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Common Perceptions Of Thailand By Westerners Who Never Came.


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To be fair, I've never been to Africa and have a generally negative view of the place--dangerous, dirty, corrupt, disease-infested, etc. But then I'm sure there are expats who live there who will say that my view is completely wrong. And I'm sure they're right.

Actually your not that far wrong...laugh.png

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OP, you are saying that people in a "completely Thai unrelated forum based in the UK", are bashing Thailand out of ignorance.

What about the people on TVF that is a "completely Thai related" forum, and most members live here.

Did you notice any similarities?

The thread is not about people bashing Thailand... We who live here, bash about individual things, or we agree or disagree. Some bash and some defend. That happens in just about every country. The people on this UK forum relentlessly bash the UK.

This thread is about the perception of Thailand by people who have never even been here.

My message in this, is that their common perception if true..... we would not be here.... Are you here?... Is it so bad you want to leave??????

I would encourage it.

Thailand? Dreadful place. Full of thieves, Russian mafia, loud Russian, English and Australian tourists, government corruption, vicious "lady boys" who will steal your husband, conniving women who will rob you of your pension, corrupt police and politicians.

Stay away. Bad for your health.

Quote some facts. 3rd worst road toll in the world. 3rd highest murder rate. etc etc drunken Buddhist monks running car rackets, Stay away.

I will re-write this if someone in the tourist industry is interested.

I do know some 1st Class travel people that don't go to Phuket anymore. So its tongue in cheek with some truth.

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Understand what the OP's trying to say but not why he feels so aggrieved by it.

Most countries will be stereotyped to some extent and while it's not always pleasant, some of those stereotypes often have basis in actual fact.

Oh right.

I am aggrieved by it because on the other forum where I been having the conversation, no matter how much I try to convince people that Thailand is not a what their perception is in totality and that there is in fact very much more to this place than what they think.

They see it as nothing more than a retarded nation that is baron and outside the capital and resorts everyone is living in abject poverty.

You can go to the UK and find exactly the same.

But as much as I try to explain there is a lot more to it, they will not accept it.... All westerners are only here to have sex with prostitutes and children.... It just is not true... I wanted to see what the reactions of people who actually live here think... Is it everything they think and nothing else?

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The thing is some of us are here out of habit now but if they (the unenlightened) came here they would see that the place is full of concrete, over-head cables, fluerescent lighting and awash with pragmatism, animism, parochialism, simperism(?), nepotism and graftism(?) and that all that doesn't matter or at any rate didn't because it is/was so cheap, hot and easy here.

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Do not forget that many of the people who post here rarely impinge upon the 'real' Thailand.

So many foreigners here live their lives in their own little ivory towers, in some mainly foreign condo or complex, going down to the beach, shopping in air con centres ... doing what, essentially, visitors do.

Often we see that the opinions of those people stand out clearly here - they have no conception of what life is truly like for the average Thai worker.

Those commenters should really be the ones we blame for a poor image of Thailand - all they do is complain, with no rhyme nor reason nor understanding.

What is the real Thailand then ?

The natives picking rice in the fields, eating leaves from the side of the road and are happy with their lot in life, while the farang bwana sits on his stoep drinking his gin and topic and discussing the "old country"

one suspects it you who doesn't know what the real Thailand is, you have a vision of what YOU want Thailand to be,not what it is in reality rolleyes.gif

who do you think those air conned shopping center are for ?... for tourists ?

Well in Korat the air con malls are full of Thais.

I see people in the UK picking blackberries on the side of the road... so what? Free food isn't it?

Millions of people in the UK are living in poverty unable to pay their bills, and having to go to food banks.

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I think the op dose not know much about thailand at all , some of the things are wright but I have seen first hand how western man get ripe of here and I am not a farlang ok I am from the west , farlang is a racist word .

Farang is not a racist word.

Farang (Thai: ฝรั่ง [faràŋ]) is a generic Thai word for someone of European ancestry, no matter where they may come from. The Royal Institute Dictionary 1999, the official dictionary of Thai words, defines the word as "a person of white race".

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Do not forget that many of the people who post here rarely impinge upon the 'real' Thailand.

So many foreigners here live their lives in their own little ivory towers, in some mainly foreign condo or complex, going down to the beach, shopping in air con centres ... doing what, essentially, visitors do.

Often we see that the opinions of those people stand out clearly here - they have no conception of what life is truly like for the average Thai worker.

