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Netanyahu win dashes prospect for a thaw with Obama


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Netanyahu said he's now opposed the a Palestinian state but in favor of a two-state solution.

tt seems to be the case that there are people who read AIPAC's (linked) statement without any consideration of the facts on the ground.

Does Netanyahu really think he can thumb his nose at the Whitehouse, say whatever he wants to get elected, lie, posture, show his insincerity, and then get what he wants just by making a half-hearted attempt at appeasement? He'll get what he deserves.

"Does Netanyahu really think he can thumb his nose at the Whitehouse, say whatever he wants to get elected, lie, posture, show his insincerity, and then get what he wants just by making a half-hearted attempt at appeasement? He'll get what he deserves.

How do you think the current White House occupant got elected?

What he deserves is catching up with him now.

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Agreed. Netanyahu threw Obama under the bus out of sheer frustration with his stupid policies. He really had no other rational choice. Obama intends to throw the whole of Israel under the bus to get back at Bibi for winning the election and beating him every step of the way. Hopefully, Congress will stop him in his tracks.

Congress has stopped Obama. Look at post 106 above. After all of the moaning about the letter the Repubs wrote to Iran, now a bipartisan 360 veto - proof majority in Congress has written to Iran. They've gone clear around Obama and stopped him cold.

You can keep posting this nonsense, but it won't make it factual.

Congress has not stopped the president. In fact, the US Senate just granted him a few more weeks to continue negotiations with Iran. Also, there is not currently a veto-proof majority in the Senate. They have not stopped the president or the negotiations: "cold" or otherwise.

Try again, and you might want to consider using facts. thumbsup.gif

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Agreed. Netanyahu threw Obama under the bus out of sheer frustration with his stupid policies. He really had no other rational choice. Obama intends to throw the whole of Israel under the bus to get back at Bibi for winning the election and beating him every step of the way. Hopefully, Congress will stop him in his tracks.

Congress has stopped Obama. Look at post 106 above. After all of the moaning about the letter the Repubs wrote to Iran, now a bipartisan 360 veto - proof majority in Congress has written to Iran. They've gone clear around Obama and stopped him cold.

No word about the Israeli/Jewish influence on this topic...

If you say A, you should also say B...

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Netanyahu said he's now opposed the a Palestinian state but in favor of a two-state solution.

tt seems to be the case that there are people who read AIPAC's (linked) statement without any consideration of the facts on the ground.

Does Netanyahu really think he can thumb his nose at the Whitehouse, say whatever he wants to get elected, lie, posture, show his insincerity, and then get what he wants just by making a half-hearted attempt at appeasement? He'll get what he deserves.

"Does Netanyahu really think he can thumb his nose at the Whitehouse, say whatever he wants to get elected, lie, posture, show his insincerity, and then get what he wants just by making a half-hearted attempt at appeasement? He'll get what he deserves.

How do you think the current White House occupant got elected?

What he deserves is catching up with him now.

Well, the current occupant of the white house for sure wasn't elected because of racist remarks he made on the election day (which ironically in Israel seems to be a populist policy). When consider lying and cheating (and racism) of a US president, you have to go back to loony George W and how he "won" his first presidency.....

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Agreed. Netanyahu threw Obama under the bus out of sheer frustration with his stupid policies. He really had no other rational choice. Obama intends to throw the whole of Israel under the bus to get back at Bibi for winning the election and beating him every step of the way. Hopefully, Congress will stop him in his tracks.

Congress has stopped Obama. Look at post 106 above. After all of the moaning about the letter the Repubs wrote to Iran, now a bipartisan 360 veto - proof majority in Congress has written to Iran. They've gone clear around Obama and stopped him cold.

No word about the Israeli/Jewish influence on this topic...

If you say A, you should also say B...

Dude: American Jews are NOT the same thing as Israelis.

The antics of congress recently are from the American REPUBLICANS.

The vast majority of American Jews are actually DEMOCRATS and have voted overwhelmingly democratic for a very long time and will continue to do so.

