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PM Prayut to attend the state funeral of Lee Kuan Yew on Mar 29

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Gen Prayut to attend the state funeral of Mr Lee Kuan Yew on Mar 29

BANGKOK, 24 March 2015 (NNT) -- Prime Minister Gen. Prayut Chan-o-cha will travel to Singapore on March 29 to pay his last respects to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister of Singapore, who died early Monday.

Gen. Prayut said that he had received an official invitation from the government of Singapore to join the state funeral and pay respect to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

The Prime Minister said Mr. Lee was widely known as the founding father of Singapore who turned the small port into a wealthy global hub.

However, Gen. Prayut denied a report that he was scheduled to meet with self-exiled former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on March 28 in Singapore.

The Premier said he had nothing to do with Thaksin in the upcoming trip and he expressed his belief that the Singapore government would try its best in arranging different schedules for him and Thaksin in order to avoid an awkward encounter.

-- NNT 2015-03-24 footer_n.gif


Many years ago I knew several very educated ladies from Singapore here in the Los Angeles, CA area. One was from a fairly affluent family and she would tell me some stories of her family having tea with "the tyrant of Singapore".


Many years ago I knew several very educated ladies from Singapore here in the Los Angeles, CA area. One was from a fairly affluent family and she would tell me some stories of her family having tea with "the tyrant of Singapore".

Give me anytime a tyrant if the country can prosper, lift the living standard, rule abiding citizens, little corruption, efficient civil service, education, top Global 5 per capital income, safety etc all that in a lifetime from a fishing port.

Well put, Eric

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Absolutely agree with Eric, its a delight to see the cleanliness of Singapore and the respect for the law, but no hope it would ever work here, Thai seem at home in filth and squalor, and there will never be any respect for law, when they have no respect for their country or themselves.


"The Premier said he had nothing to do with Thaksin in the upcoming trip and he expressed his belief that the Singapore government would try its best in arranging different schedules for him and Thaksin in order to avoid an awkward encounter."

I would hope the Singapore Government would not extend any official courtesy to a criminal fugitive who has no official status in his home country other than bail jumper, fugitive from justice and not pander to him purely due to his wealth. Of course they did benefit from refinancing the IMF loan for him at higher interest rates and longer term and wisely bought his telecoms company from him the day after he changed the law to avoid any tax whistling.gif


"The Premier said he had nothing to do with Thaksin in the upcoming trip and he expressed his belief that the Singapore government would try its best in arranging different schedules for him and Thaksin in order to avoid an awkward encounter."

I would hope the Singapore Government would not extend any official courtesy to a criminal fugitive who has no official status in his home country other than bail jumper, fugitive from justice and not pander to him purely due to his wealth. Of course they did benefit from refinancing the IMF loan for him at higher interest rates and longer term and wisely bought his telecoms company from him the day after he changed the law to avoid any tax whistling.gif

Welcoming a coup leader is fair game though eh? whistling.gifwhistling.gif

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"The Premier said he had nothing to do with Thaksin in the upcoming trip and he expressed his belief that the Singapore government would try its best in arranging different schedules for him and Thaksin in order to avoid an awkward encounter."

I would hope the Singapore Government would not extend any official courtesy to a criminal fugitive who has no official status in his home country other than bail jumper, fugitive from justice and not pander to him purely due to his wealth. Of course they did benefit from refinancing the IMF loan for him at higher interest rates and longer term and wisely bought his telecoms company from him the day after he changed the law to avoid any tax whistling.gif

Welcoming a coup leader is fair game though eh? whistling.gifwhistling.gif

At least one of them was elected.


"The Premier said he had nothing to do with Thaksin in the upcoming trip and he expressed his belief that the Singapore government would try its best in arranging different schedules for him and Thaksin in order to avoid an awkward encounter."

I would hope the Singapore Government would not extend any official courtesy to a criminal fugitive who has no official status in his home country other than bail jumper, fugitive from justice and not pander to him purely due to his wealth. Of course they did benefit from refinancing the IMF loan for him at higher interest rates and longer term and wisely bought his telecoms company from him the day after he changed the law to avoid any tax whistling.gif

Welcoming a coup leader is fair game though eh? whistling.gifwhistling.gif

At least one of them was elected.


Many years ago I knew several very educated ladies from Singapore here in the Los Angeles, CA area. One was from a fairly affluent family and she would tell me some stories of her family having tea with "the tyrant of Singapore".

Give me anytime a tyrant if the country can prosper, lift the living standard, rule abiding citizens, little corruption, efficient civil service, education, top Global 5 per capital income, safety etc all that in a lifetime from a fishing port.


