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Prayut to enact new NCPO announcement to replace martial law enforcement

Lite Beer

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The last thing Thailand needs under the current guise is up to 18,000,000 children with a higher degree of education that allows them to be creative thinkers, and know when a turd stinks and when it doesn't.

When you reform the education system to "ommit" periods of Thai History , and certain figures from within that period, you're not educating, you're "conditioning".

Reforming the Education system to be more "militarised" again, you're not educating, you're conditioning.

Education must be allowed to have open access to the rest of the world, zero restrictions, it's the only way to be educated is by being allowed to learn, otherwise it's simply indoctrination and feeding the future with what YOU want them to know.


Thailand currently does have open access to the world via the internet. Problem is the vast majority of students in Thailand (and world wide) don't really give a rats arse. They think it doesn't concern them! Students from the last 10 years have started being more creative in their thinking but honestly the general apathy in Thailand runs through all generations. They just want things running and operating as they should. Electric, water the things to ensure everyday life.. Everything else is somebody else's problem!

They just want things running and operating as they should. Electric, water the things to ensure everyday life.. Everything else is somebody else's problem!

Sounds perfect to me!! Maybe they are the smart ones.................coffee1.gif

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Sounds to me like they are replacing a hammer with a hammer.

A hammer with a sledgehammer

You wanted Prayuth to stop martial law.. He is doing what you wanted. He and the security services obviously feel that they need additional powers so he's using What's available.. The martial law was impinging on daily life hardly at all.. Now who knows and it will be snidy buggers like you that caused it!

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The last thing Thailand needs under the current guise is up to 18,000,000 children with a higher degree of education that allows them to be creative thinkers, and know when a turd stinks and when it doesn't.

When you reform the education system to "ommit" periods of Thai History , and certain figures from within that period, you're not educating, you're "conditioning".

Reforming the Education system to be more "militarised" again, you're not educating, you're conditioning.

Education must be allowed to have open access to the rest of the world, zero restrictions, it's the only way to be educated is by being allowed to learn, otherwise it's simply indoctrination and feeding the future with what YOU want them to know.


Thailand currently does have open access to the world via the internet. Problem is the vast majority of students in Thailand (and world wide) don't really give a rats arse. They think it doesn't concern them! Students from the last 10 years have started being more creative in their thinking but honestly the general apathy in Thailand runs through all generations. They just want things running and operating as they should. Electric, water the things to ensure everyday life.. Everything else is somebody else's problem!

I couldn't agree more, but with the added caveat, in that what you describe is the same the world over past and present, as you've pointed out, come on, lets be honest, when you and I were at school, you either loved it or hated it, it was either the best thing you done or a mere hindrance towards your life goal.

I was not much different when I went through my secondary school years, things like Apartheid in South Africa was none of my concern, the earthquakes and natural disasters were none of mine either, I was only interested in whether the rest of the guys would turn up for a game of "footie".

Did we care what happened elsewhere in the country...nope? What were my parents main concerns and priorities? Food on the table and shoes on our feet, International welfare and knowledge was so low on their priorities it never came up, other than the odd "There's a million starving kids in Africa ho would love to eat what you've refused to eat (greens)"

I educated myself far better throughout my adult life AFTER I left the Government education system because I had a thirst for knowledge, and I learnt what I WANTED to learn, what was important for me to make it in the world, sorry but Algebra,Trigonometry, Fractions, Latin, and William <deleted> Shakespeare were no longer needed, or important enough, but they were all part of the curriculum at the time.

I feel the same way about Education as I do about " Instructing " these days, you have to want to learn, and to make someone willing to learn, you have to be able to teach with passion, conviction and above all, have the knowledge to know your subject matter, Education when it's in the form of indoctrination, is a controlling method, but every now and then, you need to let the shackles come off, and let their minds develop.

Whist I agree with everything you have said, (and I can´t say my tertiary education was much different, I learned to ride a mates motor bike while I should have been at math class) the education system did give you a good starting point, whether you wanted / liked it or not.

It got me an apprenticeship and a career. When going to tech college I came back cursing about the nonsense we were being taught and my father (also an electrician) asked me what I would do if I needed to know something, my reply was pick up a book. He said ¨well that´s good I do the same thing, but you need to know what the book is telling you¨

Probably the wisest thing my old man ever said.

Edited because keyboard playing up, letters missing in words

Edited by RigPig
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The last thing Thailand needs under the current guise is up to 18,000,000 children with a higher degree of education that allows them to be creative thinkers, and know when a turd stinks and when it doesn't.

