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Winning the battle against Islamist fanaticism

Lite Beer

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The battle against any kind of religious extremists whether Islamic, Jewish or Christian, can only be won with education.

Not quite sure what Jews and Christians have to do with Islamist fanaticism.

The vast majority of Christians and Jews have exactly the same connection with Islamist fanaticism as the vast majority of Muslims; none at all.

No one, not even you, blames all Christians or Jews for the violence of fanatical Christian or Jewish groups.

Yet you and people like you constantly try and blame all Muslims for, or at least claim all Muslims support, the violence of fanatical Islamic groups like IS.

Islamist fanatics do not need educating, they need eradicating.

Attempting to educate those already corrupted by fanaticism and prejudice probably wont work.

What is required, and may very well work, is educating those vulnerable to the propaganda of IS; educating them to show this propaganda for the lies and misinterpretation that it is.

Non Muslims can't do that, and Muslim organisations, mosques etc. are already attempting to do so.

But every time an Islamaphobic comment is published, every time a piece of anti Muslim graffiti is painted on a mosque wall, every time the vast majority of law abiding Muslims are blamed for the atrocities of terrorists by the ignorant; another vulnerable person moves closer to being converted to the IS cause.

Is that what you want?

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The battle against any kind of religious extremists whether Islamic, Jewish or Christian, can only be won with education.

Not quite sure what Jews and Christians have to do with Islamist fanaticism.

The vast majority of Christians and Jews have exactly the same connection with Islamist fanaticism as the vast majority of Muslims; none at all.

No one, not even you, blames all Christians for the violence of fanatical Christian or Jewish groups.

Yet you and people like you constantly try and blame all Muslims for, or at least link all Muslims to, the violence of fanatical Islamic groups like IS.

Islamist fanatics do not need educating, they need eradicating.

Attempting to educate those already corrupted by fanaticism and prejudice probably wont work.

What is required, and may very well work, is educating those vulnerable to the propaganda of IS; educating them to show this propaganda for the lies and misinterpretation that it is.

Non Muslims can't do that, and Muslim organisations, mosques etc. are already attempting to do so.

But every time an Islamaphobic comment is published, every time a piece of anti Muslim graffiti is painted on a mosque wall, every time the vast majority of law abiding Muslims are blamed for the atrocities of terrorists by the ignorant; another vulnerable person moves closer to being converted to the IS cause.

Is that what you want?

Gawd, womens throats have been cut in, you know where, just because of a religion, yet YOU still protect that shit.........................Back off guy.......YOU try and protect the innocent for once....facepalm.gif

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As usual, because you have no answer to the points I have raised, you revert to imbecilic, unfounded accusations.

Either that or you lack the intellectual capacity to understand what I have written!

Show us all where I have ever defended any atrocity by anyone of any religion or political belief.

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The battle against any kind of religious extremists whether Islamic, Jewish or Christian, can only be won with education.

Not quite sure what Jews and Christians have to do with Islamist fanaticism.

The vast majority of Christians and Jews have exactly the same connection with Islamist fanaticism as the vast majority of Muslims; none at all.

No one, not even you, blames all Christians or Jews for the violence of fanatical Christian or Jewish groups.

Yet you and people like you constantly try and blame all Muslims for, or at least claim all Muslims support, the violence of fanatical Islamic groups like IS.

Islamist fanatics do not need educating, they need eradicating.

Attempting to educate those already corrupted by fanaticism and prejudice probably wont work.

What is required, and may very well work, is educating those vulnerable to the propaganda of IS; educating them to show this propaganda for the lies and misinterpretation that it is.

Non Muslims can't do that, and Muslim organisations, mosques etc. are already attempting to do so.

But every time an Islamaphobic comment is published, every time a piece of anti Muslim graffiti is painted on a mosque wall, every time the vast majority of law abiding Muslims are blamed for the atrocities of terrorists by the ignorant; another vulnerable person moves closer to being converted to the IS cause.

Is that what you want?

