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US Democrats deplore Republican letter to Tehran on nuke talks


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Democrats deplore Republicans because they exist...it is the Hatfields and McCoys played out in the halls of Congress and the Press...

This letter has nothing to do with any metaphor even remotely connected with the Hatfields and McCoys.

It has to do with the influence of Netanyahu and the Israeli lobby in Washington.

Actually is it part of the consistent and tiresome GOP campaign to try and sabotage just about anything that Obama tries to do - or take credit for it when it succeeds.

If the negotiations are successful, they'll point at this letter as being pivotal in the process.


When did he succeed at anything?

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Democrats deplore Republicans because they exist...it is the Hatfields and McCoys played out in the halls of Congress and the Press...

This letter has nothing to do with any metaphor even remotely connected with the Hatfields and McCoys.

It has to do with the influence of Netanyahu and the Israeli lobby in Washington.

Actually is it part of the consistent and tiresome GOP campaign to try and sabotage just about anything that Obama tries to do - or take credit for it when it succeeds.

If the negotiations are successful, they'll point at this letter as being pivotal in the process.


When did he succeed at anything?

No one should take it personally due to the fact some political ideologues are incorrigible tongue.png

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"Unless the White House is prepared to submit the Iran deal it negotiates for congressional approval, the next president should not be bound by it."

That is it in a nutshell. Omama should not be allowed to let Iran to develop nuclear weapons like he was a dictator. The American system has checks and balances to prevent such criminal behavior.

SCOTUS said a long time ago the Constitution gives the president authority to act independently of the Congress to make executive agreements with foreign governments so as to provide the Executive a flexibility that allows the president to sometimes not negotiate a formal treaty which is submitted to the Senate.

That is the institutional system of a balance of powers and checks and balances that the conservatives completely miss in their so-called strict construction approach to reading the Constitution. Which is why the political right has no clue about the nature of the current P5+1 negotiating process and consummating a multinational executive agreement.

Given the conservative controlled Senate can't see this much less respect it and will not stand down, it will be stood down based on the Constitution.

SCOTUS has ruled, or the Constitution specifies that the president can submit a treaty to the Senate, or in certain other instances obtain authority from the House, or s/he can act independently of either. So that is all three of 'em. Conservatives need to read the document because it is there in black and white.

Black and white.

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This stuff is making the US gov't look stupider than usual. And weak.

The GOP are the ones who always say "if you don't stand behind the president you are an unpatriotic traitor!" We're not hearing that from them these days, are we?

Maybe they should try it Libyan-style, set up a separate gov't in a different city. How about Branson, Missouri?

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The GOP are the ones who always say "if you don't stand behind the president you are an unpatriotic traitor!"

They suspend that rule when they believe that the president is the unpatriotic traitor.

"I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America."

-Rudy Giuliani

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What I don't get is Kerry saying that Congress wil not get to ratify any treaty because it is not legaly binding? So if the treaty is not legally binding, <deleted> are they even negotiating for. It makes no sense.

It makes Obama look like the fool he is.

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Jon Stewart comments on the situation, reflecting the politics involved

The first part makes fun of the republicans, very funny IMO the second part shows that the Dem's were no better when they had the chance , both are a bunch of hypocrites.

LOL brilliant must view...sums up the situation perfectly. Thanks for the link, sirineou.

Gonna watch the 3rd season of House of Cards tonight...far more believable.

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Actually is it part of the consistent and tiresome GOP campaign to try and sabotage just about anything that Obama tries to do - or take credit for it when it succeeds.

If the negotiations are successful, they'll point at this letter as being pivotal in the process.


When did he succeed at anything?

Saved the car industry and fixed the economy your last President ballsed up so badly, such that McConnell even tried to take credit for it. Gave healthcare to millions who couldn't afford it. Got thousands of US troops out of harms way.

You know, stuff like that.

I hate to bust that Obama bubble you seem to relish, but George W. Bush was the first to begin saving the auto industry. In the last few months of his administration, the auto makers came to him looking for $50 Billion. He found $18.7 Billion and began the bailout in late 2008/early 2009.

Health care is hardly a rousing success story at this point. This is definitely a wait-and-see situation.

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Quote : prompting Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia to ask, rhetorically: "Is the Senate capable of tackling challenging national security questions in a mature and responsible way?"

