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'TOP GEAR' host Jeremy Clarkson suspended


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What are you on about?

You expressed an opinion; I disagreed with it.

That's what happens on forums!

There's plenty of TV programmes I don't like, even hate.

But I don't moan about them on the internet; I simply don't watch them.

You just finish educating us all about what Internet forums are for but you toss that aside with the last line of your post above.

So are people's forum comments only acceptable if the agree with your view point ?

Image if I applied the same method of logic to this entire forum where snotty and somewhat self appointed elitist hob knob farangs continually moan about their host country with the daily tirade of crap and none sense that floods the airways here at tvf.

Clarkson is a smug arrogant SOB and the forum is lined with them too.

As someone pointed out before there's millions of people that tune into the show every week and that just supports my earlier theory that there are d1ckheafs everywhere on the planet and I have no doubt that plenty of them are entertained by this meathead Clarkson.

You have obviously failed to understand; so let me try again.

My first point is that as this is an internet forum, anyone is able to express any opinion (as long as they stay within the forum rules, of course).

Got that?

My second point was that rather than watch a TV show I don't like and then moan about it on the internet, I simply don't watch it.

Got that?

If you, MJP or anyone else want to waste your time watching a show you don't like so that you can then criticise it on the internet; that is your choice.

But don't get all self righteous and oh so superior when people who do like the show disagree with you.

Doing so does not say about you what you think it does; it says the opposite!

I just loathe Clarkson. The mere mention of the C-word is enough.

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For God's sake why is this bloke still making the news bulletins? Is there not anything more important going on in the world?!


there are many things more important, my Q to you, does entertainment needs to be important? Your Avatar looks funny, you ain't?
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Seriously, replace this idiot with Suzi Perry. Ratings would climb. This a-hole has done enough damage to Britain's reputation. That Argentina stunt was outrageous, especially when relations are dire. The insults to Mexicans, to India, to Asian people's eyebrows . . . where does it end?


Remember this in Vietnam?


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For the record...

It was Clarkson that reported his behaviour to the BBC, the producer he had the fracas with had not made any complaint or report....

In other words it is Clarkson himself that highlighted his behaviour to BBC bosses not as as a result of others making a complaint as people here clearly assume.

For the record.... he phoned up straight away because he knew he was in the poop; it would have been reported anyway.

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Great stuff - love it!

I suspect some of the anti - Clarkson types on here are not British.

No doubt the tongue in cheek irony just goes over their heads.

Poor dears.....:

I just love the irreverence!

No, no. I'm British and very far from being a politically correct type, but the Jeremy Clarkson really gets on my wick.

Sorry about that old boy, but he just does.

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For the record...

It was Clarkson that reported his behaviour to the BBC, the producer he had the fracas with had not made any complaint or report....

In other words it is Clarkson himself that highlighted his behaviour to BBC bosses not as as a result of others making a complaint as people here clearly assume.

For the record.... he phoned up straight away because he knew he was in the poop; it would have been reported anyway.

Your assumption id agree with but for the fact that actually the assistant producer has not pressed any charges has not filed a complaint against and has every opportunity to do so but hasnt.

if you dont like the guy fair enough, im just of the opinion like him or hate him hes very real world human and in the entertainment world of make believe, plastic presenters and celebrity pin ups thats rare these days.

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Let's face it, who would watch the show without Jeremy Clarkson. And if the BBC puts him and/or the show on ice then I am sure that somebody (and Al Jazeera was quite successful in the past on that) will pick-up the bits and pieces and carry on.
TV needs money which comes in partly from advertising and rest assured, that Clarkson brings the viewers figures home anytime, anywhere for any station goof.gif

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Let's face it, who would watch the show without Jeremy Clarkson.

I can't really understand why that many people watch it with him. I certainly don't. He's a feeble minded, overgrown public schoolboy with an equivalent juvenile sense of humour.

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Well I just watched the man on BBC Knowledge.

Series 13 of TG, when "The Stig" is un-helmeted to reveal Michael Schumaker.

Terrific stuff. Very funny.

