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Why can they not look after things.

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Again good luck. I've been up here near 6 years now, the first year was like hell living in the inlaws until the first stage of our house was built and managed to get away from the devil woman. It took the inlaws a few years more to realise that they couldn't take the piss and now everything is good apart from the witch who just sits on her arse all day while the father in law has to work, she has a big shock coming as the wife hates her as well so when the father in law dies she'll be getting <deleted> all. Seems like the old boy's not getting the message though and sounds like the wife's upset as well. Wish I could give you some good advice but it does sound like a bad situation and I'm not sure what I'd do if I was you.

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Of course it is all your fault marko, You are a Ferang and if the Sun should fail to "rise in the East" one morning, THAT will be Your Fault Too!

As for not looking after anything. Just look at how buildings are allowed to fall into disrepair. Classic is the outside of Airport Plaza, looking very shabby! Nothing seems to be maintained....very frustrating....but Not my Country, so if I don't like it, I know what my option is don't I?

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Where was he hidden away before the house was built?

Jeez man up, tell him to sling his ef fin hook, do you think a Thai man would take this crap, your bloody house your bloody rules, if the mrs doesnt like it, tell her to sling her hook as well.

Er nope . . . HER house, HER rules

Sounds like he's got nothing to lose if he takes off, right?

Well, not quite. He funded the construction of an extension to her house and the construction of another down the road - ostensibly for the FIL. Oh, and he bought land - obviously in her name.

One only hopes that he had the presence of mind to put vehicles and motorbikes in his name.

I think the wife and her dad are in cahoots to get the OP to leave of his own accord

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Marko, I like you more and more every day and I sympathise with you.

Same things happen with me.

The only difference not only they don't take care of my things they borrow, but they never return them back.

Yep. I've been there & done that. It's just like how they often will return the broken wheelbarrow, my wheelbarrow... to the yard and there it sits, broken and rusting, on display with all my other broken stuff.

I frequently find myself borrowing their tools now, instead of buying replacements for my own broken tools. So far so good. My Thai neighbours don't seem to mind a bit.

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Marko, I like you more and more every day and I sympathise with you.

Same things happen with me.

The only difference not only they don't take care of my things they borrow, but they never return them back.

Yep. I've been there & done that. It's just like how they often will return the broken wheelbarrow, my wheelbarrow... to the yard and there it sits, broken and rusting, on display with all my other broken stuff.

I frequently find myself borrowing their tools now, instead of buying replacements for my own broken tools. So far so good. My Thai neighbours don't seem to mind a bit.

That's just what I used to do borrow the father in laws tools then when I was finished with them just leave them laying around on the floor, it does take a while but they get the massage in the end.
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At least they didn't get sold in your absence.

Probably would have been better in this/your/everybodies case cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvY8zn8l

BUT, your mistake, next time you leave, store everything in a storage facility or with a trusted LONGTERM farang friend.

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I learned quickly that this is how things work in this country.... they borrow, and only give things back when it is broken and need fixing. - or next life as they say themself

So now i have two sets of tools...

one set (with rapidly declining number of tools) that is for "family" to borrow from, this is also where i put my old tools when i replace anything.

Second set is in my workshop (man-cave) this is locked and there is only one key, and that one they can only get from my dead body...

When in Rome....

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As i glanced up at the new carport,which i have built to accomodate the second car,{fil will have a shock then,he thinks we built it to house his decrepit motorcycle combination],i saw his blue plastic raincoat hanging from the beams,along with a holed pair of underpants,in a boiling rage i threw them on the ground,warning my Mrs,if i see them up again ,i will burn them,now i payed for the land the shop is on,built the shop,built the carport,and this old tosser thinks it is all his,my Mrs can't say anything cos he is her father,but it is coming to the stage where there can only be one Guvnor,plus he looks like one of the undead,i will build a shed on the land i have purchased next to the shop,maybe Guantanamo bay style,and lock him in side,anyone know where i can buy orange jumpsuits.

5555,sounds like it soon will be his.

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Marko, I like you more and more every day and I sympathise with you.

Same things happen with me.

The only difference not only they don't take care of my things they borrow, but they never return them back.

Nothing new here, I think they call it "Thaimess".

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I enjoy working in our garden - could never find my tools, wife would use them and leave them wherever she used them.

Nowadays I hide them behind a tree, saves me a lot of aggravation in the morning.

And we never grow orange colored flowers anymore.... our neighbour, clad in amulets, would always cut them to bring to the wat.

Survival skills.....

that's why i cut the papyas,they would wander in then sit down for a picnic, utopian i suppose but as an avowed misanthrope ,not too my liking.