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If Israel doesn't care about what the U.S. thinks then don't accept any money from them and don't cry about it when the U.S. refuses to veto in the UNITED on Isael's behalf.

We will then hear Israel bleating.

Israel is a very dangerous nation and are top of the list to start WW3.

Expanding your argument a little farther...If the United Nations doesn't care about what the US thinks then don't accept any money from them...

For your information:

"American taxpayers account for billions of dollars in funding for the world body each year, including 22 percent of the regular budget, 27 percent of the peacekeeping budget, and substantial voluntary contributions to assorted U.N. agencies.

In the most recent year for which full details were subject to a congressional reporting requirement, U.N.-bound money channeled through multiple U.S. government agencies in fiscal year 2010 totaled $7.69 billion."

Anybody willing to pony up that $8 Billion or so each and every year to be kicked in the mouth by every backwater country in the world for their participation in this august body?


Expanding on this. The U.S. is deeply in debt to the UN

Expanding on your expansion...If it was left up to me, I would kick every diplomat, clerk and hanger-on out of the UN building and send them home.

Then turn the UN building into a homeless shelter.

See how long they last without the US.

I worked for the UN for a time. What makes you think that the place isn't already functioning as a homeless shelter?

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The same old Jew baiting song and dance. It's disgusting. American Jews are Americans first. Those that aren't can choose to make Aliyah to Israel. Those that break American laws in regards to loyalty are subject to the same laws as any other ethnicity. Another poster said diaspora Jews should now expect to suffer violence because of the Israeli elections almost implying Jews DESERVE IT. Why is that? Did they vote in the Israeli elections? If they would have, how do you know who they would have supported? Especially in the case of American Jews who are famously VERY LIBERAL.

Another factor is that Israel and the USA have indeed been close allies, even now, they still are.

If that changes to the point where Israel and the USA are enemies, it would still be unfair to label American Jews as disloyal Americans unless there is individual evidence to support that.

Just as it was wrong to treat the Japanese Americans so shabbily in WW2.

AIPAC has a strong participation in congress and executive branch of the US government. They even write and edit laws to be voted. They are pure Israeli lobbyists with US citizenship.

I wouldn't describe them as true American partriots. Idem dito for all American Jews who went to fight for IDF now and in the past. That's a good example of dual loyalty.

Even so, I notice strong critics of AIPAC to Obama if it suits the Israeli agenda. All this with a domino effect till congres and the executive branch of the US.

You don't need to go too far to observe strong anti-American critics from American Jews combined with a huge blind favoritism for Israel, even if the Israeli's are comiting crimes against humanity, apartheid and many other crimes...

Edited by Thorgal
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Netanyahu said he's now opposed the a Palestinian state but in favor of a two-state solution.

tt seems to be the case that there are people who read AIPAC's (linked) statement without any consideration of the facts on the ground.

Does Netanyahu really think he can thumb his nose at the Whitehouse, say whatever he wants to get elected, lie, posture, show his insincerity, and then get what he wants just by making a half-hearted attempt at appeasement? He'll get what he deserves.

"Does Netanyahu really think he can thumb his nose at the Whitehouse, say whatever he wants to get elected, lie, posture, show his insincerity, and then get what he wants just by making a half-hearted attempt at appeasement? He'll get what he deserves.

How do you think the current White House occupant got elected?

What he deserves is catching up with him now.

Kindly correct your quote that quotes two different posters, to include myself, while attributing the quote to one poster only.

I note TFV Forums Rule:

16) You will not make changes to quoted material from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. This cannot be done in such a manner that it alters the context of the original post.

Your post both reduces and combines part of a post I made to, and with, a part of a post another poster made, into one single non-existent quote.....a quote statement that does not exist as a post.

Thx for your cooperation.

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Au contraire, mon brave homme. See post 106.

A veto proof 360 members of Congress just wrote Iran a letter telling them the they would decide what happens. That's a statement that they will shoot Obama down if they don't like any deal he makes and so far they don't.

They will decide what happens.

