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'TOP GEAR' host Jeremy Clarkson suspended


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Were I as judgemental as Chicog, I could call all those who like Downton Abbey snobs who hanker for the days when the lower classes knew their place and acted accordingly.

But I wont; because it patently isn't true.

Lot's of people like it, for lot's of reasons; including the wife and I.

Exactly like Top Gear (except the wife hates Top Gear, though she did buy me their Perfect Road Trip dvd for Christmas!!).

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Were I as judgemental as Chicog, I could call all those who like Downton Abbey snobs who hanker for the days when the lower classes knew their place and acted accordingly.

But I wont; because it patently isn't true.

Lot's of people like it, for lot's of reasons; including the wife and I.

Exactly like Top Gear (except the wife hates Top Gear, though she did buy me their Perfect Road Trip dvd for Christmas!!).

Well, how about Dame Maggie Smith to replace Clarkson?

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He's VERY RICH feeble minded, overgrown public schoolboy with an equivalent juvenile sense of humor and millions of people the word over watch the show every week specifically for that juvenile sense of humor and that's how he has made his money

All that signifies to me is the sheer number of chavs on this planet. Quite frightening.

You say that you have never watched the show; yet you feel free to criticise it and call those who do watch it chavs!

You want to impose censorship on the rest of us by banning programmes you don't like; even though you have never watched them!

That is what is frightening; seriously. God forbid that people with that view ever have any real power.

Whoa there cowboy, where did I say I wanted to ban it?

And where did I say I hadn't watched it? How do you think I came up with an opinion on it, from the magic land of fairy dreams?

I'm stating my opinion; it won't affect me whether the BBC kow tow to the arrogant turd or he accepts the massive cheque that Murdoch is probably already waving at him.

I just think the show is poo and I can't see how anyone with an intellect can see it as anything but grotesquely low-brow entertainment.

It's an opinion. Disagree with it if you wish, but by making all these false accusations that you've somehow read between the lines, you are essentially demonstrating exactly the lack of intellect of which I speak.


Edited by Chicog
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He's VERY RICH feeble minded, overgrown public schoolboy with an equivalent juvenile sense of humor and millions of people the word over watch the show every week specifically for that juvenile sense of humor and that's how he has made his money

All that signifies to me is the sheer number of chavs on this planet. Quite frightening.

You say that you have never watched the show; yet you feel free to criticise it and call those who do watch it chavs!

You want to impose censorship on the rest of us by banning programmes you don't like; even though you have never watched them!

That is what is frightening; seriously. God forbid that people with that view ever have any real power.

Whoa there cowboy, where did I say I wanted to ban it?

And where did I say I hadn't watched it? How do you think I came up with an opinion on it, from the magic land of fairy dreams?

I'm stating my opinion; it won't affect me whether the BBC kow tow to the arrogant turd or he accepts the massive cheque that Murdoch is probably already waving at him.

I just think the show is poo and I can't see how anyone with an intellect can see it as anything but grotesquely low-brow entertainment.

It's an opinion. Disagree with it if you wish, but by making all these false accusations that you've somehow read between the lines, you are essentially demonstrating exactly the lack of intellect of which I speak.


Hmm so your inferring if someone finds TG entertaining they must also have a lack of intellect. ? Considering your in a difference of opinion with one member insulting everyone and anyone who enjoys TG by claiming it means a lack of intellect is a pretty sweeping statement and if I may say so shows not much on the intellect front either. Great example of a knee jerk reaction post when attacked though.

Perhaps its just better to say its not for you rather than make a judgement call on hundreds of millions of peoples intellects based on liking one TV show, many of which I am sure far and away exceed any of us on this forum.

Just out of curiosity what would you give as an example of high brow or intellectually beneficial entertainment ? One rule, it has to be current and mainstream, i'm genuinely curious.

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^^Well, isn't it a bit like inferring that anyone who doesn't find Clarkson the least bit entertaining is a politically correct morally superior judgmental curtain twitcher?

