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Thaksin may greet Prayut with smile if they meet in Singapore

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A meeting between Thaksin and Prayut will be unque in the history of Thailand's constitutional monarchy: both are PM's for life.

didn't prayuth order history be rewritten and thaksin removed? Prayuth won't meet Thaksin because he doesn't exist, he is just in people's imaginations.

The greatest insult to any self appointed leader is to be ignored with the spotlight on a past democratically elected Prime Minister?

Which one would be the democratically elected one?

As long as I know Thaksin was never correct elected, it was always a full scale vote buying.....

Struggling to find closure? All countries refer Thaksin and Yingluck as elected Prime Mnister and Prayuth as coup leader. All countries will welcome elected leaders but many will close their doors on unelected coup leaders.

Totally agree, PM Prayut should hold an election so he can be an elected coup leader.

Anyway, I'm sure Thaksin will be smiling about the nonsense posted in this thread and the free publicity he got and the opportunity for all 'terribly suppressed' posters to denigrate the current elected PM of Thailand. Maybe PM Prayut should use the opportunity and while in Singapore ask some pointers how best to 'democratically' handle fools.

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The greatest insult to any self appointed leader is to be ignored with the spotlight on a past democratically elected Prime Minister?

Which one would be the democratically elected one?

As long as I know Thaksin was never correct elected, it was always a full scale vote buying.....

Struggling to find closure? All countries refer Thaksin and Yingluck as elected Prime Mnister and Prayuth as coup leader. All countries will welcome elected leaders but many will close their doors on unelected coup leaders.

Totally agree, PM Prayut should hold an election so he can be an elected coup leader.

Anyway, I'm sure Thaksin will be smiling about the nonsense posted in this thread and the free publicity he got and the opportunity for all 'terribly suppressed' posters to denigrate the current elected PM of Thailand. Maybe PM Prayut should use the opportunity and while in Singapore ask some pointers how best to 'democratically' handle fools.

You say the current "ELECTED" PM of Thailand, who is that exactly and who elected it.

The greatest insult to any self appointed leader is to be ignored with the spotlight on a past democratically elected Prime Minister?

Which one would be the democratically elected one?

As long as I know Thaksin was never correct elected, it was always a full scale vote buying.....

Struggling to find closure? All countries refer Thaksin and Yingluck as elected Prime Mnister and Prayuth as coup leader. All countries will welcome elected leaders but many will close their doors on unelected coup leaders.

Totally agree, PM Prayut should hold an election so he can be an elected coup leader.

Anyway, I'm sure Thaksin will be smiling about the nonsense posted in this thread and the free publicity he got and the opportunity for all 'terribly suppressed' posters to denigrate the current elected PM of Thailand. Maybe PM Prayut should use the opportunity and while in Singapore ask some pointers how best to 'democratically' handle fools.

Aren't we grumpy because no-one is buying your shrill attempts to turn black into white?

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Which one would be the democratically elected one?

As long as I know Thaksin was never correct elected, it was always a full scale vote buying.....

Struggling to find closure? All countries refer Thaksin and Yingluck as elected Prime Mnister and Prayuth as coup leader. All countries will welcome elected leaders but many will close their doors on unelected coup leaders.

Totally agree, PM Prayut should hold an election so he can be an elected coup leader.

Anyway, I'm sure Thaksin will be smiling about the nonsense posted in this thread and the free publicity he got and the opportunity for all 'terribly suppressed' posters to denigrate the current elected PM of Thailand. Maybe PM Prayut should use the opportunity and while in Singapore ask some pointers how best to 'democratically' handle fools.

You say the current "ELECTED" PM of Thailand, who is that exactly and who elected it.

Tjeez, you should refresh your memory more regularly, my dear chap.

The NLA as representing parliament and Senate elected the PM, just as a few years before the MPs in parliament elected a PM. Gen. Prayut was elected on the 21st of August, 2014. You even posted in the TVF thread at the time:

"So I guess he is going to retire from the Military. Can't possibly do both jobs as P.M and Chief of the Army and it is a conflict of interest. I guess the new P.M will now approve the purchase of those submarines they have been after."




Tjeez, you should refresh your memory more regularly, my dear chap.

The NLA as representing parliament and Senate elected the PM, just as a few years before the MPs in parliament elected a PM. Gen. Prayut was elected on the 21st of August, 2014.

You are joking, right? If not, then I fear you need serious help. The NLA is an ILLEGAL body appointed by a "treasionist" coup leader, who then "rubber stamp" an illegal "vote" to appoint Gen P as prime minister. Of course, this was AFTER they tore up the Constitution and granted themselves amnesty for their totally illegal actions.

Not one single Thai "voted" for ANY member of the NLA, so you have a non-elected, illegal parliament, illegally voting for a illegal coup leader to become PM.

