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Well Chaps,

We did it - We got the Settlement Visa

First thing to do is to thank you all for your help. Couldn't have done it without all your expert help

Second thing to do is to pick up from Ollies previous point and maybe answer a few other points along the way.

In answer to Ollie's further question in the previous post around timescales. Just to remind you - We submitted the application on the 5th July and got an interview date given to us for the 29th July (today). I wasn't able to attend so my wife went alone (a brave step for anyone). She was interviewed for 10 minutes - 5 questions - Finished.

She was told that she could have the Visa and was then told to wait outside in the waiting area. 30 minutes later the ECO came out and handed her the Passport with the Visa inside.

My wife took great pleasure in telling all those people hanging around outside the Embassy who tried to scare her before she went in that their tactics didn't work.

Some feedback from this experience that may help others:

The ECO said that the documentation "had never been done like this before" (in a positive way may I add). I used a chronological approach outlining our whole history and attached each piece of evidence as an Appendix to this summary, referencing that Appendix where necessary.

Questions asked:

How many children has your husband?

What are their names?

What is your husbands job?

Where does he live?

When did you last see him?

My thoughts in advance of this interview:

I figured that if I focus on what I can do from this end, with respect to the documentation, then this will ease the pressure on my wife at interview because I can hopefully answer some questions in advance (such as when we met etc).

I also figured that if I focused on making sure the documentation was clear, concise and well referenced then we would be making the job of the ECO easier and so this would cast a positive light on the whole process.

It clearly worked

The one big lessong from this chaps is that I never once went to an Agency to help with this process(only translation agencies) so there really is no need if you research what you need and approach it in a logical and thorough manner

The one thing I said to my wife is NEVER tell a lie. She didn't intend to but, in the end, didn't have to

This experience was against a back drop of a relationship where we were married, and submitted the application, only 5 months after we met. It seems that this went against the grain as I had got the impression that anything less than 6 /7 months would be darn difficult.

Anyway, Job Done, All Over Now

I do intend to post electronic versions of the documentation I used in this application as soon as I have anonymised it all. Maybe it will help someone struggling with the Porfolio of evidence

Cheers and Thanks Again



Congrats, and good luck for the future.

Considering the quality of the evidence, I was initially surprised that an interview was required.

I guess it was the fact that you had only known each other for 5 months that caused doubts in the ECOs mind; doubts that your wife eased by her honesty at the interview.



Many congratulations and thanks for the feedback about the interview.

One other question - was you wife interviewed in English or in Thai?



Well done to you both. Just shows that preparation is worth it :D

Wait till she tries buying somtam at Sainsburys :D

:D:D You ain't wrong there Geoff. My mrs can get hold of most ingredients over here now, apart from good Pappaya. She can get hold of expensive, sh1t Pappaya though :o:D

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