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Preparing for 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton embracing Obama

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But she is their favorite psycho.

This is an example of the typical right wing FOX viewer. Unable to have a reasonable discussion....repeating the nonsense they see on FOX Television.

Damn, this poor soul is fixated on Fox news. His example of a reasonable discussion on his many posts is identifying anyone who might not agree with his Liberal mantra as a Fox news watcher.... Sorry James, but it surely does look like you lack the intellectual wit to realize this thread is about the 2016 campaign, Hillary and your messiah Barry and not about Fox News.....

Yes Hillary, run baby, run!!!

In a thread topic of this title it's neigh impossible to get through even page one without some mention of Fox News. Faux is carrying on about this stuff 24/7, and I do say carrying on.

Faux news corpse viewers have been getting the Clintons since Faux Day One right up to now (do Fox have an actual calendar or a Faux Age of the Earth calendar).

The far outers on the right get tongue tied when they see their Tea Party within the Republican party, one holding a pot and the other holding the kettle, both of 'em black.

The Republican party and tea party express Bubba Buses are beginning to pull out from the carnival grounds, Rubio is next in a matter of hours.

Wait till you see what happens when they give America the full Bubba....music provided.

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The enactment of a state religious freedom law in Indiana is quite similar to those on the books in over a dozen other states, as well as the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA signed into law by William Jefferson Clinton, the philandering husband of Hillary), some claim that the law authorizes discrimination against homosexuals and same-sex couples and trumps state-level nondiscrimination laws. Oh no, guess some of our Leftest talking points chirpers can't remember back that far...

Are the claims made against the new Indiana law accurate? Not really. This law, like other RFRAs, merely requires that state laws meet a demanding, but hardly insurmountable, test before infringing upon the religious practice or conscience of religious believers. If the law imposes a substantial burden on religious belief, the law must yield unless the law serves a compelling state interest and is the least burdensome way to advance that interest. Whether or not such laws are good policy, they are about accommodating religious belief, not authorizing discrimination.

Courts have routinely upheld the application of nondiscrimination laws against RFRA-based challenges on the grounds that preventing discrimination is a compelling state interest. Of course it’s possible that a court in the future would reach a different conclusion, but there’s no reason to think such a result is likely, and there is nothing about the Indiana law that makes it a particular threat in this regard. That is, such a court decision is just as possible in one of the other dozen-plus states that has had its own RFRA on the books for years or in one of the many other states that have equivalent protections for religious belief under their state constitutions.

The Indiana RFRA is not identical to every other RFRA, but the textual differences are not particularly material. But in a comparison of the Indiana law and the federal RFRA, as applied in the courts. there is very little to differentiate.

Ok you Lib Ideologues, hammer away.

Yes Hillary, run baby, run!!!


OMG - the witch hunt is unrelenting and the witch is Hillary!

A House panel Tuesday formally requested Hillary Clinton to testify about the private server and email account she used while serving as secretary of state.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi, sent a request to Clinton's personal attorney, David E. Kendall, requesting that Clinton appear before the committee no later than May 1 for a transcribed interview about the server and email.

The request comes after Kendall told Gowdy that the server had been wiped clean and that it would be impossible to recover the 30,000 emails Clinton deleted last year.

Yes Hillary, run witch, run!!!

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Mother Jones, Media Matters and such have been putting out lies about Bill O'Reilly and Fox News for years. If you check out their information, it almost always turns out to be very distorted or completely false. It is just like the chicken little posters on TV. You just completely ignore their hateful remarks and dishonest claims after a while.

Really UG? I'm not defending either side for being liars.

I'm criticising the sheer hypocrisy.

If you can prove O'Reilly didn't do what Williams did I'm all ears, otherwise you're just blowing smoke.


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C'mon Snarky. Contempt of Congress, perjury, witness tampering, destroying evidence and obstruction of justice charges are for idiots like Nixon and Bill Clinton. They don't apply to Hillary.

I want to see her run for president carrying all of her baggage. I want to see her in a national debate with someone who actually has a personality and a speaking ability.

If Hillary was going to be nominated by the Dems it would have been in 2007 when she got soundly trounced by an unknown named Obama. Now she's way past her sell-by date and I'm just hoping she's the nominee.

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The problem is the GOP sends jobs overseas to make massive profits for the rich and corporations but that kills middle class and poor job growth. Facts back this up.. you can compared Reagan, Bush, W. combined vs obama or clinton alone and the trend is clear.

That is going to be a major factor in the election.. as it always is: ECONOMY decides the election more often than not.


Wishful thinking on your part.

Who votes in republican primaries?

Mostly the far right.

