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Abhisit wants Anupong, Thawil to testify

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some condemned the need for life fire zones. It should have been totally unnecessary, but with the sneaky gunshots in the night and the larger number of small sois to make slipping in and out easy for terrorists, there wasn't much choice. Putting a cordon around the area and 'forcefully' evacuate the people living there? Just let the terrorists go?

The UDD leaders may end up as sacrificial lambs, outlived their usefulness, unable to get Thaksin their paymaster back with an amnesty?

Yeah none of them should get away with it Rubi. They all need to be held account for the actions.

But then what if Mr T did return due to the amnestiy clause. Could he still have been tried for the killings? Or what about the truck load of muslims down south?

BTW it wasn't the amnestiy clause that shook up the opposition, it was the fact that Miss Y government was going to change the senate numbers which she found that she could.(Can't helpmyself can I)?

The state is there to protect everyone. When it <deleted>@ks up it needs to be examined why.

BTW is was the Blanket Amnesty Bill which was finally pushed through parliament with two readings and two votes in slightly more than 24 hours.


"Four members of Thailand's opposition have resigned their positions to enable them to lead street protests against a proposed amnesty bill."



"Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has appealed for public understanding over a controversial political amnesty bill which has sparked street protests."



"For the past three years there has been little appetite for confrontation. Efforts by hard-line royalists to rally demonstrations against the government of Mr Thaksin's sister, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, went nowhere.

All that changed last month when Mr Thaksin's party, Pheu Thai, suddenly expanded a modest amnesty proposal, which initially covered only ordinary people charged for involvement in past protests, to a sweeping absolution for all convictions related to political conflicts dating back to 2004."



"Opposition to the controversial amnesty bill has expanded beyond Thailand's borders, with Thai expatriates and students in several countries also staging their own protests.

The sound of whistles seems to be echoing around the world as Thais in a number of countries gather to express their disagreement about the bill. "


So, there is no amnesty for the 2010 events, that's one reason why you and others are free to come with whatever stuff you think will help in getting the 'right' people charged and convicted, as long as it isn't Thaksin that is it would seem.

Can also add to that for the education of the red supporters that it was not only the Dems who were against the amended amnesty bill but their own people as well :


Red Shirts rally against controversial Amnesty Bill in Bangkok

SLIDESHOW 10 November 2013

Complete with pretty pictures even.

And :


BANGKOK: -- OPPOSITION against the controversial blanket amnesty bill within the red-shirt movement is growing as the Pheu Thai Party refuses to budge and continues trying to push it through Parliament.

As has already been pointed out the protests were not only in BKK but throughout the country, note that the name Suthep was not mentioned anywhere at that time, he came on the scene later :


Amnesty opponents to rally nationwide

The Nation November 4, 2013 1:00 am


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"...They said they had |evidence to prove red shirts had seized bullets from state agencies to fire at security officials because the same type was also used against some soldiers..."

Seriously? I'd love to see that evidence. That's pretty devious if true, but they better have unequivocal evidence.

Be careful what you wish for. It may be granted to you.


http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8684363.stm: Thailand PM Abhisit in pledge to end Bangkok protest

http://www.businessinsider.com.au/thailand-red-shirt-protest-din-daeng-violence-2010-5: Thai Army 'Live Fire' Slaughter Zone Caught First Hand By Foreign Journalist

http://www.hrw.org/node/90498: Thailand: Revoke ‘Live Fire Zones’ in Bangkok

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Thai_military_crackdown: 2010 Thai military crackdown

Just a few articles that described some of the mayhem happening back then.

Abhisit and Suthep may end up as sacrificial lambs?

A 'live fire zone' means anyone seen in this area will be shot. No exceptions. The Human Rights Watch condemed this action.

Why then did the Human Rights Watch NOT get as many people together as they could and stand between the Red Shirt protestors and the Army as a human shield?

Perhaps nobody would volunteer.


"...They said they had |evidence to prove red shirts had seized bullets from state agencies to fire at security officials because the same type was also used against some soldiers..."