Islamist fanatics have everything to do with Islam, they are quite simply Islamic puritans. You can accuse the, of misapplying Islamic doctrine or even cherry picking, but you can level the same accusations against moderates who choose to state 'there is no compulsion in religion' etc. Teresa May just announced a raft of measures against Islamist extremists. She didn't bother to address the problem of Jewish, Christian or indeed Buddhist or Hindu extremists because effectively there aren't any, everyone knows this so why pretend otherwise?
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Not quite sure what Jews and Christians have to do with Islamist fanaticism.

The vast majority of Christians and Jews have exactly the same connection with Islamist fanaticism as the vast majority of Muslims; none at all.

No one, not even you, blames all Christians or Jews for the violence of fanatical Christian or Jewish groups.

Yet you and people like you constantly try and blame all Muslims for, or at least claim all Muslims support, the violence of fanatical Islamic groups like IS.

Islamist fanatics do not need educating, they need eradicating.

Attempting to educate those already corrupted by fanaticism and prejudice probably wont work.

What is required, and may very well work, is educating those vulnerable to the propaganda of IS; educating them to show this propaganda for the lies and misinterpretation that it is.

Non Muslims can't do that, and Muslim organisations, mosques etc. are already attempting to do so.

But every time an Islamaphobic comment is published, every time a piece of anti Muslim graffiti is painted on a mosque wall, every time the vast majority of law abiding Muslims are blamed for the atrocities of terrorists by the ignorant; another vulnerable person moves closer to being converted to the IS cause.

Is that what you want?


What is the title of the thread ? Islamic fanaticism. Not Christian or Jewish fanaticism, and when a thread is opened up on one of those subjects I will respond. Just like I have said on numerous other threads where you like to throw in red herrings.

I will ask you again. Feel free to point out and highlight a thread where I have blamed ALL Muslims for the atrocities carried out by the likes of BH, IS or any other nutjob Islamic group. What I have said, and I will say again. It is my belief that that the majority of the Muslim Community do not do enough to ostracize these @rseholes. Is that plain enough for you.

You do not need to tell me that educating these morons will not work. I already know that and have 1st hand experience of it.

Tell you what. Whatever these Mosques, Imams and whoever else is working tirelessly to educate these vulnerable clowns isn't really working is it ? So what's the plan B ?

It seems to me, that you are far more concerned with the words of Islamophobes than you are with the atrocities that are being carried out by these Islamic groupings. Your absence of posting on a multitude of current running threads seems to back up my assertion.

While we are on the subject. here is one of those highly respected Muslims that took great pride in joining the British Armed Forces.

The Mail on Sunday claims secretly-filmed footage, obtained by former EDL leader Tommy Robinson, shows former Army captain Mr Amin promising to be an "unshakeable ally" for the EDL in parliament and help bring their views to the mainstream.


Its in the DNA 7x7. They just cannot help themselves.

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As usual, because you have no answer to the points I have raised, you revert to imbecilic, unfounded accusations.

Either that or you lack the intellectual capacity to understand what I have written!

Show us all where I have ever defended any atrocity by anyone of any religion or political belief.

YOU always protect a religion that does nothing to stop the killing.......Have you....?

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Winning the battle against Islamist fanaticism

What a crazy idea!

How can a war against fanaticism be won?

Fanatics cannot be convinced, re-educated or proved wrong! Being brainwashed they cannot be brain-flushed again.

There is about 1.5 Billion of Muslims, Islamists, True Believers or whatever you care to call them.

Nobody in their right mind expects to exterminate them all. So what kind of victory does one expect?

The real problem is not the RADICALS, not the EXTREMISTS, not the FANATICS, - there is not many of them and they are easily killed.

The real problem is

  • even 1% of 1.5 Billion is an army of 15,000,000 fearless soldiers READY TO DIE!
  • there is no way of telling a FANATIC, a RADICAL or an EXTREMIST from a 'good, peaceful, law abiding Muslim'!
  • all fanatics, radicals, extremists, terrorists and jihadists are hatching from the huge mass of those 'good,peaceful, law abiding Muslims'!
  • 45,000,000 of those 'good, peaceful, law abiding Muslims' live among us!
  • how do you kill the IDEA!

What do you propose to do about this?

How do you win this battle?

Do we have enough drones?

Good Hunting!

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The battle against any kind of religious extremists whether Islamic, Jewish or Christian, can only be won with education.