Sorry if that truth upsets your yellow and military green sensibilities. But that tends to happen when the truth is put in the light.

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Which one would be the democratically elected one?As long as I know Thaksin was never correct elected, it was always a full scale vote buying.....

Struggling to find closure? All countries refer Thaksin and Yingluck as elected Prime Mnister and Prayuth as coup leader. All countries will welcome elected leaders but many will close their doors on unelected coup leaders.

Totally agree, PM Prayut should hold an election so he can be an elected coup leader.

Anyway, I'm sure Thaksin will be smiling about the nonsense posted in this thread and the free publicity he got and the opportunity for all 'terribly suppressed' posters to denigrate the current elected PM of Thailand. Maybe PM Prayut should use the opportunity and while in Singapore ask some pointers how best to 'democratically' handle fools.

You say the current "ELECTED" PM of Thailand, who is that exactly and who elected it.

Tjeez, you should refresh your memory more regularly, my dear chap.

The NLA as representing parliament and Senate elected the PM, just as a few years before the MPs in parliament elected a PM. Gen. Prayut was elected on the 21st of August, 2014. You even posted in the TVF thread at the time:

"So I guess he is going to retire from the Military. Can't possibly do both jobs as P.M and Chief of the Army and it is a conflict of interest. I guess the new P.M will now approve the purchase of those submarines they have been after."


where did I say he was elected, I have never recognised him as the "ELECTED" PM and will never recognise him as the "ELECTED PM" unless he holds an "ELECTION AND IS ELECTED". He took the country appointed his friends to vote for him. He is a self elected proxy pm.

The greatest insult to any self appointed leader is to be ignored with the spotlight on a past democratically elected Prime Minister?

Which one would be the democratically elected one?

As long as I know Thaksin was never correct elected, it was always a full scale vote buying.....

Struggling to find closure? All countries refer Thaksin and Yingluck as elected Prime Mnister and Prayuth as coup leader. All countries will welcome elected leaders but many will close their doors on unelected coup leaders.

you were not here during election? I think it was the last of Thaksins election when a speaker truck drove thru our Soi and told 200 Baht (which is an insult because the rate was higher) for everyone who vote TRT. So not even tried to be secret.

What other countries do or not do is their business....as far as I know the Chinese, Vietnamese, Saudi governments have no problems....non elected.

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The greatest insult to any self appointed leader is to be ignored with the spotlight on a past democratically elected Prime Minister?

Which one would be the democratically elected one?

As long as I know Thaksin was never correct elected, it was always a full scale vote buying.....

Struggling to find closure? All countries refer Thaksin and Yingluck as elected Prime Mnister and Prayuth as coup leader. All countries will welcome elected leaders but many will close their doors on unelected coup leaders.

Totally agree, PM Prayut should hold an election so he can be an elected coup leader.

Anyway, I'm sure Thaksin will be smiling about the nonsense posted in this thread and the free publicity he got and the opportunity for all 'terribly suppressed' posters to denigrate the current elected PM of Thailand. Maybe PM Prayut should use the opportunity and while in Singapore ask some pointers how best to 'democratically' handle fools.

Wouldn't be a problem...Prayut could hand out 1000 Baht to everyone for vote buying and get elected, but than he wouldn't be any better than the Shinawatras.


Tjeez, you should refresh your memory more regularly, my dear chap.

The NLA as representing parliament and Senate elected the PM, just as a few years before the MPs in parliament elected a PM. Gen. Prayut was elected on the 21st of August, 2014. You even posted in the TVF thread at the time:

"So I guess he is going to retire from the Military. Can't possibly do both jobs as P.M and Chief of the Army and it is a conflict of interest. I guess the new P.M will now approve the purchase of those submarines they have been after."


where did I say he was elected, I have never recognised him as the "ELECTED" PM and will never recognise him as the "ELECTED PM" unless he holds an "ELECTION AND IS ELECTED". He took the country appointed his friends to vote for him. He is a self elected proxy pm.

I didn't say you said he was elected. I just reminded you of what you said before. Somehow that seemed a recognition of the status of PM. As for 'elected', he was elected, even if you do not agree with it or the manner in which he was elected. Some also frown upon the manner in which the late Samak, Somchai, Abhisit and Yingluck were 'elected'. Doesn't make them less elected though.

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Tjeez, you should refresh your memory more regularly, my dear chap.

The NLA as representing parliament and Senate elected the PM, just as a few years before the MPs in parliament elected a PM. Gen. Prayut was elected on the 21st of August, 2014.

You are joking, right? If not, then I fear you need serious help. The NLA is an ILLEGAL body appointed by a "treasionist" coup leader, who then "rubber stamp" an illegal "vote" to appoint Gen P as prime minister. Of course, this was AFTER they tore up the Constitution and granted themselves amnesty for their totally illegal actions.

