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Democracy activist arrested, charged with violating NCPO's order


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Democracy activist arrested, charged with violating junta's order

Pro-democracy activist Pansak Srithep is handcuffed as he is taken to Bangkok Remand Prison yesterday. Pansak faces three charges

BANGKOK: -- PRO-DEMOCRACY activist Pansak Srithep was arrested early yesterday and charged with three offences, including violating the order of the military's ruling National Council for Peace and Order forbidding political gatherings of more than four people.

The military court later granted bail to Pansak after Bt70,000 was used as a guarantee.

The key member of a group called Resistant Citizens, which staged a commemoration of the failed February 2012 elections in Bangkok in defiance of martial law, was arrested just after midnight after he parked his car at a temple near his hone in Nonthaburi.

On March 13, Pansak was briefly arrested when he started a march to call for an end of trying civilians in military courts under martial law.

Anon Nampha, Pansak's lawyer and another key member of the group, said the prosecutor.

He appeared handcuffed in court and his lawyer was briefly barred from speaking to him while investigators interrogated him.

Pansak has also been charged with violation of penal code Article 116, which forbids inciting unrest, and violating the Computer Crimes Act.

Pansak, whose volunteer observer was killed during the 2010 crackdown on red shirts that led to at least 99 deaths, was taken by police for a medical examination before he was detained in order to prevent allegations that he was assaulted or tortured.

He was taken to Bangkok Remand Prison in the afternoon after the military court allowed the first round of 12 days' detention. Anon posted a bail application of Bt500,000 but there was no word on whether bail had been granted at press time.

As Pansak left the military court, Natcha Kongudom, a Bangkok University student, folded a number of paper planes with the message "no civilians in military court" and threw them near the court. The student was not arrested.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Democracy-activist-arrested-charged-with-violating-30256841.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-27

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He is saying , thai people have the right to trial in a civilian court.

attachicon.gifimages (12).jpg

What!!! are you on a one man crusade or something.

Martial law is wanted by the majority as it is serving it's purpose of keeping Thailand stable and peaceful.

The people want the law and he has broken the law so he needs to undergo a bit of 'attitude adjustment' to put him back on the right track.

"The people" had no saying in establishing Martial Law.

But it does keep Thailand stable and quiet, like a graveyard. Even some ghost from times gone by longtime are around.

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He is saying , thai people have the right to trial in a civilian court.

attachicon.gifimages (12).jpg

What!!! are you on a one man crusade or something.

Martial law is wanted by the majority as it is serving it's purpose of keeping Thailand stable and peaceful.

The people want the law and he has broken the law so he needs to undergo a bit of 'attitude adjustment' to put him back on the right track.


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He is saying , thai people have the right to trial in a civilian court.

attachicon.gifimages (12).jpg

What!!! are you on a one man crusade or something.

Martial law is wanted by the majority as it is serving it's purpose of keeping Thailand stable and peaceful.

The people want the law and he has broken the law so he needs to undergo a bit of 'attitude adjustment' to put him back on the right track.

Nice try Lucky !!

To my fellow posters: Try to google irony!!

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There's a few attitudes needing adjusted on this site too, lucky you're a troll, you seem to think you're a Thai with rights but you've no more rights here than this guy.

Jailing people for such pathetic reasons is doing nothing for reconciliation , you clearly don't know anything about the man, the junta are using excuses to stop people from having a difference of opinion, if you seriously believe Thailand is moving forwards, then you're also needing an " attitude adjustment "

Prayuth cannot stand dissent or criticism, sounds like you're also an autocratic person, your way or no way!!!

Do you like criticism? especially when it is undeserved or unwarranted?

They won't jail him, they are simply stopping this man from protesting and interfering with their work by deflecting attention away from it because he has a bit of a difference of opinion on something personal to him. Don't forget, it was all of these protests that created the desperately sad situation that we find ourselves in today.

Am I a troll because I have a differing point of view to you. What happened to the free speech that you almost certainly champion (I do not believe in unfettered free speech myself, before you ask).

I am putting my point of view, nothing else, it is up to you to counter mine if you so choose. I am not forcing my views on you, I am not insisting that you do things my way. If I am attacked (I am not accusing you of this BTW) then I can go into 'Rottweiler' mode which probably upsets a few people on occasions, but if they keep it civil then I respond in similar fashion. This may be where you get this troll idea from.

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he is not an activist but an agent of influence of foreign forces who wish to topple sovereign Thai government and replace it with there puppets again. they proclaim democracy as there goal because it's much easier to manipulate and buy ignorant electors than an independent government serving national interests.