When you reform the education system to "ommit" periods of Thai History , and certain figures from within that period, you're not educating, you're "conditioning".

Reforming the Education system to be more "militarised" again, you're not educating, you're conditioning.

Education must be allowed to have open access to the rest of the world, zero restrictions, it's the only way to be educated is by being allowed to learn, otherwise it's simply indoctrination and feeding the future with what YOU want them to know.


Thailand currently does have open access to the world via the internet. Problem is the vast majority of students in Thailand (and world wide) don't really give a rats arse. They think it doesn't concern them! Students from the last 10 years have started being more creative in their thinking but honestly the general apathy in Thailand runs through all generations. They just want things running and operating as they should. Electric, water the things to ensure everyday life.. Everything else is somebody else's problem!

They just want things running and operating as they should. Electric, water the things to ensure everyday life.. Everything else is somebody else's problem!

Sounds perfect to me!! Maybe they are the smart ones.................coffee1.gif

They also would like to earn $20,000 a month and have a month off, or alternatively find a stupid farang that does who will part with his money.

Education is the answer !!! Hopefully that would also bring about a sense of morals and a sense of right from wrong with less emotional reaction with no thought involved....

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By Captain Hoy
Amen! My wife's good friend is the head English teacher at the local gov't school. Know what she can say to me? BYE BYE! I've also spent some good money sending a niece to private school primarily for the language opportunity. 4 years later as a 10 year old she cannot even say BYE BYE! The education system here sucks and it is by design. How can you have an elite society without the peons?

By CasualBiker

That's your mistake.. Private school.. The best Thai English teachers are at government schools!

Captain Hoy

Yeah says you. I offered the short version of the niece's story - 2 years private and then back into 2 years "advanced gov't". Same result. If it is not about parrotting the lesson she has no clue what I'm saying or how to respond to me. Beyond the obligatory "I am fine thank you". Carry on - I'm sure it is all very effective and I'm just having a run of bad luck because I did not run string around my house and all.

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Sounds to me like they are replacing a hammer with a hammer.

A hammer with a sledgehammer

You wanted Prayuth to stop martial law.. He is doing what you wanted. He and the security services obviously feel that they need additional powers so he's using What's available.. The martial law was impinging on daily life hardly at all.. Now who knows and it will be snidy buggers like you that caused it!

Using 'whats available'. Get a grip. He's using what he's invented in the so-called 'draft charter'. So 'what available' was not available until he wrote it!

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So where are all the Martial Law/coup lovers now. Not so sure today I bet. This will only hasten the return/revival of the red shirt movement or something similar. Big problems ahead for Thailand, as if they didnt have enough already.

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Sounds to me like they are replacing a hammer with a hammer.

A hammer with a sledgehammer
You wanted Prayuth to stop martial law.. He is doing what you wanted. He and the security services obviously feel that they need additional powers so he's using What's available.. The martial law was impinging on daily life hardly at all.. Now who knows and it will be snidy buggers like you that caused it!

Using 'whats available'. Get a grip. He's using what he's invented in the so-called 'draft charter'. So 'what available' was not available until he wrote it!

I have a firm grip thank you posters. Martial law is currently in place, every tom dick and harry foreign journalists is stating it should be lifted.. Prayuth is saying it's not time and if he did lift it then he would replace it with the only other thing available, section 44. That he has had available since the coup but didn't use! Simple enough for you?

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Sounds to me like they are replacing a hammer with a hammer.

A hammer with a sledgehammer
You wanted Prayuth to stop martial law.. He is doing what you wanted. He and the security services obviously feel that they need additional powers so he's using What's available.. The martial law was impinging on daily life hardly at all.. Now who knows and it will be snidy buggers like you that caused it!

Using 'whats available'. Get a grip. He's using what he's invented in the so-called 'draft charter'. So 'what available' was not available until he wrote it!

lifting martial law to try and bluff the international community. Here you go we lifted martial law and replaced it with something more powerful now I have the power to execute those that don't tow the line. The whole country is now mine and in my power. They really think those outside of Thailand are not as smart as your average thai.
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Sounds to me like they are replacing a hammer with a hammer.

A hammer with a sledgehammer
You wanted Prayuth to stop martial law.. He is doing what you wanted. He and the security services obviously feel that they need additional powers so he's using What's available.. The martial law was impinging on daily life hardly at all.. Now who knows and it will be snidy buggers like you that caused it!
damn us farangs for causing all this, martial law is because of us, why don't they just ban tourism so they can lift martial law instead of giving themselves ultimate powers to deal with all us bloody farangs.