Obama has disgraced himself on the international stage, has received checkmate from Netanyahu, has been told by Congress they will override him, and all publicly. Obama just became toothless.

His own Dems in Congress have abandoned him over his far-out treatment of Israel and Bibi in particular. These Dems too want to get reelected and Americans support Israel.

Obama is probably sitting on a sidewalk right now polishing Netanyahu's' shoes while "hoping" he gets to keep the "change".

The veto letter has the same legal and diplomatic value as any average, ordinary daily tweet on Twitter.

The 360 Congres members should bring up and respect the Logan Act instead, as true American patriots...

The letter is unlawfull.

Another one would have said : '...Ce ne sont que des Gueux...'

Edited by Thorgal
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The letter is unlawfull.


NO. It isn't. Quit making dishonest claims. rolleyes.gif

Logan Act : "Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."

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Yes Israel has a strong lobby in the U.S. Duh.

Between that and American's strong support for Israel over the Palestinian terrorists, Obama won't get away with throwing Israel under the bus in the long run. That veto proof 360 members of Congress are good for other things besides stopping incredibly stupid deals giving nuclear weapons capability to rogue nations sponsoring terrorism.

The 360 did not include in their letter to Prez Obama any support of the proposal in the Senate that Congress vote on a final Iran deal before it is agreed.

The Senate proposal is a proposal in the Senate, where it is just sitting there, and it is being ignored in the House.

If there is a deal between the P5+1 and Iran, Prez Obama will sign it as an Executive Agreement by the United States as a part of the P5+1 while Netanyahu sucks wind as he and the hard liners in apoplexy everywhere blow out more hot air.

Which anyway is the "normal" country, Iran or Israel?

Would you believe neither is a normal country.....Germany meanwhile is the +1 with the P5. Next thing the P5+1 might have to start negotiating with Netanyahu to accept UN resolutions circa 1968 - present.

Israel leads in ignoring Security Council resolutions

NEW YORK - Israel holds the record for ignoring United Nations Security Council resolutions, according to a study by San Francisco University political science professor Steven Zunes


The world is changing so do try to keep up.

Edited by Publicus
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Au contraire, mon brave homme. See post 106.

A veto proof 360 members of Congress just wrote Iran a letter telling them the they would decide what happens. That's a statement that they will shoot Obama down if they don't like any deal he makes and so far they don't.

They will decide what happens.

Obama has disgraced himself on the international stage, has received checkmate from Netanyahu, has been told by Congress they will override him, and all publicly. Obama just became toothless.

His own Dems in Congress have abandoned him over his far-out treatment of Israel and Bibi in particular. These Dems too want to get reelected and Americans support Israel.

Obama is probably sitting on a sidewalk right now polishing Netanyahu's' shoes while "hoping" he gets to keep the "change".

The veto letter has the same legal and diplomatic value as any average, ordinary daily tweet on Twitter.

The 360 Congres members should bring up and respect the Logan Act instead, as true American patriots...

The letter is unlawfull.

Mon brave homme : '...Ce ne sont que des Gueux...'

I don't really understand why you liberals continue throwing around this Logan Act nonsense Permit me to give my reasons for not understanding why you consider it relevant.

1. The Logan Act was passed in 1798 and was signed into law by President John Adams in early 1799.

2. During the period from 1/30/1799 through the current date (3/17/2015), a total of over 216 years, there has been the grand total of one (1) indictment in the history of the United States. That single indictment occurred in 1803 and none have taken place since. The indicted individual was not convicted of violating the Logan Act.

3. There have been a few instances where the threat of using it have been made but none came to fruition.

It's a law that can only be used in extreme cases and the writing of letters by members of Congress is hardly one of them.


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Israel leads in ignoring Security Council resolutions

I wonder why? Obama is going to join up with the other phonies, because he interfered in Israeli politics and came out looking the fool? rolleyes.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Au contraire, mon brave homme. See post 106.

A veto proof 360 members of Congress just wrote Iran a letter telling them the they would decide what happens. That's a statement that they will shoot Obama down if they don't like any deal he makes and so far they don't.

