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President of Yemen flees by sea; Saudis begin airstrikes

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With all this confusion going on, now we be a good time for Netanyahu to take out the Iranian nuclear facilities.

Sometimes confusion is a good thing. Somehow I think the Saudi's would be quite amendable to this.

Wonder how starting a nuclear war can ever be considered a good thing

It's not "a nuclear war" unless someone uses nuclear-weapons, is it ?

Israel fears that Iran is trying to produce them, and might feel that another pre-emptive strike is better, than letting them become nuclear-armed.

One can only hope that the USA can persuade/negotiate a deal, whereby Iran stops its current attempts, to produce its own nukes.


the funniest thing about this story is the involvement of the USA

who don't US mind there own business and let Middle Eastern nations live there own life?

civilized humanity should unite to force US army back home, this is the only way to stop this insane self-proclaimed "world policeman".


US wars & their proxies have nothing to do with ptotecting the US or bringing democracy to heathens, they are purely about bankers & corporations making money.

Dead soldiers and their families lives destroyed -profit.

Dead civilians - profit.

Infrastructure destroyed - profit.

Marine General Smedly Butler summed it up "war is a racket" (for the rich).

Good article below, it may open a few eyes:



US wars & their proxies have nothing to do with ptotecting the US or bringing democracy to heathens, they are purely about bankers & corporations making money.

Dead soldiers and their families lives destroyed -profit.

Dead civilians - profit.

Infrastructure destroyed - profit.

Marine General Smedly Butler summed it up "war is a racket" (for the rich).

Good article below, it may open a few eyes:


Its about being the country who sets the rules, stability where USA consider it necessary, cheap oil, and big corporations in the USA being able to profit in whatever way they can (destruction and rebuilding as an example).

the funniest thing about this story is the involvement of the USA

who don't US mind there own business and let Middle Eastern nations live there own life?

civilized humanity should unite to force US army back home, this is the only way to stop this insane self-proclaimed "world policeman".

What a silly comment. The US has done exactly what most people want. They have stepped back and they are not playing the policeman. Let us know how that is working out.


Sounds like a heck of a party going on in the ME.

Just remains to be seen who brings what?

Saudi Arabia brings Cheerios and Iran brings Mountain Dew.

Its a proxy war.

The Sunni arabs+Turkey+Pakistan are allying themselves and cooperating since Iran has been running the whole ME theatre the last 3-4 years. Im discounting outside powers (USA)

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