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Winning the battle against Islamist fanaticism

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Yes - but Atheists quite often become fanatical in pushing their beliefs that there is no God - insisting that others believe as they do ... often try to prevent other people from displaying symbols of their particular Religious beliefs done while in public -- seeming to believe that anything done in public must be done according to Atheistic beliefs and rules - Religious beliefs must conform to Atheistic beliefs - the public areas belong to Atheists ... Sounds like a religion to me ... damned near as intolerant as followers of Islam ...

you are welcome to wear any of your magical talisman on your body or display them in your property, what we object is that you use public property.

Public property belongs to the whole public of all religions and of non religion,

Ah the common intolerant error which Muslims also make.

In my country - the US - the founders strongly enshrined in the Constitution my right to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion.

Now tell me. If the only place I'm free to speak/express/show my beliefs is on my own property locked in my bathroom...

How am I free?

No you are free to express your self anywhere, in the same way that anyone else is

You can wear your talisman on your body, you can not place it in public property, No one stopped anyone from wearing a crucifix or placing it in your own property.

This is to protect you from other religions encroaching on your right to your religion,

religious people should be the strongest defenders of this concept if it was't for the fact that they believe that they are right in their religion, and everyone else is wrong, and they need to usurp the public domain to further their agenda

This is the crux of the problem. I don't care what you believe, what you say or what you do, as long as it does not negatively affect me,

Do it on your own time on your own buck

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The world's largest religion is, by a long way, Christianity; Islam is second. (Source)

As to which is the fastest growing religion; it depends on one's source.

Some say Pentecostal Christianity, others say Islam; others say Atheism!

Atheism is not a religion,

To call Atheism a religion is as to call Abstinence a sexual position biggrin.png

Atheists are that segment of the population that Abstains from religion

All the rest insist in F#*king each otherlaugh.png

The Fastest Growing religion is Frisbeeterianism

(the belief that communion with god can only be achieved through a Frisbee)

There was only one, now there are two, so it has grown by 100%tongue.png

Yes - but Atheists quite often become fanatical in pushing their beliefs that there is no God - insisting that others believe as they do ... often try to prevent other people from displaying symbols of their particular Religious beliefs done while in public -- seeming to believe that anything done in public must be done according to Atheistic beliefs and rules - Religious beliefs must conform to Atheistic beliefs - the public areas belong to Atheists ... Sounds like a religion to me ... damned near as intolerant as followers of Islam ...

Of course non of what you say is true

Fanatic: defending once belief to the death

When was the last time you show an Atheist strap a bomb vest on and blow him/her self up while screaming


Atheists do not try to prevent anyone from displaying their religious symbols in public, you are welcome to wear any of your magical talisman on your body or display them in your property, what we object is that you use public property.

Public property belongs to the whole public of all religions and of non religion,

"Public property belongs to the whole public of all religions and of non religion"

So why do so many Atheistic groups files lawsuits trying to shut down symbols of Religious Worship? I state again -- the intolerance of Atheists and the intolerance practiced by the followers of Islam show the shared attribute -- intolerance of others outside their own belief system... Not having a legal system to shut down non Islamic believers they resort to violence

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Yes - but Atheists quite often become fanatical in pushing their beliefs that there is no God - insisting that others believe as they do ... often try to prevent other people from displaying symbols of their particular Religious beliefs done while in public -- seeming to believe that anything done in public must be done according to Atheistic beliefs and rules - Religious beliefs must conform to Atheistic beliefs - the public areas belong to Atheists ... Sounds like a religion to me ... damned near as intolerant as followers of Islam ...

you are welcome to wear any of your magical talisman on your body or display them in your property, what we object is that you use public property.

Public property belongs to the whole public of all religions and of non religion,

Ah the common intolerant error which Muslims also make.

In my country - the US - the founders strongly enshrined in the Constitution my right to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion.

Now tell me. If the only place I'm free to speak/express/show my beliefs is on my own property locked in my bathroom...

How am I free?

No you are free to express your self anywhere, in the same way that anyone else is

You can wear your talisman on your body, you can not place it in public property, No one stopped anyone from wearing a crucifix or placing it in your own property.

