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'Martial law caused tourist numbers to surge'

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There is truth in these words.

Numbers from the West fell due to lack of travel insurance cover, Asian travellers do not feel the need for such covers, probably because they are self-insured from higher savings.

Not really. Travel insurance isn't a concern for junketeers or sex tourists. Not a concern for the backpack set or for those locked into timeshares or other property assets. The key cause of the decline was world economic conditions combined with a whopping increase of the cost of visiting Thailand. Airfares are up around the world, and Thai hotel costs are up along with food and booze.

The hilarious aspect of the Press Release is that the comparison point was one of the lowest points in the tourism period. . It all hinges on the data points selected. I see that someone provided a much better illustration (so i deleted rest of my comment).


The numerical stats don't lie.... but politicians do!

The chap is not politician. He is a staff office of the army. Perhaps he should stick to the army golf course and not attempt statistical analysis……...

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There is truth in these words.

Numbers from the West fell due to lack of travel insurance cover, Asian travellers do not feel the need for such covers, probably because they are self-insured from higher savings.

The truth is not that there was an increase. The first six months were down due to Suthep following his marching orders to disrupt the streets with highly visible confrontations and protests that led to travel warnings from sane governments.

This is correct, if you are speaking strictly about the first and last half of last year. During the first half, everyone was staying away.

During the second half, the Thailand veteran travelers who come here often and know that life and business goes on as normal "same same but different" started returning.

Being connected to the resort business talking to resort owners, there seems to be a consensus that this high season has definitely been an off from previous years.

From Christmas through January and February were busy with the same veterans who come for a peak season holiday every year, but there were very few "newbies".

One owner remarked how his resort usually stayed busy through April was like somebody turned out the lights after the first week in March.

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We have an amazing 16% increase in tourist arrivals, Yippee Thats the good news

Sad to say the average spending has gone down by 45%.

Work that out for yourself TAT


Oh please....

Yea right like a traveller pops into his agent and say I would like to book a ticket to the Maldives. May I suggest Thailand sir as they have Martial Law at the moment and that brings curfews, void insurance, no group sex or hand jobs and the Junta has ordered tourist prices be increased 10 fold. Sounds great give me two tickets.

Very witty.

Except - the Maldives are not a noted venue for sex tourists which you apparently think Thailand is all about, Where are the curfews now? Most traveler's coming to Thailand seem to get their travel insurance o k.

All the Chinese I know regard Thailand as safe again now - no more criminal thugs shooting and throwing grenades at night.

Some conferences that were moved to Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore have all been moved back to Thailand again now. Visits from various Western government representatives and business leaders, despite the "isolation" many claim falsely is being enforced.

No idea what the true figures are - for before, immediately after the coup and now. But, the conference organizers I know are happy to come to Thailand again now there are no longer nightly terrorist attacks.


There is truth in these words.

Numbers from the West fell due to lack of travel insurance cover, Asian travellers do not feel the need for such covers, probably because they are self-insured from higher savings.

Not really. Travel insurance isn't a concern for junketeers or sex tourists. Not a concern for the backpack set or for those locked into timeshares or other property assets. The key cause of the decline was world economic conditions combined with a whopping increase of the cost of visiting Thailand. Airfares are up around the world, and Thai hotel costs are up along with food and booze.

The hilarious aspect of the Press Release is that the comparison point was one of the lowest points in the tourism period. . It all hinges on the data points selected. I see that someone provided a much better illustration (so i deleted rest of my comment).

I know a number of travelers to Thailand - for business, conferences, as well as holidays. Not one has has any problems getting travel insurance.

The economic issues in Europe, less disposable income, increased air fares (including fuel surcharges until long after the oil prices fell). increased hotel and living costs etc has a bigger impact as you say. 5 star international hotels accommodation and the food and beverage charges in those hotels is not cheap or low cost.


That Guardian story yesterday was spot on - this lot are barking mad, albeit mad with tanks.

Yep! Good article.


Nice to see some balance in an article too. Their comments about the despotic Thaksin and his bad governments' corruption are spot on. Too many other articles, like those usually by AFP and BBC ignore the very substantial negatives of the Shinwattra parties when comparing them to the current Junta.


This is propaganda at its best . But I do not believe a well educated Thai is going to believe that martial law is the reason tourism is up here in Thailand.

Its the breakup of Sutips protest that is the reason why tourists are coming back.

If they believe this stuff then I can see the Junta changing advertising strategy. "Come to Beautiful Thailand where Martial Law will insure your safety " cheesy.gif


If martial law is the key then they should keep the military in power forever and never remove martial law

I bet Prayuth would love that since he loves hearing his own sound bites

I hope the person who uttered these words was not driving home

well, that may be going just a bit too far.. how about some decent Maritime Law for a change

..just as good as holiday they say, moreover the fresh ocean air will do us all well


It sure did SURGE. The February 2015 income figures of a Tour Company I Intimately know was half of what they earned same month last year!!!


