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Phone operators warned over mandatory SIM registration

thai tech

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I have finally my sim-card registrated. At DTAC they asked for my working permit. I told them for registration, you don't need a workpermit just your passport.

They told me it was company policy. So I called with the main office. Their answer: "No problem, you can do!" It still took me 5 hours to have it registered at DTAC.

I just showed them my driving licence in and out in 10 mins

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Why does anyone have a problem registering a number in their name? Something to hide?

I love that answer.

Would you be interested in posting your personal details on this forum?

I think you've missed the plot.

Don't want to register your mobile, don't have one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why does anyone have a problem registering a number in their name? Something to hide?

I love that answer.

Would you be interested in posting your personal details on this forum?

I think you've missed the plot.

We're not being asked to post our personal details on the forum. We are being asked to give our ID/passport number for every mobile number we own. Just like a land line, you give your details of who you are and where you want it installed so they can send you a bill. Just like a subscription to a magazine or cable TV, you say who you are before you can have the product. A credit card needs your personal details before they'll give you one. A firearm needs registration in most countries before you can own one legally. A mobile phone should be no different. If you don't want to register your mobile and remain off the grid throw it away and never use one. The choice is yours.

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Since a day or two my local 7/11 here in Bangkok has a note displayed informing all that an ID/Passport is necessary when buying a new "prepaid" SIM.

Edited by rubl
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Why does anyone have a problem registering a number in their name? Something to hide?

I love that answer.

Would you be interested in posting your personal details on this forum?

I think you've missed the plot.

We're not being asked to post our personal details on the forum. We are being asked to give our ID/passport number for every mobile number we own. Just like a land line, you give your details of who you are and where you want it installed so they can send you a bill. Just like a subscription to a magazine or cable TV, you say who you are before you can have the product. A credit card needs your personal details before they'll give you one. A firearm needs registration in most countries before you can own one legally. A mobile phone should be no different. If you don't want to register your mobile and remain off the grid throw it away and never use one. The choice is yours.

What would stop some one to pay a homeless person to buy a Sims card

for them? Any 3rd rate criminal could figure this out...

So whats the point of registering if it does not stop criminal activity?

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When I was stationed in South Korea they used to have a mandatory curfew that prohibited anyone from being on the streets between the hours of midnight and 4 AM. Ostensibly because that was when the infiltrators from North would sneak into the country

Reality was, it was so that the populace would know exactly who was in charge

The same is true with this mandatory SIM registration idea. It is to show that the government is in control

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Why does anyone have a problem registering a number in their name? Something to hide?

Are you trolling with this statement or honestly believe that logical fallacy constitutes a choice or an opinion of relevance?

You make statements like this in the past, and I can never figure out if you are playing or serious.

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