This is to protect you from other religions encroaching on your right to your religion,

religious people should be the strongest defenders of this concept if it was't for the fact that they believe that they are right in their religion, and everyone else is wrong, and they need to usurp the public domain to further their agenda

This is the crux of the problem. I don't care what you believe, what you say or what you do, as long as it does not negatively affect me,

Do it on your own time on your own buck

"as long as it does not negatively affect me"... which for Atheist in America has become the sight of a Christian Cross on a 70 year old war memorial -- so it must be torn down ... Just as ISIS bulldozes ancient sites in Iraq because they are not of Islam ... same mentality - different solutions

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The world's largest religion is, by a long way, Christianity; Islam is second. (Source)

As to which is the fastest growing religion; it depends on one's source.

Some say Pentecostal Christianity, others say Islam; others say Atheism!
Atheism is not a religion,
To call Atheism a religion is as to call Abstinence a sexual position biggrin.png
Atheists are that segment of the population that Abstains from religion
All the rest insist in F#*king each otherlaugh.png
The Fastest Growing religion is Frisbeeterianism
(the belief that communion with god can only be achieved through a Frisbee)
There was only one, now there are two, so it has grown by 100%tongue.png

Yes - but Atheists quite often become fanatical in pushing their beliefs that there is no God - insisting that others believe as they do ... often try to prevent other people from displaying symbols of their particular Religious beliefs done while in public -- seeming to believe that anything done in public must be done according to Atheistic beliefs and rules - Religious beliefs must conform to Atheistic beliefs - the public areas belong to Atheists ... Sounds like a religion to me ... damned near as intolerant as followers of Islam ...

Religions are based on belief. Atheism is also based on a belief. Atheism is a form of religion and yes, true believers are bigoted and intolerant.
I prefer agnostics, they don't seem to give a toss either way.

Not true also
Atheism is the absence of belief
We make no claims, It is up to those who make claims to explain, we have nothing to explain
This is the last thing I will say about Atheism in this Thread
PS: if everyone was an Atheist there would be no need for this Thread , and many people would be alive today

Wrong. Atheist claim there is no God, so that is a belief.

Charles Darwin and Carl Sagan were of the view that claiming there is no God is as irrational as claiming there is one.

To quote Carl Sagan - An atheist has to know a lot more than I know. An atheist is someone who knows there is no God. By some definitions atheism is very stupid.
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Ah the common intolerant error which Muslims also make.

In my country - the US - the founders strongly enshrined in the Constitution my right to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion.

Now tell me. If the only place I'm free to speak/express/show my beliefs is on my own property locked in my bathroom...

How am I free?

No you are free to express your self anywhere, in the same way that anyone else is

You can wear your talisman on your body, you can not place it in public property, No one stopped anyone from wearing a crucifix or placing it in your own property.

This is to protect you from other religions encroaching on your right to your religion,

religious people should be the strongest defenders of this concept if it was't for the fact that they believe that they are right in their religion, and everyone else is wrong, and they need to usurp the public domain to further their agenda

This is the crux of the problem. I don't care what you believe, what you say or what you do, as long as it does not negatively affect me,

Do it on your own time on your own buck

"as long as it does not negatively affect me"... which for Atheist in America has become the sight of a Christian Cross on a 70 year old war memorial -- so it must be torn down ... Just as ISIS bulldozes ancient sites in Iraq because they are not of Islam ... same mentality - different solutions

quote from other post from to allow response to both

So why do so many Atheistic groups files lawsuits trying to shut down symbols of Religious Worship? I state again -- the intolerance of Atheists and the intolerance practiced by the followers of Islam show the shared attribute -- intolerance of others outside their own belief system... Not having a legal system to shut down non Islamic believers they resort to violence

removed post to allow response

It is a very simple concept, dont know why the inability to understand it

The lawsuits are for religious expression using public resources, this is to protect you and your religion from other religions and to protect other religions from you,

from usurping public resources that belong to people of all different religions and of no religion, to further their religious agenda, to the detriment of others.