Indeed it is m8, indeed it is. How a choice of TV entertainment or entertainer becomes a measure of someones intelligence or morality is frankly a bit over dramatic.

I must confess I feel exactly the same about Vic Reeves as you do Clarkson but have never thought people that do like him must therefore be "a certain type of person" seems a pretty narrow minded way of passing judgement on people.

Edited by englishoak
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^^Well, isn't it a bit like inferring that anyone who doesn't find Clarkson the least bit entertaining is a politically correct morally superior judgmental curtain twitcher?

Indeed it is m8, indeed it is. How a choice of TV entertainment or entertainer becomes a measure of someones intelligence or morality is frankly a bit over dramatic.

I must confess I feel exactly the same about Vic Reeves as you do Clarkson but have never thought people that do like him must therefore be "a certain type of person" seems a pretty narrow minded way of passing judgement on people.

+1 on Reeves, although mildly.

But if we really want to get into it, I'm upping the stakes . . .


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^^Well, isn't it a bit like inferring that anyone who doesn't find Clarkson the least bit entertaining is a politically correct morally superior judgmental curtain twitcher?

Indeed it is m8, indeed it is. How a choice of TV entertainment or entertainer becomes a measure of someones intelligence or morality is frankly a bit over dramatic.

I must confess I feel exactly the same about Vic Reeves as you do Clarkson but have never thought people that do like him must therefore be "a certain type of person" seems a pretty narrow minded way of passing judgement on people.

+1 on Reeves, although mildly.

But if we really want to get into it, I'm upping the stakes . . .


blink.png I didnt deserve that .......................

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Great stuff - love it!

I suspect some of the anti - Clarkson types on here are not British.

No doubt the tongue in cheek irony just goes over their heads.

Poor dears.....:

I just love the irreverence!

No, no. I'm British and very far from being a politically correct type, but the Jeremy Clarkson really gets on my wick.

Sorry about that old boy, but he just does.

The mere mention of the C-word is enough.

Enough of what ?

here you are still making comments about this topic, typically if there is a subject which gets on my wick, I don't read about it or comment on it, I just ignore it...wink.png

so one can only conclude your one of those curtain twitcher types, who is not happy unless they are passing judgement on other and acting all morally superior

No I just can't stand Clarkson. Or Clarkson sycophants.

Yep! I have to agree with that,smug <deleted>! who says the same comments every week while choreographed yet another racing track spin in whatever car is flavour of the week!

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I think the BBC management could have handled this much better ...... if my business had just invested millions in buying the rights to the Top Gear brand I'd protect the investment (and people's jobs) a bit better.

They could have run the last three programs in the series using the two presenters who are not on suspension and are still under contract, together with 'guest presenters'.

That would show Carkson he's not as important as he seems to think he is.

One commenter in a UK Newspaper suggested Rowan Atkinson. He'd be good for one session.

There's been plenty of entertaining celebrities on the "Star in a reasonably priced car" session who could stand in for Clarkson ...... there's even been some female petrol-heads who could give a fresh view to this tired format.

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A man is judged by the company he keeps.

Clarkson appears to be friends with David Cameron and Rebekah Brooks.

Well he lives in the Chipping Norton, the chinless wonder capital of Middle England.

Didn't he introduce that Brooks harridan to her husband?

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Good grief!

Not only is he an oafish, racist, violent buffoon; but he's friends with the Tory Prime Minister!

Quick, find a rope and a tree!

(I can't find a smiley for sarcasm)

You forgot boorish drunkard.

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Good grief!

Not only is he an oafish, racist, violent buffoon; but he's friends with the Tory Prime Minister!

Quick, find a rope and a tree!

(I can't find a smiley for sarcasm)

Don't worry about the smiley face just use the rope and the tree and put the rest of us out of our misery f f s.

