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Hi. For the last 7 days I have had a constant 3/10 pain in one testicle.

I am moving back to the Uk for good May 30th so I really only need to find out what it is from a BK doc.

If it needs treating I will go back to Uk early.

I live on bts line Bk Onut area. Good doc who speaks english obviously required.


If you haven't been banging them about or sustained an injury in the groin area, then you need to have that looked at. Is it a sharp pain or dull pain?


Really, this is not the sort of thing you should be delaying a week before seeking medical advice, unless there's an obvious cause. There's a lot at stake.


It is good to look for medical advice, but may be just a muscular distension during biking or hiking. Go to a pharmacy and get a under the counter muscle relaxing medicine. If in about 2 days still pain in the area, may be something else.,,but not necessarily serious.


Could be a lower back problem, radiating in the testicle... do not miss this!

It's easy to get too focused on the jewels...

Living in Oh nut area? Maybe you should move? Sorry, I will get my coat...


Great advice above. Diagnosing yourself by internet is a risky business but if you are foolish like most of us consider this:

It is most likely not cancer but only a doctor can tell you so why take chances.

Depending on history and such, it could be epididymitis or varo/hydrocele, or testicular torsion.

Try this for first glance information about your own testicles guys: Beam a flashlight from behind your scrotum in a dimly lit room. You can actually perform a self evaluation in this manner. It may not aid in diagnosing because you must be smart, right. But you should know what your body looks like and so a self exam at least once in a while as you age. This is one way to do it.

Lastly, a story: I had a patient come to me once. He was Ugandan and he had been treated for testicular pain for a long time (tumor markers negative). Docs had referred him to other docs and they ran prolonged prostatitis Antibiotic regimes on him. Every tentative diagnosis they had he just continued to have the problem. Bringing him for a sit down with a trusted supervisor I began to push into a way not medicine area and asked him his thoughts on masturbation. It was as I suspected; a Ugandan cohort, of devoutly catholic background, working as contractors in Iraq, this guy had blue balls and he deeply held that masturbation was a sin; ok, this story is not about that part though. I actually wrote this guy a Rx and made his supervisor give him the day off so he could masturbate (I know, I am seriously opening the floor with this one). It is an utterly absurd story but potentially useful for some (younger) men because it actually worked in this case! Embarrassed but grateful his pain went away, this patient had no further complaints- after 4 months of seeing various docs. Sometimes the easiest explanation is the right one. (Note: I had never experienced this thing the patient had and could have hardly ever believed it could disable someone... and I never saw it again).


Could be a lower back problem, radiating in the testicle... do not miss this!

It's easy to get too focused on the jewels...

Living in Oh nut area? Maybe you should move? Sorry, I will get my coat...

Bastid... Beat me to it!


It is good to look for medical advice, but may be just a muscular distension during biking or hiking. Go to a pharmacy and get a under the counter muscle relaxing medicine. If in about 2 days still pain in the area, may be something else.,,but not necessarily serious.

Can be even, if very unlucky from a fitting trouser or underwear. But that should be gone after 2-3 days.


When you hear hoofbeats chances are there coming from horses and not Zebras....

Not if you're on the plains of the Serengetti.


When you hear hoofbeats chances are there coming from horses and not Zebras....

Comparison, made on the hoof... look up how many animals have hooves.

I mentioned lower back problem from personal experience, I was misdiagnosed for over 2 years from doctors who where as smart as you, next.


He mentioned pain 3/10... in my case it was more a 7..., 7, like not the slightest mood to try any "sexual healing"...

I've just read, chronically low pain could be a tumor...


I sincerely hope you are well soon.

I lost 40 million Baht in the stock market 2 years ago, and I had a pain in the brain for a quite a while..but it wasn't terminal..

Health is number 1, it trumps all the riches in the world, past, present and future.



actually i had the same thing two years ago ,which turned out to be the early stages of dengue fever .....pain gradually increased into the hips and groin .... ended up in hospital 7 days on a drip ...goodluck hope it goes away


Had a pain in one testicle many years ago. Went to urologist and he asked if I did heavy lifting to which I replied affirmatively (construction work). He said pain was most likely caused by the muscular strain. Now pain has returned and I'm assuming it's the constant heavy lifting I do at gym and haven't seen a Dr. (Maybe not so smart) I'd suggest going to urologist to have it checked and, if it's same as me from exertion, the check-up will put your mind at ease.


You need to find out that it's not testis cancer, ask for an ultrasound at the hospital . Examine your testicles and check for lumps. I went to one of the best hospitals in Bangkok and the urologist told me it was an infection and gave me some pills without further tests. But the pain only got worse. 1 month later when I returned to my home country another urologist did an ultrasound and confirmed I had testis cancer, stage 1. I was lucky they discovered it early but if I had listened to the Bangkok doctor it might been a lot worse. Testis cancer is a common cancer in the western world but rare in Thailand so they do not even do ultrasound which should be standard procedure.

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