Do I need to draw pictures??

The fact that people dont understand such a simple concept is really scary , and it leads me to wonder,what else dont they understand?

I am sorry I dont mean to be disrespectful to you, I am simply frustrated.

No atheist ever removed , destroyed, or stopped religious expression from private property ,only from public property, ISIS or the Taliban etc. remove destroy, or prevent religious expression that is different from theirs, from private property

to equate ISIS with Atheists is non sequitur

Edited by sirineou
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Atheism is the absence of belief

We make no claims, It is up to those who make claims to explain, we have nothing to explain

This is the last thing I will say about Atheism in this Thread

PS: if everyone was an Atheist there would be no need for this Thread , and many people would be alive today

"This is the last thing I will say about Atheism in this Thread"

That promise lasted for a grand total of 18 minutes. cheesy.gif

my subsequent post was not to discuss Atheism ,but to explain pluralism with in the context of Atheism

I believe I made this clear when I said:

"The lawsuits are for religious expression using public resources, this is to protect you and your religion from other religions and to protect other religions from you,

from usurping public resources that belong to people of all different religions and of no religion, to further their religious agenda, to the detriment of others."

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Here are the words of a prize winning author, his observations are spot on. ISIS are akin to a fourth Reich and as such are the biggest danger the world faces today.


P.s And in other news the poverty causes terrorism myth receives another hit with the news that 9 'British' medical students joined ISIS.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Here are the words of a prize winning author, his observations are spot on. ISIS are akin to a fourth Reich and as such are the biggest danger the world faces today.


P.s And in other news the poverty causes terrorism myth receives another hit with the news that 9 'British' medical students joined ISIS.

Yes I agree IS are like that and need to eradicated quickly.

Just thinking a little outside the box. Perhaps some of these young people are minded to join, somewhat for the 'cause' but could also be a factor of movies and video games that glorify war and makes heroes.

However they never consider the reality.

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I have a question

what is the real name of the people we call ISIS? ISIS or ISIL is what we call them but what do they call themselves

does anyone know, I tried Goggling it to no avail

Does anyone know?

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I have a question

what is the real name of the people we call ISIS? ISIS or ISIL is what we call them but what do they call themselves

does anyone know, I tried Goggling it to no avail

Does anyone know?

Try this name...


Words matter in ‘ISIS’ war, so use ‘Daesh’
By Zeba Khan OCTOBER 09, 2014
THE MILITANTS who are killing civilians, raping and forcing captured women into sexual slavery, and beheading foreigners in Iraq and Syria are known by several names: the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS; the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL; and, more recently, the Islamic State, or IS. French officials recently declared that that country would stop using any of those names and instead refer to the group as “Daesh.”
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I have a question

what is the real name of the people we call ISIS? ISIS or ISIL is what we call them but what do they call themselves

does anyone know, I tried Goggling it to no avail

Does anyone know?

Try this name...


Words matter in ‘ISIS’ war, so use ‘Daesh’
By Zeba Khan OCTOBER 09, 2014
THE MILITANTS who are killing civilians, raping and forcing captured women into sexual slavery, and beheading foreigners in Iraq and Syria are known by several names: the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS; the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL; and, more recently, the Islamic State, or IS. French officials recently declared that that country would stop using any of those names and instead refer to the group as “Daesh.”

Thank you for that link,after reading this article I have to agree, Daesh sounds like a better name

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I have a question

what is the real name of the people we call ISIS? ISIS or ISIL is what we call them but what do they call themselves

does anyone know, I tried Goggling it to no avail

Does anyone know?

I'd like to call them history.

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I have a question

what is the real name of the people we call ISIS? ISIS or ISIL is what we call them but what do they call themselves

does anyone know, I tried Goggling it to no avail

Does anyone know?

I'd like to call them history.

Sure who wouldn't, but until such time we need to call them something more specific than A-holes

ISIS or ISIL is innocuous and incorrect they are not the Islamic state of Iraq and Syria and they are not the Islamic state of Iraq and Levant and to call them that evokes the wrong Images in peoples minds, and gives them an importance they do not deserve,

to call them A-holes does not differentiate them from all the other A-holes trying to impose their delusions on other people so......