Not one single Thai "voted" for ANY member of the NLA, so you have a non-elected, illegal parliament, illegally voting for a illegal coup leader to become PM.

Sorry if that truth upsets your yellow and military green sensibilities. But that tends to happen when the truth is put in the light.

You're joking, right? If not, I fear you need serious help. May be just get out of the ivory tower and walk around a bit more.

I'm sure of one thing though. If Thaksin reads this he'll be smiling.

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Tjeez, you should refresh your memory more regularly, my dear chap.

The NLA as representing parliament and Senate elected the PM, just as a few years before the MPs in parliament elected a PM. Gen. Prayut was elected on the 21st of August, 2014. You even posted in the TVF thread at the time:

"So I guess he is going to retire from the Military. Can't possibly do both jobs as P.M and Chief of the Army and it is a conflict of interest. I guess the new P.M will now approve the purchase of those submarines they have been after."


where did I say he was elected, I have never recognised him as the "ELECTED" PM and will never recognise him as the "ELECTED PM" unless he holds an "ELECTION AND IS ELECTED". He took the country appointed his friends to vote for him. He is a self elected proxy pm.

I didn't say you said he was elected. I just reminded you of what you said before. Somehow that seemed a recognition of the status of PM. As for 'elected', he was elected, even if you do not agree with it or the manner in which he was elected. Some also frown upon the manner in which the late Samak, Somchai, Abhisit and Yingluck were 'elected'. Doesn't make them less elected though.

The way he was elected was a sham. Say what you want, point your finger at who else you like, but it was an undemocratic sham and you know it.

I don't even understand why you think the 'Prayudh was elected too' gambit was even worth giving a go to further your cause - you may be many things but stupid is not one of them - so why?


Tjeez, you should refresh your memory more regularly, my dear chap.

The NLA as representing parliament and Senate elected the PM, just as a few years before the MPs in parliament elected a PM. Gen. Prayut was elected on the 21st of August, 2014. You even posted in the TVF thread at the time:

"So I guess he is going to retire from the Military. Can't possibly do both jobs as P.M and Chief of the Army and it is a conflict of interest. I guess the new P.M will now approve the purchase of those submarines they have been after."


where did I say he was elected, I have never recognised him as the "ELECTED" PM and will never recognise him as the "ELECTED PM" unless he holds an "ELECTION AND IS ELECTED". He took the country appointed his friends to vote for him. He is a self elected proxy pm.

I didn't say you said he was elected. I just reminded you of what you said before. Somehow that seemed a recognition of the status of PM. As for 'elected', he was elected, even if you do not agree with it or the manner in which he was elected. Some also frown upon the manner in which the late Samak, Somchai, Abhisit and Yingluck were 'elected'. Doesn't make them less elected though.

The way he was elected was a sham. Say what you want, point your finger at who else you like, but it was an undemocratic sham and you know it.

I don't even understand why you think the 'Prayudh was elected too' gambit was even worth giving a go to further your cause - you may be many things but stupid is not one of them - so why?

As I wrote, Thaksin must be smiling. Lots of people seem to have forgotten how he had his sister as PM and how he regularly skyped-in into his cabinet meetings to give orders. Lots of people seem to have forgotten how Thaksin almost managed a blanket amnesty bill for him and his sister.

The USA Envoy was right of course, it IS all about perception. With the 'right' perception people even forget the truth.

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Lee had very strong views regarding the establishment if you read his book "One Man's view of the World". I qoute "arrival of Thaksin changed the politics of Thailand when before that the establishment dominated allsides of the political competition and governed largely to the benefit of the nation capital". He had very strong statements against coups and warned that repeated coups has led to political instability. I think all ASEAN leaders are not pleased with the situation in Thailand but kept silent in the spirit of non interference in domestic issues. I hope Prayuth will not creat an international incident in Singapore with his foolishness.

Which foolishness?

It would seem Thaksin and his Pheu Thai party 'speak-my-words' people are creating a charged atmosphere by suggesting that IF Thaksin meets PM Prayut in Singapore he MAY smile at him.

I'm sure the Singapore Authorities do not want any irregularities during their and their's mourning for the Founding Father. They will keep private persons from making embarrassing noises or being seen waving some fingers.

Rubi, I know Singapore has strict rules and even so during this sad time but I am sure they will allow smile. Just hope Thaksin will control his smile and not break out into hysterical laugh at the clumsy ways the General is running the country and the regular gaffes.

Oh, I'm sure Thaksin smiles a lot. His government managed to offload hundreds of billions of Baht to the 'right' people, spent lots of time on big plans and trying to get his amnesty and mostly ignored economic fundamentals and the general in a Worldwide economic gloom is stuck with cleaning up.

