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From the OP: Girl says she has fallen in love with me ( or my money lol ) she wants us to go live in isaan ( these thai chicks move fast ) anyway she does seem like a lovely girl and i just spent a couple months with her .

On that he's prepared to place his future in her hands by going into pig farming in Isaan?

Nuff said.

Read my replies ....im not going there !!! Can all the knuckle heads stick to info on pig farming and not on relationship. I only asked on this forum to give me plenty of ammo to hit her with as in her words " teerak you cannot lose money in pig farming " so now she has been hit with what knowledge i have gathered. She asked me how i " know so much" well as i say isaan aussie posted a great thread on pig farming.

Nuff said.

Fair enough, but the relationship is paramount. She is an Isaan farmer's daughter, she expects her chosen farang to support her family enterprise. Maybe a new house and pickup will suffice.

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Nice and sweet girl! Issan Sakhon Nakon, I know this place, been there always more money and more money, you have to realize, FAMILY need always something.

Good like have the girl but not the pigs much cheaper


And the mom has not helped her in this sure thing, why? She's going way too fast and you are just being taken for the ride.

plus she just been back from singapore selling her ass few months ago. advice taken guys

She's just got back from selling her ass in Singapore and you needed to ask people's advice about "giving" her 500,000 baht? The mother will give me the chanote for 6 rai line should have been the end of it for you. You cannot own land in Thailand, it doesn't matter what anyone tells you or what arrangements you have, you cannot own land in Thailand if you are an ordinary farang.


If you invest, be prepared to walk away from it and lose the investment if things go south. This request for investment may be with the best of intentions, but seeing as though the relationship is in the very early stages, one would suggest that there is alot more you should both know about each other before making the decision to invest such a large amount of money you know nothing about. Tread carefuly.


I just couldn't wait to reply quickly enough.

It sounds exactly like my ex, in the exact

same region,, tried the same thing with me

they (family) wanted to be rich, knew of a

young Dutch guy married to a Thai girl who

ran a pig farm and were very successful

selling piglets, the family wanted to do the same.

They were from the region close to you.

After so many previous failed business starts i

think, not another one, my girl hounds me for

the same amount of money you describe, oh i

just can't deal with lazy Issan people always

looking for the JACKPOT falang,, i stood my

ground and refused to hand over the cash,

within a week they kicked me out of my house,

i was really happy to leave, now i think i have

been replaced by a new JACKPOT, you.

good luck, please PM me with more information

as i would love to tell you more of the missing

pieces,, one thing the Issan people hate more

in the whole world, the dreaded 4 letter word,,,,


This is a new and exciting angle. I would love to hear the results after these two farangs have compared notes.

This could be 'tell all' book material. Like a 'How Not To Get Sucked In 101".

My hopes for this being a "fairy tale romance" with a "business twist" are dwindling.

Bulls#it! Another racist wa#ker without a clue!


i see there is a lot of expert pig farmers posting here, and i bet half of them have never seen a pig,

you can make money from pig farming,!

its all about getting the right contacts,

we buy our feed direct from a mill, saying on starter feed 200bht a bag down to finnishing feed we save 48bht a bag from the feed shop prices,

we buy our piglets in at 800 to 1200 bht a piglet depending on size,

it take us 4 months to grow them out to 100 kilo and at the moment its 55 bht a kilo farm gate price

its takes aprox 6 bags of feed per pig, so you can say 2700bht to rear,+ say 1200 per piglet= 3900

at 100 kilo we get 5500 per pig, sometimes more,

at the moment its at least 1600 bht profit,

and we sell between 20 and 40 pigs a month,

its 840 here and ive just finnished the cleaning and feeding,

we also have ducks for eggs and meat and chickens for the same,my wife sells eggs everyday, and we have just started selling a few fish as the pond behind the pig stys was just doing nothing, now every 3 month we put in and take out 1000 cat fish,

so please done comment unless you know what your talking about, thats the trouble with TV nowadays,



Brilliant idea come to Thailand to become a pig farmer

I take it you have a WP for the work you are doing?

