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Thai editorial: The PM could do more by talking less


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The PM could do more by talking less

The Nation

Delegating work to his spokesmen would leave Prayut more time for the serious job of formulating policies and reform

BANGKOK: -- The longer he is in power, the more talkative Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha seems to become. And with that talkativeness have come occasional slips of tongue, some of which attracted criticism.

In the most recent case, the prime minister said he felt like punching a reporter for asking him what his government had accomplished since coming to power seven months ago. He confessed to the urge last week while speaking during a Bangkok seminar on transparency in state construction projects. "The government has done a lot already. Don't they see it?" he complained.

Prayut repeated the point in his weekly TV address last Friday night. "I am still being asked what the government has done. And I have become too tired to answer," he said.

Prayut's remark about the reporter's question drew a strong rebuke from Thai Journalists Association vice president Manop Thip-osod, who suggested that the prime minister should take a more constructive approach in dealing with the news media. Manop noted that it was the media's duty to ask questions about the government's work and that every previous administration had been subjected to the same scrutiny.

He noted that Prayut's predecessors had various styles in dealing with the media, including refusing to answer certain questions, but none of them had used "physical intimidation". Manop said he understood that the premier might be frustrated, but the comment was uncalled for, demonstrated a lack of respect for human dignity and was unhelpful, given the current national mood.

This is not the first time a slip of the tongue has landed the prime minister in trouble. Last September, shortly after assuming office, he had to apologise for suggesting that tourists in bikinis might be more vulnerable to sexual assault. The remark drew an international outcry.

It came after the brutal murders of two British holidaymakers on Koh Tao. "They [foreign tourists] think our country is beautiful and is safe, so they can do whatever they want - they can wear bikinis and walk everywhere. But can they be safe in bikinis ... unless they are not beautiful?" Prayut told government officials during a policy address. He later conceded the remark had been insensitive and blamed it on the pressure he was under following the tourist murders.

It seems the prime minister feels it is his duty to report about every action his government has taken and respond to every media question following an important incident. In fact, this job could be relegated to his spokesmen, which would enable the premier to focus on the more important task of formulating policies. This would also mean government spokesmen having to spend less time explaining the prime minister's actions to the media.

Government spokesman Yongyuth Mayalarp suggested the "punch" remark might have been the result of Prayut's exasperation at having to answer the same questions repeatedly. "He has no intention of intimidating the media," Yongyuth said. "His character is straightforward, and what he says can cause misunderstandings. But in fact the prime minister respects

the role and duty of the media."

There's no question that the role of prime minister is a high-pressure position. But Prayut "volunteered" for the difficult job of leading efforts to restore peace to the country and oversee reform. And for any government head, elected or not, media scrutiny is part of the deal.

As such, it is General Prayut's duty to find a balance between running the government and dealing with the media, in a way that best benefits the public interest. The prime minister appears to have taken a friendlier approach recently, but he still talks and complains about issues that do not deserve such close attention.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/The-PM-could-do-more-by-talking-less-30255849.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-12

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No no, we like him talking, hes much more funny to watch than the superjok wing ding shows anyway....

for instance "I am still being asked what the government has done. And I have become too tired to answer," he said. violin.gif

or "The government has done a lot already. Don't they see it?" he complained. passifier.gif

Come on hes a one man comedy show, dont stop the slapstick now m8.

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The media is totally cowed in Thailand, what would happen if he had to answer questions to a free press?

There is a reason national leaders have spokesmen. To create a buffer between the leader and the unanswerable questions. At the very least he should learn how to deflect.

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We have a saying where I come from....

"All mouth, no trousers"

Typical of quite a few people in power (nationality not important) great at talking in length about what needs to be done, but useless at actually getting it done.

Usually because the ones delegated to perform are either incapable or unwilling.

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He really needs a good PR company now, who can assist him personally and professionally, as is the accepted practice with politicians world wide..

IMO I think he means well, and is trying to do good, the pressure must be tremendous. He seems to be continually on the go.

He must learn to delegate more, and then let those who have been assigned various duties must have more say, and take responsibility to communicate with the press and the public.

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Then there are those who are saying: "Why don't they tell us what they are doing" so I suppose he cant win whatever he does.

Sure he has made mistakes and for sure he will make more, but then he isn't a mealy mouthed politician so he says what he thinks.

Not an ideal situation the country is in and the sooner we get back to an elected Govt the better, however those who are trying to disrupt for their own selfish ends are only pushing that day farther into the future.

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You can please some of the people some of the time, you can't please all of the people all of the time. Fact!!

I still think he's the right person just now for the job, but his PR at times have been disasters. He needs to learn to just walk away from instigated questioning it's better to shut your mouth and have people think you're a fool, rather than open it and remove all doubt!!

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Comedy is best left to comedians.

Defense is best left to people knowledgeable in that profession.

Public speaking is the art of communicating effectively and influencing people.

Statesmanship is best left to those that possess the diverse qualifications demanded of that endeavor.

A combination of the four, with none done effectively, leads us to the present.

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You can please some of the people some of the time, you can't please all of the people all of the time. Fact!!

I still think he's the right person just now for the job, but his PR at times have been disasters. He needs to learn to just walk away from instigated questioning it's better to shut your mouth and have people think you're a fool, rather than open it and remove all doubt!!

Your post has merit IMO. Many countries have spokespeople, trained in public speaking and media relations, to speak in lieu of the "head-man".

A smart man knows when the water is about to go over his head and reaches for the hand of his mate.

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I feel he is doing his best with what he has available. Remember he is military oriented not one of these politicians looking for pocket money.

And all of these OP's in the peanut gallery, why do you hide your faces from the public............You like to criticize, make snide remarks, yet hide under cover!

Spineless individuals you are. Quick to make judgment calls, first to run and hide. Show yourself and be a man about it! Or are you going to continue to hide

in dark rooms with locked doors for fear of the boogie man coming?

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"the comment was uncalled for, demonstrated a lack of respect for human dignity and was unhelpful, given the current national mood."

Gen. Prayut overthrows an elected government in violation of the consitution, and has imposed martial law now for 8 months to deprive Thais of their rights and liberties. So the comments are PERFECTLY appropriate.

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the sooner we get back to an elected Govt the better, however those who are trying to disrupt for their own selfish ends are only pushing that day farther into the future.

I take it you are referring to the hiso elite that pull Prayuths strings?

Couldn`t agree more.

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the sooner we get back to an elected Govt the better, however those who are trying to disrupt for their own selfish ends are only pushing that day farther into the future.

I take it you are referring to the hiso elite that pull Prayuths strings?

Couldn`t agree more.

No doubt you believe in Santa Clause as well. Another one of the gullible who have been conned and don't realize it.

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the sooner we get back to an elected Govt the better, however those who are trying to disrupt for their own selfish ends are only pushing that day farther into the future.

I take it you are referring to the hiso elite that pull Prayuths strings?

Couldn`t agree more.

No doubt you believe in Santa Clause as well. Another one of the gullible who have been conned and don't realize it.

Bless, every man and his dog knows what this is about aside from you and about a dozen other slow learners on here. More to be pitied than anything else.

What disruption are you referring to if not that by the elite? There aren`t even any protests let alone violence?

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The whole administration could do with talking a lot less and getting on with it. Practically every time a minister issues an edict he /she gets the worst case of athletes mouth! I never heard so much absolute rubbish come out - no sense of PR at all - it's as if they never actually think before they speak!

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the sooner we get back to an elected Govt the better, however those who are trying to disrupt for their own selfish ends are only pushing that day farther into the future.

I take it you are referring to the hiso elite that pull Prayuths strings?

Couldn`t agree more.

No doubt you believe in Santa Clause as well. Another one of the gullible who have been conned and don't realize it.

Some people also believe in God without ever having physically seen him too, but it doesn't stop millions from going to war over who's imaginary friend is tougher than the other guys imaginary friend ?

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A wiser man, in his poistion, would speak less.

He comes from a military background. He is used to talking down to people and giving orders and not standing still for questions. He is the commander in chief and we are the foot soldiers.

I learned early in my career that a poor leaders barks and expects people to jump. Leadership is the art of influencing people. Not knowing the PM when he was in the Army, I am not able to state what he was use to. His leadership style does make it seem like he doesn't lie being questioned.

I am not Thai, not in his army, hence not one of his soldiers.

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