Seriously? I'd love to see that evidence. That's pretty devious if true, but they better have unequivocal evidence.

This "devious" killing of their own was part of Thaksin's plan that was predicated on the expectation that Abhisit would resign if protesters were killed by his government's actions. Why wouldn't they believe that would happen since every other time it had happened, it caused the then governments to resign; including military dictators. What they didn't realize was that Abhisit was a product of Western thinking, raised in England, and he didn't resign. If you knew anything about narcissism, you would then know that Thaksin cares not one whit about anybody/anything but himself; look at the way he used/abused his baby sister for his own ends.

but they better have unequivocal evidence.

It's obvious that Thaksin was the paymaster, the authorities knew that lot of money was flowing in from Cambodia and that Thaksin's ex-wife was withdrawing millions in cash every day, they knew that the Black Shirts were ex-paramilitary trained by General Khattiya aka 'Seh Daeng' (Red Commander) and that he stayed at Thaksin's house in Dubai in the weeks before the 2010 'protests', etc. It is clear the government of Abhisit, the democratically elected representative of the people of Thailand, was under direct threat from a paid mob that had been infiltrated by armed/violent elements. Something had to be done to restore the city to its citizens. An attempt to remove such a mob, that had been fed a nightly dose of hate-speech for months and that had armed elements, would not go 100% smoothly no matter how well it was planned.

Here's a nice history of the time in case you are not 100% informed: http://www.thaiworld.org/enn/thailand_monitor/answera.php?question_id=1029

  • Like 2

"...They said they had |evidence to prove red shirts had seized bullets from state agencies to fire at security officials because the same type was also used against some soldiers..."

Seriously? I'd love to see that evidence. That's pretty devious if true, but they better have unequivocal evidence.

This "devious" killing of their own was part of Thaksin's plan that was predicated on the expectation that Abhisit would resign if protesters were killed by his government's actions. Why wouldn't they believe that would happen since every other time it had happened, it caused the then governments to resign; including military dictators. What they didn't realize was that Abhisit was a product of Western thinking, raised in England, and he didn't resign. If you knew anything about narcissism, you would then know that Thaksin cares not one whit about anybody/anything but himself; look at the way he used/abused his baby sister for his own ends.

but they better have unequivocal evidence.

It's obvious that Thaksin was the paymaster, the authorities knew that lot of money was flowing in from Cambodia and that Thaksin's ex-wife was withdrawing millions in cash every day, they knew that the Black Shirts were ex-paramilitary trained by General Khattiya aka 'Seh Daeng' (Red Commander) and that he stayed at Thaksin's house in Dubai in the weeks before the 2010 'protests', etc. It is clear the government of Abhisit, the democratically elected representative of the people of Thailand, was under direct threat from a paid mob that had been infiltrated by armed/violent elements. Something had to be done to restore the city to its citizens. An attempt to remove such a mob, that had been fed a nightly dose of hate-speech for months and that had armed elements, would not go 100% smoothly no matter how well it was planned.

Here's a nice history of the time in case you are not 100% informed: http://www.thaiworld.org/enn/thailand_monitor/answera.php?question_id=1029

With thanks to Shawn for the link wai.gif

"The mastermind in question was Thaksin Shinawatra, a former Prime Minister ousted in a coup in 2006 and who has opted to live abroad rather than serve a prison sentence on a corruption conviction. Many Red Shirts are loyal to Thaksin and want him back in power. Others have expressed broader goals of eliminating inequalities in society, reducing poverty and reining in the military. One Red Shirt leader, Charan Dittapichai, told the Krungthep Turakij newspaper on Monday that Thaksin was one of the chief financial backers of the protest."

I hope the police and soldiers who lost their weapons got the sack. Being Thailand I doubt it. It beggars belief that a bunch of thugs can raid an army base and steal weapons. How unprofessional are the Thai army? Someone on the inside perhaps?