You would have to be brain dead not to be entertained by that....


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Let's face it, who would watch the show without Jeremy Clarkson.

I can't really understand why that many people watch it with him. I certainly don't. He's a feeble minded, overgrown public schoolboy with an equivalent juvenile sense of humour.

Chicog, you're usually very erudite and entertaining on here!

Can't understand why you don't like Clarkson!

De gustibus non est disputandum I guess......

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. . . and ratings would fall if Suzi Perry presented instead laugh.png


Top Gear needs a makeover.

Blimey that's an old picture she's starting to fray round the edges now, as we all dosad.png

I think her glasses dead sexy...

Maybe DC as well for a bit of dry humour...

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Great stuff - love it!

I suspect some of the anti - Clarkson types on here are not British.

No doubt the tongue in cheek irony just goes over their heads.

Poor dears.....:

I just love the irreverence!

No, no. I'm British and very far from being a politically correct type, but the Jeremy Clarkson really gets on my wick.

Sorry about that old boy, but he just does.

The mere mention of the C-word is enough.

Enough of what ?

here you are still making comments about this topic, typically if there is a subject which gets on my wick, I don't read about it or comment on it, I just ignore it...wink.png

so one can only conclude your one of those curtain twitcher types, who is not happy unless they are passing judgement on other and acting all morally superior

No I just can't stand Clarkson. Or Clarkson sycophants.

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Let's face it, who would watch the show without Jeremy Clarkson. And if the BBC puts him and/or the show on ice then I am sure that somebody (and Al Jazeera was quite successful in the past on that) will pick-up the bits and pieces and carry on.

TV needs money which comes in partly from advertising and rest assured, that Clarkson brings the viewers figures home anytime, anywhere for any station goof.gif

Well I wouldn't.

I can't stand cars either. Or driving.

And I don't even have a telly.


Oh this has been a good wind up.

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He's VERY RICH feeble minded, overgrown public schoolboy with an equivalent juvenile sense of humor and millions of people the word over watch the show every week specifically for that juvenile sense of humor and that's how he has made his money

All that signifies to me is the sheer number of chavs on this planet. Quite frightening.

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All that signifies to me is the sheer number of chavs on this planet. Quite frightening.

It is probably less about that, but more about the fact that most Men are Boys inside, and that isn't nescessarily something to be worried about. Including myself here, the ability to smoothly flip flop between the furrowed brow pondering serious issues and responsibility and then Boyish antics does little harm to other most of the time. It keeps people balanced. Overall I would say that grown Men who perceive the world deathlyy seriously all the time are the bigger concern in the world, as history will attest to. For example, I await the ISIS comedy shows but suspect I'll be waiting a very long time indeed. Clarkson, for all his sometimes embarassing comments and antics and how Brits must be perceived (particularly their 'India' episode) is far less harmfull than the firebrand Imams and Pol Pots of this world. Whoever thought Top Gear, ISIS and Pol Pot would appear in the same post?

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He's VERY RICH feeble minded, overgrown public schoolboy with an equivalent juvenile sense of humor and millions of people the word over watch the show every week specifically for that juvenile sense of humor and that's how he has made his money

All that signifies to me is the sheer number of chavs on this planet. Quite frightening.

You say that you have never watched the show; yet you feel free to criticise it and call those who do watch it chavs!

You want to impose censorship on the rest of us by banning programmes you don't like; even though you have never watched them!

That is what is frightening; seriously. God forbid that people with that view ever have any real power.

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He's VERY RICH feeble minded, overgrown public schoolboy with an equivalent juvenile sense of humor and millions of people the word over watch the show every week specifically for that juvenile sense of humor and that's how he has made his money

All that signifies to me is the sheer number of chavs on this planet. Quite frightening.

You say that you have never watched the show; yet you feel free to criticise it and call those who do watch it chavs!

You want to impose censorship on the rest of us by banning programmes you don't like; even though you have never watched them!

That is what is frightening; seriously. God forbid that people with that view ever have any real power.

Downton Abbey's better.

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