Not quite sure what Jews and Christians have to do with Islamist fanaticism.

Islamist fanatics do not need educating, they need eradicating.

Islamic extremism cannot be educated (there's little sense in that) so indeed should be eradicated, just like jewish and Christian extremism (why focus only on the muslims idiots, while there are plenty of dangerous idiots from other religions as well?).

The non extremist religious people, and the people with extreme opinions about muslims, jews or christians need to be educated. Currently there are too many people too receptive for propaganda, indoctrination, prejudices, hate and fear of something they don't know, thanks to (social) media. Muslims worldwide should understand that ISIS is wrong (the majority of Muslims do understand this btw), or that a Shia killing a Sunni doesn't solve anything.....and there is plenty of evidence to proof this. People with extreme opinions (in either direction) shouldn't be underestimated either. If I see a posting here on TV saying that "all 45 million muslims living in the western world should be send back to where they came from", it speaks of utter stupidity. People with these kind of extreme opinions need to be educated, because they can cause a serious threat to the society as it can feed the fire of extremism. After all it were opinions similar to these that helped national socialism to rise in the 30ties.

Education of the world can at least help contain extremist threats. Once its contained, eradication is obviously a lot easier....

I have highlighted the relevant part for you.

At this moment in time, it is Islamic nutjobs that are running riot and carrying out atrocities in approx. 26 Countries worldwide.

It is these same people that are causing normal people of all persuasions to have a deep fear of all things Muslim. Nothing else.

It is these Muslim extremists that are, rightly or wrongly, forming peoples opinions.

Now feel free to point out where Jewish and Christian extremists are causing havoc worldwide.

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(Some embedded quotes removed to comply with forum software)

Islamist fanatics have everything to do with Islam, they are quite simply Islamic puritans.

I did not claim that Islamist fanatics are not connected to Islam!

What I actually said was "The vast majority of Christians and Jews have exactly the same connection with Islamist fanaticism as the vast majority of Muslims; none at all."

If you are incapable of understanding the difference, say so and I will try and present it in even more simple terms.

You can accuse the, of misapplying Islamic doctrine or even cherry picking, but you can level the same accusations against moderates who choose to state 'there is no compulsion in religion' etc.

Indeed, every religion has different sects who interpret the teachings of that religion in different ways.

But the vast majority of Muslims are not going around killing people and do not support those who do; even though certain websites, often quoted and linked to by you, try and convince the gullible that all Muslims secretly support the fanatics!

Teresa May just announced a raft of measures against Islamist extremists. She didn't bother to address the problem of Jewish, Christian or indeed Buddhist or Hindu extremists because effectively there aren't any, everyone knows this so why pretend otherwise?

As there are, currently, no Christian, Jewish or Hindu terrorist groups operating in the UK or presenting a visible threat to UK interests, and I have never pretended otherwise, it is understandable that May has only announced measures against Islamic terrorists.

Just as when the UK was threatened by Irish terrorists measures were directed against Irish terrorists, not Pakistanis or other Muslims!

This does not, of course, mean that there are not terrorist groups from other religions operating in other parts of the world; we all know that there are.

Indeed, the UK security services may very well be taking some form of action to monitor and act against them; only we have not been told about it.

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Pieman and transam; answer my question;

Where have I ever defended any atrocity by anyone?

BTW, as I have a family, a job and a life I cannot spend as much time on the internet as yourselves; so I cannot post in every single topic.

That you see this as some form of support for terrorism and murder speaks volumes about you; but nothing about me.

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  • Whether we like it or not - they are also 'humanity'.
  • No need to 'kill them all' - this would be a Nazi solution.
  • The last experiences over Millennia shows that total Isolationism between Islam countries and the rest of the world works!
  • Do not fight 'radicals'. Do not help 'moderates'. Leave them alone.
  • Get rid of 45,000,000 Muslims living among the westerners. It is not easy but is absolutely necessary!
  • Do not ask me - how? I didn't let them in. The West is lost if this is not done. No use fighting Islam with a 45,000,000 Fifth column among us.
The moment they are gone back to their countries of origin there will be peace. Meaning that the West has won!