Corrected quote : prompting Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia to ask, rhetorically: "Is the Senate capable of tackling challenging national security questions anything in a mature and responsible way?"

Answer : no, it is not.

As further proof of your post we now have this.........

About The GOP’s #47Traitors Letter To Iran…It Was All A Joke

by Mark NC

While much of the media is obsessing over emails sent by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton while she was serving the country, another letter has stirred up some controversy over whether Republicans in Congress have engaged in treason.

Freshman senator and Tea Party crush Tom Cotton of Arkansas managed to get forty-seven of his senate colleagues and a couple of GOP presidential hopefuls to sign a letter warning Iran not to take President Obama seriously with regard to negotiations on Iran's nuclear ambitions. The letter took a decidedly condescending tone that presumed its recipients were unfamiliar with international diplomacy.


The news account points out how some of the idiot Republican staff in the Senate are now trying to say the letter was nothing more than "cheeky" and that Prez Obama has no sense of humor. It's just more Republican nutcake idiocy from the incompetent, inept, upside down and inside out tea party extreme far right lunatics who are in charge of the Republican party in everything Republicans do everywhere in the country....and beyond.

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Quote : prompting Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia to ask, rhetorically: "Is the Senate capable of tackling challenging national security questions in a mature and responsible way?"

Corrected quote : prompting Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia to ask, rhetorically: "Is the Senate capable of tackling challenging national security questions anything in a mature and responsible way?"

Answer : no, it is not.

As further proof of your post we now have this.........

About The GOP’s #47Traitors Letter To Iran…It Was All A Joke

by Mark NC

While much of the media is obsessing over emails sent by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton while she was serving the country, another letter has stirred up some controversy over whether Republicans in Congress have engaged in treason.

Freshman senator and Tea Party crush Tom Cotton of Arkansas managed to get forty-seven of his senate colleagues and a couple of GOP presidential hopefuls to sign a letter warning Iran not to take President Obama seriously with regard to negotiations on Iran's nuclear ambitions. The letter took a decidedly condescending tone that presumed its recipients were unfamiliar with international diplomacy.


The news account points out how some of the idiot Republican staff in the Senate are now trying to say the letter was nothing more than "cheeky" and that Prez Obama has no sense of humor. It's just more Republican nutcake idiocy from the incompetent, inept, upside down and inside out tea party extreme far right lunatics who are in charge of the Republican party in everything Republicans do everywhere in the country....and beyond.

News Corpse is a joke...right? It's sort of like The Onion but they don't know they are being funny?

Where in the world do you dig up these blogs and then why do you continue to post them. This guy calls Senator Cotton (R-AR) out for not knowing the law and then threw in this little gem:

". By writing and sending the letter they may have violated a domestic law known as the Logan Act that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments."

What Mark NC, the author of this sterling piece of journalism, may not be aware of is that Senator Cotton is a graduate of both Harvard and Harvard Law, served two tours in Iraq as a US Army Colonel and has probably forgotten more about US law than Mark NC will ever know.

That last part will also apply to many of our more astute members as well.

Keep 'em coming. We all need a good laugh now and then.

Edited by chuckd
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PYONGYANG (The Borowitz Report)—The North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un said on Tuesday that he feels “snubbed” by the decision of forty-seven Republican senators to write a letter to Iran but not to him, the official North Korean news agency reported. In an unusually forthcoming interview with the Korean Central News Agency (K.C.N.A.), Kim said it was “hurtful” that the Republicans would send a letter to one of the United States’ most longstanding enemies while “totally snubbing” another.“Let’s just call it what it is: they’re playing favorites with enemies,” Kim said. “I try not to take things personally, but it’s hard to see them sending letters to Iran without feeling a little bit hurt.”


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Dear Islamic Republican of Iran:

We are the conservative members of the US Senate. Our president is against your country having nuclear weapons, and we disagree with him. You need friends over here, and we offer our friendship. We love our country in a way the president does not. We love Iran, and we also love Israel. These two things are contradictory at the moment, but we are working hard to come up with a good spin for this.

Please address all further communications with the US Government to any conservative member of Congress, no need to contact the president or use any other diplomatic protocols. Our president is a communist and an atheist. He is also a pro-terrorist Muslim fundamentalist who cannot be trusted.

Yours in Christ,

Mitch MC

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Quote : prompting Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia to ask, rhetorically: "Is the Senate capable of tackling challenging national security questions in a mature and responsible way?"

