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Did You Marry An Ugly Woman?


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I always hear Thais talking about the choices that Farang men make when it comes to women...

Dark and from the north-east seems to be the norm, or is that just becasue they populate most of the gogo bars?

Yep you got it! The ones so poor they have no choice!

The north east of Thailand, and in particular, the drier provinces of issarn, is one of the very few places I have been to where being a 'farang wife' is a viable career option.

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Well i am marrying a Thai stunner in a few months, she turns heads all over the place in Oz. I just hate it when the oldies think they have a chance with her.

She turns heads? Which way? Maybe the oldsters aren't thinking about having a chance with her at all. Does she resemble any of those lovely Thai stunners I posted?

Edited by AmeriThai
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Well i am marrying a Thai stunner in a few months, she turns heads all over the place in Oz. I just hate it when the oldies think they have a chance with her.

She turns heads? Which way? Maybe the oldsters aren't thinking about having a chance with her at all. Does she resemble any of those lovely Thai stunners I posted?

In my opinion better, but thats my opinion.

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Well i am marrying a Thai stunner in a few months, she turns heads all over the place in Oz. I just hate it when the oldies think they have a chance with her.

She turns heads? Which way? Maybe the oldsters aren't thinking about having a chance with her at all. Does she resemble any of those lovely Thai stunners I posted?

In my opinion better, but thats my opinion.

Nice choice! Best wishes to both of you. :o

The Future Mrs. Donz?


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Well i am marrying a Thai stunner in a few months, she turns heads all over the place in Oz. I just hate it when the oldies think they have a chance with her.

She turns heads? Which way? Maybe the oldsters aren't thinking about having a chance with her at all. Does she resemble any of those lovely Thai stunners I posted?

In my opinion better, but thats my opinion.

Nice choice! Best wishes to both of you. :o

The Future Mrs. Donz?


Now thats just cruel, that is bad for the eyes

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My own opinion is that it is quite rare to see a forigner with what I regard as a good looking Thai woman.

That's not to say I think looks are the most important charecteristic, but too often other things are lacking too.

And that is I believe the answer to the second part of Simon's post.

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If anyone that knows THE DUDe, you must get him some help, he''s probably gotten sunstroke, and is hallucinating thats for sure. Hope someone can help this lost individual, in the 3rd person of course. He has to much stress & can't make up his mind.....

Hope the dude get well soon, and has a nice stay.

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Serious question (honestly!)

When I look at my Thai wife, I think that she is very beautiful. But other people might not agree with me. But I married her for more than just her good looks :o

When I trawl through TV and other Thai-related websites, I must honestly say that I have never seen a photo of a farang-guy/Thai-woman couple where the woman could be described as 'ugly' or 'plain'. (But I have seen many such photos where a range of 'interesting' words could be applied to the guy!!)

So, do you think that 'farang' guys are only concerned with what shows on the surface? And if so, is this a reason why so many farang/Thai relationships go bad?

Maybe you can suggest a farang/Thai couple where the 'beauty' is not just skin-deep, and where there is an honest, long-lasting relationship.


Could you, serious as you are, just post a picture of your very beautiful wife, just as a reference.

Without doubt, mine is ugly or plain, or just plain ugly, but it would be nice to see it in perspective (and no "eye of the beholder") the TV forum will be the judge (since you asked here)

(6+ years in a long-lasting relationship, just a newbie here!)

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i know a guy who took a rough looker from an agency but he has trouble with her ,she wants 45,000 pounds to divorce him. he chose a not so hot looker for an easy life but she is as bad as a hot looker.

so he might as well have chose a hot looker in the first place.

cricky's mate,

if she is not a stunner when you marry her, its only down hill from there. :D

your a long time dead fella, so you should go top shelf to start off with.

cheers :o

I'm going to have to agree with you 85% on that one.

People have various priorities. We can't give blanket advice that will be appropriate for everyone. But for a guy for whom lust is a priority, he'll get his most basic needs fulfilled most by a lusty woman with a body and face that fits his type. He'll want strong physical chemistry.

Not everyone has that priority, and those with lower sex drives who also have higher priorities try to diminish such men as shallow. Fact is, we are not all the same. For some of us, sex can lead towards experiences that are deep, profound, and even mystical. Hardly shallow.

Other people have as a priority shared interests, or good conversation, or emotional stability, or financial stability. Some people just want a really good buddy to hang with.