So they're going to nominate either a bat sheit crazy right winger like Cruz or a lump of clay hope to actually win candidate like Jeb Bush.

It's been less than ten years since the Repubs had the House, Senate and White House and the Repubs just took back the House and Senate.

Watch out for the Big Mo. Obama is less popular than you might think and Hillary wants to ride his coattails.

There is a big increase in people on government assistance, and a big drop in the number of people employed under Obama, and there's a "silent noise" from the grassroots you might not be hearing.

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The problem is the GOP sends jobs overseas to make massive profits for the rich and corporations but that kills middle class and poor job growth. Facts back this up.. you can compared Reagan, Bush, W. combined vs obama or clinton alone and the trend is clear.

That is going to be a major factor in the election.. as it always is: ECONOMY decides the election more often than not.

  1. President Bill Clinton
  2. When Democrat President Bill Clinton signed off on the North American Free Trade Agreement and the General Agreement on Trade & Tariffs in 1993, otherwise known as NAFTA/GATT, he quite literally slashed the economic throat of the United States.
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The problem is the GOP sends jobs overseas to make massive profits for the rich and corporations but that kills middle class and poor job growth. Facts back this up.. you can compared Reagan, Bush, W. combined vs obama or clinton alone and the trend is clear.

That is going to be a major factor in the election.. as it always is: ECONOMY decides the election more often than not.

Where do you get this shit, anyway, LOL? smile.png

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But she is their favorite psycho.

This is an example of the typical right wing FOX viewer. Unable to have a reasonable discussion....repeating the nonsense they see on FOX Television.

FOX News is entertainment. Nothing else.

If I were a US citizen I would vote for democrats.

Hillary Clinton is a psycho.

My post is meaningless and I should refrain from participating in these kinds of threads in an anonymous Thai Expat forum. 'God' forbid that I would write a single word in this topic since Im not a US citizen :) :) :)

  • Like 1

The problem is the GOP sends jobs overseas to make massive profits for the rich and corporations but that kills middle class and poor job growth. Facts back this up.. you can compared Reagan, Bush, W. combined vs obama or clinton alone and the trend is clear.

That is going to be a major factor in the election.. as it always is: ECONOMY decides the election more often than not.

  1. President Bill Clinton
  2. When Democrat President Bill Clinton signed off on the North American Free Trade Agreement and the General Agreement on Trade & Tariffs in 1993, otherwise known as NAFTA/GATT, he quite literally slashed the economic throat of the United States.

Not a fan of NAFTA (which could have been stopped by a GOP congress) , and even a lower fan of the TPP which the GOP wants to fast track...


Back to the subject of the original post.

THIS is why Hillary is embracing Obama & why the republican party has their panties in a twist. Americans vote with their pocketbook.


Bush= -56%

Obama= +205% and still going.


After the Bush fiasco, the stock market had to claw it's way back over 100% just to break even & recover from Bush!

Every American with a 401k or retirement account would be 100% more wealthy if it wasn't for the republicans policy.

Luckily, the 2009 Obama plan averted a depression and a worldwide economic calamity. Millions were losing their jobs, their homes and their retirement savings.

Obamas plan halted the jobs loss, saved the housing industry, increased wealth, reduced dependence on foreign oil, ended 2 wars, killed Bin Laden and droned their leadership, forced deadbeats into paying for health care, reducing the budget deficit at record rates, stopped torturing, got the Iranians to the negotiation table and a lot more.

The republicans won't be able to run on the economy.

All the have is their fake Benngggaaazziii scandal in a lame attempt to derail the democratic frontrunner.

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I wouldn't think Hillary would be seriously considered for employment even in a fast food restaurant.

For fear that the end of day the cash count would be massively and consistently short, she would lie to the customers and comport herself to them with the insolence and arrogance she displayed to Congress and to the whole world (regardless of what she actually said - her body language alone was quite enough), that she would be conspiring with the competition, would incessantly violate store operating policy and the concern that one day the store's computer hard drive would be found mysteriously wiped.

Of course this why politicians of her ilk would actually have a very short half-life in private industry

in a serious, non-BS position, if they were fortunate to be hired even on a probationary basis.

Of course this why politicians of her ilk would actually have a very short half-life in private industry, in a serious, non-BS position, if they were fortunate to be hired even on a probationary basis.

In Arkansas HRC was the first woman full partner in the Rose Law firm where she specialized in patent infringement and intellectual property law.

Back then, the National Law Journal named HRC as one of the 100 most powerful lawyers in America. In those daze, HRC earned $200,000 a year, the same salary as POTUS. Legal opponents among the Arkansas Bar called the lawyer HRC "Death" because she fought to win and she did win.

