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GMM Grammy threatens to enforce intellectual property rights

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I don't condone pirating; it's theft of IP.

What gets me, though, is that if I pay for the IP, say I buy a CD, if that CD gets broken, I have to pay again. The medium broke, but I still own the IP....I should only have to pay for a new piece of plastic (the medium) and the IP licensee should not charge me for the IP all over again....just the medium and the cost of copying.

How true. Most music I download are albums or cd's I once bought.

It is actually legal to create a copy of or digitally rip ( for personal use) to another format any cd or digital download that you have purchased legally.

Providing you own the original you may choose to rip it to whatever format you desire.



I wonder if GMM pays for the songs they RIP OFF US artist. ? Or how about their managers ripping off the artists by reneging the contract? i can give a few examples. but... google.

I honestly dont listen to stupid thai songs so GMM... dont bother coming after me.


I wonder if GMM pays for the songs they RIP OFF US artist. ? Or how about their managers ripping off the artists by reneging the contract? i can give a few examples. but... google.

I honestly dont listen to stupid thai songs so GMM... dont bother coming after me.

Come give us some examples, you know you want to.


What about giving me the channels I paid for... They first removed 4 or 5 football channels just less than a month into my subscription (a pay-per-4 month subscription), and now two months later they have taken all the news channels I had and a couple of Thai channels too. It was because of the football channels I made the subscription in the first place. Now they say "we are sorry, but we have changed the subscription so you have to pay extra for these channels." What`s next? The Stadium Channels (Premier League)?


Where I come from you pay a license for playing music every year to a governing body who distributes the fee to every specific licensee.

If you don't pay they lock your door.

Thailand should have the same, a single organisation that acts as an umbrella for the multiple licensees.

They do have this single organization, the RTP. Unfortunately, not many of the fees make it to the multiple licensees.

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