Anyway, this topic and a few others seem to have given lots of posters the opportunity to put Thaksin in the limelight again. Sadly only to have him smile. Poor Thailand.

PS may I ask again, "which foolishness" ?

I'm sure Thaksin smiles a lot. His government paid 1 biljon USD to Thaksin last year.

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Would that have been around the time Thaksin was taking out a loan at higher interest rates over a longer time period from the Singapore government to pay off the IMF loan? Followed by the sale of his family corporation to Singapore, after he changed the law of course.

How very accommodating of him. Easy to see how such a chap would be held in high regard, not that there was much competition among his peers.

Wonder if Mr. Lee still thought the same as time went on? We shall never know.

Prayut creates his own problems with his "unique" style and makes Boris Johnson look eloquent and thoughtful. But, having a convicted criminal fugitive, wanted on much more serious criminal charges, actually running the government by Skype, openly dictating policy and reshuffling cabinets whenever it suited, was even more embarrassing.

In fact, Lee still 'spoke' highly of Thaksin as recently as 2013 (the year his last book was published). See my earlier post here which has a link to some excerpts and some quotes.

As much as Lee had his own set of foibles (to put it lightly), he was not the type to express respect for someone simply because of a past 'business deal'. In fact, he was a man who did not express respect easily at all. I think that he did see in Thaksin somewhat of a kindred spirit. You have to remember that Lee and his hi-so English-speaking crew came to power in through an 'unnatural alliance' with the communist-leaning, Chinese-speaking trade unionists. He called this "riding the tiger" because he was consciously taking advantage of a popular ally that could turn on him in the future and kill his vision for the nation. [in fact, once he made it into power, communist societies were quickly outlawed and the trade unions were emasculated and brought under government control]. Lee expressed some genuine sympathy for the people of Isaan and their political disenfranchisement, but I suspect he also saw a parallel in how Thaksin rode in on their numerical majority to shake up the system.

I agree with most of what you in this post.

I'm sure Lee saw many qualities in Thaksin. Despite what many posters say Thaksin is a very well educated and clever man. He has a PhD from a US university, and they don't give them away. He has made himself and members of his family into billionaires and presided over huge growth in their family wealth. Sure, some of his business success was built on shady deals, exploiting monopolies, insider information etc but, he had the intelligence to apply the knowledge and benefit by it. The IMF loan payback, changing the law to facilitate the sale of his family business, etc, didn't happen by accident. He made them happen. Thaksin no doubt studied and learned from how Lee came to power, and how he held on to that power. You get the feeling of a mentoring relationship. Thaksin sued political opponents and media who said things he didn't like, he wanted to control the media and suppress free speech and wanted to ensure any political system was under his control. Had he have succeeded then no doubt he's have treated the red shirts like Lee treated the communists and trade unionists.

However, Lee seems to have ignored the differences. He was very moral and ethical; whereas Thaksin proved to be immoral and lack any ethics. Whilst there may have been parallels in how Thaksin rode in on the poor Northern "Tiger", he certainly was different in then really focusing on benefits for himself, family and friends first and foremost. Did Lee comment on the negatives as well as the positives of Thaksin?

Thaksin looked to be a breath of fresh air. Someone out to shake things up, especially the status quo of the old guard and get things moving for all the people. I well remember the saying that Thaksin was too rich to be corrupt, He had enough money of his own. How wrong that was. And how disappointing that it seems the real interest was getting a bigger slice for his own family, ultimately the whole cake, and very little real interest in the people.

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If I recall correctly, Thaksin & Yingluck won by landslides. Or are you one of those "only Bangkok residents with university degrees should be permitted to vote" proponents?

You recall incorrectly. Yingluck "won" with the biggest minority vote.

PTP went on to loose the "very safe" Don Meuang seat and the "so safe we could put a telecom pole up and win" Bangkok governor election. Even the large Shin sister won her by-election, conveniently arranged for her following her 5 year corruption ban, with less votes than her driver previously got. (He had to "hold" the seat as mummy and daughter both got banned for fraud).

Would they when an election again if held tomorrow - highly debatable, not as given as their supporters love to believe and if they did, certainly with a reduced vote which would mean a smaller minority of voters.

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I think on these occasions there is not much chance of a person going along as an individual will bump into Prime Ministers and Presidents whilst having a few at the Wake

Correct. The premise of the story is just an opportunity to yank the general's chain. Total silliness.

He deserves to have his chain yanked... nobody can do it in thailand (it s illegal under martial law).. outside the country he is just another ......

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I guess 'no news is good news' ?

This topic has outlived its usefulness, although Thaksin might be smiling?

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