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Pharmacy selling high dose vitamin C for cancer patients


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I realize this is a long shot.

I'm trying to help my friend who has cancer find this. We've tried some of the larger pharmacies in Chiang Mai. It comes as powder that can be mixed with sterile water and given through IV in 50 to 100 gram doses.

We are probably going to have to look further afield but it's worth a shot to ask here first.

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Yeah intravenous high dose vit C is one approach. Have a look at the cancer tutor for some comprehensive programs that often include a machine for the blood. Different cancers seem to require different approaches.

Also if it is quite advanced then as you might expect more difficult to stop, so requires more radical steps.

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It's nice that you want to help your friend, but he should get regular and proper healthcare at first, because that's absolutely essential ... The sooner, the better.

Find him a good oncologist, based on feedback, his education, approach to patients ...

Be aware that some vitamins/minerals can actually lower the antitumor effect of some cytostatics ...

You should discuss every action with experts in field, his doctor ... because you can do more harm than good.

Cancer is not one disease, but many. Many types, subtypes and phases ... Some are 100% curable, with some you can live long time, with some not.

Good luck.

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Thanks for the feedback. The doctors in Australia wrote him off stage 4 nearly 2 years ago. He's been getting treatment here at the Ram and also in China. His left hip has been eaten away and he has multiple metastases now in his lungs. The cancer started in his throat.

He has discussed the vitamin C with his doctor here in Chiang Mai and they said it's OK to try. Problem is for a nurse to come do it costs 3000 Baht each time and he needs it 3 times a week. Once he is shown how, he wants to do it himself so he can afford what might be several months of treatment.

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I have a 72 years old friend who was found with stage 4 prostate cancer with a marker of 14000. Searching the net , he found something called Sabah snake grass. Google it. After taking it for x3 weeks his marker went down to 4. I am not saying such things are good, but when you looking at nothing else, alternative med might help. Pls note that this grass is dangerous if taken over too long a period.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I have a 72 years old friend who was found with stage 4 prostate cancer with a marker of 14000. Searching the net , he found something called Sabah snake grass. Google it. After taking it for x3 weeks his marker went down to 4. I am not saying such things are good, but when you looking at nothing else, alternative med might help. Pls note that this grass is dangerous if taken over too long a period.

Advocating dangerous Quackery



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I can understand a person with a serious case of cancer wanting to try anything to help himself, but I DO NOT understand posters on tv giving advice or encouraging one thing or another. Shameful !

Oh look, non-understanding comes from a lack of knowledge or information. And that is easily put right be doing the reading and research. Quite easy really.

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Even though this is not the health forum, some of the (mis)information is bordering on quackery.

o Quackery, on the other hand, is defined as claims made for the absolute prevention or cure of disease unrelated to an established discipline (allopathic or otherwise) and unsupported by scientific evidence. These often occur in fads. Use of the forum to promote quack cures will not be tolerated.
Lastly, aggressive attempts to persuade other members to either adapt or abandon alternative vs. modern forms of treatment will not be permitted. Experience has shown that this invariably leads to arguments and flame fests that serve no useful purpose.
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