary in nature and marked up to an Archiving mistake. All of them were located and turned over to the appropriate agency.

We should be so lucky with the missing Clinton emails. Since they are being vetted by the Clinton legal team, a complete turnover is hardly to be expected.

I can find nothing that says they "turned up". But I can find....

The House Oversight committee in an interim staff report, released on June 18, 2007:[20]

  • At least eighty-eight Republican National Committee email accounts were granted to senior Bush administration officials, not "just a handful" as previously reported by the White House spokesperson Dana Perino in March 2007. Her estimate was later revised to "about fifty." Officials with accounts included: Karl Rove, the President’s senior advisor; Andrew Card, the former White House Chief of Staff; Ken Mehlman, the former White House Director of Political Affairs; and many other officials in the Office of Political Affairs, the Office of Communications, and the Office of the Vice President.
  • The RNC has 140,216 emails sent or received by Karl Rove. Over half of these emails (75,374) were sent to or received from individuals using official ".gov" email accounts. Other users of RNC email accounts include former Director of Political Affairs Sara Taylor(66,018 emails) and Deputy Director of Political Affairs Scott Jennings (35,198 emails). These email accounts were used by White House officials for official purposes, such as communicating with federal agencies about federal appointments and policies.
  • Of the 88 White House officials who received RNC email accounts, the RNC has preserved no emails for 51 officials.
  • There is evidence that the Office of White House Counsel under Alberto Gonzales may have known that White House officials were using RNC email accounts for official business, but took no action to preserve these presidential records.
  • The evidence obtained by the Committee indicates that White House officials used their RNC email accounts in a manner that circumvented these requirements. At this point in the investigation, it is not possible to determine precisely how many presidential records may have been destroyed by the RNC. Given the heavy reliance by White House officials on RNC email accounts, the high rank of the White House officials involved, and the large quantity of missing emails, the potential violation of the Presidential Records Act may be extensive.

So, I'll ask again:

If it didn't matter then, why does it matter so much now?


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State Department challenges Clinton claim that emails to officials ‘immediately’ saved

Published March 14, 2015

A State Department spokeswoman said Friday that the department did not start automatically archiving emails from senior officials until February of this year -- raising questions about Hillary Clinton's claim that her emails were "immediately" saved whenever she corresponded with colleagues.

The former secretary of state made that assertion during her press conference earlier this week -- and in a lengthy statement put out by her office -- as she defended her exclusive use of personal email. Clinton downplayed concerns that official emails could have been lost by suggesting anytime she emailed anyone with a ".gov" address, that email would be stored for posterity.

<snip to comply with Fair Use>

Edited by chuckd
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I seriously doubt whether Hillary understood exactly what she had done wrong. Bill, to this day does not do e-mail and by some accounts is without basic computer skills. Of course, her staff and handlers knew but the Hillary I have watched steam rolls her handlers with comments like "Just get it done". Her e-mail problem is a product of that kind of thinking.

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