But for some of us, it will always come back to the sex. We want the strong physical chemistry.

And since we most likely have to compromise quite a lot in the mutual understanding department, coming from different backgrounds, it makes sense to avail of the opportunity for a more attractive mate in compensation.

It's not true that you can't base a relationship on "just" sex. Sure you can. I'd rather base a relationship on good sex than on good conversation. Yes, passion tends to fade over time, but if you have strong physical chemistry with a woman who is exactly your type, it cools from steam to a gentle boil.

An uglier woman who remains social may make up for her deficits by honing other skills. So a plain woman who puts in extra effort can stand a chance. If there is some chemistry.

If given a choice between a woman who is my ideal in terms of mental stability, good mood, intelligence, wit, compassion, and humor, but with whom I have little chemistry, and a woman who has problems in all these areas but with whom I share a profound and inexpressible seemingly inexaustable passion, the choice for me is that latter.

Edited by jamman
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Reminds me of an old song......

"If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life

Never make a pretty woman your wife.

So from my personal point of view

Get an ugly girl to marry you."

If a guy wants an ugly woman for a wife, that's okay. But what's wrong with having an incredibly hot-looking stunner when there's such a wide range of lovely, eye-popping girls to drool over?







Love is in the air

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If given a choice between a woman who is my ideal in terms of mental stability, good mood, intelligence, wit, compassion, and humor, but with whom I have little chemistry, and a woman who has problems in all these areas but with whom I share a profound and inexpressible seemingly inexaustable passion, the choice for me is that latter.

So then you'd choose an ugly woman for a wife who lacks in or has problems with mental stability, good mood, intelligence, wit, compassion and humor, as long as both of you share incredible passion?


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If given a choice between a woman who is my ideal in terms of mental stability, good mood, intelligence, wit, compassion, and humor, but with whom I have little chemistry, and a woman who has problems in all these areas but with whom I share a profound and inexpressible seemingly inexaustable passion, the choice for me is that latter.

So then you'd choose an ugly woman for a wife who lacks in or has problems with mental stability, good mood, intelligence, wit, compassion and humor, as long as both of you share incredible passion?


Hey, I never said anything about marriage. I'd not marry a woman with whom I didn't share a lot more than physical chemistry.

I'm saying that passion is a pre-requisite. Otherwise a mate could be of any gender, or even just online in a dis-embodied virtual reality game. Libido is the fundamental pre-requisite.

But for a serious long term monogamous relationship, yes, I'd go with the ugly girl with the passion over the girl who has everthing except physical chemistry.

A long time ago I read some forum post from a fellow who advocated dating a hottie over an average girl, because he said that after the love rush wears off and after all the ups and downs, you can always come back to the lust and passion.

I hear the exact opposite argument from people for whom passion isn't a priority. That the passion will fade, so you need a mate with whom you can come back to some shared interest.

Sex might be the shared interest that works for some people. And it doesn't have to fade to become low priority.

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Hey, I never said anything about marriage. I'd not marry a woman with whom I didn't share a lot more than physical chemistry.

I'm saying that passion is a pre-requisite. Otherwise a mate could be of any gender, or even just online in a dis-embodied virtual reality game. Libido is the fundamental pre-requisite.

But for a serious long term monogamous relationship, yes, I'd go with the ugly girl with the passion over the girl who has everthing except physical chemistry.

A long time ago I read some forum post from a fellow who advocated dating a hottie over an average girl, because he said that after the love rush wears off and after all the ups and downs, you can always come back to the lust and passion.

I hear the exact opposite argument from people for whom passion isn't a priority. That the passion will fade, so you need a mate with whom you can come back to some shared interest.

Sex might be the shared interest that works for some people. And it doesn't have to fade to become low priority.

Don't get me wrong. As I said earlier, for those who choose the ugly ones, there's nothing wrong with that. With enough beer, even those who are covered with facial warts, tufts of hair growing out of large, lumpy moles, teeth growing every which direction, and b.o. that smells like a zombie, I suppose they'd all start looking pretty hot and passionate, assuming it's too dark to see anything. Well, maybe not that good. But different people see things in different ways.

Regardless, ugly women have the same wide spectrum of human feelings as anyone. So do the stunners. Given the choice between a stunner with both passion and compatibility and an ugly with the same personal qualities....

Well, I'm sure you can see my point.

