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Poll: Thai people find post-coup politics better

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Poll: Thai people find post-coup politics better

BANGKOK, 22 March 2015 (NNT) – A recent survey by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University has found that most Thai people think better of Thai politics after the coup.

The survey, which was conducted between March 16 and 21, discovered that the majority of respondents had a feeling that political conflicts within the country had noticeably subsided under the leadership of PM Prayut Chan-o-cha. Compared to the period before the coup, Thai political situation nowadays is more peaceful in their opinion.

When asked to comment on the strong and weak points of Thai politics at present, the respondents said the strength of Thai politics is the military government which has the absolute authority over decision-making. The weaknesses of Thai politics are disunity and corruption.

As for the role of politicians, most of the respondents observe that politicians have become much less influential due to the emergence of the National Council for Peace and Order. However, they said some politicians would remain under the watchful eye of the public.

The results of the survey were compiled from the answers of 1,229 people across the country.

-- NNT 2015-03-22 footer_n.gif


"...the strength of Thai politics is the military government which has the absolute authority over decision-making. The weaknesses of Thai politics are disunity and corruption."

I'll agree with that if "strength" means military might.


I can believe that.

The opposition members are before the courts.

Opposition in Government positions have been before the courts on corruption and other charges; others have been moved out of their posts.

No demonstrations.

Reporters not to ask the General questions that will make him made; as they will get punched and sent to be re-programed.

Nothing really reported on anything happening outside Bangkok.

China is the newest BF.

The press appears to publish diluted articles, except for those radical one eyed organisations we are not to mention.

Of course if you ask if the level of political conflict has lessened. It’s slowly being removed.

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"The weaknesses of Thai politics are disunity and corruption"

With Thailand moving down 17 ranks in the corruption index after the Junta came to power lets hope it is not a weakness in the future.

​As for the poll. It may or may not be a true reflection of the majority, but they will happily dismiss this tangible result today while respecting an election result that has not happened yet. And when that election result shows the same trends that current polls do they will hold the majority in contempt again by stating "The election was rigged" whereby dismissing the wishes of the majority.

Oh the irony!!

You are exactly describing the elite's reaction to the reds wins at the ballot boxes............coffee1.gif

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Poll no doubt taken at the NCPO 'aren't we good at this' pat on the back session.

Most people I know would not agree and want a return to an elected government. ...one that won't be removed just because someone doesn't like it.



This is so exciting!

The poll under the only-positive-polls-pro- government-allowed-policy, has a positive-for -the-government- result...

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Poll no doubt taken at the NCPO 'aren't we good at this' pat on the back session.

Most people I know would not agree and want a return to an elected government. ...one that won't be removed just because someone doesn't like it.

Don't know that many people then!!!


Politics of course is better, there's no opposition to make it difficult for the current leadership, when you don't have an opposition it's not really politics if it's all one way is it?

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What complete utter bullshit

Just can't accept the truth can you!!!

I think that politics (without democracy) is wonderful.

Maybe next time you're voting you can vote for .....oh wait, you don't have a vote.. Unlike many millions of people Thais who do.

And politics without a democracy is also known as a dictatorship and you crack if your Thai family are happy to accept the curent situation, which will all change when the event happens anyway

  • Like 1

A poll conducted recently by the department of blaa blaa blaa found the 96% of blaa blaa blaa found the current blaa blaa blaa to be performing blaa blaa blaa. Go back to your homes, all his well, blaa blaa blaa.

Tune in next week for another pointless poll telling you all is well and all is fine. Be happy or else! The Thai Junta.


NCPO's propaganda, nothing else.

I know we cannot generalize the subjective experience, but I don't know any Thai person who thinks junta is helping this country.

they say exactly the opposite, in one world catastrophe.

The sooner Thailand gets rid off the military junta, the better.

We have to hope, the junta will not cause damage that no one be able to undo.

Thailand needs structural reforms and western-type liberal democracy.


in fact, this survey was

Are you happy with the post-coup politics

1 yes

2 yes but

3 yes, i have no choise

4 no (in this case, you should go jail for 2 years)


Poll: Thai people find post-coup politics better

This is how a poll supposed to look like. Perfect example. Attitude adjusted and straightened out. It's working...


Of course Thai people find in more peaceful now post coup, even I do.

Forming a political mob is illegal. That's enforced peace under martial law. Duhhh.


What complete utter bullshit

Just can't accept the truth can you!!!

I think that politics (without democracy) is wonderful.

Maybe next time you're voting you can vote for .....oh wait, you don't have a vote.. Unlike many millions of people Thais who do.

And politics without a democracy is also known as a dictatorship and you crack if your Thai family are happy to accept the curent situation, which will all change when the event happens anyway

I'm happy as things are - it seems that your (so-called) dictatorship, which it is not BTW, is far preferable to democracy as things have improved in virtually every aspect since the junta started on putting things right!!

I hope that the referendum (if we have one) is rejected and the 'good general' stays in power for longer to finish his job of cleaning up politics and making the politicians impotent as they have spent decades abusing their power and it has to be stopped.

In order to do this the Shinawatra's and his murdering foot soldiers must be eliminated as they are an unnecessary evil that doesn't belong in Thailand.


Political conflicts are nonexistent in China, North Korea, Vietnam, and Cuba too. The Junta sees itself as a member of this very elite club that has the world's finest undemocratic governments.

Congradulations General Prayut, your one-man rule of Thailand in modern history will earn a large footnote in the story of democracy in Thailand.

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What complete utter bullshit

Poll: Thai people find post-coup politics better

They must all be related to Costas

  • Like 2

What complete utter bullshit

Just can't accept the truth can you!!!

I think that politics (without democracy) is wonderful.

Maybe next time you're voting you can vote for .....oh wait, you don't have a vote.. Unlike many millions of people Thais who do.

And politics without a democracy is also known as a dictatorship and you crack if your Thai family are happy to accept the curent situation, which will all change when the event happens anyway

I'm happy as things are - it seems that your (so-called) dictatorship, which it is not BTW, is far preferable to democracy as things have improved in virtually every aspect since the junta started on putting things right!!

I hope that the referendum (if we have one) is rejected and the 'good general' stays in power for longer to finish his job of cleaning up politics and making the politicians impotent as they have spent decades abusing their power and it has to be stopped.

In order to do this the Shinawatra's and his murdering foot soldiers must be eliminated as they are an unnecessary evil that doesn't belong in Thailand.

Thank goodness you are happy. That makes all the difference to those who voted in the last election. Also, foriegners and Thais trying to do business in the kingdom who have been disenfranchised by changes at immigration which has discouraged innovation. The clean up will serve the privileged, as the last coup tried to do.

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