Those commenters should really be the ones we blame for a poor image of Thailand - all they do is complain, with no rhyme nor reason nor understanding.

Great post.

I have noticed that myself. Thailand to many is just an open ended holiday.

People need to jump in the car every month and go spend a few days in different areas and see the diversity.

I do have my moans and petty rants on certain aspects of life in Thailand, but they are far outweighed by all the assets it has to offer. If this were not true for everyone living here, why stay??

ok so you try what is the "real" Thailand then ?...not your idealized vision or perception, ie what you want it to be but...what is the real Thailand in 2015 ?

as regards diversity, I have driven vast tracts of Thailand and seems more places than most Thai's and in my opinion there isn't that much diversity and in fact you will see more diversity in the UK on a 200 mile round trip drive than you will see on the equivalent drive in Thailand..wink.png

personally I think your walking around with the rosey tints on...

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You could not possibly be more wrong about the murder rate. According to several international organizations it is in the 5.0 per 100,000 rate. There are 20 countries in Latin America alone that are higher than that. Please keep you poorly researched drivel to yourself. We do not want to hear it.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Understand what the OP's trying to say but not why he feels so aggrieved by it.

Most countries will be stereotyped to some extent and while it's not always pleasant, some of those stereotypes often have basis in actual fact.

Oh right.

I am aggrieved by it because on the other forum where I been having the conversation, no matter how much I try to convince people that Thailand is not a what their perception is in totality and that there is in fact very much more to this place than what they think.

They see it as nothing more than a retarded nation that is baron and outside the capital and resorts everyone is living in abject poverty.

You can go to the UK and find exactly the same.

But as much as I try to explain there is a lot more to it, they will not accept it.... All westerners are only here to have sex with prostitutes and children.... It just is not true... I wanted to see what the reactions of people who actually live here think... Is it everything they think and nothing else?

The root of your grievance lies not in the general perception of Thailand per se but in the open-mindedness and/or intelligence of those with whom you were debating it.

You're ranting about your inability to change their perceptions

It happens, get over it

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Do not forget that many of the people who post here rarely impinge upon the 'real' Thailand.

So many foreigners here live their lives in their own little ivory towers, in some mainly foreign condo or complex, going down to the beach, shopping in air con centres ... doing what, essentially, visitors do.

Often we see that the opinions of those people stand out clearly here - they have no conception of what life is truly like for the average Thai worker.

Those commenters should really be the ones we blame for a poor image of Thailand - all they do is complain, with no rhyme nor reason nor understanding.

What is the real Thailand then ?

The natives picking rice in the fields, eating leaves from the side of the road and are happy with their lot in life, while the farang bwana sits on his stoep drinking his gin and topic and discussing the "old country"

one suspects it you who doesn't know what the real Thailand is, you have a vision of what YOU want Thailand to be,not what it is in reality rolleyes.gif

who do you think those air conned shopping center are for ?... for tourists ?

Well in Korat the air con malls are full of Thais.

I see people in the UK picking blackberries on the side of the road... so what? Free food isn't it?

Millions of people in the UK are living in poverty unable to pay their bills, and having to go to food banks.

this discussion is not about the UK or a comparison with the UK facepalm.gif and where was the UK even mentioned in my post ?blink.png

but you go off on a diatribe about blackberries and poverty in the UK...your taking your own OP off topic and taking about something that wasn't even mentioned clap2.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Understand what the OP's trying to say but not why he feels so aggrieved by it.

Most countries will be stereotyped to some extent and while it's not always pleasant, some of those stereotypes often have basis in actual fact.

Oh right.

I am aggrieved by it because on the other forum where I been having the conversation, no matter how much I try to convince people that Thailand is not a what their perception is in totality and that there is in fact very much more to this place than what they think.

They see it as nothing more than a retarded nation that is baron and outside the capital and resorts everyone is living in abject poverty.

You can go to the UK and find exactly the same.

But as much as I try to explain there is a lot more to it, they will not accept it.... All westerners are only here to have sex with prostitutes and children.... It just is not true... I wanted to see what the reactions of people who actually live here think... Is it everything they think and nothing else?

The root of your grievance lies not in the general perception of Thailand per se but in the open-mindedness and/or intelligence of those with whom you were debating it.