Most(?) of those weapons were taken from soldiers trying to control red "peaceful protesters" and reluctant to use them, even if defence, against their fellow citizens. Some of these soldiers were then badly beaten. In one recorded instance, soldiers in a large truck elected not to force their way through protesters, were pulled from the truck and beaten, and one shot while lying on the ground.

Of course, this doesn't fit the claims of blood-crazed killers the RTA are supposed to be, or of 'peaceful protesters' involved in gang attacks and the use of assault rifles, M-79 grenades and RPGs.

BTW IMHO any protester aware of these attacks who did not remove themselves from the protest site is as guilty as those they shielded and supported.

That, which I already posted elsewhere, would be one of the soldiers who was pulled from the truck by the peaceful protesters :

attachicon.gifpeaceful protesters 2010.jpg




Then there is this little lot proudly shown to the media, "Look what we have stolen"

attachicon.gifstolen guns 2010.jpg

No. The photo was to show what the police were using against the protestors. Nice try, but you are using the photo out of context.

So he tripped and fell then and the reds are helping him up?

Bet the are helping this guy as well.



some condemned the need for life fire zones. It should have been totally unnecessary, but with the sneaky gunshots in the night and the larger number of small sois to make slipping in and out easy for terrorists, there wasn't much choice. Putting a cordon around the area and 'forcefully' evacuate the people living there? Just let the terrorists go?

The UDD leaders may end up as sacrificial lambs, outlived their usefulness, unable to get Thaksin their paymaster back with an amnesty?

Yeah none of them should get away with it Rubi. They all need to be held account for the actions.

But then what if Mr T did return due to the amnestiy clause. Could he still have been tried for the killings? Or what about the truck load of muslims down south?

BTW it wasn't the amnestiy clause that shook up the opposition, it was the fact that Miss Y government was going to change the senate numbers which she found that she could.(Can't helpmyself can I)?

The state is there to protect everyone. When it <deleted>@ks up it needs to be examined why.

BTW is was the Blanket Amnesty Bill which was finally pushed through parliament with two readings and two votes in slightly more than 24 hours.


"Four members of Thailand's opposition have resigned their positions to enable them to lead street protests against a proposed amnesty bill."



"Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has appealed for public understanding over a controversial political amnesty bill which has sparked street protests."



"For the past three years there has been little appetite for confrontation. Efforts by hard-line royalists to rally demonstrations against the government of Mr Thaksin's sister, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, went nowhere.

All that changed last month when Mr Thaksin's party, Pheu Thai, suddenly expanded a modest amnesty proposal, which initially covered only ordinary people charged for involvement in past protests, to a sweeping absolution for all convictions related to political conflicts dating back to 2004."



"Opposition to the controversial amnesty bill has expanded beyond Thailand's borders, with Thai expatriates and students in several countries also staging their own protests.

The sound of whistles seems to be echoing around the world as Thais in a number of countries gather to express their disagreement about the bill. "


So, there is no amnesty for the 2010 events, that's one reason why you and others are free to come with whatever stuff you think will help in getting the 'right' people charged and convicted, as long as it isn't Thaksin that is it would seem.

Can also add to that for the education of the red supporters that it was not only the Dems who were against the amended amnesty bill but their own people as well :


Red Shirts rally against controversial Amnesty Bill in Bangkok

SLIDESHOW 10 November 2013

Complete with pretty pictures even.

And :


BANGKOK: -- OPPOSITION against the controversial blanket amnesty bill within the red-shirt movement is growing as the Pheu Thai Party refuses to budge and continues trying to push it through Parliament.

As has already been pointed out the protests were not only in BKK but throughout the country, note that the name Suthep was not mentioned anywhere at that time, he came on the scene later :


Amnesty opponents to rally nationwide

The Nation November 4, 2013 1:00 am


It seems that many reds supporters forgot that it was a group of students (students against corruption) whom started the 2013-2014 and then came "doctors against corruption", "nurses against corruption" even unions like Thai Airways cabin crew.




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