HRC also represented and later served on the board of Arkansas businesses including TCBY ("The Country's Best Yoghurt"), and Wal-Mart.

Hillary Rodham wrote to NASA as a child inquiring how to become an astronaut. NASA replied that girls could not be astronauts.

Accepted to both Harvard Law School and Yale Law, HRC decided on Yale when, after her perusal visit to Harvard Law, a professor she'd been introduced to said they had enough women there.

When HRC was a teenager, she organized a baby-sitting group to look after the children of migrant Mexican workers in rural Illinois (where it's said she first met Barack Hussein Obama laugh.png ).

First woman senator from New York state....first....first...first.....

Coming soon.

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OMG - the witch hunt is unrelenting and the witch is Hillary!

A House panel Tuesday formally requested Hillary Clinton to testify about the private server and email account she used while serving as secretary of state.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi, sent a request to Clinton's personal attorney, David E. Kendall, requesting that Clinton appear before the committee no later than May 1 for a transcribed interview about the server and email.

The request comes after Kendall told Gowdy that the server had been wiped clean and that it would be impossible to recover the 30,000 emails Clinton deleted last year.

Yes Hillary, run witch, run!!!

The request is that HRC appear privately before the committee of inquisition, then appear later publicly to address only the transcripted issues selected by the committee's Republican majority.

HRC's lawyer said she would prefer to appear before the committee but in public testimony only, not in a prior star chamber proceeding and then in a public hearing.

So now Republicans on the committee want to do star chamber stuff. They keep opening boxes inside boxes year in and year out, and all they keep finding are more boxes.

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Back to the subject of the original post.

THIS is why Hillary is embracing Obama & why the republican party has their panties in a twist. Americans vote with their pocketbook.


Bush= -56%

Obama= +205% and still going.

attachicon.gifsp5oo screenshot.png

After the Bush fiasco, the stock market had to claw it's way back over 100% just to break even & recover from Bush!

Every American with a 401k or retirement account would be 100% more wealthy if it wasn't for the republicans policy.

Luckily, the 2009 Obama plan averted a depression and a worldwide economic calamity. Millions were losing their jobs, their homes and their retirement savings.

Obamas plan halted the jobs loss, saved the housing industry, increased wealth, reduced dependence on foreign oil, ended 2 wars, killed Bin Laden and droned their leadership, forced deadbeats into paying for health care, reducing the budget deficit at record rates, stopped torturing, got the Iranians to the negotiation table and a lot more.

The republicans won't be able to run on the economy.

All the have is their fake Benngggaaazziii scandal in a lame attempt to derail the democratic frontrunner.

The stock market growth during the past few years has nothing to do with what Obama has done or not done. The president only controls one branch of government. I'm sure at least a couple of the liberal posters on this site invests in the market, and knows presidents have very little influence of what the market does or doesn't do.

As far as the Benghazi scandal, this is real. People lost their lives because of what Obama and his side kick Hillary did and didn't do. Both of these people are exceptional liars and excellent at deception. I believe the truth will evidently come out about Benghazi, in spite of the liberal media who shields these two people. This will derail the Democrats plan for Hillary running for president.

The last time Hillary lived in the White House, she basically just picked up dog poop on the White House lawn, while her husband Bill, was molesting White House interns. Could you imagine these two people back in the White House? Come on you guys, get real.

  • Like 2

Back to the subject of the original post.

THIS is why Hillary is embracing Obama & why the republican party has their panties in a twist. Americans vote with their pocketbook.


Bush= -56%

Obama= +205% and still going.

attachicon.gifsp5oo screenshot.png

After the Bush fiasco, the stock market had to claw it's way back over 100% just to break even & recover from Bush!

Every American with a 401k or retirement account would be 100% more wealthy if it wasn't for the republicans policy.

Luckily, the 2009 Obama plan averted a depression and a worldwide economic calamity. Millions were losing their jobs, their homes and their retirement savings.

Obamas plan halted the jobs loss, saved the housing industry, increased wealth, reduced dependence on foreign oil, ended 2 wars, killed Bin Laden and droned their leadership, forced deadbeats into paying for health care, reducing the budget deficit at record rates, stopped torturing, got the Iranians to the negotiation table and a lot more.

The republicans won't be able to run on the economy.

All the have is their fake Benngggaaazziii scandal in a lame attempt to derail the democratic frontrunner.

The stock market growth during the past few years has nothing to do with what Obama has done or not done. The president only controls one branch of government. I'm sure at least a couple of the liberal posters on this site invests in the market, and knows presidents have very little influence of what the market does or doesn't do.

