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we all know we stink BO to them but why overdose on scent


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yrs ago came here i was told always smell bo after a few yrs change food no dairy or beef suger products as it made me sweat to much

then when i travelled back to oz after 12yrs i could smell frang myself

now when go to supermarket all the old frangs seem to overdose on scent and powder

you near choke on smell when you are near ihem

is it to get girl to follow them like scent markings like animal or stop flies

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Odd. I have always been told I smell good and taste good too.

Mind you, regular showers do help. And too much 'smellies' do not.

"Mind you, regular showers do help."

Yes showering at least once a day, more often in the hotter months, and moderate use of deodorant and not wearing the same clothes day after day seems to work. For some of our friends from the north, sometimes dubbed "soap dodgers," these things are totally alien to their culture.

Can't say I've noticed many men ove -doing it with the scent. Clearly some of them, as often as not fairly young farang men, are strangers to soap and water. Usually the ones drenched in scent are older farang women. Interesting to watch the reaction on an elevator/lift when one of the offenders come on board and any Thais there try to cover their noses discretely.

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Wow, I had to read that post 3 times.

Twaddle indeed. Showers and changing cologne frequently as one's nose gets used to it and it is then possible to put on too much.

Worst: heavy body odor masked by litres of some vile, cheap cologne a la Old Spicesick.gif

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yrs ago came here i was told always smell bo after a few yrs change food no dairy or beef suger products as it made me sweat to much

then when i travelled back to oz after 12yrs i could smell frang myself

now when go to supermarket all the old frangs seem to overdose on scent and powder

you near choke on smell when you are near ihem

is it to get girl to follow them like scent markings like animal or stop flies

Are you just talking about your self because I don't smell of bo I like to put deodorant on maybe you not like spend the money to use it .

And I am from the west not that f??k up word you use to talk about people from the west am sick of read people from the west using that very bad work and it is not a word it is made up .

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Beetlejuice post # 13

Being a farang is no excuse for stinking of BO.

If farangs showered regularly then they would not require to wear loads of stinky stuff to overpower their toxic body stench. No excuses except for laziness and bad hygiene habits.

You seem to be under the impression that all non Thai's ( farangs) are somewhat lax regarding personal hygiene.

Now is that judgement based upon your own personal habits or the comments from your partner or an unfounded blanket statement.

I very rarely come across a resident here Thai or non Thai who suffers from B,O.

Certainly I have met a number of tourist who had a problem, however that in the main was and is due to not being acclimatized to the climate here as opposed to a lack of personal hygiene coupled with the fact that after a day of sightseeing there has been no chance to take a shower.

Certainly in my view there is nothing wrong with anyone using deodorants or male cosmetics so that there is a pleasant aroma that and soothes the olfactory senses.

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Beetlejuice post # 13

Being a farang is no excuse for stinking of BO.

If farangs showered regularly then they would not require to wear loads of stinky stuff to overpower their toxic body stench. No excuses except for laziness and bad hygiene habits.

You seem to be under the impression that all non Thai's ( farangs) are somewhat lax regarding personal hygiene.

Now is that judgement based upon your own personal habits or the comments from your partner or an unfounded blanket statement.

I very rarely come across a resident here Thai or non Thai who suffers from B,O.

Certainly I have met a number of tourist who had a problem, however that in the main was and is due to not being acclimatized to the climate here as opposed to a lack of personal hygiene coupled with the fact that after a day of sightseeing there has been no chance to take a shower.

Certainly in my view there is nothing wrong with anyone using deodorants or male cosmetics so that there is a pleasant aroma that and soothes the olfactory senses.

I can remember many years ago, when I was young hansum man, traveling or returning home from work on a packed to the hilt New York subway train or the London Underground being jammed in those carriages like sardines. The stench in there was overwhelming, peoples stinking breaths, the smell of alcohol or the garlic meal they had the night before, strong BO emanating from their armpits and the worse of it all was the putrid stink of all their cheap deodorants, soaps, aftershaves, scents and perfumes all blending together in a concoction of foul mixes and if unlucky enough to only get onto a smokers carriage, it was like a journey into hell.

Sometimes when I`m out and about and come into close proximity with other farangs it takes me back to my commuting days, same smell of strong BO, body and clothes reeking of stale tobacco smoke, stench of cheap deodorant, aftershave. If too close their breaths smell bad too. At one time while sitting in Immigration waiting to sign in for my 90 day report an old farang with a disgusting filthy stained vest wearing flip flops sat next to me. His feet stank from there to high heaven. I got up to move places within seconds of being on the brink of throwing up over him.

