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Nazi veterans annual parade kicks off in Latvia's capital


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Nazi Vets Annual Parade Kicks Off in Latvia's Capital

The annual march of the Waffen-SS Latvian Legion veterans and their supporters started in the center of the Baltic country's capital Riga on Monday, according to the city council, which approved the event.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Several hundred people are expected to take part in the parade of former Nazis, who are walking toward central Riga's Freedom Monument.

The Latvian Legion of the Nazi Germany's Waffen-SS was created in 1943. The unit surrendered in May 1945 among the other Nazi forces.

Earlier in the month, Latvian Minister of Justice Dzintars Rasnacs confirmed he would take part in the march to "honor fallen Latvian legionnaires and their faith in fighting for a free Latvia."

Full story: http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150316/1019544451.html

-- SPUTNIK 2015-03-16

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I would think it must be the biggest collection of ''zimmer frame parade's one is ever likely to see.

What an opportunity the hunters of the criminal of W,W,2 have, their quarry can't run fast or far.

Then once that lot are in the net a start can be made on those war criminals who have been active since say ''1945.''

Sad to say . ''That is wishful thinking.''

Edited by siampolee
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I hope the EU are happy about their partner.

I wonder if they also join the Nazi parade.

People seem to forget very easy, about the millions killed during WWII and the Holocaust.

I don't, and I will never forget as long as I live and made sure my kids will never forget either.

Well said on the EU comments.

However, I doubt these people "forgot" anything. They know very well what they are supporting. I was amazed at the openness of hatred and racism in Eastern Europe. I've never seen so many swastikas proudly displayed and as tattoos while in Moscow. (not the same as the Thais that have no clue about the symbol)

On my 1 week visit to Moscow, I had Hitler salutes and bottles thrown at me. Twice while riding Moscow Metro which is heavily policed. This epidemic is throughout Eastern Europe including Latvia.

Neo-Nazi skinheads are so brazen in Eastern Europe that they upload their videos to YouTube showing off their murders and beatings. If convicted, they get a slap on the wrist.

Even some professionals (engineers and pilots) I've met in Russia and Ukraine refer to Jews as "those <deleted> Jews" and are very casual about their comments. It's not just the uneducated lower-class that feel this way.

BTW I'm Black so yes I would stand out in Eastern Europe. The Nazism a serious problem. Even though Hitler looked down on the Slavic people, these Eastern European Nazis see it as a White vs. non-White issue.

Go to Latvia and report back.

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They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

My mum told me the same. They should have been executed in the late 40's and early 50's but 80% of the Germans supported the Nazis and we had over 250,000 members of the Waffen SS and just only 35 were executed.

Merkel of Germany and the rest of the EU will just ignore them.

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They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

My mum told me the same. They should have been executed in the late 40's and early 50's but 80% of the Germans supported the Nazis and we had over 250,000 members of the Waffen SS and just only 35 were executed.

Merkel of Germany and the rest of the EU will just ignore them.

Yes, it has been 70 years since the war. How many wars did we have since then and how many people have been killed? Excluding the black guys in Chicago.

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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.

I can imagine that the Russians where the bigger evil. About 90'000 Germans surrendered in Stalingrad and less then 6000 returned home eventually. For those who want to see a tough movie about war watch a movie called "BROTHERS". It must be about 3 years old now. Talk about reality

Edited by BlueSkyCowboy
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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.

it wasn't about Soviets , They committed War Crimes against fellow countrymen, Google is your friend, Geez
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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.

I can imagine that the Russians where the bigger evil. About 90'000 Germans surrendered in Stalingrad and less then 6000 returned home eventually. For those who want to see a tough movie about war watch a movie called "BROTHERS". It must be about 3 years old now. Talk about reality

I checked IMDB and saw a movie with Jake Glyllenhall or whatever his name Afgan movie, different era
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Just because they faught for the other side doesn't mean their 'bad' ok so stalin and the russians treated these dominated states like shit for a long time before that so they did what was in the best interest of their country and faught for germany, germans were treated as liberators when they invaded the soviet blok earlier in the war, germany was a more advanced economy and these middle states would have been better off under german rule had the war ended in stalemate .. ie. If the us had not gotten involved.

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Just because they faught for the other side doesn't mean their 'bad' ok so stalin and the russians treated these dominated states like shit for a long time before that so they did what was in the best interest of their country and faught for germany, germans were treated as liberators when they invaded the soviet blok earlier in the war, germany was a more advanced economy and these middle states would have been better off under german rule had the war ended in stalemate .. ie. If the us had not gotten involved.

Yes, a little knowledge of the sad and difficult history of the Latvian people in the early 20th century might enlighten some attutudes,

Edited by attento
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I hope the EU are happy about their partner.

I wonder if they also join the Nazi parade.

People seem to forget very easy, about the millions killed during WWII and the Holocaust.

I don't, and I will never forget as long as I live and made sure my kids will never forget either.

Well said on the EU comments.

However, I doubt these people "forgot" anything. They know very well what they are supporting. I was amazed at the openness of hatred and racism in Eastern Europe. I've never seen so many swastikas proudly displayed and as tattoos while in Moscow. (not the same as the Thais that have no clue about the symbol)

On my 1 week visit to Moscow, I had Hitler salutes and bottles thrown at me. Twice while riding Moscow Metro which is heavily policed. This epidemic is throughout Eastern Europe including Latvia.

Neo-Nazi skinheads are so brazen in Eastern Europe that they upload their videos to YouTube showing off their murders and beatings. If convicted, they get a slap on the wrist.

Even some professionals (engineers and pilots) I've met in Russia and Ukraine refer to Jews as "those <deleted> Jews" and are very casual about their comments. It's not just the uneducated lower-class that feel this way.

BTW I'm Black so yes I would stand out in Eastern Europe. The Nazism a serious problem. Even though Hitler looked down on the Slavic people, these Eastern European Nazis see it as a White vs. non-White issue.

you seem to be throwing that old chestnut about blacks again get over yourself man..are jews black..??? because they dont like them do they...you seem confused my forever oppressed brother..

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Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.

it wasn't about Soviets , They committed War Crimes against fellow countrymen, Google is your friend, Geez

So did many allied soldiers dannyboy, many waffen SS commited war crimes whilst many others fought like professional soldiers, and acted as such.

Google isn't the only search engine, there is thousand of decent literature out there that doesn't portray all waffen SS as criminals.

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The alternative was a concentration camp or slave labour camp. I believe only about 10% were actual volunteers.


All these comments from people who never saw the war , or had the priviledge to be born of parents who experienced it seperated from the whole mess by seas or Channels

There was virtually no choice for these veterans who would have been mere boys back then , and like the Fins , who came out so badly off by the end of the war , while having been embroiled in it near the start , Stalin was the great enemy , and anyone opposing that monster ( who annihalted 10 million of his own ) was the greatest of enemies to their own small nations

They are peaceful democracies today ( unlike Russia ) and even their own leaders recognize the sacrifices those kids made!

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