The big questions are - Do our Politicians want peace? Who let the Muslims in? Who and to what aim has invented 'Political Correctness'? Can it be applied to Muslims?

We can win the battle against Islamic extremists. We can never win war! A war against a Religious idea cannot be won by superior weapons.

Disturbing post. "Get rid of 45 million Muslims living amongst westerners", is what Hitler said about Jews....

Yes would be quite strange the enlightened western world getting rid of muslims yet many westerners living quite happily in muslim countries.

Dear friends, no need to invoke the Hitler routine. Get rid of means only REPATRIATION, not extermination...

On the other hand if you are too Politically Correct to repatriate them - be prepared for your own extermination...

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Pieman and transam; answer my question;

Where have I ever defended any atrocity by anyone?

BTW, as I have a family, a job and a life I cannot spend as much time on the internet as yourselves; so I cannot post in every single topic.

That you see this as some form of support for terrorism and murder speaks volumes about you; but nothing about me.

Gawd, ALL these topics in your opinion Muslims are not to blame..........I cannot write here my thoughts on your input.......BUT, some of us sane folk do know that Muslim folk are killing for absolutely NOTHING..........Sadly you stand by the Muslim side.......

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  • Whether we like it or not - they are also 'humanity'.
  • No need to 'kill them all' - this would be a Nazi solution.
  • The last experiences over Millennia shows that total Isolationism between Islam countries and the rest of the world works!
  • Do not fight 'radicals'. Do not help 'moderates'. Leave them alone.
  • Get rid of 45,000,000 Muslims living among the westerners. It is not easy but is absolutely necessary!
  • Do not ask me - how? I didn't let them in. The West is lost if this is not done. No use fighting Islam with a 45,000,000 Fifth column among us.
The moment they are gone back to their countries of origin there will be peace. Meaning that the West has won!

The big questions are - Do our Politicians want peace? Who let the Muslims in? Who and to what aim has invented 'Political Correctness'? Can it be applied to Muslims?

We can win the battle against Islamic extremists. We can never win war! A war against a Religious idea cannot be won by superior weapons.

Disturbing post. "Get rid of 45 million Muslims living amongst westerners", is what Hitler said about Jews....

Yes would be quite strange the enlightened western world getting rid of muslims yet many westerners living quite happily in muslim countries.

Dear friends, no need to invoke the Hitler routine. Get rid of means only REPATRIATION, not extermination...

On the other hand if you are too Politically Correct to repatriate them - be prepared for your own extermination...

Re-education was what it was called then, and working camps (arbeit macht frei), nobody ever mentioned extermination. But thats what happened!

Muslims have been living in western societies for centuries (Ottaman, Moors), and the Muslims who came to Western Europe in the 60ies and 70ies are now at the 3rd generation. They are full blown Germans, French, Dutch etc. Where exactly did you plan to deport these people to?

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The west and Islam will never ever be as one it does not matter if they are moderate or radical,we are as unlike them and they as unlike us as chalk and cheese, in small amounts we can RUN along together but not when there are too many of them in the west ,as there is now ,as far as they are concerned ,it's my way or the highway

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Isn't ISIS the wet dream of the west : muslims killing muslims so we don't have to ?

Imagine 1 unified muslim/islamic front against the west , that would be scary !

scary ... why ? You really think these brainwashed hoards can threaten the West when it comes Down to it ... ? Could the Nazi´s or Japanese kamikaze-Savages ? Muslim/Islamic front will be eradicated from the face of the Earth clap2.gif May the day come soon thumbsup.gif

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Pieman and transam; answer my question;

Where have I ever defended any atrocity by anyone?

BTW, as I have a family, a job and a life I cannot spend as much time on the internet as yourselves; so I cannot post in every single topic.

That you see this as some form of support for terrorism and murder speaks volumes about you; but nothing about me.

Gawd, ALL these topics in your opinion Muslims are not to blame..........I cannot write here my thoughts on your input.......BUT, some of us sane folk do know that Muslim folk are killing for absolutely NOTHING..........Sadly you stand by the Muslim side.......

Therein lies the problem, re read your post. 'Muslim folk'.

