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Cruz targets conservatives as he starts White House run

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Cruz is about 50 times smarter than anyone in the lib party

Former Solicitor General of Texas. Unlike Barack and Hillary this guy has held a real job and has real experience. As far as that hack Joe Biden he has been a politician since he was in his twenties.

It is empirical fact political philosophy and party affiliation have no relation to intelligence. Each party has geniuses and bozos. Any rational or reasonable person knows the fact, and it is fact. Geniuses and bozos alike.

You do read the threads? wink.png

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Being smart is not enough.

Intelligence in the service of a twisted ideology.

The U.S. will pass.

Depends on your definition of twisted ideology now, doesn't it. I'm not in Cruz's camp but we have to find someone with more experience and wisdom than the current pretender - community organizer. He had no qualifications for the job and it's embarrassing every day.

Maybe find a grade B actor to run?


Being smart is not enough.

Intelligence in the service of a twisted ideology.

The U.S. will pass.

Depends on your definition of twisted ideology now, doesn't it. I'm not in Cruz's camp but we have to find someone with more experience and wisdom than the current pretender - community organizer. He had no qualifications for the job and it's embarrassing every day.

Maybe find a grade B actor to run?

I thought that's what Hillary is. Acting like she could be potus.

I can just imagine that sour old woman in presidential debates against someone with a personality. National television with Hillary finally on the spot. What a disaster.

Speaking of an actual sourpuss how's Ted doing...Ted of the tinny voice under he big hat with no votes cattle.

Ted the Torch scaring bejeezus out of kids even while they're in their mothers lap.

That Ted.

The only mean Canadian and he comes here to run for prez and actually finds a bunch of people who adore and worship him.

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Permit me to add...Joe Biden

I like Joe Biden, and he's been a good VP.

He has certainly done his job by protecting Obama from any hints of impeachment.

After all he is next in line.

Hillary is next in line.


Which just goes to show how weak the Democrat bench is. Hillary Clinton? give me a break. BJ Billy as the first husband? that would be hilarious.

Ted Cruz is a rockstar. I would follow him to the gates of hell. Ted Cruz is the man. however I'll have to look at electability. and that is why my dream ticket right now is Walker / Rubio.

No matter who the Republicans select in the end it should be a cakewalk against whatever lame brain the libs try to run.

Do you think that Cory Booker is getting phone calls? How about that other hack from Virginia, Webb?

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I like Joe Biden, and he's been a good VP.

He has certainly done his job by protecting Obama from any hints of impeachment.

After all he is next in line.

Hillary is next in line.


Which just goes to show how weak the Democrat bench is. Hillary Clinton? give me a break. BJ Billy as the first husband? that would be hilarious.

Ted Cruz is a rockstar. I would follow him to the gates of hell. Ted Cruz is the man. however I'll have to look at electability. and that is why my dream ticket right now is Walker / Rubio.

No matter who the Republicans select in the end it should be a cakewalk against whatever lame brain the libs try to run.

Do you think that Cory Booker is getting phone calls? How about that other hack from Virginia, Webb?

Corey Booker just got elected to a full term after having been elected to the remainder of the term of the dead guy whose name I forget, Laughtenberg I think. He's as much a rookie as Cruz, and Warren...and Paul is not out of that category yet. Two of the four are sensible enuff not to run for prez even though Booker and Warren have identifiable and solid constituencies that would turn out. They also are cautious not to upset the party (figuratively too) by creating a commotion of candidates that, while not as bad as the Republican field, would be disruptive of a unified party going in.

Jim Webb the Naval Academy grad and former Sec of the Navy wants to be SecDef so he's been easy on HRC over the emails and other things and would ace himself out if he ran. His base is to the center-right which is not many votes and he's less than inspiring. I worked with the 'hack' from Kentucky Jim Webb when he and I were professional staff in the House in Washington in the same office way back when and we've kept in touch, though when he ran in 2006 I wuz over here. I'm sure he'd be much more likely to be Sec of Veterans Affairs than at Defense or anywhere else, which he'd take and be happy about it while doing a bang up job for vets. In the cabinet Jim would not have to put up with raising money, or with a constituent rabble, gaggles of voters, campaigning and other aspects of it he detests. Jim wuz quite the right wing of the right wing when he and I worked together back then so I wuz happy to welcome him to the fold, and also to see him grow up politically, leaving behind his seizures of ideological absolutism and personality aggression.Jim wants the offer now in return to stay out of the race but everyone knows he hates campaigning and won't do it if he can help it, and if he does, he'd do it only part time which would not be enough. Secretary of Veteran's Affairs.