As far as the Benghazi scandal, this is real. People lost their lives because of what Obama and his side kick Hillary did and didn't do. Both of these people are exceptional liars and excellent at deception. I believe the truth will evidently come out about Benghazi, in spite of the liberal media who shields these two people. This will derail the Democrats plan for Hillary running for president.

The last time Hillary lived in the White House, she basically just picked up dog poop on the White House lawn, while her husband Bill, was molesting White House interns. Could you imagine these two people back in the White House? Come on you guys, get real.

Funny. These guys are all over Benghazi but never ever mention the 13 Bengazzis that occurred under Bush.

Just more insincere conservative ranting over just another fake news scandal.

  • Like 1

Back to the subject of the original post.

THIS is why Hillary is embracing Obama & why the republican party has their panties in a twist. Americans vote with their pocketbook.


Bush= -56%

Obama= +205% and still going.

attachicon.gifsp5oo screenshot.png

After the Bush fiasco, the stock market had to claw it's way back over 100% just to break even & recover from Bush!

Every American with a 401k or retirement account would be 100% more wealthy if it wasn't for the republicans policy.

Luckily, the 2009 Obama plan averted a depression and a worldwide economic calamity. Millions were losing their jobs, their homes and their retirement savings.

Obamas plan halted the jobs loss, saved the housing industry, increased wealth, reduced dependence on foreign oil, ended 2 wars, killed Bin Laden and droned their leadership, forced deadbeats into paying for health care, reducing the budget deficit at record rates, stopped torturing, got the Iranians to the negotiation table and a lot more.

The republicans won't be able to run on the economy.

All the have is their fake Benngggaaazziii scandal in a lame attempt to derail the democratic frontrunner.

The stock market growth during the past few years has nothing to do with what Obama has done or not done. The president only controls one branch of government. I'm sure at least a couple of the liberal posters on this site invests in the market, and knows presidents have very little influence of what the market does or doesn't do.

As far as the Benghazi scandal, this is real. People lost their lives because of what Obama and his side kick Hillary did and didn't do. Both of these people are exceptional liars and excellent at deception. I believe the truth will evidently come out about Benghazi, in spite of the liberal media who shields these two people. This will derail the Democrats plan for Hillary running for president.

The last time Hillary lived in the White House, she basically just picked up dog poop on the White House lawn, while her husband Bill, was molesting White House interns. Could you imagine these two people back in the White House? Come on you guys, get real.

Funny. These guys are all over Benghazi but never ever mention the 13 Bengazzis that occurred under Bush.

Just more insincere conservative ranting over just another fake news scandal.

Please share what the 13 Benghazi's are that occurred under Bush.


But she is their favorite psycho.

This is an example of the typical right wing FOX viewer. Unable to have a reasonable discussion....repeating the nonsense they see on FOX Television.

FOX News is entertainment. Nothing else.

If I were a US citizen I would vote for democrats.

Hillary Clinton is a psycho.

My post is meaningless and I should refrain from participating in these kinds of threads in an anonymous Thai Expat forum. 'God' forbid that I would write a single word in this topic since Im not a US citizen smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

Did you ever stop to think that when you make such claims as you would vote Democrat and then you call the extremely likely Democratic candidate a "psycho", it sort of makes some of your posts meaningless?

We've had a narcissist in the Oval Office for the past 6+ years, we don't need a psycho to follow him.

Have a nice trip.

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The president "is a narcissist" and the democratic frontrunner is a "pyscho."

This is the conservatives ammunition needed to win the next US presidential election?

Our candidate IS NOT psycho!

.....Will this be their bumper sticker slogan I'm wondering?


If members are going to continue with the misuse of psychological terms, posts will be removed and posters will be suspended. Exercise a bit of restraint and diplomatic in your remarks. Otherwise, they are inflammatory.

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We're seeing in this thread the hatred of HRC and the nonsense the Republicans are going to be spewing running against her. What they just don't get is how far out Fox and her Republican opponents are from anything resembling reality. More Benghazi and email "gotchas" are not going to work with the main stream. She is miles ahead and the primary is going to be a right wing blood bath (although extremely entertaining).

This is what happens when you watch Fox 24/7. You think everyone thinks with the same delusions you do. Only a hard core of 3 million are wearing tin hats and sipping koolaid. It's going to be 2008 and 2012 all over again with Teapublicans left gasping, "Where did we go wrong?" A big majority of Americans love Hillary and Bill. They're extremely competent and the opposition has NOTHING!

A slam <deleted> dunk.

(I was going to write paranoid above but that's a psychological term and I'm trying to be diplomatic wai2.gif )

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