Yesterday some posters assured the new powers, if put in place, would never be used if there was peace etc but it's not a claim i would make given how the PM acts. Saying other national leaders over the years have had bad tempers etc is no argument because this is a here and now situation and i'm not in the least bit confident of the man who may get this absolute power.

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Sounds to me like they are replacing a hammer with a hammer.

A hammer with a sledgehammer
You wanted Prayuth to stop martial law.. He is doing what you wanted. He and the security services obviously feel that they need additional powers so he's using What's available.. The martial law was impinging on daily life hardly at all.. Now who knows and it will be snidy buggers like you that caused it!
damn us farangs for causing all this, martial law is because of us, why don't they just ban tourism so they can lift martial law instead of giving themselves ultimate powers to deal with all us bloody farangs.

Yep, blame the Falang inventions and the internet, the modern inventions that are too dangerous for causing the elite to lose face....

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This 'article 44' goes beyond suppression, arrest, detention and all that seems to be uppermost in most people's minds. It's also a mandate to bugger about with things that aren't so easily seen. Apart from judicial meddling and army favours, there's also the financial stuff, commercial stuff... the gravy train... the trough, etc..

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I'm wondering if there are many who work for this guy who actually like him and are emotionally on his team. I'm looking at all of those people and wondering what they are thinking.........

Military men are not paid to think, but to take orders.

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I don't recall using those exact same words. However, if you had said this about the US then that would stand up to scrutiny.

The constitution will result in free and fair elections because irresponsible populist policies will be forbidden and perpetual lies and false promises to sway voters voting intentions will also be outlawed as they are an unethical and immoral means towards garnering support.

The elections, when they are held, will be freer and fairer than they will have ever been - the new electoral system will ensure that.

Prayut, like Suthep promised he would, will have walked away from politics for good proud in the notion as to what and how much he has achieved.

I think that a lot of TV posters are going to be surprised how rosy things will turn out and maybe one day they will wake up and laugh about how irrational their arguments were and how wrong their thinking was on this very subject!! I, on the other hand will have a happy life in Thailand reflecting on how well things ended up after the violence and killings in the dark old days of my early years in Thailand, thanks to Prayut.

Your spectacles may be rosy, but what about invoking laws which give him unquestionable power, rounding up those who peacefully disagree for intimidation (attitude adjustment) and putting the fishing industry above humanity ? Means to an end ? Your prediction is pure, rose colored fantasy.

Holding unquestionable power and using it are not on the same page.

He is wise to quieten dissenters as they misunderstand his good intentions and a quiet word in their ear and being told to behave themselves has never killed anybody.

As to the fishing industry above humanity comment I fail to grasp what you mean by this. All I do know is that his finger is on the pulse on this as he has ordered it to be cleaned up urgently as the fishermen's exploitation has landed (excuse the pun) Thailand at the bottom rung of the Human Rights Watch list and he is disturbed by the affect that it has on Thailand's reputation in the world. He means to end it as it's means to an end!!

"never killed anybody." Interesting low standard.

Your rosy outlook may have kept you from reading about how your good general assailed a reporter for investigating Thai Fishermen languishing in an Indonesian jail. His main concern was with trying to preserve the reputation of the industry and its wealthy owners, not with the fishermen's predicament,

....and Yingluck's concern was in trying desperately to save her fragile government rather than deal with the rice farmers predicament,

I think I trump you on that one!!!

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I don't recall using those exact same words. However, if you had said this about the US then that would stand up to scrutiny.

The constitution will result in free and fair elections because irresponsible populist policies will be forbidden and perpetual lies and false promises to sway voters voting intentions will also be outlawed as they are an unethical and immoral means towards garnering support.

The elections, when they are held, will be freer and fairer than they will have ever been - the new electoral system will ensure that.

Prayut, like Suthep promised he would, will have walked away from politics for good proud in the notion as to what and how much he has achieved.

I think that a lot of TV posters are going to be surprised how rosy things will turn out and maybe one day they will wake up and laugh about how irrational their arguments were and how wrong their thinking was on this very subject!! I, on the other hand will have a happy life in Thailand reflecting on how well things ended up after the violence and killings in the dark old days of my early years in Thailand, thanks to Prayut.

Your spectacles may be rosy, but what about invoking laws which give him unquestionable power, rounding up those who peacefully disagree for intimidation (attitude adjustment) and putting the fishing industry above humanity ? