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Should The Gentleman Be Allowed On Non-political


Should the gentleman be allowed to return if he doesn't post anything political?  

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I've been looking over the gentleman's old posts, now that the Bear-Pit posts have been made to vanish. The truth is that, once you get rid of the political stuff, he's not a bad guy.

I do believe that he needs to be punished for the anti-Semitic posts that he made, but not being able to post anything political would serve that purpose, while not depriving us of his "company".

I'm not trying to interfere with admin.'s decision, but if the members agree, this might be a way to make everyone happy without having to ban the gent for life.

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georgie and Dr PP...I did not have the opportunity to read Gentleman's posts and I agree that any post that is racist or anti-semitic must be banned from a civilized forum. However I find that any criticism of Israel is widely considered to be anti-semitic and that vigilance should be excercised in this regard...while I am not enamored with arab culture and Islam I view 9/11 as a result of US policy and Israel and impacting the continuing problems between the West and Arab countries

I am not anti-semitic...and I challenge anyone to say otherwise...

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IMHO, Rasicm is a subject that really is invalid on a written forum, as you cannot see the posters face, nor can you judge his state of mind or demeanor, at best you are making a judgement.

Following this lead, you could believe in Jews causing the 911 tragedy or you can believe that Al Queda was responsible, it is a point of view that reflects when and where you aquired your information from.

I will say I disagree with the Jews being responsible for 911, but I wouldnt bet my life on it, as it is only my belief.

On looking at many threads on the bearpit, I would say that if your not classed as Anti American, you are Pro American, I suppose it comes down to birthplace really. :D

I say bring the gent back!





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I view 9/11 as a result of US policy and Israel and impacting the continuing problems between the West and Arab countries

Isn't politics sort of "banned" for the moment?

You should wait for the new forum to debate politics, meanwhile keeping those comments for you...

I can't say I don't agree with you tough.

I too think that 9/11 is a result of US and Israel policies, they should have kicked away the political corrected asses we have in the West and should have done what the Muslims would do to us if they were in our position: *destroy* those mutha######as......

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sickbuffalo...leave out 'jews' and insert 'support for Israel'...that's where we get confused...plenty of jews don't support Israel's policies...

FIGJAM...plenty of muslims want to live in peace to stone women adulterers to death and carry on per normal...OK for them...nobody is in the business to tell others how to live, unless they are crazy western maniacs...I suppose that if you have pankake hat savages in pakistan sheltering active terrorist operatives one must indicate adherence to western values by bombing the <deleted> out of them...

It is now clear that islamist terrorists have no central coordination so that nothing is accomplished by blowing up pankake hat tribesmen in Pak/Afghanistan...cells operate independently all over the world and they will not stop until a gesture of good will is demonstrated by the US/UK...ie, bring Israel into tow. This has not been an issue with the current US presidential campaign as except for a right wing ###### like Bush where the position is clear Kerry has not said a word.

Christ...I been going on with the same argument now for 30 years...

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sickbuffalo...leave out 'jews' and insert 'support for Israel'...that's where we get confused...plenty of jews don't support Israel's policies...

If I actually was a Jew, would I have to be politically correct?

If I was a black American, and I called myself or another black man, "nigger", would that be racist?

My point is: you are not aware of whos posting and what is thought and said in some situations, being direct and calling a spade a spade, does not have racial overtones in the eyes of the race posting it.

When I read postings regarding Thais being untrustworthy, lazy and EVERY Thai is looking for an ATM/Farang, I would class that as racist, but if a Thai was writing the post, it would be called a personal belief.

Generalisations and so called racist slur is part of who we are, where we are from and what we believe to be true.

On that note, I am going down to chinky restaurant, to get some flied lice and then down to the pub and have a Kraut beer with another fat womanising Australian, that is married to a sheep shaggers daughter from New Zealand, with inlaws from red neck Texas, who drives a jap crap car and hates niggers! :D

Life would be a lot lighter, if we gave political correctness the arse.





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Ahem... getting back to the main topic - should we let the Gent back in vs. arguing Israel & the Islamofaschists - I say, let him back w/the proviso that he does not post "crap". We can all agree his last posts fall under the catagory of "crap" :o

Boon Mee

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I am getting a flood of PMs from people complaining that I have asked to allow the gentleman back on the board. Some members were very offended by the racist posts that he made.

People don't forget, he has been asked back with the proviso that he never again be allowed to post on the political forum, or put political posts on other forums.

If you read what George and Doctor Patpong wrote before, it is obvious that they don't want these kind of problems, ever again.

Tutsi-Warrior and company, you admitted that you didn't read the gentleman's posts, so you shouldn't be commenting on whether they were racist, or not, but, I would hope that you would agree that claiming that there were no Jews in the World Trade Center on 9/11, is way too close to racism, and it doesn't do anyone any good to split hairs about this type of thing.

The gentleman was quite agreeable about everything except politics, so why get rid of him forever, if he agrees to stay away from the political stuff? That is punishment enough for offending many members, and I feel that he can help make the board more enjoyable by contributing in other ways.

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I am getting a flood of PMs from people complaining that I have asked to allow the gentleman back on the board. Some members were very offended by the racist posts that he made.

It's hard to believe that you're getting a flood of complaints as, so far, only three people have voted against the Gentleman.

Anyway, those people should not hide behind PMs. They should publicly voice their disagreement in this thread. Period.

Welcome back to the Gentleman.

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I am getting a flood of PMs from people complaining that I have asked to allow the gentleman back on the board. Some members were very offended by the racist posts that he made.

It's hard to believe that you're getting a flood of complaints as, so far, only three people have voted against the Gentleman.

Anyway, those people should not hide behind PMs. They should publicly voice their disagreement in this thread. Period.

Welcome back to the Gentleman.

That's right, you need the support Adjan jb! :o

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IMHO, Rasicm is a subject that really is invalid on a written forum, as you cannot see the posters face, nor can you judge his state of mind or demeanor, at best you are making a judgement. 






good point, Andy!

I think applicable to many other subjects as well.

or actually to the way ppl discuss.... some discussions which turn out to be unhealthy and offensice etc. coz sometimes it is not the matter of subject itself but of the way certain ppl allow themselves to talk about it....

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Don't know how you can stop the "Gent" from posting on politics and race if you allow him back in. His threats of violence were a joke and not the issue.

Has anyone who is saying let the poor fellow back, read his last few topics. He lost all pretence when he posted the URL of one of the sites he was dredging his so called news items from.

The guy is a nutter.

Debate and opposing views are fine but posting evil racist cr*p masquerading as news is not.

Let him back if you want but don't expect him to behave.

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I am getting a flood of PMs from people complaining that I have asked to allow the gentleman back on the board. Some members were very offended by the racist posts that he made.

It's hard to believe that you're getting a flood of complaints as, so far, only three people have voted against the Gentleman.

Anyway, those people should not hide behind PMs. They should publicly voice their disagreement in this thread. Period.

Welcome back to the Gentleman.

That's right, you need the support Adjan jb! :D

adjan jb, you are certainly proving that you are French, and therefore, by nature, contrary. I asked admin to let the guy come back on. What more do you want? :D

As far as how many people voted in the poll, look at how many people looked at it, but didn't vote. It is not up to you how people choose to express their opinions. :o

I'll see you in the Bear-Pit, right where you belong :D

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you and the Gent are soul mates, somehow, you lost your old sparring partner and you want him back, of course.

In reality you blokes were the only ones not getting upset by each others posts, the other readers were, and as one of the admin sucholes said you dont have to read it.

Eventually the Gent was barred by the spring fingered censors after one of their "meetings of the minds"

I enjoyed your banter, nobody was hurt, but people offended just the same, it was a bear pit and the readers knew the diatribe to expect, and still complain.

Mr Admins when you take yourselves less seriously and look at life as a Thai ...

up to you

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Guest IT Manager

Bronco, you have no idea of what you speak. You just run off at the mouth.

"Eventually the Gent was barred by the spring fingered censors" Rubbish. The discussions about that were, in my opinion, thorough, and very full. The decision to whack one and not the other was the spring finger. I voted to ban them both for 10,000 years, not 10,000 days.

We don't take ourselves as seriously as you might think Mr Knowitall. In fact keeping the forum the way it is, is done in spite of Paleolithic know-nothings such as your erudite self, rather than because of them.

Perhaps, you may cast what's left, back to your post to one reader who had the temerity to raise a complaint about your own much loved FULL TIME PLACE OF RESIDENCE-AUSTRALIA, as opposed to Thailand, where WE ALL LIVE, to appreciate my meaning.

G-P and the Gent made life hard for more than said so in forum, and I have the messages to prove it. This is not about one seppo and one great south islander getting their rocks off by knocking each others teeth in, in public. It's about maintaining the level of knowledge available to the 21,000 unregistered visitors, in the search engines, without getting our rating changed.

The rating is what you use when you do a search for information about Thailand, and find yourself in the middle of a political bun fight.

Thaivisa is about more than those 2, or for that matter, you as well, having a place to show everyone what large gonnies you have, at the expense of people using the forum to get information.

Now drop it.

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On reading this thread, I am amused and amazed at the so called intellectuals, saying the gent was anti semetic, racist and he should play nice.

IMHO, he was the only one posting ideas, that werent straight from the main media sources. To say he is anti semetic or racist is a serious judgement, it means you believe the worlds mainstream media would be correct with factual uncensored journalism. :o

I wonder if the gent posted anything in the early times of the pit, that was looked on as stupid/ill informed, regarding the USA invading Iraq because they possessed WMD, if so, he would have turned out to be the one, with the actual facts, wouldnt he?

I wish the American side of the argument wouldnt be so quick to jump on points raised as nothing is certain in life, except death and that might be uncertain in years to come also :D

I feel sorry for the gent, even with a few posts myself, I have been ridiculed and pidgeon holed, who would want to debate politics with a few narrow minded individuals?

To quote a very wise man: 90% of the people of this world are here to take up space and 10% of the people of the world are here to change the world's thoughts and actions.

I think I will leave it up to you guys to work out who is who :D





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