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God Bless America and my life savings

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According to the linked article below dated March 2015.

While using the disguise of fighting "The War on Terrorism". The USA is making it much more difficult to use your life savings in this case to visit ,live temporary or retire in another country .Now, if your bank teller in the US suspects any unusual activity they can notify the local,state or federal police and they can confiscate your money and you must explain why you needed to withdraw as little as $5,000.This is perfectly understandable right!!! for example who wants another 911 or contribute to ISIS suspected activity As a result most innocent law abiding people have to hire legal representation to prove that they aren't or haven't done anything illegal because they were tapping into there finances . Just the fact alone that they can freeze everything you have for months while they investigate your activity is intimidating.

The article also states that billions of dollars worth of assets etc, have been seized since 2012 without probable cause, warrants, charge or trial.This obstruction of privacy with piracy isn't limited to just the USA either. Read the article it very explicate.

In short be prepared to be scrutinized if your considering retiring here or anywhere . In Thailand you must have 800,000bht, monthly income of 65,000bht or a combination of income and savings that equal 800k. So now you want to move money here stress free. Lots of luck .


Edited by riclag
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While I also hate (hate, hate, hate) the fact that the U.S. government is becoming more and more intrusive into the lives of citizens, your post failed to mention that the $5,000 trigger point is for cash withdrawals not transfers between bank accounts.

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While I also hate (hate, hate, hate) the fact that the U.S. government is becoming more and more intrusive into the lives of citizens, your post failed to mention that the $5,000 trigger point is for cash withdrawals not transfers between bank accounts.

What happens if you try to withdraw $5001 in cash?

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While I also hate (hate, hate, hate) the fact that the U.S. government is becoming more and more intrusive into the lives of citizens, your post failed to mention that the $5,000 trigger point is for cash withdrawals not transfers between bank accounts.

What happens if you try to withdraw $5001 in cash?

They shoot the black person standing next to you.

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The War on Terrorism was manufactured, the risk of dying from terrorism is less than falling off your roof, miniscule. It is all about instilling fear and control.

Basically the US is now a fascist state and citizens can enjoy all the jackbooting that has to offer. Dont think it wont be getting even worse, the founding fathers would be horrified before even considering the never ending wars.

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Riclag references a "Preppers" web site.

Prepper or survivalist is a movement of individuals or groups who are actively preparing for emergencies, including possible disruptions in a nation's economy, utility grid, national security, food supply, civil law, etc. As such they have a very pessimistic view of the society to continue into the near future. They tend to radicalize their environment and see danger everywhere. Preppers stay by themselves and that's probably a bonus for the rest of society.

That's okay, America is home for everyone. But anyone who fact checks his claims will find a number of exagerations and misrepresentations.

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While I also hate (hate, hate, hate) the fact that the U.S. government is becoming more and more intrusive into the lives of citizens, your post failed to mention that the $5,000 trigger point is for cash withdrawals not transfers between bank accounts.

$10,000 is the trigger and that's not much these days.

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While I also hate (hate, hate, hate) the fact that the U.S. government is becoming more and more intrusive into the lives of citizens, your post failed to mention that the $5,000 trigger point is for cash withdrawals not transfers between bank accounts.

Read the feature story my friend any "SAR".

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Typical doom and gloom (and inaccurate) article from a Preppers website....big bad govt or just anti-govt, end of the world nearing, build your underground shelter, etc.

This article my friend is what is happening in many parts of America and in most parts of the world its about the Police State government and the tactics they use to control .The sheeple feel safe knowing that to follow these simple guidelines set up by government agencies, is only for the safety and well being of their families and country.There was a Privacy Act in America now its being soiled by the Patriot Act. They are the big bad gov't. The bad guys want your sister in law who is working at the local grocery store bank branch to call the police because your friend decided to inquire about wanting to have $10,000 in $100 dollar bills.Its the low ranking local state and fed law enforcement agencies that interpret and enforce the rules all over the world and they can be power hungry do as your told sons of b--- .Your down playing this with your doom and gloom opinion while all these restrictions and rules are being instituted as just and needed. I find it very frustrating when people don't bother to read in between the lines.

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While I also hate (hate, hate, hate) the fact that the U.S. government is becoming more and more intrusive into the lives of citizens, your post failed to mention that the $5,000 trigger point is for cash withdrawals not transfers between bank accounts.

$10,000 is the trigger and that's not much these days.