Wrong, it is extremists, mainly from the Middle East causing all this. 'Muslim folk' have nothing to do with it and want them eradicated as much as anyone else.

If you lived in the muslim environment you would understand the animosity and hatred most muslims have for ISIS and their ilk.


Mainly from the Middle East.

So have a stab in the dark. Are they Christians ? How about Jewish ? Perhaps Hindu ? Nope, what about Buddhists ? Nope, not them either.

So coming from the Middle East, they are predominantly Muslims.

When I see Muslims on the streets, worldwide, generating the same hostility that they have done over a cartoon I will start to listen.

Until then. I do not give a sh!t about their perceived hatred and animosity for ISIS and their ilk.

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Muslims do indeed have to take ownership of the 'misuse' of their scripture. This is in effect a reformation of Islam. It is no good pointing to extremists of other religions, these are a fringe if they exist at all. With Islam it is the reformers who are a fringe, according to Ayaan Hirsi Ali. They need our support, not the self appointed advocacy groups who blame anyone but themselves for Muslim violen e, yet so often have links with the Muslim Brotherhood etc.


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Pieman and transam; answer my question;

Where have I ever defended any atrocity by anyone?

BTW, as I have a family, a job and a life I cannot spend as much time on the internet as yourselves; so I cannot post in every single topic.

That you see this as some form of support for terrorism and murder speaks volumes about you; but nothing about me.

True, you have not defended in the true sense of the word.

What you have done is spin, deny, deflect, ignore and blame others for the actions of Muslims.

What? Where have I ever tried to spin, deny, deflect, ignore or blame others for the actions of IS or any other Islamic terrorists?

I haven't.

What I have done is try and show the ignorant and prejudiced, like you and your fellows, that these terrorists do not represent nor speak for the overwhelmingly vast majority of all Muslims; whether they live in Europe, North America, Australasia, the Middle east, South Asia, wherever.

Your ignorance and prejudice means that you refuse to accept this; that you refuse to accept the condemnation of Islamic terrorists coming from all over the Muslim world, that you refuse to accept that even as I type this Muslim soldiers are fighting IS on the ground.

I wish I could say that your ignorance and prejudice were just your problem; but they are not.

The terrorist recruiters in the West point to the output of hate sites such as Jihad Watch and Pamela Gellar; point to the attitudes of those, like you, gullible enough to swallow the output of those sites and say

"Look at what the infidel say about you, look at what they want to do to you and your families. Come, join us, fight to protect your religion and your families."

Fortunately, the vast majority of those they approach are too intelligent to swallow this; just as the vast majority of non Muslims are too intelligent to swallow Gellar et al's rubbish.

But, unfortunately, there are enough on both sides who do so.

Thus the circle goes around and around.

Yes, the topics that you get your panties in a twist about are well noted and documented. How to get a visa for the UK. The Muslim Peado's of Rotherham and of course Jeremy Clarkson.

So are the ones you do not post in. Like anything to do with the atrocities carried out by IS or BH. Is that because you secretly support them ?

I am so important to you that you have 'well noted and documented' all the topics I have ever posted in?

My, my; I did not realise you are such a fan. Would you like a signed photo?

I post in the topics I wish to post in; like every other member here.

BTW, I have often posted in topics about IS and other Islamic extremists; posted to condemn their atrocities. You must know that as they attracted replies from you similar to the above; i.e because I don't condemn all Muslims for the actions of a tiny minority who are terrorists, I must therefore support the terrorists!

It seems you like to think you know all my posts, but have forgotten many of yours!

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Pieman and transam; answer my question;

Where have I ever defended any atrocity by anyone?

BTW, as I have a family, a job and a life I cannot spend as much time on the internet as yourselves; so I cannot post in every single topic.

That you see this as some form of support for terrorism and murder speaks volumes about you; but nothing about me.

Gawd, ALL these topics in your opinion Muslims are not to blame..........I cannot write here my thoughts on your input.......BUT, some of us sane folk do know that Muslim folk are killing for absolutely NOTHING..........Sadly you stand by the Muslim side.......

Therein lies the problem, re read your post. 'Muslim folk'.

Wrong, it is extremists, mainly from the Middle East causing all this. 'Muslim folk' have nothing to do with it and want them eradicated as much as anyone else.