I'd put my veep money on HUD Secretary Julian Castro, the former mayor of San Antonio, Texas. From the D party point of view, he'd offer the promise of continuing the presidency for Democrats to the mid 2030s. By the end of HRC's eight years the electorate will be much much more Hispanic and across the board minority and less white, which makes this kind of smiley and personable guy a winner. He's inexperienced now but he'd have eight years as an engaged veep to become known on the issues foreign and domestic and to visit every Democratic party structure in each state several times times several more times. By the 2024 election Texas is expected to be a purple state due to Hispanics and other minorities, and by the time Castro would run for prez, he'd make it Blue.

If all this begins to pan out, the Republican party will have to re-form radically or declare secession, or both. If this time next year HRC continues to remain way ahead in the polls, she'd be more at liberty to choose Castro who is anyway in the Clinton camp. How's Castro-Booker sound down the road ahead...that's the talk now but things change and new people do come along, and HRC would actually have to make Castro her choice and she's getting a lot of support to do just that. She hasn't any problem with it to begin with. It's still a long way off though to say.

That's more information than you implied, I know.

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Public I stopped reading you long ago. You are the sound of one hand clapping.

Hearing tested recently?

You quoted my post, snipped it which turned out fine, asked two specific questions.

I'm crestfallen. laugh.png

So keep the line moving plse thx while keeping the noise down, especially those off there to our right.....

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So let me see if I have got this right?

Cruz is disqualified from becoming President because he rejects the global warming hoax?

So what? Rational human beings reject the global warming hoax.

Only Europeans & Australians believe in the global warming hoax.

Do you know what your buddies in Russia China India & Brazil think of your global warming fairy tale? They are laughing at you as deranged muppets.

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So let me see if I have got this right?

Cruz is disqualified from becoming President because he rejects the global warming hoax?

No, I don't think he's disqualified from being president.

I just think he hasn't got a cat in hell's chance of even winning the nomination.


So let me see if I have got this right?

Cruz is disqualified from becoming President because he rejects the global warming hoax?

So what? Rational human beings reject the global warming hoax.

Only Europeans & Australians believe in the global warming hoax.

Do you know what your buddies in Russia China India & Brazil think of your global warming fairy tale? They are laughing at you as deranged muppets.

So Cruz is targeting the dumb and dumber demographic with his anti science stance?

Global warming is a hoax and planet earth is 6,000 years old.


A lot of people believe in creation, but they don't necessarily believe in the creation as it is reported in the Bible.


There are over 480,000 elite Earth Scientists that belong to the American Academy of Sciences. These highly educated people are experts in their fields, Geology, Palaeontology, Archeology, Biology. 99.9% are backing evolution and global warming. There is no dispute in the scientific community.

That is strange because 40% of the American adult general public still believe in creation!

Where are these people getting their education? Stupidville? How can a political party and a religion be at odds with scientific facts?

Ted Cruz is apparently targeting the people from stupidville.

"There are over 480,000 elite Earth Scientists that belong to the American Academy of Sciences. These highly educated people are experts in their fields, Geology, Palaeontology, Archeology, Biology. 99.9% are backing evolution and global warming. There is no dispute in the scientific community."

How about a reputable link to that 99.9% figure?

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The following poll shows that all Americans (NOT just Republicans) are not terribly worried about the global warming hoax.

Cruz might be identifying with a large portion of the electorate, not just those evil right wingers.


Polls show most Americans believe in climate change, but give it low priority
Stark partisan divide over global warming, threat of climate changeThe United Nations is bringing together world leaders on Tuesday to focus on the challenge of climate change. In the U.S., a solid majority believe there is evidence that global warming is happening, but they do not rank global climate change as one of the top threats facing the country.
Last month, nearly half of Americans (48%) rated global climate change as a major threat — well behind concerns such as the militant group ISIS (67%), Iran’s nuclear program (59%) and North Korea’s nuclear program (57%). In an international survey of 39 publics last year, Americans were among the least concerned about climate change threatening their country.
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'Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.'

- Karl Marx


'Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.'

- Karl Marx

Why would anyone quote Karl Marx. Karl Marx was a fool but the bigger fools were the people who followed him.

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