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Parents upset over ban on children riding motorbikes

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Look at the pic!

Long as dad's head protected!

Exactly - it always amazes me how the parents will wear a helmet but leave their children unprotected.


This mentality:

"Thawichai Milarp, a government official, believed the ban on young kids riding on motorcycles would violate peoples rights."

Thais seem to think that being "FREE" means no rules, and they do not need to adhere to any social restrictions. They want to do what they want when they want. Again another example of me... ism. Oh maybe this is just "Thainess."

Can I sling on my Colt and walk along the street? Don't trample on my rights. I am people.


I'm surprised this proposed ban is simply on kids being passengers under 6.

Would it not be easier to simply limit passengers to one per motorcycle and enforce helmet laws ??


I'm surprised this proposed ban is simply on kids being passengers under 6.

Would it not be easier to simply limit passengers to one per motorcycle and enforce helmet laws ??

How then would the cops send their children? They start schooling at the age of six.


that is what you see most of the time

dad has a helmet... if a child dies, he can always make more

maybe an amulet or two for good luck, but no money for a helmet

prajut, bringing more happyness to the people

next week, the will revoke this proposed law anyway


The school buses should be free for starters, might encourage people to use them - or if not free should only be a few baht to cover costs

Enforcement of safety laws should be stepped up and irresponsible parents punished severely - also introduce a subsidy for the purchase of helmets for young children at cost price - the cannot afford excuse removed

A total ban is not the answer


Two things kill kids. No helmets, and underage kids driving bikes. Near Hua Hin or any other school for that matter, how many bikes do you see in the elementary parking area. And when school's out, it's madness 90% with no helmet. Up country... kids as young as 6 on bikes, driving alone.

Enforce some common sense in the laws that are on the books, plain and simple. Next topic...speeding. Yup...saw you smirk on that one.

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Better get upset now than very, very upset and grieving when your child die in an horrific,

senseless road accident...

I love my freedom here and riding my bike with NO helmet, it is called freedom and I hate all the nanny state do gooders who preach about safety all the time, jeees it is not safe to walk down the street so we will all have to stay indoors in padded cells to stop hurting ourselves!!!! Live your life how you want to and stop telling others how to live theirs.
I could not agree more. One of the many reasons I love living here. I am a bit fed up of these little western nazis trying to impose there values on places like Thailand. If the law doesnt effect you stop trying to impose it on others. I know when I get in a car without a seat belt or bike without a helmet that it is more unsafe. My choice end of. I dont need a government to try and save me from myself.

Have you actually read what this thread is about?

Yes so whats your point?

So why have you started on your little rant about western Nazis then? Is Thailand proposing a solution to children being killed in motorbike accidents affecting your rights?

Maybe he's a child!

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It would be easier to ban eating rice than being able to ban children on motorbikes. This is nothing but an idea from the the Ministry of Ideas.

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Look at the pic!

Long as dad's head protected!

Exactly - it always amazes me how the parents will wear a helmet but leave their children unprotected.

Because that's IS the current law, only the driver needs to wear a helmet

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Better get upset now than very, very upset and grieving when your child die in an horrific,

senseless road accident...

My observation - those adults upset by this rule are those that walk along the side of the road with their kids next to flowing traffic.


Look at the pic!

Long as dad's head protected!

Exactly - it always amazes me how the parents will wear a helmet but leave their children unprotected.

because it is only the parents that are prosecuted for not wearing a helmet - safety is of no concern only the fines

a broken leg or arm can be repaired - a cut can be treated and stitched - a broken head cannot be repaired

perhaps a campaign of TV adds highlighting the dangers of not wearing a helmet might change the attitude - they do it for ciggies plastering pictures of injuries on all the packs

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So trying to bring the road toll down is a violation of people's rights. This country will never move forward with attitudes like that.

True. They still have a way to go to catch up with all the well-known advantages of the nanny state telling their citizens what they're allowed to do (and taxing them to the hilt or running up debt to fund the legislative process and enforce the regulations).

Certainly protecting children is a good thing, although whether or not it's good to do it by imposing laws rather than through education is debatable.

I rarely quote Ronald Reagan, but given the high intellectual standards and selfless motivation of politicians (sarcasm alert) through out the world, once they get into the business of telling citizens what's best for them and arresting or fining those who disagree, they tend to get increasingly involved in making decisions for everyone.

One of the more disturbing trends in government expansion over the last 30 years has been the collection of laws, regulations, and binding court decisions that make up the nanny state. Those laws and regulations represent government at its most arrogant. Their message is clear: politicians and bureaucrats know more about how to live your life, manage your health, and raise your kids than you do. Former president Ronald Reagan once said: Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.

And this is why kids in America bring guns to their schools and shoot others dead. They tax the people but do not do their job in 'protecting us from each other'.

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In many parts of the country there is no other way for parents to get their kids anywhere, school, doctor wherever other than to use their only form of transport their motorbike. There are no school buses or public transport in many places so there is no alternative other than walking long distances.