If not

Don't upset the locals or your wife

Or you will be deported and you will have diddly shit



I suggest that you would probably save yourself a lot of time and trouble by simply burning the 500,000 baht. The outcome will be the same


This article was published in South West Farmer over 20 years ago, once she got the money the pig farming idea was no longer feasable so she just spent it. Another farlang conned!!

In the resort island of Phuket in Southern Thailand situated adjacent to one of the resorts minor beaches there is a combined bar and restaurant for sale. The price asked for the lease fixtures and fitting is 20,000 Baht, and with one £ Sterling equalling approximately 40 Baht this represents just £500. Four years ago this was a thriving area but as the nearby Patong Beach was rapidly developed by the big hotels and with the attendant night life of discos and Thailands famous Go-Go and Girlie Bars, so the tourist trade in many of the lesser resorts has declined.
Somjai. The leasee, whom not only cooks but acts as waitress and washer-up is 27 years old and comes from a rural area in South Thailand called Trang. Her parents collect the sap from Rubber trees then cure and dry it, and until she moved to Phuket this was Somjai's main employment. Abandoned and with a young son, saddled with a declining business she desperately yearns to return to return to Trang and has a burning ambition to realise her childhood dream of running a small pig farm that will not only support her and her son but will also help keep her ageing parents.
The land is surprisingly expensive in Thailand, the half acre plot adjacent to her parents home that she wishes to buy would cost her 30,000 Baht. (£750). This very fertile semi-cultivated land has Coconut Palms, Thai Grapefruit and various indigenous shrubs growing on it. These would have to be cleared before the proposed building of the pig unit and Somjai no stranger to hard physical work proposes to do this by her self to cut down costs. The pig unit would be a purpose made unit measuring 30 x 8 metres built to her own design and again in the main part by herself. The sides and internal pens being of a solid concrete construction standing approximately 1.5 metres high, the outside walls above this height being either slatted or meshed to give not only the always important ventilation but also to give adequate protection against the summer sun and the monsoon rains. The roof would be of a timber frame work supporting a thatch of Nipa Palm leaves which not only provides an excellent insulated and waterproof roof but has the advantage of being readily available at a minimal cost. The estimated cost of this building would be 60,000 Baht. (£1,500).
Somjai intends to start her herd by buying four weaned gilts costing 800 Bahts each (£80 in total), when they had reached an adequate size she would hire a boar to service them; staggering the service dates thus producing a continuous farrowing pattern. She plans on two litters per sow per year, each litter hopefully numbering between 10-12 piglets. If the litters were larger than this the excess over 12 being sold as weaners. A permanent capacity for fattening 20 pigs being planned. The pigs themselves would be a local large white variety as although the small strain of Black Asian pigs produce a better flavoured meat they cannot compete with the larger white pigs when it comes to litter size, weight gain and thus general profitability. The pigs would be killed at approximately 80 kg., the price per kilo being approximately 33 Baht , the amount realised per pig being 2,640 Baht (£46.00). Planning to have a throughput of 160 fat pigs per annum each with a profitability after expenses of 400 Baht.(£10) Per pig this would give an income of 6,400 Baht per month (£160), this being in a country where a wage of 3,000 Baht (£75) is average.
So for a total investment of 100.000 Baht.(£2.500) Somjai could realise her dreams. Although by western values this amount is a pittance Somjai is faced, as are many British young farmers with a seemingly insurmountable financial barrier that prevents her starting on her farming career.


just going to check on my wifes pigs,,


did you read about the piggery in australia last week where 100's died because the cooling system failed and they couldn't reach anyone on callout. ? I just forget the company name , but it was a huge shock to all the workers turning up monday morning and findings all there stock dead.


500 pigs die from heat stress at NSW Riverina region.