So despite all your previous posts on other threads saying democracy is essential, you are in fact o k with a dictator providing the results of the dictatorship meet with your approval? Or does it just have to be a dictator you like?

No doubt this venerable departed gentlemen did his very best for his country, and no disrespect to him. But would we have all bee so gracious if his country had not achieved such widespread success and kept much of the benefits for his family and friends?

I am well schooled in Singapore politics. LKY was a tyrant in a sense that he is an authoritarian. He is highly discipline, ethical and expect the same with his citizens. Remember Singapore existent to current status is only a short 50 years. 50 years ago, Singapore was infested with corruption, secret societies, communist and left wing labour unions. I lived during that era whereby each day there are strikes and communist activities. Lee had to be strict to manage all these undesirable elements. He must also jump start an economy and provide reasonable standard of living or the people will be quickly be discontent and go against him. He managed all this pretty well and even exceeded expectations. His draconian style may be out of touch in modern connected society and his death may allow his son to loosen up the tight control over the city state.

Now BB he is no dictator. The word dictator is almost exclusively refer to oppressive and abusive rule and characterized by some common traits like suspension of election and civil liberties plus also proclaiming state of emergency or martial law. See wide difference and see the relevance to current junta.

He was a dictator. He didn't wage war or invade other countries. But he did treat opposition ruthlessly and was no way democratic. However, there is no doubt Singapore would be considerably worse off had he not existed or been deposed early on.

As you say, he was ethical, hardworking and loyal to his country - something he expected, and demanded, from others.

I had a big argument with a British diplomat once, on similar lines regarding Dr. M. He too was a dictator and ruthless when required and although not in the LKY mold was still instrumental in achieving much for Malaysia. The diplomat simply insisted all dictators were wrong - but quite happy to boost trade in that region!


"The Premier said he had nothing to do with Thaksin in the upcoming trip and he expressed his belief that the Singapore government would try its best in arranging different schedules for him and Thaksin in order to avoid an awkward encounter."

I would hope the Singapore Government would not extend any official courtesy to a criminal fugitive who has no official status in his home country other than bail jumper, fugitive from justice and not pander to him purely due to his wealth. Of course they did benefit from refinancing the IMF loan for him at higher interest rates and longer term and wisely bought his telecoms company from him the day after he changed the law to avoid any tax whistling.gif

Welcoming a coup leader is fair game though eh? whistling.gifwhistling.gif

At least one of them was elected.

Yep. At least one of them was elected, chose to dissolve parliament, chose to resign from the ensuing caretaker position and then decided to take it back, which wasn't a choice he was entitled to make. Had to be removed, like a bad smell.

Next attempt was to install little sister as PM in a cabinet of his choice, whilst a convicted criminal on the run. What a democrat he is .......... not.

Welcoming a country's PM seems fair game - ask Japan and China. The Europeans more canny at playing the game, send their people here. Why was it the UK made Thaksin step down from Man City and cancelled his visa again?


And another denial that there will be no contact with Thaksin.

I am sure someenterprising paparazzi will be seeking a double photo op!


"The Premier said he had nothing to do with Thaksin in the upcoming trip and he expressed his belief that the Singapore government would try its best in arranging different schedules for him and Thaksin in order to avoid an awkward encounter."

I would hope the Singapore Government would not extend any official courtesy to a criminal fugitive who has no official status in his home country other than bail jumper, fugitive from justice and not pander to him purely due to his wealth. Of course they did benefit from refinancing the IMF loan for him at higher interest rates and longer term and wisely bought his telecoms company from him the day after he changed the law to avoid any tax whistling.gif

It would be rather amusing if they sat them together at the funeral though, wouldn't it?


"The Premier said he had nothing to do with Thaksin in the upcoming trip and he expressed his belief that the Singapore government would try its best in arranging different schedules for him and Thaksin in order to avoid an awkward encounter."

I would hope the Singapore Government would not extend any official courtesy to a criminal fugitive who has no official status in his home country other than bail jumper, fugitive from justice and not pander to him purely due to his wealth. Of course they did benefit from refinancing the IMF loan for him at higher interest rates and longer term and wisely bought his telecoms company from him the day after he changed the law to avoid any tax whistling.gif

It would be rather amusing if they plonked them down together for the funeral though, wouldn't it?


Singapore is in sincere mourning over the passing away of their 'founding father', a man most of Singaporeans have known all their life. I doubt the government there wants anything to distract them. If they were forced to choose they would choose the invited official representative of Thailand, it's current PM. No doubt Thaksin is aware of that although it won't stop him from making a nuisance of himself if only by talking too much. Waiting for him to say "who am I do do such?".