Some of you blokes need to step up to the plate,make your feelings known and be prepared for jai dum.I set the parameters year ago and my neighbors respect my wishes and we get on fine.Even borrowing small amount of money until pension day.Never have to chase them up either.I can't eat the bananas off the tree because people have bought them already to sell in the market.Besides i'll be away when they are ripe.Yais are always giving me fruit for my breaky,in return,when i go into town i check if anybody wants a lift and i wait for them to finish shopping.They used to pile in the back but i said come in the air con with me.Good laugh watching them try to put the seat belt on.In fact,good laugh all round.Tool shed is locked though.

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You can't even leave a packet of smokes on a table without everyone just helping themselves. TIT. If you value it...lock it up or hide it. Thais are too lazy to care for things. They have no idea of the consequences of their actions.

"Painting with a broad brush?" No. Painting with years of experience and observations. (On a daily basis!)

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Have just gone over the road to the shop,ans and blown up ,have told her i will finish the house up near the temple[about 4 mins drive,by motorsai],and he can live there,otherwise i am out of here,of course with thai logic i am fully prepared for them to keep the father in law,sell allt he motorsia's and gold.and muddle on.no wonder they were never colonised,basket case of a people who know nothing about the rest of the world and think they are the best in the world,i made it clear,he goes or i do,i will finish the small house for him,even a ceiling fan,but silly me i already know the answer.

The answer is,you go and sleep near the wat and stop the funds.This may take a while as face is involved.Go on a holiday with the missus when things cool down.I blow a fuse occassionly but i have pre warned the missus that it doesn't last long and i don't hold grudges.If she chooses father over you,only you can choose what's best for you.

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It sounds much worse than my small problem with the mother in law. Good luck marko kok prong.

Thanks Leo,it has reached boiling point,or breaking point,the wife has elected to stay in the shop tonight,so i sleep on my own,not a great situation,,fully prepared to walk if she does not tell the Fil to go,her call,i am sweet,good bank balance,i told her if i go no money for you,will be interesting to see who wins ,Satang or the old bugger,who never did a thing for her in her whole life,she told me a story,she worked extra hard one year on the farm,earning extra money,her father ,promised to buy her a motorsai,when it came to it ,he brought a tractor for himself,when she asked ,this excuse of a man,when he would get the motorsai for her ,he laughed,and slapped her down,into the mud,and proceeded on his way,i am meant to show respect to a reptile like this,i am thinking he may have an accident soon ,a very bad one.

mkp,there are no winners here,and you will lose your wife.Your attitude is not right now.Go away for a while and get some clean air.Small problems build up when looking at them every day.

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Thanks for all the responses,i admit i had imbibed maybe a little too much last night,and was pretty fed up,but i have given my ultimatum and i am not going back on it,i cannot and will not go on like this,i have offered to finish the other house,it is less than a kilometre up the road,to reply to Ch question,yes the car is in my name,i am now starting to think that when my wife built the small room out the back of the house,this is what she intended all along,she is a pretty good woman,but i realise that i am way below her family in priority,probably seen as primarily a source of funding for said family,i have known this all along,but to have this creature{the fil],stalking around is too much,i admit i had somewhat of a meltdown last night,and banged on his door,and told him to f off,which was the wrong thing to do,and today as i predicted my wife want's to finish with me,so it seemed the problem is now solved,Regret's well i have a few ,but then again to few to mention,it has been an interesting 3 years,if somewhat turbulent at times,but now i shall move on,the only question is to stay here or go back to Australia.

Sorry to hear that mate.Move to another town and live the single life for a while.Going back to Oz is a major decision,not to be rushed into.You may have to change your visa situation.Go back to Oz for a short holiday to see how it feels.

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It sounds much worse than my small problem with the mother in law. Good luck marko kok prong.

Thanks Leo,it has reached boiling point,or breaking point,the wife has elected to stay in the shop tonight,so i sleep on my own,not a great situation,,fully prepared to walk if she does not tell the Fil to go,her call,i am sweet,good bank balance,i told her if i go no money for you,will be interesting to see who wins ,Satang or the old bugger,who never did a thing for her in her whole life,she told me a story,she worked extra hard one year on the farm,earning extra money,her father ,promised to buy her a motorsai,when it came to it ,he brought a tractor for himself,when she asked ,this excuse of a man,when he would get the motorsai for her ,he laughed,and slapped her down,into the mud,and proceeded on his way,i am meant to show respect to a reptile like this,i am thinking he may have an accident soon ,a very bad one.

mkp,there are no winners here,and you will lose your wife.Your attitude is not right now.Go away for a while and get some clean air.Small problems build up when looking at them every day.

Thanks mate,but she has already told me it is over,my fault i guess,but there it is,time to move on,still have a healthy bank balance,sure have lost some money here,but ce la vie.

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Do not marry these women, they will drain the life out of you.

You're (OP and a few "lucky ones") just another example of why Thai women and falang's simply do.not.mix.

Get out ASAP.

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