Sorry, its being bumped up only there not confessing to it .google it

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Riclag references a "Preppers" web site.

Prepper or survivalist is a movement of individuals or groups who are actively preparing for emergencies, including possible disruptions in a nation's economy, utility grid, national security, food supply, civil law, etc. As such they have a very pessimistic view of the society to continue into the near future. They tend to radicalize their environment and see danger everywhere. Preppers stay by themselves and that's probably a bonus for the rest of society.

That's okay, America is home for everyone. But anyone who fact checks his claims will find a number of exagerations and misrepresentations.

I confess I don't know anything about Preppers and their radicalized movement .I do know what I see and read all around America and the world. I see more Gov't ,more taxes, more restrictions and less privacy with more intrusions and less representation. Unfortunately, it can't be changed its bigger then us. Hmmm, I wonder if the movement as you say had any roots back in 1773.

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Riclag references a "Preppers" web site.

Prepper or survivalist is a movement of individuals or groups who are actively preparing for emergencies, including possible disruptions in a nation's economy, utility grid, national security, food supply, civil law, etc. As such they have a very pessimistic view of the society to continue into the near future. They tend to radicalize their environment and see danger everywhere. Preppers stay by themselves and that's probably a bonus for the rest of society.

That's okay, America is home for everyone. But anyone who fact checks his claims will find a number of exagerations and misrepresentations.

I confess I don't know anything about Preppers and their radicalized movement .I do know what I see and read all around America and the world. I see more Gov't ,more taxes, more restrictions and less privacy with more intrusions and less representation. Unfortunately, it can't be changed its bigger then us. Hmmm, I wonder if the movement as you say had any roots back in 1773.

Good God man, have some dignity, don't let them bully you into disawowing the agenda of SHTF, X22 Report, InfoWars, and Glen Beck. The NWO needs to be stopped.

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Riclag references a "Preppers" web site.

Prepper or survivalist is a movement of individuals or groups who are actively preparing for emergencies, including possible disruptions in a nation's economy, utility grid, national security, food supply, civil law, etc. As such they have a very pessimistic view of the society to continue into the near future. They tend to radicalize their environment and see danger everywhere. Preppers stay by themselves and that's probably a bonus for the rest of society.

That's okay, America is home for everyone. But anyone who fact checks his claims will find a number of exagerations and misrepresentations.

But at the end of the day I bet in the not so distant futurethey wish they had a few more " Preppers " over in California?giggle.gif

California has about one year of water stored. Will you ration now?


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Can't trust our government anymore with money. They think anybody with more life savings than a WalMart worker is a terrorist or a drug dealer. $5,000 is considered "a lot" by them. What a joke. It is a police state gone mad. I'd like to wire US$25,000 to Thailand but I'm afraid the spooks will activate code red and they'll have police watching my house the next morning.

Edited by zierf1
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Can't trust our government anymore with money. They think anybody with more life savings than a WalMart worker is a terrorist or a drug dealer. $5,000 is considered "a lot" by them. What a joke. It is a police state gone mad. I'd like to wire US$25,000 to Thailand but I'm afraid the spooks will activate code red and they'll have police watching my house the next morning.

Just wait until the Jade Helm operations begin, you'll be lucky to get any money out of there at all.

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A few years ago I went to the US Post office to buy some money orders. I asked for $3,000 or 3 $1,000 money orders. The clerk says you have to fill out a form. I had no intention of filling anything out but I said, OK, show me the form. So he gets this long one page form that had loads of questions about where and why and who etc. All none of anybody's business as far as I was concerned. So I said, oh, I changed my mind. I just want $2,900. The clerk was a bit stunned and called the supervisor over. He said well, since you originally said 3,000 but now changed your mind I can't sell you the 2,900 today. But you can come back tomorrow and buy the 2,900. I write this just to show how arbitrary some things are. But I am going to be keeping my accounts in more than one institution to help work around the issue of a stupid clerk or bank freezing my accounts on a whim. I currently have most of my money in Etrade, IRAs and brokerage and checking accounts. If I go overseas, I will move more to my Wells Fargo bank. And I plan to open a Charles Shwaub brokerage account later this year.

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What a joke. It is a police state gone mad. I'd like to wire US$25,000 to Thailand but I'm afraid the spooks will activate code red and they'll have police watching my house the next morning.

