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Video: Aussie stabs Thai @ Tai Pan Night Club

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Karma, it was only a matter of time before someone defended themselves against these Thai security guys working at these venues. They are there primarily to fight. I have seen these people exercise thuggish behavior so many times here i have lost count.

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The CCTV which was installed for over 100,000 Bt per camera which covers this area has been purposely moved by Thai thugs so that it does not cover the area of interest.

This has been pointed out to police who have no interest in correcting this. It was one of the complaints made by the TPV when they went on strike.

They are now appealing for footage and/or witnesses from the general public.

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yes, he will need a good lawyer``~~~~~~~~~~~~~

cctv and his camera should clarify events,

he was requested to stop filming,

he refused, pulled out his knife and killed a man in cold blood.

he could have moved along and minded his own business,

but no, he killed a man~~~~~~~~~~

yes he will need a good lawyer, imho

You would have to be the most pathetic fking scum of the year. To make comments like pulled out his knife and killed a man in cold blood and

he could have moved along and minded his own business, but no, he killed a man~~~~~~~~~~ you must have been an eye witness. Can't your little brain comprehend the situation that he may not have had time to move before being vicously attacked and he has stated that he used the knife for self defence by waving it around, cctv should verify that if it is not tampered with before hand. Sounds to me you need a good flogging to pull you into line andvwake you your pea brain up. Disgusting little man, give the bloke the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

CCTV will show nothing as they have been tampered with, with the full knowledge by the Patong police.


Sounds like Australia is finally on the scoreboard. Thailand 300+ Australia 1

How many Australians have been killed by Thais over the years...

Only difference is when an Aussie is murdered it's called suicide

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ThaiTravelBug, for the most part I can agree with what you are saying, except for one thing. The Aussie wasn't drinking. He was actually assisting a man home coming from a meeting. I think the original article stated Rotary Club, saw the fight, then decided to film it. That's when the problem started. And if you look at the photos, this guy was pretty badly beaten by the thugs who work at the bar, and probably had little chance to escape. In a situation like that, if I had a knife on me, I'd probably pull it and use it as well.

Yes, I might use it as well.

But that does not make it legally right.


Very sad news. Thais in general fight like packs of dogs. I too would have used a knife in defense of my life but I don't carry knifes on my person, however, since living here, I've quietly contemplated doing so.. It's wrong that a person should loose their life and also wrong that the Australian, (if innocent), should have been forced into fighting that way, to save his own life. I'l be honest, I feel very unsafe every time I go out. The land of paradise! Thailand has changed so much. Not what it stands for or once was.


The CCTV which was installed for over 100,000 Bt per camera which covers this area has been purposely moved by Thai thugs so that it does not cover the area of interest.

This has been pointed out to police who have no interest in correcting this. It was one of the complaints made by the TPV when they went on strike.

They are now appealing for footage and/or witnesses from the general public.

The TPV - what is their role? Their version probably is far removed from the answer the RTP would give. It seems many think they are some kind of actual policeman rather than someone providing translation services and support to foreigners. No doubt there are some good people who genuinely want to help but others who, quiet frankly, seem to think they're Wyatt Earp.

Why is the TPV playing with his torch in the hospital? Perhaps so he can keep his cool "I'm hard" sunglasses on.

Volunteers on strike - what a joke. Hope they all have the appropriate volunteer work permits. Volunteer police in the UK - Special Constables - have to pass the same tests and are screened the same as full time officers. What is the selection process here? They look more like one of those spoof neighborhood watch comedy films. And now on strike because one of most corrupt, ineffective, inefficient and often uninterested police forces in the world won't listen to them. Priceless.

The club probably pays it's dues, the bouncers know they can get away with assaulting foreigners at will, or even worse; the police don't want awkward cctv footage, the Aussie was probably in fear of his life, and now will be held accountable which wouldn't have happened had he been the victim. Would a patrol by TPV's playing at beat policemen prevented this? Do they actually have powers of caution, arrest, and to move people along?


After watching the video, it seems to me, (I could be wrong), an act of self defense? Is carrying a knife in The Kingdom illegal? The Aussie crosses the road and it looks as though he attempts to take photos or film something going on, but instead, he is confronted and chased. I feel sorry for both him and the death of the security guard. Both wrong for different reasons. Life! People! Sad.

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Sorry if this has been posted, and that I can't seem to get it embedded. Anywho, you can see the Aussie on the left in a white shirt, than crossing the road, etc.


Thank you for sharing this. Seems to show the Aussie was on public property and therefore entitled to film things.

Wonder if the Frenchman and Indian who were fighting will be charged with affray, or interviewed as witnesses? Wonder if the bouncers will be charged with assault?

Of course all much easier for the police to sweep it all under the carpet. Which they would have done if a foreigner was the victim.

How is the case proceeding against the taxi driver who butchered the American over 100 baht; or the band members who killed an American and assaulted his son over a kareoke dispute; or the Chinese American thugs with rich daddies who savagely beat an Aussie boy ?

Nationality and Money are important influences on the Thai justice system. Just hope this Aussie has plenty of money and some good connections through business and rotary. He's going to need them.

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Sorry if this has been posted, and that I can't seem to get it embedded. Anywho, you can see the Aussie on the left in a white shirt, than crossing the road, etc.


Good link, well worth the watching (several times). I see the guy in white shirt cross the road with camera phone in hand, immediately confronted by someone on the Taipan site of the road, I see the guy in white shirt quickly walking away with some people following. I lose it at the Tuk Tuk, not clear what happens there.

The way I see it is the guy with the white shirt had the quick sense to walk away, but was follwed.


Percentages will tell you that the majority of people will not carry a knife for self protection. It is a fallacy if you believe that they do. The only people that carry knives statistically are those that are likely to or have a history of committing crimes against another. The other group are those that have a propensity for finding themselves in situations where as a result of their behaviour, they feel they may need to produce a knife to threaten, intimidate, or harass in order to fight or flee. The average polite Joe blow does not carry a knife or weapon of any sort, as the average Joe blow does not go out into the social arena believing that through his actions he may need to defend himself. We all know that in the tourist districts, many of the security are advised by their employers that they don't want people filming situations happening inside their venues, or at the front door. There are signs on nearly all of these establishments. I have seen it a million times, that when a security doorman at these premises asks someone to stop filming, usually the person filming will stop filming and move on. The only time that I have seen a verbal, or soft approach move on is when the person filming refuses to stop, and in fact enters into verbal tirade about his rights, what he thinks of Thailand, and "Come on if your good enough" This Australian has resided in Thailand long enough to know its not worth getting into a verbal altercation, let alone a physical altercation with a Thai doorman. If he had of simply stopped filming, and moved on as asked, we wouldn't be reading this story because it wouldn't have happened. Therefore, I would put the Australian in the class as one who has a propensity for finding himself in bad behavioural situations when drunk, and he had the attitude that displayed the "Fight" not "Flee" attitude, and a drunk with an attitude, armed with a knife, is someone who can find himself in the situation described very easily. This young deceased man did not throw himself against the knife, and the Australians actions simply by producing a knife in this situation means he was prepared to use it in some way or another. This man will be clasping his head in the cells today wondering why he was involved in this mess, and he will be reflecting on his drinking, his attitude, and life in general. He will be making the pledge to himself to never drink again, to take anger management classes, and will b questioning his own belligerent attitude in the case that someone asks him to move on again. Another life lost for no good reason. Two families left in tears and wonderment, and on man likely to spend a long time in prison over a drunken misadventure.

A well written assessment. I tip my hat to ya!


Not one R.I.P? I don't know if he was a good guy or not but I'm sure he has family and they will never see him again.

I think his family will be going into the sail tour business, shortly.


After watching the video, it seems to me, (I could be wrong), an act of self defense? Is carrying a knife in The Kingdom illegal? The Aussie crosses the road and it looks as though he attempts to take photos or film something going on, but instead, he is confronted and chased. I feel sorry for both him and the death of the security guard. Both wrong for different reasons. Life! People! Sad.

That video plays out a fair bit. Not even Thai bouncers shuffle someone all that distance unless they have been provoked. If he had of stopped filming as asked and walked off, he would have kept walking without any further action. But then again, we all know, verbally abuse or insult a Thai doorman into complete loss of face, then yes, you will be forcibly moved on, often with a push along the road by the shoulders. It is then how you react to that that ends in murder, or just a bit of embarrassment.


That video plays out a fair bit. Not even Thai bouncers shuffle someone all that distance unless they have been provoked. If he had of stopped filming as asked and walked off, he would have kept walking without any further action. But then again, we all know, verbally abuse or insult a Thai doorman into complete loss of face, then yes, you will be forcibly moved on, often with a push along the road by the shoulders. It is then how you react to that that ends in murder, or just a bit of embarrassment.

Way I see it is that he did stop filming and walk away quite sharpish. I see no visual confrontation from Mark's side, but then again we have no idea what was said, and for sure if Mark gave some lip then the chase was bound to ensue. Another vivid example of 'mind your own business' specially in the wee small hours on or near Bangla.

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yes, he will need a good lawyer``~~~~~~~~~~~~~

cctv and his camera should clarify events,

he was requested to stop filming,

he refused, pulled out his knife and killed a man in cold blood.

he could have moved along and minded his own business,

but no, he killed a man~~~~~~~~~~

yes he will need a good lawyer, imho

he refused, pulled out his knife and killed a man in cold blood.

but no, he killed a man~~~~~~~~~~

You certainly made a couple of silly comments here didn't you .... you have no idea of the facts, as such your comment that he killed a man in cold blood is not credible.

Sometimes it's better to say nothing oby, otherwise you just look stupid !! whistling.gif

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