An anonymous whistleblower told The Daily Advertiser this week that the tragedy occurred when an air-cooling system failed at the Pig Improvement Company's piggery in Grong Grong on the weekend of February 21 and 22.

A security company was alerted when the system failed but was unable to reach on-call employees to notify them.

Pig Improvement Company chief executive Paul O'Leary said staff were deeply affected by the incident.

"The welfare of our animals is our highest priority at all times," Mr O'Leary said.

"This is why we have 24 hour monitored alarm systems which trigger when power supply is disrupted.

"Despite these precautions, in this instance the alert was unable to avert a disaster – a situation every business dreads.

"The consequence was distressed staff arriving on site the following morning to discover the stock losses.

"These animals are their livelihoods and they care for them every day.

Losses like this cut deep emotionally for all staff."

He said a subsequent on-farm veterinary investigation revealed the deaths were caused by a lack of ventilation.

The company is reviewing the integrity of its warning system and has vowed to make changes if necessary.

In response, animal protection group Voiceless said: "This represents a disgusting and unacceptable failure to ensure animal welfare, and one which would have caused those 500 sentient beings unimaginable suffering.

"This horrific report comes at a time when big agribusiness and federal senator Chris Back are calling for reforms that would reduce public scrutiny over animal industries. That these animals reportedly died in such a horrifying way, and the public and relevant authorities have apparently been kept in the dark for weeks, raises serious concerns around the transparency and accountability of this industry.

"Now that this information has finally come to light, important questions must be asked: How can the Australian public possibly have faith that animal industries have appropriate systems in place to ensure animal welfare on factory farms? And how can we ever be sure that welfare breaches are reported when employees within these industries are so unashamedly silenced?

"Voiceless calls for the relevant authorities to conduct an immediate investigation as to whether there has been any violations of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 (NSW)."

In May last year, animal activists released video footage and images from inside the Grong Grong Piggery, allegedly depicting piglets in pieces and hundreds of pregnant sows confined to stalls.

The Daily Advertiser contacted the piggery for comment but was directed to Australian Pork Limited (APL).

General manager of communications at APL, Emily Mackintosh, said the footage was staged and the dead piglets had been scattered across the ground in an act of "sensationalism".

Ms Mackintosh said the vision was obtained illegally during a break-in and stressed the high biosecurity risk such an act posed to the industry.

The piggery was established in 1974 and has 25 employees.


Why not become a partner with an unrelated Chinese-Thai person who will put up the 51% and establish a legitimate business? Then, there are many advantages that may accrue to you; work permit, home ownership, etc.

Why do they have to be unrelated? I have a Chinese-Thai Stepmother, also a English/Chinese-Thai half brother & sister I can go into business with in Thailand, as well as an English/Thai son, with 49 percent in my name & the other 51 percent divided up between these four family members plus a couple of good Thai friends, I believe this is the best way to secure any investments in Thailand IMHO, as it would require ALL other 'share holders' to group together to oust you out of the company


just going to check on my wifes pigs,,


did you read about the piggery in australia last week where 100's died because the cooling system failed and they couldn't reach anyone on callout. ? I just forget the company name , but it was a huge shock to all the workers turning up monday morning and findings all there stock dead.

no mate,

thats the trouble with auto systems they could breakdown,

thats what ive just been doing, we spray them with a hose, its wets all the straw keeps them cool, but to be honest we have never had a problem with heat stress,

i the hot season as is coming now, we will spray them twice a day as we clean, some times in the hot season we will take the deap litter straw away alltogether, but they do have a small pool in the pens, these are the things you have to think of when building your pens,

ive got a very good friend in the uk who has a large pig farm, red hill farm its called, and should i need any advice i ring or email him,

you can buy any drugs here over the counter, but we try not to use, i dont like it, i try to let them build there own emune system,

i know some dont believe me on here, up to them, but i really do like farming, my mum is 75 and still farming in the uk,