International bankers think Thailand borrows not enough of freshly printed green paper. this should be fixed

Edited by Jeffreyake
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he is not an activist but an agent of influence of foreign forces who wish to topple sovereign Thai government and replace it with there puppets again. they proclaim democracy as there goal because it's much easier to manipulate and buy ignorant electors than an independent government serving national interests.

International bankers think Thailand borrows not enough of freshly printed green paper. this should be fixed

cheesy.gif ...oh, man...w00t.gif

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There's a few attitudes needing adjusted on this site too, lucky you're a troll, you seem to think you're a Thai with rights but you've no more rights here than this guy.

Jailing people for such pathetic reasons is doing nothing for reconciliation , you clearly don't know anything about the man, the junta are using excuses to stop people from having a difference of opinion, if you seriously believe Thailand is moving forwards, then you're also needing an " attitude adjustment "

Prayuth cannot stand dissent or criticism, sounds like you're also an autocratic person, your way or no way!!!

Do you like criticism? especially when it is undeserved or unwarranted?

They won't jail him, they are simply stopping this man from protesting and interfering with their work by deflecting attention away from it because he has a bit of a difference of opinion on something personal to him. Don't forget, it was all of these protests that created the desperately sad situation that we find ourselves in today.

Am I a troll because I have a differing point of view to you. What happened to the free speech that you almost certainly champion (I do not believe in unfettered free speech myself, before you ask).

I am putting my point of view, nothing else, it is up to you to counter mine if you so choose. I am not forcing my views on you, I am not insisting that you do things my way. If I am attacked (I am not accusing you of this BTW) then I can go into 'Rottweiler' mode which probably upsets a few people on occasions, but if they keep it civil then I respond in similar fashion. This may be where you get this troll idea from.

When I get criticized and feel its undeserved, I take it on the chin, I don't throw strops or take it out on anyone else, but the question is, HOW do you determine from a personal POV what's undeserved or unwarranted? Whilst you may think that way, not all others may share your views, so when it comes, accept it, deal with it, change the circumstances to avoid it happeneing again, and don't fly off the handle leaving yourself open for more!! wink.png

Interfering in their work? Hardly, it's all being done behind closed by groups for groups within groups for the main group. I have to disagree it's deflecting anything, as NOTHING and nobody externally has an ability to change what's going on behind closed door.

A man staging a walking protest seeking justice for the death of his son isn't deflecting anything, that Lucky sounds like a mere excuse by claiming it is. Now then, if you're going to cite the laws, please don't forget that the laws were blatantly disregarded by ALL political sides in 2014, so I'll be expecting 6,000,000 former protesters to be rounded and jailed shall I? That's not going to happen, it's not practical.

How can you state that we find ourselves in a desperately sad situation today? I stated in another thread I personally have not seen any change in peoples mannerisms, attitudes, welfare, social habits in the 3 years I've lived here, so where exactly was this doom and gloom cloud hovering over all these desperately sad people, I have observed NO changes in Thai Authority attitudes either, the cops were and always will be tossers (not all of them), there was never again in my opinion a nationwide foreboding doom and gloom feeling, life away from Bangkok was the same as always, people just got on with their lives, oblivious to the power struggle between the two factions.

I called you a troll due to the way in which you put your opinions across, and many times they are coming across as very derogatory towards Thais, you have a habit of posting in an antagonistic manner, and the nature of your replies opens the way for confrontation.

I don't have a problem with you putting up your opinions or views, but there has been occasions where you're view is extremely autocratic, and the biggest issue I have, and not just with you, is that how is it possible for Farangs who left their own countries where most lived in a democracy that allowed them an opinion, a view, and a vote that could change how their country was run, and yet don't think Thais should be allowed that very same opportunity?

Please, don't flog the dead horse about the vote buying, that's the biggest cry of foul coming out of kool aid drinking farangs mouth's, when it's been going on a lot longer than most have lived here... I have a rule, if I invite you into my home, don't criticize how I furnish it, or what I do within it, don't criticize how I deal with MY children or MY family, otherwise you'll be shown the door, and not invited back... Of course many farangs here can't live without doing similar about Thailand.

Vote buying didn't lose the democrats any elections, they just didn't appeal to the countrywide electorate, it doesn't help when there's a history of elitism within their party either, and that the poor in the rural areas are well... "too stupid to vote", or call then Kwai, seriously, how do you think they're going to glavanise a country when some within their own party treat the poor, and the areas outwith Bangkok as something they stood on in the park?

The have to consider the entire electorate as equals to win them over, do you personally feel they do this Lucky?

I am not going to deal with all the points you have raised, only the poignant ones (maybe all actually).