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  • Whether we like it or not - they are also 'humanity'.
  • No need to 'kill them all' - this would be a Nazi solution.
  • The last experiences over Millennia shows that total Isolationism between Islam countries and the rest of the world works!
  • Do not fight 'radicals'. Do not help 'moderates'. Leave them alone.
  • Get rid of 45,000,000 Muslims living among the westerners. It is not easy but is absolutely necessary!
  • Do not ask me - how? I didn't let them in. The West is lost if this is not done. No use fighting Islam with a 45,000,000 Fifth column among us.

The moment they are gone back to their countries of origin there will be peace. Meaning that the West has won!

The big questions are - Do our Politicians want peace? Who let the Muslims in? Who and to what aim has invented 'Political Correctness'? Can it be applied to Muslims?

We can win the battle against Islamic extremists. We can never win war! A war against a Religious idea cannot be won by superior weapons.

Disturbing post. "Get rid of 45 million Muslims living amongst westerners", is what Hitler said about Jews....

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Yes - but Atheists quite often become fanatical in pushing their beliefs that there is no God - insisting that others believe as they do ... often try to prevent other people from displaying symbols of their particular Religious beliefs done while in public -- seeming to believe that anything done in public must be done according to Atheistic beliefs and rules - Religious beliefs must conform to Atheistic beliefs - the public areas belong to Atheists ... Sounds like a religion to me ... damned near as intolerant as followers of Islam ...

Of course non of what you say is true

Fanatic: defending once belief to the death

When was the last time you show an Atheist strap a bomb vest on and blow him/her self up while screaming


Atheists do not try to prevent anyone from displaying their religious symbols in public, you are welcome to wear any of your magical talisman on your body or display them in your property, what we object is that you use public property.

Public property belongs to the whole public of all religions and of non religion,

"Public property belongs to the whole public of all religions and of non religion"

So why do so many Atheistic groups files lawsuits trying to shut down symbols of Religious Worship? I state again -- the intolerance of Atheists and the intolerance practiced by the followers of Islam show the shared attribute -- intolerance of others outside their own belief system... Not having a legal system to shut down non Islamic believers they resort to violence

This posting exactly shows the intolerance of the fanatic christians with their extremist ideology and are together with the muslim and jewish extremist the cancer to the world. Unfortunately all three religions feel so superior over the other that the only thing they are good at is promoting hatred, violence and war...

So happy not to be "imprisoned" by the aggressive, murderous and often absurd fairy tales laid down in the thora, bible and koran

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If the current leader of Egypt continues his efforts there could be an awakening to change the view of the everyday Muslim towards radical Islam ...

  1. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
    Egypt, President (2015)


Edited by JDGRUEN
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  • Whether we like it or not - they are also 'humanity'.
  • No need to 'kill them all' - this would be a Nazi solution.
  • The last experiences over Millennia shows that total Isolationism between Islam countries and the rest of the world works!
  • Do not fight 'radicals'. Do not help 'moderates'. Leave them alone.
  • Get rid of 45,000,000 Muslims living among the westerners. It is not easy but is absolutely necessary!
  • Do not ask me - how? I didn't let them in. The West is lost if this is not done. No use fighting Islam with a 45,000,000 Fifth column among us.
The moment they are gone back to their countries of origin there will be peace. Meaning that the West has won!

The big questions are - Do our Politicians want peace? Who let the Muslims in? Who and to what aim has invented 'Political Correctness'? Can it be applied to Muslims?

We can win the battle against Islamic extremists. We can never win war! A war against a Religious idea cannot be won by superior weapons.

Disturbing post. "Get rid of 45 million Muslims living amongst westerners", is what Hitler said about Jews....

Yes would be quite strange the enlightened western world getting rid of muslims yet many westerners living quite happily in muslim countries.

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This posting exactly shows the intolerance of the fanatic christians with their extremist ideology and are together with the muslim and jewish extremist the cancer to the world. Unfortunately all three religions feel so superior over the other that the only thing they are good at is promoting hatred, violence and war...