You're ranting about your inability to change their perceptions

It happens, get over it

WOW I am actually agreeing with one of CH's post for once...w00t.gif ....get me chair quick

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Doesn't interest me what other people think anymore....I have discovered that at the end of the day the majority of people only think and care about themselves and what they are thinking is no business of mine.

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I think the op dose not know much about thailand at all , some of the things are wright but I have seen first hand how western man get ripe of here and I am not a farlang ok I am from the west , farlang is a racist word .

Farang is not a racist word.

Farang (Thai: ฝรั่ง [faràŋ]) is a generic Thai word for someone of European ancestry, no matter where they may come from. The Royal Institute Dictionary 1999, the official dictionary of Thai words, defines the word as "a person of white race".

forgive my ignorance then

"farang dam"

"a person of the white race, with European ancestry who is black" ?


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I think the op dose not know much about thailand at all , some of the things are wright but I have seen first hand how western man get ripe of here and I am not a farlang ok I am from the west , farlang is a racist word .

Sorry, I disagree, the word Farang is not racist, even Farangs call each other Farangs.

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Is the UK full of violent skin-heads with punk haircuts and chains?

That is what I have heard.

I heard it's full of Teddy Boys with D.A.'s & bicycle chains.

What's a DA? GF, BG, LB, MIL, fine. but DA?? Why did you not just put TBs, and BCs as well and save your typing?

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Do not forget that many of the people who post here rarely impinge upon the 'real' Thailand.

So many foreigners here live their lives in their own little ivory towers, in some mainly foreign condo or complex, going down to the beach, shopping in air con centres ... doing what, essentially, visitors do.

Often we see that the opinions of those people stand out clearly here - they have no conception of what life is truly like for the average Thai worker.

Those commenters should really be the ones we blame for a poor image of Thailand - all they do is complain, with no rhyme nor reason nor understanding.

I agree that many long term expats live in the tourist areas and because of that have a limited experience of Thailand. I don't think any one can come close to understanding the country, or its people, unless they live outside the tourist areas and with ordinary Thais. Just because someone has lived here a long time means sqat if they spend all their time bemoaning the country from their bar stall.

And you're right that a lot of the bad press comes from expats. Mostly those that made bad decisions and want to blame someone else or grumpy old men.

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In America the average perception seems to be that Thailand is it an impoverished hellhole full of starving people that sell their young children to sex slave brothels. People think all the girls in the bars for foreigners are child sex slaves. Fewer Americans go to Thailand than Brits, and we have 6 times as many people, so basically hardly anyone has any first or second hand knowledge of Thailand and views of it are completely ridiculous.

And half of Americans think Thailand is Taiwan, and can't point out either on a map!
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I guess this is related.. my neighbor at work in Oz bought up this news across the office:

"Thailand’s military government warned women on March 16 against posting selfies of the lower half of their breasts – a social media trend that has gone viral – saying their actions could violate the country’s computer crime laws".

...and a fellow over the office yelled "yet they let ping-pong-balls fly".

What am I, married to a Thai meant to reply? Nothing smile.png

Edited by Youbloodybeauty
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This is not a racist debate. Off topic posts/remarks removed.

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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In America the average perception seems to be that Thailand is it an impoverished hellhole full of starving people that sell their young children to sex slave brothels. People think all the girls in the bars for foreigners are child sex slaves. Fewer Americans go to Thailand than Brits, and we have 6 times as many people, so basically hardly anyone has any first or second hand knowledge of Thailand and views of it are completely ridiculous.

And half of Americans think Thailand is Taiwan, and can't point out either on a map!
when I was over in America I was asked by a woman where I came from and I replied London ,oh that's in France ain't it, most people I met there were very nice, but dim. Didn't have a clue about the world outside
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In America the average perception seems to be that Thailand is it an impoverished hellhole full of starving people that sell their young children to sex slave brothels. People think all the girls in the bars for foreigners are child sex slaves. Fewer Americans go to Thailand than Brits, and we have 6 times as many people, so basically hardly anyone has any first or second hand knowledge of Thailand and views of it are completely ridiculous.

And half of Americans think Thailand is Taiwan, and can't point out either on a map!
when I was over in America I was asked by a woman where I came from and I replied London ,oh that's in France ain't it, most people I met there were very nice, but dim. Didn't have a clue about the world outside

When I was in America I had a guy identify the continent of Africa, as containing such countries as Brazil, Argentina and Peru..rolleyes.gif ....but more troubling was the fact he was EX-US navy whistling.gif

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