If someone criticises you unfairly you 'take it on the chin'!!! Have you no self respect? So if you invited guests around for dinner and spent several hours slaving over a hot stove, taking 4 hours to prepare and cook your favourite meal that is loved by everyone and they say they've eaten better out of Mcdonalds at 3.00 AM in the morning you would shrug this off!! Getting away with saying something such as this is like telling them "say what you like about me I accept your criticism".

He is disobeying martial law ( of which the people are happy to put up with) and so he must be stopped from disregarding it otherwise every Tom, Dick and Harry will see this as something they can get away with which WOULD interfere in their ongoing work as it would propagate more protests. It is unfortunate that he has grievances, but for the sake of the country it cannot be dealt with in any other way than it is now. Thailand is more important than his tortured feelings.

I have never been derogatory against Thai's, where do get that from? Sorry, but I think you have got the habit of getting on to the wrong end of the stick. I am unashamedly critical of Thaksin and the PTT party however as they deserve it. They are nothing more than scum and I abhor everything they stand for (mine and many others opinions).

Thai's will get their vote once the electoral system has been fixed and blatantly engineered populist policies such as the rice scam are outlawed.

I am not referring to 'vote buying' but these self same populist policies' that are designed to deceive the people into voting for them, in my condemnation of Thaksin's ruses and tricks to fool the people.

'Vote buying didn't lose the democrats any elections, they just didn't appeal to the countrywide electorate' - this illustrates precisely what I am pointing out in the above paragraph. The Democrats refused to buy the peoples votes with such irresponsible populist policies as it is unethical and immoral to use the people for your own ends in this way.

You won't agree with my next point - the people in the North are on average less well educated than Bangkokians and those in the Central and Southern regions.

It is not right but it is a fact!! They are less informed and are not responsible enough (through no fault of their own) to elect a government - fact.

Before you go on about my not caring about the poor and disadvantaged I am a devout socialist that has more time for and cares more about these people than the 'elite' middle classes of Thailand.

Unfortunately, these people are brighter and can be trusted with running the country whereas Thaksin and his cohorts clearly cannot!!!

To be honest, I would rather do away with democracy for a period and let everything stabilise and be put to rights. Elections can come later (at Thailand's choosing as to when) not the US's as they know best.

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very well put Lucky, although I'm not understanding this part

If someone criticises you unfairly you 'take it on the chin'!!! Have you no self respect? So if you invited guests around for dinner and spent several hours slaving over a hot stove, taking 4 hours to prepare and cook your favourite meal that is loved by everyone and they say they've eaten better out of Mcdonalds at 3.00 AM in the morning you would shrug this off!! Getting away with saying something such as this is like telling them "say what you like about me I accept your criticism".

How can that meal be loved by everyone if the guests then say they've eaten better at MacDonalds?

It's not about always about self respect lucky, it's about the circumstances surrounding the criticism, and all down to how others view this as criticism or not.

I'm a former Military guy, all through my career I was criticised by superiors, some just, sometimes I felt it wasn't, no different now, I have clients who have also criticised and without justification, mainly down to them having bad days with other clients, so it's their way of lashing out.

Do I like it? Not at all, but I'm hardly going to argue the case with them because they hurt my feelings.

My wife criticizes my driving all the time when I'm at home, she hasn't got a licence and doesn't drive, it doesn't stop her from thinking she's right, all I say to counter her is.. "darling, when you have the paper to drive, then feel free, but until you have the experience, stop whining and do something positive like learn to drive yourself".

as for my guests and their disdain for my cooking, it would never happen, as I always plan meals based on what they like to eat, it's called planning and preparation.

You feel the PM is being criticized unfairly based on your own life experiences I take it? I also have a rule, if you can't stand the heat, don't take over other peoples kitchens ;)

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He is saying , thai people have the right to trial in a civilian court.

attachicon.gifimages (12).jpg

What!!! are you on a one man crusade or something.

Martial law is wanted by the majority as it is serving it's purpose of keeping Thailand stable and peaceful.

The people want the law and he has broken the law so he needs to undergo a bit of 'attitude adjustment' to put him back on the right track.

You can tell a lie over and over again and some people will believe it. Not all. What you are saying about the majority is bah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

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He is saying , thai people have the right to trial in a civilian court.

attachicon.gifimages (12).jpg

What!!! are you on a one man crusade or something.

Martial law is wanted by the majority as it is serving it's purpose of keeping Thailand stable and peaceful.

The people want the law and he has broken the law so he needs to undergo a bit of 'attitude adjustment' to put him back on the right track.

You can tell a lie over and over again and some people will believe it. Not all. What you are saying about the majority is bah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

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The current government in Thailand is supremely lacking in confidence.