ive just been out and about on the farm watering all our fruit trees, i like it, dogs at my side just pottering about,

took my pigeons for a fly earlier to watch them come home,



and i dont have to do this, i could do anything in thailand, i could go and buy a big house on samui or pi pi,

i dont have to farm, i choose to farm,

look up how much a QC welding inspector earns working offshore in angola,(thats the contract im on at the moment)

and we dont touch my salary it all just goes in the bank, we live very very well from our farm,

when you think of it, we dont spend much money, the house is ours, electric not much, true TV 1500,

we dont spend much at all, we will go to the beach next weekend for saturday and sunday, stay in a little bungalow, ill proply be the only falang there,

mother in law will look after the pigs and other animals, bless her,

you can make a good life here,, but sooner or later you have to trust someone,

something i dont think some or here can do, or wont do,, maybe to scared, be hurt before, but its there loss as there is more to thailand then sitting in a bar,

i dont clean pigs every day we go out and about, we see places enjoy life,

there is far more to thailand then sitting in a bar,

or even sitting in a bedsit somewere pulling people down,,


Ive lived in isaan for a good number of years with x wife .kalasin region. Yes i wonder if this venture is so good why mamma has not done so before ? Mama has other land growing palm oil etc. Things i would like to learn about is such as how much for piglets . Where to buy from which wholesaler in sakon nakon province. Total cost from piglet to sow and price to sell live . I am in the middle of reading an article from isaan aussie . Very very informative.

I know someone who rears pigs. His are all pre-sold to CP group. They send their vets to inspect the piglets at X weeks and administer antibiotics etc, I believe they even provide the feed.

Then when the pigs reach slaughter weight CP collect them.


you can make a good life here,, but sooner or later you have to trust someone,

something i dont think some or here can do, or wont do,, maybe to scared, be hurt before, but its there loss as there is more to thailand then sitting in a bar,

i dont clean pigs every day we go out and about, we see places enjoy life,

there is far more to thailand then sitting in a bar,

or even sitting in a bedsit somewere pulling people down,,

Statistically 50% of those men who trust their wife are later proved wrong.

Tried the bet once and lost, don't fancy betting again.

Not particularly scared, just don't want a second loss of assets.

Not particularly worried about hurt, women are mostly interchangeable and no lack of product in Thailand.

But good luck with your bet, someone has to win.


I had a French friend who had wife doing pig farm at ban ahi (Issan). He accepts Thai wife to do a pig farm. Finally they dont win any money, the wife go soon and come back late for pigs and at the end she has a new boyfriend at her farm. In conclusion, the french lose all money and lose the wife because of their pig story.


Sorry I'm only on first page,which will change when I post..

Has anyone though about using a pig hog, roast just popped up on my spell checker,

As a Symbol? There are many other animals.

Birds, insects. The latter sounds clean, no smell.

Crickets, anyone?

If You don't live near Costas,lol

Maybe he'll share the egg idea.

Hundreds of Thousands of Baht per month.

I live in a moldy high altitude rain forest..mushrooms, Bro!


Mom will like the ? egg idea..ducks are really cute, also!!


How can you worry about money when True Love is in the air? Why risk losing her forever, or her family upset with you? You must protect the love-of-your-life and if you go broke she will surely follow you to the end of the Earth!!

I would imgaine 990/1000 are out for the money. In America, I would guess the number is 700/1000. Why wouldn't you want more money? Wedding is the biggest paycheck ever!! Have kids, lock up that cash!!! Do you think their parents would be happy if their daughter married a poor, good looking guy? No. Fat, ugly and rich is way better. Even better if he didn't work for his money, so easier to get. This is a business...

But in the OP's case....it's true love.


I think KonaRain has consumed too many mushrooms (at high altitude).

They are starting to lose the plot here ...kangaroo loose in the top paddock I think ..

OP just has decide whether he wants pigs & wife or no pigs and no wife ....

simple really ...... coffee1.gif

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