Singapore is in sincere mourning over the passing away of their 'founding father', a man most of Singaporeans have known all their life. I doubt the government there wants anything to distract them. If they were forced to choose they would choose the invited official representative of Thailand, it's current PM. No doubt Thaksin is aware of that although it won't stop him from making a nuisance of himself if only by talking too much. Waiting for him to say "who am I do do such?".

But the Singaporeans are not forced to choose, nor is the funeral about Thailand or Thai politics, so what is your point?


So, who will "mind the shop" while he's away?

Seem to recall a former PM "became" A FORMER PM, whilst he too was overseas,

back around 2006.


Wait for the Ministry of Propaganda to report he met with many others leaders who expressed full support for the junta, the road map etc etc.

I've already read that in the papers, the propaganda machine are well ahead.

Singapore is in sincere mourning over the passing away of their 'founding father', a man most of Singaporeans have known all their life. I doubt the government there wants anything to distract them. If they were forced to choose they would choose the invited official representative of Thailand, it's current PM. No doubt Thaksin is aware of that although it won't stop him from making a nuisance of himself if only by talking too much. Waiting for him to say "who am I do do such?".

Someone had to blame Thaksin for this. Now he has this death on him.
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Singapore is in sincere mourning over the passing away of their 'founding father', a man most of Singaporeans have known all their life. I doubt the government there wants anything to distract them. If they were forced to choose they would choose the invited official representative of Thailand, it's current PM. No doubt Thaksin is aware of that although it won't stop him from making a nuisance of himself if only by talking too much. Waiting for him to say "who am I do do such?".

Someone had to blame Thaksin for this. Now he has this death on him.

Now you lost me. What are you trying to say or suggest? PM Prayut will take his trusted army revolver with him? The Singapore authorities will kill one or the other?

My best bet would be a clear separation, a diplomatic missive included with the invitation to PM Prayut, a friendly warning to Thaksin on arrival. PM Prayut will not seek out Thaksin, but if Thaksin seeks him out, Prayut might be baited, like TVF posters like to do.


Singapore is in sincere mourning over the passing away of their 'founding father', a man most of Singaporeans have known all their life. I doubt the government there wants anything to distract them. If they were forced to choose they would choose the invited official representative of Thailand, it's current PM. No doubt Thaksin is aware of that although it won't stop him from making a nuisance of himself if only by talking too much. Waiting for him to say "who am I do do such?".

Someone had to blame Thaksin for this. Now he has this death on him.

Now you lost me. What are you trying to say or suggest? PM Prayut will take his trusted army revolver with him? The Singapore authorities will kill one or the other?

My best bet would be a clear separation, a diplomatic missive included with the invitation to PM Prayut, a friendly warning to Thaksin on arrival. PM Prayut will not seek out Thaksin, but if Thaksin seeks him out, Prayut might be baited, like TVF posters like to do.

They two grown men are antagonists. Some small thing will probably happen, but It is doubtful either will mar the funeral with any political antics. It would be highly undignified. Ather the funeral is a different story as they will be in the same city.


Singapore is in sincere mourning over the passing away of their 'founding father', a man most of Singaporeans have known all their life. I doubt the government there wants anything to distract them. If they were forced to choose they would choose the invited official representative of Thailand, it's current PM. No doubt Thaksin is aware of that although it won't stop him from making a nuisance of himself if only by talking too much. Waiting for him to say "who am I do do such?".

Someone had to blame Thaksin for this. Now he has this death on him.

Now you lost me. What are you trying to say or suggest? PM Prayut will take his trusted army revolver with him? The Singapore authorities will kill one or the other?

My best bet would be a clear separation, a diplomatic missive included with the invitation to PM Prayut, a friendly warning to Thaksin on arrival. PM Prayut will not seek out Thaksin, but if Thaksin seeks him out, Prayut might be baited, like TVF posters like to do.

Some small thing will probably happen, but It is doubtful either will mar the funeral with any political antics. It would be highly undignified. Ather the funeral is a different story as they will be in the same city.


Singapore is in sincere mourning over the passing away of their 'founding father', a man most of Singaporeans have known all their life. I doubt the government there wants anything to distract them. If they were forced to choose they would choose the invited official representative of Thailand, it's current PM. No doubt Thaksin is aware of that although it won't stop him from making a nuisance of himself if only by talking too much. Waiting for him to say "who am I do do such?".

Agree Rubi. But I think it is not a time for grandstanding or to create a situation. Only my opinion, Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn would be a person to represent Thailand at Lee Kuan Yew State Funeral. Her Royal Highness has a very distinguished service to her nation and to humanity worldwide. She has rendered this dedication to public service since her youth.

LKY funeral should be treated with respect. A lot of people may not have liked him or his methods, but he developed a small misfit island into a financial giant.

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