And for good reason.

Unemployment - double (if you believe the numbers...)

Exports - falling

Gross domestic output - stagnant, lowest in 3 years

Tourism - visitors up, but revenue down

Environment - uncontrolled pollution and flooding

Foreign policy - embrace the Chinese, demonize the West

Leadership - prone to gaffs and goofy speculation

The government's actions to address the problems:

- pay farmers for their rice (hooray!)

- forbid gatherings

- arrest dissenters

- prosecute opposition politicians

- muzzle the press

- announce high speed trains

- announce other new rail investments by the Chinese, or maybe the Japanese, or maybe not

- promote 12 values

- announce new Constitution drafting process has 5 spirits

- express ambivalence about Democracy and need for referendum

- suggest this is all in the interest of happiness and reconciliation

Yes, it's all going so well. thumbsup.gif

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The current government in Thailand is supremely lacking in confidence.

And for good reason.

Unemployment - double (if you believe the numbers...)

Exports - falling

Gross domestic output - stagnant, lowest in 3 years

Tourism - visitors up, but revenue down

Environment - uncontrolled pollution and flooding

Foreign policy - embrace the Chinese, demonize the West

Leadership - prone to gaffs and goofy speculation

The government's actions to address the problems:

- pay farmers for their rice (hooray!)

- forbid gatherings

- arrest dissenters

- prosecute opposition politicians

- muzzle the press

- announce high speed trains

- announce other new rail investments by the Chinese, or maybe the Japanese, or maybe not

- promote 12 values

- announce new Constitution drafting process has 5 spirits

- express ambivalence about Democracy and need for referendum

- suggest this is all in the interest of happiness and reconciliation

Yes, it's all going so well. thumbsup.gif

You probably mean the government doesn't lack challenges. Mostly taking over from a 'blanket amnesty for the right people' government which spent and spent and spent. Just like the Chuan government in 1998 taking over a mess left by the Chavalit government which squandered away the nation's foreign reserves in defending the US$-THB peg. After three years of that, Thaksin promised more fun and won the elections. Luckily Global economy had recovered to a booming level and Thaksinomics worked. Run out of steam by the time Thaksin left for New York. Left another mess for others to clean up.

And so it goes on here.

Makes you wonder how Greece will fare.

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The current government in Thailand is supremely lacking in confidence.

And for good reason.

Unemployment - double (if you believe the numbers...)

Exports - falling

Gross domestic output - stagnant, lowest in 3 years

Tourism - visitors up, but revenue down

Environment - uncontrolled pollution and flooding

Foreign policy - embrace the Chinese, demonize the West

Leadership - prone to gaffs and goofy speculation

The government's actions to address the problems:

- pay farmers for their rice (hooray!)

- forbid gatherings

- arrest dissenters

- prosecute opposition politicians

- muzzle the press

- announce high speed trains

- announce other new rail investments by the Chinese, or maybe the Japanese, or maybe not

- promote 12 values

- announce new Constitution drafting process has 5 spirits

- express ambivalence about Democracy and need for referendum

- suggest this is all in the interest of happiness and reconciliation

Yes, it's all going so well. thumbsup.gif

You probably mean the government doesn't lack challenges. Mostly taking over from a 'blanket amnesty for the right people' government which spent and spent and spent. Just like the Chuan government in 1998 taking over a mess left by the Chavalit government which squandered away the nation's foreign reserves in defending the US$-THB peg. After three years of that, Thaksin promised more fun and won the elections. Luckily Global economy had recovered to a booming level and Thaksinomics worked. Run out of steam by the time Thaksin left for New York. Left another mess for others to clean up.

And so it goes on here.

Makes you wonder how Greece will fare.

LKY had a different view of Mr T than your description.

'What Thaksin did was to upset the apple cart of the Thai political status quo by diverting to the poorer parts of the country resources that had previously been hogged by Bangkok and its middle and upper-class residents. Thaksin’s was a more inclusive brand of politics that allowed the peasants from the north and the northeast to share in the country’s economic growth. A gulf had already existed before his arrival, created by the Bangkok-centric policies of his predecessors. All he did was to awaken the people to the gulf — and the unfairness of it — and to offer policy solutions to bridge it. If he had not done so, I am convinced that somebody else would have come along to do the same.

To Thaksin’s opponents, he was turning the country upside down. They were not about to let him get away with it. They called him a populist and claimed his policies would bankrupt the state. (Remarkably, this did not stop them from continuing many of these policies and coming up with other similar ones when they held power from December 2008 to August 2011.)' One Man’s View of the World: LKY

But getting back to the OP.