So happy not to be "imprisoned" by the aggressive, murderous and often absurd fairy tales laid down in the thora, bible and koran

You have it backwards... Christians do not try to stop or interfere with Agnostics, Atheists or anyone else --- they only want to practice their religion in private and in public as the U.S. Constitution guarantees... It is the intolerant Atheists acting in a similar manner as Islamist do - to push back and limit Christian activities or displays done in public as I have described... Your statement is over the top and unsupported... nothing more than a flippant remark. By the way ... personally, I am not a devout Christian by far... I just happen to believe in Religious freedom in America... But Atheists want to hammer Christianity and push it out of public view... similar to what is going on in the Middle East especially now with the horrendous actions of ISIS slaughtering Christians... and non believers of Islam ...

The Islamic Fundamentalist Radicals such as ISIS have not evolved as Christians have done -- rather they have 'devolved' - gone back to the barbaric times of seven hundred years ago. Please point out any modern day roving bands of Christians who running around helter skelter and killing non believes in the manner and style of the Taliban and ISIS... You have a weblink don't you?

So your view is that an atheism is the same as a radical ISIS fundamentalists, and you want me to take you serious??

Its clear that you happen to believe in religious freedom in the USA, as long as it is Christianity and NOT Islam (or any other heathen religion). Only because you (Christians) are superior?

Anyway, apparently your views of the world are so narrow that I have to help you open your eyes.....

There has been at least 8 killings in the US, by Christians extremist, of abortion providers, and this is besides the well documented attempted murder, assaults, kidnapping, arson, bombing and even anthrax threats to these same abortion providers. Why is it that YOU as a "Christian" can decide about MY life in a so called free country like the US?

Further wrt to Christian insanity in war, one just has to look to Ireland. Catholics and Protestants killing each other in a same way as Shia killing Sunni's and the other way around. Religious insanity, which no atheist understands. Why kill anyone over a book (any of the 3 major ones) that was made-up centuries ago keeps baffling me.....

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I think we are starting to stray off-topic. It's interesting, but perhaps not quite relevant to this topic.

Starting from now, further off-topic posts, in particular discussions about atheism is going to result in a suspension of posting ability.

You have been warned twice.

If you have nothing to say on the topic, then please move on to a different thread.


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The battle against any kind of religious extremists whether Islamic, Jewish or Christian, can only be won with education.

Did the Doctors who joined Douche not have enough education? By the way so called de-radicalization programs have not got a good track record. I would suggest stopping the indoctrination with Islamist ideology is easier than fixing what is already broken. The trouble is any meaningful steps suggested cause the PC multiculturalists to complain and call people names, so nothing meaningful ever gets,done.
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The battle against any kind of religious extremists whether Islamic, Jewish or Christian, can only be won with education.

Not quite sure what Jews and Christians have to do with Islamist fanaticism.

Islamist fanatics do not need educating, they need eradicating.

Islamic extremism cannot be educated (there's little sense in that) so indeed should be eradicated, just like jewish and Christian extremism (why focus only on the muslims idiots, while there are plenty of dangerous idiots from other religions as well?).

The non extremist religious people, and the people with extreme opinions about muslims, jews or christians need to be educated. Currently there are too many people too receptive for propaganda, indoctrination, prejudices, hate and fear of something they don't know, thanks to (social) media. Muslims worldwide should understand that ISIS is wrong (the majority of Muslims do understand this btw), or that a Shia killing a Sunni doesn't solve anything.....and there is plenty of evidence to proof this. People with extreme opinions (in either direction) shouldn't be underestimated either. If I see a posting here on TV saying that "all 45 million muslims living in the western world should be send back to where they came from", it speaks of utter stupidity. People with these kind of extreme opinions need to be educated, because they can cause a serious threat to the society as it can feed the fire of extremism. After all it were opinions similar to these that helped national socialism to rise in the 30ties.

Education of the world can at least help contain extremist threats. Once its contained, eradication is obviously a lot easier....

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