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Well what ever you think of him, an executive at the BBC has compared him to Jimmy Saville


That is going way too far.

Perhaps this explains how the BBC management could manage the whole thing so badly.

I'm a bit bored of Clarkson - but Saville was a totally different case and the BBC management of the time let him get away with totally unacceptable conduct .... a bit of a dust up and arrogance is not in the same league.

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It would appear that the foul mouthed bully has been sacked. But of course like all bullies he refuses to accept that his behaviour may have contributed to the decision.


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Amongst some circles of British society, to belong to that clique, you have to lough Top Gear, is so borrish .

Even though they hope to one day own one of those test drive cars on Top Gear.

Not the top gear they smoked on their pedal cycles at Cambridge, you know.

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Seems the punch did land and the producer need hospital treatment for a split lip...

What was even worse was while recovering at home four days later he has this hairy gorilla banging on his door wanting to apologise.

Jeremy Clarkson turned up at Oisin Tymon’s home to plead forgiveness for their Top Gear bust-up - but got the cold shoulder.

The BBC probe into the row has been told injured Oisin refused to even open the door to him.

A source said desperate Clarkson “tried for up to five minutes but in the end had to walk away”.


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  • Whatever the rights and wrongs of this incident;
  • whatever the merits or otherwise of Top Gear in it's present format;
  • whatever the talents or lack of same of Clarkson

I would like to ask certain members a question.

You are constantly posting about how you find Top Gear boring rubbish and how you find Clarkson an oafish, thuggish boor.

Yet you are following and salivating over his every movement as though you were prepubescent girls and he a member of One Direction!


Many moons ago TG was a good show for folk who wanted to learn motoring stuff, now it is a comedy program which has lost the original format.

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  • Whatever the rights and wrongs of this incident;
  • whatever the merits or otherwise of Top Gear in it's present format;
  • whatever the talents or lack of same of Clarkson

I would like to ask certain members a question.

You are constantly posting about how you find Top Gear boring rubbish and how you find Clarkson an oafish, thuggish boor.

Yet you are following and salivating over his every movement as though you were prepubescent girls and he a member of One Direction!


I occasionally watch Top Gear, usually for a few minutes only whilst channel surfing. I personally find it boring, the one called Hammond really gets on my wick, he is just like the school weed, desperately trying to seek Clarkson's approval. But that is just my opinion, plenty will disagree with me. What cannot be in dispute however is that Clarkson is an oafish thug, his actions in the hotel foyer in front of witnesses, including a family with children, must put this beyond doubt. Despite your obvious hero worship of the man, which quite frankly is a bit sad.

Presumably you come from the school of thought that says, "If a chap comes home after work having stopped off in the pub for a couple of hours, and the wife puts a cold meat salad down in front of him when he wanted a nice juicy steak, if a chap can't put her in her place by hurling abuse at her, calling her a useless f*****G c*** etc, followed up with a good smack in the mouth, without some do gooders accusing a chap of being a thuggish bully, whatever is the world coming to"?!

You would be in good company though, the British Prime Minister somehow sees Clarkson as some kind of victim in this sorry saga.

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Many moons ago it was a show presented by people who knew nothing about cars like Angela Rippon reading from a script.

Clarkson was the first proper motoring journalist to be a presenter of the programme. After he and other people who actually knew something about cars joined, viewing figures increased from less than a million to approaching 6 million.

Clarkson left the original Top Gear in 2001, and viewing figures halved!

With Vicki Butler-Henderson, Tiff Needell and Adrian Simpson jumping ship to present Fifth Gear, ratings fell even further until the BBC dropped it.

Clarkson and Wilman revived it in it's current format in 2002, and today it has over 350 million viewers worldwide.

As anyone associated with the show will readily tell you; it is not a serious consumer advice show about motoring, and has never, since it's relaunch made any attempt to be.

It's meant to be, and is, an entertainment show based around cars.

You don't like that; so don't watch it!

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