Corrected quote : prompting Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia to ask, rhetorically: "Is the Senate capable of tackling challenging national security questions anything in a mature and responsible way?"

Answer : no, it is not.

As further proof of your post we now have this.........

About The GOP’s #47Traitors Letter To Iran…It Was All A Joke

by Mark NC

While much of the media is obsessing over emails sent by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton while she was serving the country, another letter has stirred up some controversy over whether Republicans in Congress have engaged in treason.

Freshman senator and Tea Party crush Tom Cotton of Arkansas managed to get forty-seven of his senate colleagues and a couple of GOP presidential hopefuls to sign a letter warning Iran not to take President Obama seriously with regard to negotiations on Iran's nuclear ambitions. The letter took a decidedly condescending tone that presumed its recipients were unfamiliar with international diplomacy.


The news account points out how some of the idiot Republican staff in the Senate are now trying to say the letter was nothing more than "cheeky" and that Prez Obama has no sense of humor. It's just more Republican nutcake idiocy from the incompetent, inept, upside down and inside out tea party extreme far right lunatics who are in charge of the Republican party in everything Republicans do everywhere in the country....and beyond.

News Corpse is a joke...right? It's sort of like The Onion but they don't know they are being funny?

Where in the world do you dig up these blogs and then why do you continue to post them. This guy calls Senator Cotton (R-AR) out for not knowing the law and then threw in this little gem:

". By writing and sending the letter they may have violated a domestic law known as the Logan Act that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments."

What Mark NC, the author of this sterling piece of journalism, may not be aware of is that Senator Cotton is a graduate of both Harvard and Harvard Law, served two tours in Iraq as a US Army Colonel and has probably forgotten more about US law than Mark NC will ever know.

That last part will also apply to many of our more astute members as well.

Keep 'em coming. We all need a good laugh now and then.

Republicans and others on the far right definitely do not find NewsCorpse, which daily discusses the volumes of unintended humor at Fox, informative or entertaining, which would be expected and which is your loss.

Sen Cotton is a grad of Harvard Law which I guess to youse guyz make him a genius, however, Barack Obama the Harvard Law grad is some kind of slouch. Youse guyz are inside out way out there at the political extreme.

I noticed btw at the press conference the other day when Tom Terrible Cotton led a discussion of the letter that John Bombs Away McCain was standing there right behind him. Given that J.B.A. McCain is backpeddling it becomes obvious he and other bombardier senators put the Ozarks senator Cotton up to this fluff and that Cotton has since bailed.

McCain & Co on the Republican side sent Cotton out ahead as their point man so he could take the first bullet and Cotton has done exactly that. Now that one bullet has turned into a barrage of fire, McCain and the R's are digging in to get their below ground level, where Cotton has paused in his own digging. Can't wait now for the coming Fox poll that says a huge majority of Americans support the letter laugh.png

Also btw, 47 seems to be a number that has attached itself to the Republican brand, as they say. 47 senators signed the letter...in 2012 Mitt Romney got 47% of the popular vote....which was after the Rommer stuck his foot in his mouth with his pronouncement that 47% of the population suck of the teat of the Democratic party in government. Gallup found the other day 47% of Republicans view Speaker Boehner unfavorably (36% favorably). And it must be somehow prescient that this post is of all things post #47 to the thread.

Oh, Bibi began his address to the Congress on March 3rd at 5:47 a.m GMT. Youse guys are wearing this now like a collar.


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Dear Islamic Republican of Iran:

We are the conservative members of the US Senate. Our president is against your country having nuclear weapons, and we disagree with him.

You have this all backwards. The facts are otherwise.

Our president is against your country having nuclear weapons, and we disagree with him. Our president is willing to let your country have nuclear weapons, and we disagree with him.

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It looks like the 47 Republican senators would be by passed anyway as totally irrelevant by a legally binding UN resolution lifting sanctions.

It would be very hard for any future President and Congress to put the Humpty Dumpty of sanctions back together again, so long as Iran is sticking to the agreement over the next 10 years.

World powers begin talks on ending UN sanctions against Iran

If a nuclear agreement is struck, the resolution is a step that could make it harder for the US Congress to undo a deal

A Security Council resolution on a nuclear deal with Iran could be legally binding, say Western diplomatic officials, complicating and possibly undercutting future attempts by Republicans in Washington to unravel an agreement.