The sound of creaking knees in reaction is quite loud. Asian tourists may well be swelling the numbers because they are more comfortable with authoritarian regimes in preference to chaotic democracies.


As soon as I saw this headline....I knew it was The Nation. Been printing garbage for team yellow since 2004.

Sadly, some Thai Visa posters swallowed the bait and support the coup.blink.png

its a got-damn quote from a Thai official. Nation's biases have nothing to do it with this story.


As soon as I saw this headline....I knew it was The Nation. Been printing garbage for team yellow since 2004.

Sadly, some Thai Visa posters swallowed the bait and support the coup.blink.png

The Nation really is like an English language government paper.


I fully concur, numbers must be true 'cause i had friends calling all the time in the last months just asking how the chances where for a nice Martial-Law-Vacation.
Cool i said, no need to bring your own AK's as grenades are the locations favour, no, again don't bring your own ones, there's plenty available for cheap money, basically stashed at most corners and preferably in temples ...

'Barking mad' might begin to describe it ... or an entirely new designed drug involved probably, seems to get one into a nice flow though.

However, just fine these people don't get (over)paid for exuding this kind of bull on a daily basis ...


There is truth in these words.

Numbers from the West fell due to lack of travel insurance cover, Asian travellers do not feel the need for such covers, probably because they are self-insured from higher savings.

The truth is not that there was an increase. The first six months were down due to Suthep following his marching orders to disrupt the streets with highly visible confrontations and protests that led to travel warnings from sane governments.

So the numbers were down because of the protests, and not the nightly attacks on the protesters? Stories of protesters being attacked, and collateral damage murder of young children (reported world-wide) may have had a small effect.


Listen to all you cynics, but it's true and more. Martial law is also slowing down global warming, eradicating Ebola, and getting your pie and chips on the table by 6pm everynight.


Eat your heart out, TAT!

You and your overly intelligent and sophisticated plans!

It just takes some tanks, some guns, some less freedom of speech...job done!

Thanks, General...for bringing happiness AND tourists back to Thailand!


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No comment from Costas?facepalm.gif I assume he’s too busy writing more statements for Maj-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd.rolleyes.gif

No, he's moved on to loftier topics like Thai roundabouts.


they define a "jump" as the summer high season and end of the year holiday season being 16% higher (under or due to martial law) compared to the PDRC "shutdown BKK" disaster for the tourist industry in the first half of the year...


I really feel like crying...

Couldn't agree more - manipulating and disguising the figures. "Statistics, damn statistics!" They can show whatever you want.


Mea culpa...

the Title of the OP is as follows:

'Martial law caused tourist numbers to surge'

I just noticed the Quotation Marks.. ha ha... Good one - right?


They honestly believe this crap???cheesy.gif

Numbers don't lie!!!

Let me ask you this. Putting all your bigotry aside, can you appreciate that people (locals and tourists both) will choose an area to go to that is trouble free more readily than going there knowing that there is the possibility that it might be the last time they go anywhere!!

People feeling unsafe and vulnerable tends to put them off doing such things and travelling to areas where there is an uneasy tension present.

The 16% rise in tourist numbers since the coup stopped the killings is pretty impressive - no wonder a large majority of people want it to stay. All of this 'it is disrupting my life' b******* that is spattered about is complete cobblers and Prayuth is very much justified in maintaining his stance for not lifting it as people simply appreciate it for what it has done in keeping the peace and order!!


They honestly believe this crap???cheesy.gif

Numbers don't lie!!!

Let me ask you this. Putting all your bigotry aside, can you appreciate that people (locals and tourists both) will choose an area to go to that is trouble free more readily than going there knowing that there is the possibility that it might be the last time they go anywhere!!

People feeling unsafe and vulnerable tends to put them off doing such things and travelling to areas where there is an uneasy tension present.

The 16% rise in tourist numbers since the coup stopped the killings is pretty impressive - no wonder a large majority of people want it to stay. All of this 'it is disrupting my life' b******* that is spattered about is complete cobblers and Prayuth is very much justified in maintaining his stance for not lifting it as people simply appreciate it for what it has done in keeping the peace and order!!

"Numbers don't lie"? But possibly the people that present them do, and the way that they are presented can be totally misleading. That said, I agree with you on what you say about people's preferences as regards areas to go.

However if I was sitting in my armchair in front of my fire trying to keep my tootsies warm, and contemplating my next holiday in the sun, I would not be tempted to be going to a country where martial law was in place - the very words conjure up images of "uneasy tension"

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