In Thailand my family and I shower and clean our teeth 3 times a day and change our clothes twice a day and if going to be out for long periods during a day, than I ensure that my body and clothes are clean and fresh prior to starting out,

Farangs must adapt to living in a hot country and amend their hygiene routines accordingly. Those who do not means this is how they were brought up and are basically slobs. It`s that simple.

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Used to fly Japan Air a lot. Always got a free seat next to me sometimes two. Rest of plane full. Learnt many years later that Japanese disliked the smell of gaijin. Beef & dairy.

I'm sorry this is rubbish. I have lived and worked in Japan off and on since 1991. Nothing like this ever happens on JAL/ANA, and I have flown hundreds of times with both carriers. As opposed to the pre-war period Japanese consume plenty of meat and dairy. They don't smell becaise they bathe. In a crowded Tokyo subway usually one smells only a faint scent of shower cream. ( bad breath another thing) I speak Japanese at a very high level. When they speak English to me the first thing I say is that it is a mistake to assume that every person who appears to be Caucasian speaks English. "Do you speak Ukranian?" "No". Well this is Japan and JAL is a Japanese airline, Don't bother with English. No more problems. Edited by arunsakda
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Used to fly Japan Air a lot. Always got a free seat next to me sometimes two. Rest of plane full. Learnt many years later that Japanese disliked the smell of gaijin. Beef & dairy.

I'm sorry this is rubbish. I have lived and worked in Japan off and on since 1991. Nothing like this ever happens on JAL/ANA, and I have flown hundreds of times with both carriers. As opposed to the pre-war period Japanese consume plenty of meat and dairy. They don't smell becaise they bathe. In a crowded Tokyo subway usually one smells only a faint scent of shower cream. ( bad breath another thing) I speak Japanese at a very high level. When they speak English to me the first thing I say is that it is a mistake to assume that every person who appears to be Caucasian speaks English. "Do you speak Ukranian?" "No". Well this is Japan and JAL is a Japanese airline, Don't bother with English. No more problems.

Well it is what happened to me and what I was told. Shall I call your story rubbish?

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Before moving to SE Asia I worked in Europe and the Middle East and often had the delicate task of telling a staff member to head for a shower and change clothes (I work in hotels where BO doesn't exactly help). Thankfully, this is a rare occurrence over here and, when it happens, it involves a foreigner more often than not.

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Before moving to SE Asia I worked in Europe and the Middle East and often had the delicate task of telling a staff member to head for a shower and change clothes (I work in hotels where BO doesn't exactly help). Thankfully, this is a rare occurrence over here and, when it happens, it involves a foreigner more often than not.

The Thais generally smell OK but the garbage they chuck in the street doesn't. Nor does the burning of plastic.
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"Well it is what happened to me and what I was told. Shall I call your story rubbish? "

Well you can but I have been on hundreds of flights with the Japanese airlines and have been seated next to actual Japanese most of the time.Not one or two times years ago but hundreds of times on a consistent basis over decades. What would you say to that? I'm not a vegetarian. Would you think my first wife would have married me if I stunk of "meat and dairy"? I mean come on man, If we stunk do you think ANA would allow us in C class?But here you come, pushing an absurd suggestion that you would be allowed extra space around yourself on a full airplane because, as you suggest, the Japanese believe you smell.

Rubbish I say and rubbish it is. I'm sorry you have been living under this absurd rascist misunderstanding all this time. You smell just fine. Go buy another ticket on JAL and see where you are seated.

Edited by arunsakda
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"Well it is what happened to me and what I was told. Shall I call your story rubbish? "

Well you can but I have been on hundreds of flights with the Japanese airlines and have been seated next to actual Japanese most of the time.Not one or two times years ago but hundreds of times on a consistent basis over decades. What would you say to that? I'm not a vegetarian. Would you think my first wife would have married me if I stunk of "meat and dairy"? I mean come on man, If we stunk do you think ANA would allow us in C class?But here you come, pushing an absurd suggestion that you would be allowed extra space around yourself on a full airplane because, as you suggest, the Japanese believe you smell.

Rubbish I say and rubbish it is. I'm sorry you have been living under this absurd rascist misunderstanding all this time. You smell just fine. Go buy another ticket on JAL and see where you are seated.

And I say your post is rubbish because rubbish it is. We have different experiences, deal with it. I'm not living under any racist misunderstanding either. Whatever gave you take ridiculous idea. I don't know your wife so have no idea what she may or may not have done. It is irrelevant.

Thank you for saying I smell OK I was unaware the internet transmitted odours as well as bits and bytes.

Send me the money and I'll go book another flight although I really wish to travel anywhere these days.

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