This man is out for answers to his son's death. What lengths would you go to uncover the sequence of events surrounding your child’s death?

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The current government in Thailand is supremely lacking in confidence.

And for good reason.

Unemployment - double (if you believe the numbers...)

Exports - falling

Gross domestic output - stagnant, lowest in 3 years

Tourism - visitors up, but revenue down

Environment - uncontrolled pollution and flooding

Foreign policy - embrace the Chinese, demonize the West

Leadership - prone to gaffs and goofy speculation

The government's actions to address the problems:

- pay farmers for their rice (hooray!)

- forbid gatherings

- arrest dissenters

- prosecute opposition politicians

- muzzle the press

- announce high speed trains

- announce other new rail investments by the Chinese, or maybe the Japanese, or maybe not

- promote 12 values

- announce new Constitution drafting process has 5 spirits

- express ambivalence about Democracy and need for referendum

- suggest this is all in the interest of happiness and reconciliation

Yes, it's all going so well. thumbsup.gif

You probably mean the government doesn't lack challenges. Mostly taking over from a 'blanket amnesty for the right people' government which spent and spent and spent. Just like the Chuan government in 1998 taking over a mess left by the Chavalit government which squandered away the nation's foreign reserves in defending the US$-THB peg. After three years of that, Thaksin promised more fun and won the elections. Luckily Global economy had recovered to a booming level and Thaksinomics worked. Run out of steam by the time Thaksin left for New York. Left another mess for others to clean up.

And so it goes on here.

Makes you wonder how Greece will fare.

LKY had a different view of Mr T than your description.

'What Thaksin did was to upset the apple cart of the Thai political status quo by diverting to the poorer parts of the country resources that had previously been hogged by Bangkok and its middle and upper-class residents. Thaksin’s was a more inclusive brand of politics that allowed the peasants from the north and the northeast to share in the country’s economic growth. A gulf had already existed before his arrival, created by the Bangkok-centric policies of his predecessors. All he did was to awaken the people to the gulf — and the unfairness of it — and to offer policy solutions to bridge it. If he had not done so, I am convinced that somebody else would have come along to do the same.

To Thaksin’s opponents, he was turning the country upside down. They were not about to let him get away with it. They called him a populist and claimed his policies would bankrupt the state. (Remarkably, this did not stop them from continuing many of these policies and coming up with other similar ones when they held power from December 2008 to August 2011.)' One Man’s View of the World: LKY

But getting back to the OP.

This man is out for answers to his son's death. What lengths would you go to uncover the sequence of events surrounding your child’s death?

I will not say anything against LKY, certainly not at this time. Mind you, LKY did sue some opposition into oblivion and Thaksin tried the same. All in the name of democracy we are fighting for off course.

So, the one you call 'this man' who actually has a name, Pansak Srithep, is pro democracy, anti-coup and reading some other articles for elections now.

As for his son, the OP has "Pansak, whose volunteer observer was killed during the 2010 crackdown". Older articles mention "whose son was killed by a sniper in soi RangNam". Other recent articles add "killed by the military". His case hasn't been included though in the 'easy' cases the DSI started to feed the Criminal Court for doing Inquests.

No offence meant, but k. Pansak seems more concerned with an election than with his son's death even if his marches "starting in Bangkok's Makkasak district, where his 17-year-old son Samapan Srithep was shot dead during the military crackdown on Redshirt protesters in May 2010. "


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The current government in Thailand is supremely lacking in confidence.

And for good reason.

Unemployment - double (if you believe the numbers...)

Exports - falling

Gross domestic output - stagnant, lowest in 3 years

Tourism - visitors up, but revenue down

Environment - uncontrolled pollution and flooding

Foreign policy - embrace the Chinese, demonize the West

Leadership - prone to gaffs and goofy speculation

The government's actions to address the problems:

- pay farmers for their rice (hooray!)

- forbid gatherings

- arrest dissenters

- prosecute opposition politicians

- muzzle the press

- announce high speed trains

- announce other new rail investments by the Chinese, or maybe the Japanese, or maybe not

- promote 12 values

- announce new Constitution drafting process has 5 spirits

- express ambivalence about Democracy and need for referendum

- suggest this is all in the interest of happiness and reconciliation

Yes, it's all going so well. thumbsup.gif

Came to Thailand 2 month ago and got an overdose of red propaganda?

Basically all the problems were caused by the previous government, while this government did a lot to reduce corruption, several lands and illegal buildings in national parks were seized. They work hard to repair Thailand with a complete mess of budget due to the 1 Trillion rice scam.

Yes they aren't the brightest of Thailand but look at the last government there wasn't one bright person so it is a major improvement.

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