You're right. Trying to send even $5000 to Thailand will bring a knock on the door, and a frozen account. Thus, you'll not be able to live in Thailand. So, I guess, you should remain (please) in the States. But, hey, you'll then be able to still attend your weekly militia meetings. All's not bad.

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Can't trust our government anymore with money. They think anybody with more life savings than a WalMart worker is a terrorist or a drug dealer. $5,000 is considered "a lot" by them. What a joke. It is a police state gone mad. I'd like to wire US$25,000 to Thailand but I'm afraid the spooks will activate code red and they'll have police watching my house the next morning.

Nothing to do with terrorism or drug dealing, they just want you keep your money in your account, so they can easily confiscate it when they do a Cyprus.

The same is going on in Europe. My 63 year old cousin went to withdraw 50K Euro, which he had received from an inheritance, from his account and he had to move heaven and earth to get his own money.

I want to send a large amount of $ I have in a trading account to a US$ account in Thailand, and have asked my bank 3 times already if there is a limit on the amount I can transfer in 1 time.

Each time they sent me a response in which they didn't answer my question. Wonder why?

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Typical doom and gloom (and inaccurate) article from a Preppers website....big bad govt or just anti-govt, end of the world nearing, build your underground shelter, etc.

Even so the banks and government, certainly in the UK are now wanting to keep clients under the microscope. HSBC tried this in the UK a while back with some clients complaining that branches were refusing cash withdrawals above fairly small amounts unless you proved what you want it for. Not said what you wanted it for but proved it.

It's your money, which they use to make very nice profits and bonuses and now they're saying you can't spend it how you want without their approval.

Democracy and personal freedoms in the UK are becoming a joke. Permission to spend your money on what you want, your communications monitored, more stop and search powers, more restrictions, on even penknives and such like. Certainly lucks like someone wants a well controlled obedient population that has little if any self defense capability and relies totally on a nanny state to even allow it to spend its own money. Something not quite right, as the tail starts to wag the dog.

All those who rabbit on about Orwell and Thailand should take a long look at their home country,

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While I also hate (hate, hate, hate) the fact that the U.S. government is becoming more and more intrusive into the lives of citizens, your post failed to mention that the $5,000 trigger point is for cash withdrawals not transfers between bank accounts.

$10,000 is the trigger and that's not much these days.

It's been $10,000 since the 1960's or early 1970's and hasn't even been adjusted for inflation. It was put into place to look for drug crime, money laundering, tax evasion, etc. It applies only to cash deposits and withdrawals at a bank and only once did it affect me. I wanted $20,000 so I went in on two separate days and got $10,000 each time and didn't have to fill out the form. When I've needed more than that I've bought a cashier's check (bank guaranteed check) and that rule doesn't apply there.

I don't remember the specifics but when I was a banker it didn't apply to big stores which would deposit far more than that every day, and then buy cash to make change in amounts bigger than that. They wanted to deposit their cash and then buy our cash because ours had been organized by machines such as coin counters and wrappers. Our bills had been "mutted" meaning mutilated and worn bills had been removed and sent to the Federal Reserve for face value credit.

It also didn't apply to the armored car service which brought us new money from the Fed and took our mutts and excess and also distributed money among branches.

I think the writer needs a new tinfoil hat. I've never heard a single American complain about these rules. In fact this is the first complaint I've heard about all of this but then, who's it from?

Edited by NeverSure
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Typical doom and gloom (and inaccurate) article from a Preppers website....big bad govt or just anti-govt, end of the world nearing, build your underground shelter, etc.

Even so the banks and government, certainly in the UK are now wanting to keep clients under the microscope. HSBC tried this in the UK a while back with some clients complaining that branches were refusing cash withdrawals above fairly small amounts unless you proved what you want it for. Not said what you wanted it for but proved it.

It's your money, which they use to make very nice profits and bonuses and now they're saying you can't spend it how you want without their approval.

Democracy and personal freedoms in the UK are becoming a joke. Permission to spend your money on what you want, your communications monitored, more stop and search powers, more restrictions, on even penknives and such like. Certainly lucks like someone wants a well controlled obedient population that has little if any self defense capability and relies totally on a nanny state to even allow it to spend its own money. Something not quite right, as the tail starts to wag the dog.

All those who rabbit on about Orwell and Thailand should take a long look at their home country,

I remember several years ago I moved about 100K Euro from my account with bank X in my home country to my trading account with bank Y also in my home country.

The money was with bank X for decades and had been built up during my working life, and all transfers went electronic.