Rather than a ban make helmets for kids easily available and cheap, even free in some poor areas to poor parents.

How many children are killed on bikes when with their parents ? I would suspect few as parents would be more careful with kids aboard.

Most of the deaths and injuries on bikes would be from those who race around, no helmets, no license.

More and better policing rather than bans and stickers.

And the result will be that even more than the already over 500,000 children will not get access to basic education.

Keep them out of schools, Thailand needs workers, not thinkers! Hurray for cheap and exploitable labor!


I know it is difficult to put yourself in the place of those who struggle to make ends meet but there are dangers everywhere and for many, as evidenced by the number of children passengers on motorbikes, it is the only practical form of transport for them. Since Thais are Buddhist, they believe that if they or their child is injured/killed, it is Karma. In Texas, it is not required for adults on motorcycles to wear helmets. People are also allowed to ride in the back of a pick-up truck with no seat belts. It's called 'personal freedom'. I know many of you who grew up with 'nanny state' governments are horrified at the thought of someone having the choice of a less-safe option, but Nanny States are expensive; both in compliance and enforcement. In time, if the political thieving can be minimized, Thailand will grow more prosperous and can afford to force its citizens into cars. Until then, try to put yourself in the place of poor people whose options are limited by their income.

Pennsylvania, U.S.A. repealed it's helmet laws and Hawaii, U.S.A. never had them.

How much "safety rhetoric" has come from manufactures/lobbyists vs real research and statistics? I've seen reports (years ago) that a helmet being worn can cause death. Now that's interesting eh?

Yes, and not smoking can sometimes kill you!crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m

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Family planning should be a subject at school... would avoid a lot of trouble

Would have to start teaching at pre-school levels. They start play acting at age 8.


Thing is: Children should always wear a helmet, which is usually not the case AND you should have a special kiddy seat when they're under 4.

Simple as that. Any responsible parent should know that. Now this will be another way to squeeze some money out of the public.


My guess is the anti helmet freedom bunch also has little or no insurance that would cover a motorbike accident in thailand....so exactly WHO should pay their medical care when they lie in a coma for a few years? Who should pay to take care of wife/kids etc who were depending on dear ole dad? Many don't seem to notice that even most BUPA policies have disclaimers that don't cover motorbike accidents fully.

I cringe everytime I see anyone riding a bike with no helmet....maybe that is because i have already had my motorbike accident and know that if i had not been wearing a helmet i would either be totally dead or lying in a hospital for a long long time. You may think you won't have an accident. You may be wrong.

Kids NEED parents to MAKE them do certain things to keep them safe....of course the kids can always point to endless numbers of "'adults" who ride with no helmet and say how come i have to wear and they don't?

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I think you are all missing the point ,

its not just the riders that are in danger here,

its about the control of the motor bike and the havoc and accidents it can cause to other road users .

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I love my freedom here and riding my bike with NO helmet, it is called freedom and I hate all the nanny state do gooders who preach about safety all the time, jeees it is not safe to walk down the street so we will all have to stay indoors in padded cells to stop hurting ourselves!!!! Live your life how you want to and stop telling others how to live theirs.

Yes, those pesky doo-gooders with their evil intent! They're worse than IS!!!

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I lived in a large village in Chaiyaphum for many years and was forever surprised at what a motorbike can be used for apart from up to 6 persons of varying ages!

Yes, the Motorbike is the mainstay of transport in such areas and the stupidity of the Riders is appalling with no thought to safety at all.

It is common to see children of 8 years riding one.....as the driver!

Also, the parent is often over the drink limit even at 8 in the morning! As I discovered when a Mother with a toddler crashed into my car on the way to kindergarten! She could not stand up being so drunk.

It is certainly very dangerous indeed and if banned then the people will have to find alternatives.

The Government could provide School Pick Ups as in some other countries.

Or parents could arrange a private Pick Up to do the rounds collecting the children.

Or indeed they could walk as they used to do before they could afford ( or not ) a Motorbike.

Necessity being the mother of invention .

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I lived in a large village in Chaiyaphum for many years and was forever surprised at what a motorbike can be used for apart from up to 6 persons of varying ages!

Yes, the Motorbike is the mainstay of transport in such areas and the stupidity of the Riders is appalling with no thought to safety at all.

It is common to see children of 8 years riding one.....as the driver!

Also, the parent is often over the drink limit even at 8 in the morning! As I discovered when a Mother with a toddler crashed into my car on the way to kindergarten! She could not stand up being so drunk.

It is certainly very dangerous indeed and if banned then the people will have to find alternatives.

The Government could provide School Pick Ups as in some other countries.

Or parents could arrange a private Pick Up to do the rounds collecting the children.

Or indeed they could walk as they used to do before they could afford ( or not ) a Motorbike.

Necessity being the mother of invention .

Didn't such parents go to school? Didn't help did it?

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