They will decide what happens.

Obama has disgraced himself on the international stage, has received checkmate from Netanyahu, has been told by Congress they will override him, and all publicly. Obama just became toothless.

His own Dems in Congress have abandoned him over his far-out treatment of Israel and Bibi in particular. These Dems too want to get reelected and Americans support Israel.

Obama is probably sitting on a sidewalk right now polishing Netanyahu's' shoes while "hoping" he gets to keep the "change".

360 members of Congress just wrote Iran a letter

Er, some people may be a bit over eager to extend their support and the support of Congress to the mullahs in Tehran.

As has correctly been pointed out by another poster, the 360 members of Congress addressed their letter to the President of the United States, not to the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

After the strong negative reaction to the 47 Republican senators letter to the ayatollahs, Congress has somewhat been brought back to Constitutional approaches due to a bipartisan effort in contrast to an exclusively Republican party radical and improper tact and strategy.

While leaders of Congress have accepted Bibi Netanyahu as Republican Senator from Israel, its is apparent they cannot get away with accepting the Ayatollah as a Republican Senator from Iran.

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Sorry, you are going on about the wrong letter and I don't consider letters to the editor to be authoritative "sources" anyway. giggle.gif

The 360 Congres members should bring up and respect the Logan Act instead, as true American patriots...

The letter is unlawfull.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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That veto proof 360 members of Congress

Hmmmm. How to respond to this ridiculous claim that keeps getting repeated on these P5+1 / Iran threads.

How about:

NO. It isn't. Quit making dishonest claims rolleyes.gif


But I suppose the possibility exists that it wasn't intentionally dishonest, but rather yet another example of profound ignorance of how the US government actually functions. Let's assume you are unaware that the US Senate requires 67 votes to override a veto. As of this moment there are not 67 votes. Your 360 number means absolutely nothing in relation to the possibility of overriding a presidential veto.

Please do us all a favor and take some time to educate yourself on the intricacies of the US federal government. Perhaps you can access a high school civics class online? Maybe take the GRE? After that, please come back and ask any questions that you might have.

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Here is the statement from the link to the AIPAC claim, accompanied by the link:

AIPAC asked the White House to accept the sincerity of Netanyahu’s commitment to a two-state solution, saying in a written statement “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strongly and clearly reaffirmed his commitment to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”


AIPAC used the world "rebuff" on the basis of its absurd claim made in the linked statement that Netanyahu is sincere and that he supports a Palestinian state. Strange for AIPAC to say that given Netanyahu said he's against a Palestinian state.

Netanyahu said he's now opposed the a Palestinian state but in favor of a two-state solution.

tt seems to be the case that there are people who read AIPAC's (linked) statement without any consideration of the facts on the ground.

Welcome to the thread champ. Read post #106. A veto proof bipartisan 360 members of Congress has written a letter to Iran waiving off anything Obama might do. They said that they would do the deciding.

Looks like your Dems have thrown your lame duck under the bus because they'd like to get reelected.

After all of the moaning about 44 Repubs writing a letter, now over 300 more in bipartisan fashion have done the same.

Even your Dems can now see what Obama is. Why can't you?


Not referring to anyone in particular, of course, but the sort of people who are now flooding social media and message boards about this fit very firmly into one of two categories. First, there is the anarcho-capitalist libertarians who finally see their big chance to "unmask" the vast international Jewish banker conspiracy. Second, there are the Leftist fanatics who have allied themselves with the likes of the PLO and their successors since the 1960s. This is their big chance to dress up their dreams of crushing a strong American ally. With the Left, it's mainly about the US losing face.

fit very firmly into one of two categories.

Which only serves to remind us there are two categories of people in the world, those who dichotomize and those who don't. wink.png

Then there are those such as Bibi Netanyahu who dichotomize, personalize, JohnKerryize.

Bibi was against it before he wuz for it and spoke for it before he declared he is against it before he said he's always been for it.

Rebuffs, "anarcho-capitalist libertarians" and also the "Leftist fanatics" notwithstanding. clap2.gif

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