If you lived in the muslim environment you would understand the animosity and hatred most muslims have for ISIS and their ilk.


Mainly from the Middle East.

So have a stab in the dark. Are they Christians ? How about Jewish ? Perhaps Hindu ? Nope, what about Buddhists ? Nope, not them either.

So coming from the Middle East, they are predominantly Muslims.

When I see Muslims on the streets, worldwide, generating the same hostility that they have done over a cartoon I will start to listen.

Until then. I do not give a sh!t about their perceived hatred and animosity for ISIS and their ilk.

How do you know a person is muslim? You do realize there are white muslims. May I suggest you see a perceived middle eastern person and automatically think they are muslim.

Pakistan reintroduced the death penalty because of the al qaeda and Taliban, that's a good thing right? Many muslim countries coming down hard on IS wannabes but that's not enough right?

So what you say is that this is nothing, it only matters that muslims take to the streets.


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What? Where have I ever tried to spin, deny, deflect, ignore or blame others for the actions of IS or any other Islamic terrorists?

There you go again. I said you deny, deflect, ignore or blame others for the actions of Muslims. I did not mention IS or other Islamic terrorists.

I did say that you are not too hot on posting in IS or BH specific topics, and asked if you secretly supported them.

What I have done is try and show the ignorant and prejudiced, like you and your fellows, that these terrorists do not represent nor speak for the overwhelmingly vast majority of all Muslims; whether they live in Europe, North America, Australasia, the Middle east, South Asia, wherever.

Your ignorance and prejudice means that you refuse to accept this; that you refuse to accept the condemnation of Islamic terrorists coming from all over the Muslim world, that you refuse to accept that even as I type this Muslim soldiers are fighting IS on the ground.

Once again, please point out where I have ever said that these abominations represent or speak for ALL Muslims ? Here is a hint, you looked before and couldn't find it then. You will not find it now either.

Ignorance and prejudice ? Lets have a look at that then. You continually assert that there is condemnation coming from all over the Muslim world on Islamic terrorists. WHERE IS IT ? Is it blocked from my newsfeeds ? Perhaps its just blocked from my laptop completely ? There is no worldwide condemnation. There are a few soundbites peddled about now and again. Nothing more, nothing less. Worldwide condemnation was shown when they took to the streets over cartoons. Now that's condemnation. So where is my ignorance and prejudice again ? Stating a fact is neither ignorant or prejudiced.

Muslim soldiers fighting IS on the ground ? Considering where it is occurring, frankly I wouldn't expect anything else. But lets be honest here. The only reason that is happening is because the West has refused to get involved and they have no other option. Look how long it took them to get into the fight, waiting for the West to intervene. Perhaps if they IA had not legged it at the start it would never have escalated to where it is today. No doubt they were too busy counting the loot for the 50,000 ghost soldiers that they were claiming for and got caught with their collective pants down.

The terrorist recruiters in the West point to the output of hate sites such as Jihad Watch and Pamela Gellar; point to the attitudes of those, like you, gullible enough to swallow the output of those sites and say

You really are clutching at straws now. I am so gullible I will let you point out where I have used any of those sites. I do not need to. But you already know that. Making claims like that just destroys the rest of your post.

BTW, I have often posted in topics about IS and other Islamic extremists; posted to condemn their atrocities. You must know that as they attracted replies from you similar to the above; i.e because I don't condemn all Muslims for the actions of a tiny minority who are terrorists, I must therefore support the terrorists!

BTW. No you have not. That is why I highlighted it. It sticks out like a black eye.

Remember that little mantra I used. Deny, deflect, ignore and blame others. Re-read your last post. It highlights that little mantra exactly.

Edited by Scott
Inflammatory remark removed
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

IMO, the war against radical islamists will be unwinnable for the west.

The attraction IS has to enrol young men and women is frightening..............

Many islamics do speak against the jihad.....only to beg forgiveness for what they utter, at prayer time in the mosque.

The sheer numbers of muslims now....and which continues to grow......indicates they will be in control in just the next few decades.

if what you say is correct then we are headed for ethnic cleansing on a global scale - I see no other alternative if true

It's hard to give up one's Political Correctness but you are actually talking not ethnic cleansing but a Religious war.