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Hey, I never said anything about marriage. I'd not marry a woman with whom I didn't share a lot more than physical chemistry.

I'm saying that passion is a pre-requisite. Otherwise a mate could be of any gender, or even just online in a dis-embodied virtual reality game. Libido is the fundamental pre-requisite.

But for a serious long term monogamous relationship, yes, I'd go with the ugly girl with the passion over the girl who has everthing except physical chemistry.

A long time ago I read some forum post from a fellow who advocated dating a hottie over an average girl, because he said that after the love rush wears off and after all the ups and downs, you can always come back to the lust and passion.

I hear the exact opposite argument from people for whom passion isn't a priority. That the passion will fade, so you need a mate with whom you can come back to some shared interest.

Sex might be the shared interest that works for some people. And it doesn't have to fade to become low priority.

Don't get me wrong. As I said earlier, for those who choose the ugly ones, there's nothing wrong with that. With enough beer, even those who are covered with facial warts, tufts of hair growing out of large, lumpy moles, teeth growing every which direction, and b.o. that smells like a zombie, I suppose they'd all start looking pretty hot and passionate, assuming it's too dark to see anything. Well, maybe not that good. But different people see things in different ways.

Regardless, ugly women have the same wide spectrum of human feelings as anyone. So do the stunners. Given the choice between a stunner with both passion and compatibility and an ugly with the same personal qualities....

Well, I'm sure you can see my point.

Yup, I sure do.

I'm pretty picky about physical characteristics. I did date one woman this year who was not quite my type who managed to still get deep under my skin through various feminine wiles. I respect that.

I'm about to fly my ex girfriend from the Philippines over to me here in Bali. I have other options here, but the passion between me and that perfect little hottie is unsurpassed in my life. Plus she's fairly serious and devoted. Too bad for all her various other deficits, but she is still unsurpassable.

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The Dude has been living with a hot chick for over 3 years. The Dude does not believe in marriage at this point and perhaps never. The Dude believes in the status quo of just say no to marriage amidst all the pressure

yo dude,

you are a freaking hero my top and learn'ed friend.

and well versed in the art of common sense. :D

my brilliant self is of exactly the same opinion as your intelligent self.

more power to you dude.

cheers :o

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The Dude has been living with a hot chick for over 3 years. The Dude does not believe in marriage at this point and perhaps never. The Dude believes in the status quo of just say no to marriage amidst all the pressure

yo dude,

you are a freaking hero my top and learn'ed friend.

and well versed in the art of common sense. :D

my brilliant self is of exactly the same opinion as your intelligent self.

more power to you dude.

cheers :o

The ,dudi, is a figment of someones imagenation IMHO, after reading some of your masterpeices, your not far away from ya hero,mr.T. I hope this cheers ja up?

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marrying an ugly girl is against my religion.

That probably sums you up .

To all the good people here that have such strict guidlines about their future partners.

Can u imagine marrying the most beautiful girl and having disabled kids ?

Would you bin them and wait for the next output ?

Have a good think about your very common thoughts.

I used to be as shallow ( because there is no other word as apt ) as some as you chaps

Just a bit of food for thought.


ps I have a lovely wife and 2 healthy kids

When you finally have a family you should realise how ridiculous this demand is.

Thank God


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If I need to explain it for you then you really are in trouble.. what makes you think your girl is different, why won't the old ones have a chance :o

My girl is different, she doesnt go with men for money (as she is the wealthier one by far in our relationship) she been approached by a millionaire Thai businessman in sydney who she worked for and told me and quit the next day (what I did is a different topic)

She has been approached by alot of older men when we were in Patong (when i left her on her own for a few minutes) and she told a few of them off.

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what I did is a different topic

Where is the topic I could do with a laugh.. Also looking forward to a new thread in a few years.. "Old guy gave my wife a meat injection"

PS you are the one mentioning Money I never assumed that she or any Thai girl would do it just for the cash.

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what I did is a different topic

Where is the topic I could do with a laugh.. Also looking forward to a new thread in a few years.. "Old guy gave my wife a meat injection"

PS you are the one mentioning Money I never assumed that she or any Thai girl would do it just for the cash.

I know you didnt mention it, but i know what you were thinking.

The thread was done like 6-8 months ago and was called Thai women only want cash or something along those lines.

Nah no old guy will, cause she doesnt like them all

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