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According to Michael Krepon, formerly with the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and now co-founder of the Stimpson Center.....

"If bombing is prompted because Iran fails to observe its obligations under an agreement, it will have meaningful support as well as opposition. If bombing occurs after an agreement that effectively constrains Iran’s nuclear capabilities is rejected by the U.S. Congress, it will have little support internationally and lots of opposition. How many states will support successive bombing runs, playing whack-a-mole against covert Iranian attempts to reconstitute nuclear capability?"





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It looks like the 47 Republican senators would be by passed anyway as totally irrelevant by a legally binding UN resolution lifting sanctions.
It would be very hard for any future President and Congress to put the Humpty Dumpty of sanctions back together again, so long as Iran is sticking to the agreement over the next 10 years.
World powers begin talks on ending UN sanctions against Iran
If a nuclear agreement is struck, the resolution is a step that could make it harder for the US Congress to undo a deal
A Security Council resolution on a nuclear deal with Iran could be legally binding, say Western diplomatic officials, complicating and possibly undercutting future attempts by Republicans in Washington to unravel an agreement.

Indeed, so we see how the president as the lead partner of the P5+1 and with the preliminary agreement of Iran will work through the UN Security Council toward reaching an interim agreement by March 27th, the 30th more formally. The P5+1 have set June 30th for a complete package final agreement....which makes the Republicans in Washington all the more frantic.

This is what the Republican letter to the ayatollahs was designed to derail and it of course is not working as the 47 idiot Republican party senators had thought it would.

The tea party is controlling almost the whole of the Republican party in the Congress, in both the Senate and the House. While not all R party senators signed the letter of sedition to the mullahs in Tehran, almost all the R's in the Senate who have said something today on this breaking news are opposed to the UN Security Council approach.

Radical Republicans in the Congress.....the tea party driven and Republican controlled Congress vs Prez Obama and the World.

GOP Goes Ballistic Over Plan to Take The Iran Nuke Deal to the U.N

"Congress may be required to act in some specific cases, and it is certainly nice to have its support, but this is an entirely fictitious role for Congress that any president of either party would rightly laugh at," said Dr. Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey.

"Congress is inventing a role for itself that it does not have,” he added. “This isn't an end-run, so much as a bunch of people with extremist views on sovereignty being confronted with the fact that their views are extreme."


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The letter should be read aloud on the Senate floor. Also the names of every signer of it. It will be entered in the Congressional Record. If a shooting war with Iran breaks out, it'll be known who the traitors in the Senate are.

The shmoos have been hearded and, predictably, have all jumped off the cliff. Now all of those who signed that aspire to the White House will forever have to defend their pro-Iran stance. The dumb-arzed rationalizations are going to be great! This secret love affair between Iran and the GOP is nothing new, has been going on since the ayatollahs took over, just ask HW Bush, and they manage to keep it out of the press. The only thing missing is a cake in the shape of a key. Too bad Jeb didn't get to sign it, maybe he should write his own letter, send Ollie North to deliver it. His father will have the number to call.

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The letter should be read aloud on the Senate floor. Also the names of every signer of it. It will be entered in the Congressional Record. If a shooting war with Iran breaks out, it'll be known who the traitors in the Senate are.

The shmoos have been hearded and, predictably, have all jumped off the cliff. Now all of those who signed that aspire to the White House will forever have to defend their pro-Iran stance. The dumb-arzed rationalizations are going to be great! This secret love affair between Iran and the GOP is nothing new, has been going on since the ayatollahs took over, just ask HW Bush, and they manage to keep it out of the press. The only thing missing is a cake in the shape of a key. Too bad Jeb didn't get to sign it, maybe he should write his own letter, send Ollie North to deliver it. His father will have the number to call.

There was Reagan's arms for hostages deal executed on his inauguration at noon Jan 20, 1981. I wuz at that inaugural as the house liberal so I remember it all and very well.

The Republican party has been in bed with the ayatollahs for going on four decades. Still, even this one wuz too much for the ayatollahs to handle as the recently elected reformist government is in charge during the negotiations with the P5+1, dominating the ayatollahs in Tehran and Washington too.

Iran is broke and suffering severely. They need a deal and they need it desperately. Republicans in Washington are shut out on this one, and with this crackpot letter just got the door slammed in their face besides.

The letter has become a game changer but not as the nutcase Republicans in Washington had imagined or intended.

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