Refusal to call a spade - a spade may lead to loosing the war.

I don't know if it will be ethnic cleansing, but you may be right about a major cleansing.


I can't understand the almost virginal timidity of modern Political Correctness Idea flooding the Western World.

As if they never knew the history of major Religious conflicts from XIII to XVI Centuries.

The relatively small spasms were (and still are) seen in places where Islam and Judeo-Christian Religions were left co-existing in the same place: Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Crete...

Unfortunately Judeo-Christians have evolved spiritually into PC, Multiculturalism, Tolerance etc. forgetting that their counterpart Muslims did not.

Net result - 45,000,000 Muslims living among soft, tolerant, liberally minded Jews, Christians, Atheists, Agnostics, etc. virtually defenseless against barbaric primitivism.

The outcome is quite predictable: a Religious War with all its atrocities or subjugation of the Western Civilization.

Isn't ISIS the wet dream of the west : muslims killing muslims so we don't have to ?

Imagine 1 unified muslim/islamic front against the west , that would be scary !

Not so scary! By virtue of being Medieval the Muslim/Islam Unified Front has no hope of winning against the West!

On the other hand in today's situation the West is a clear looser having a 45,000,000 strong Fifth Column in its midst.

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Dear, oh dear, pieman; according to you because I do not post in every topic concerning IS, I therefore support them!

According to you, because I condemn IS and other terrorists but refuse to condemn all Muslims as secret supporters of those, I therefore support Islamic terrorism.

According to you, the many, many links I and others have provided in the past to Muslims, from governments down to individuals and everywhere in between, condemning IS and other Islamic terrorists don't exist.

According to you, Muslim soldiers fighting IS on the ground don't really want to do so. Well, arguably no soldier wants to fight, but if they didn't want to fight IS and in fact agreed with their cause then they would be deserting to join IS in their thousands; but they aren't.

According to you.. well so much rubbish and deliberate misrepresentation of what I have posted I'd fill several pages showing it for what it is.

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Deny, Deflect and Ignore

Lets start with Ignore

I posted this at post 65

While we are on the subject. here is one of those highly respected Muslims that took great pride in joining the British Armed Forces.


The Mail on Sunday claims secretly-filmed footage, obtained by former EDL leader Tommy Robinson, shows former Army captain Mr Amin promising to be an "unshakeable ally" for the EDL in parliament and help bring their views to the mainstream.

Salt of the earth type guy that you totally ignored. If you want to know his details just let me know. His weapons of choice is a laser pointer and powerpoint. Never been near a firefight,

While we are on the subject of ignore. I am still waiting on a link the backs up your assertion that many Muslims were killed fighting in the Indian Army for the Brits.


BTW, I have often posted in topics about IS and other Islamic extremists; posted to condemn their atrocities. You must know that as they attracted replies from you similar to the above; i.e because I don't condemn all Muslims for the actions of a tiny minority who are terrorists, I must therefore support the terrorists

No you have not

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Posted 2015-03-24 20:26:59


There you go 7x7











All these Muslim / Islamic threads are currently on the 1st 2 news pages of TV.

Guess how many posts you have made ?

Nil. Nada. Zilch.

Why would someone who professes to hate Islamic Fanaticism not make 1 post on any of these 10 threads ?

Now let me hear your spin on this one.

That says it all.


Dear, oh dear, pieman; according to you because I do not post in every topic concerning IS, I therefore support them!

According to you, because I condemn IS and other terrorists but refuse to condemn all Muslims as secret supporters of those, I therefore support Islamic terrorism.

According to you, the many, many links I and others have provided in the past to Muslims, from governments down to individuals and everywhere in between, condemning IS and other Islamic terrorists don't exist.

According to you, Muslim soldiers fighting IS on the ground don't really want to do so. Well, arguably no soldier wants to fight, but if they didn't want to fight IS and in fact agreed with their cause then they would be deserting to join IS in their thousands; but they aren't.

According to you.. well so much rubbish and deliberate misrepresentation of what I have posted I'd fill several pages showing it for what it is.

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