About 4 months later I received an invitation from the money laundering cell of the police to explain why I moved the money.

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While I also hate (hate, hate, hate) the fact that the U.S. government is becoming more and more intrusive into the lives of citizens, your post failed to mention that the $5,000 trigger point is for cash withdrawals not transfers between bank accounts.

$10,000 is the trigger and that's not much these days.

It's been $10,000 since the 1960's or early 1970's and hasn't even been adjusted for inflation. It was put into place to look for drug crime, money laundering, tax evasion, etc. It applies only to cash deposits and withdrawals at a bank and only once did it affect me. I wanted $20,000 so I went in on two separate days and got $10,000 each time and didn't have to fill out the form. When I've needed more than that I've bought a cashier's check (bank guaranteed check) and that rule doesn't apply there.

I don't remember the specifics but when I was a banker it didn't apply to big stores which would deposit far more than that every day, and then buy cash to make change in amounts bigger than that. They wanted to deposit their cash and then buy our cash because ours had been organized by machines such as coin counters and wrappers. Our bills had been "mutted" meaning mutilated and worn bills had been removed and sent to the Federal Reserve for face value credit.

It also didn't apply to the armored car service which brought us new money from the Fed and took our mutts and excess and also distributed money among branches.

I think the writer needs a new tinfoil hat. I've never heard a single American complain about these rules. In fact this is the first complaint I've heard about all of this but then, who's it from?

Look you can't deny that there are many more restrictions and rules and there only getting worst when it comes to our money Example: Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR, is used by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), an agency of the Treasury Department, to track the worldwide movement of money controlled by U.S. persons. In doing so, FBARs allow the U.S. government to gather information that could be used in criminal, tax, and other regulatory matters and to conduct intelligence or counterintelligence activities. FBAR reporting was established under the Bank Secrecy Act . Yes banks have the $10,000 cash deposit and withdrawal trigger but the Justice Department ,have instructed banks to file reports of suspicions activity, SAR'S and $5000 in or out for cash could now be considered suspicious." My point is I don't want to have to prove that I have a legitimate reason why I want to use my money",when and if they would ever decide to come calling. With these new Computer Matching Programs that the GAO constructed in the late 80's for many Federal Agencies to use to keep track of your entire life activities is another invasion on the Privacy Act that was sent up in the early 70's .For god sake the IRS and other security agencies were recently discovered wiretapping,tapping into private emails and tapping into cell phone conversations and not being held responsible for it .The USA has recently brought about The U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act which is requiring every country that does business with the USA to conform and report all American's accounts,some people not all have been refused a bank account as a result of this in some Thai banks, because its a burden on their bank expenses.Those people who sit back and act like this is not worthy to discuss and whats all the fuss about. where probably the same one's that bragged they never studied for a test in school I get frustrated when people don't read between the lines and accept things as they are..It goes on and on.

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Read the article it very explicate

"very excrement" would be a better description.

Exactly, don't believe everything you read OP.

Post# 21..Would you believe there's some truth to this statement?.All around America and the world,I see more Gov't ,more taxes, more restrictions and less privacy with more intrusions and less representation.

Edited by riclag
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What a joke. It is a police state gone mad. I'd like to wire US$25,000 to Thailand but I'm afraid the spooks will activate code red and they'll have police watching my house the next morning.

You're right. Trying to send even $5000 to Thailand will bring a knock on the door, and a frozen account. Thus, you'll not be able to live in Thailand. So, I guess, you should remain (please) in the States. But, hey, you'll then be able to still attend your weekly militia meetings. All's not bad.

JG (Please) do you have any clue as to how much the cost of living is back there? Besides if I choose to live in the L O S, I won't need to stand at the corner of a intersection.anymore and hold up a sign that says. I'll Work For Food, to supplement my income.OMG

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is getting ridiculous .If the Feds suspect you they'll get you.Whats the world coming too? Doom and gloom.This can't happen to me !!!!!!


They don't go into whether he declared the income and paid taxes on it ?

Does he have employees on the farm and did he fail to take out payroll and social security taxes ?

Sounds to me like he did not pay his estimated taxes and they put a lien on his bank accounts

Instead of complaining about the IRS he might want to talk to his accountant and obviously fire the lawyer

One of the first lessons my father gave me growing up was to never, never , ever screw with the Internal Revenue Service. They don't need a conviction to seize your assets, they don't need a warrant to seize your bank accounts, and they don't need anything but probable cause to wreck your credit

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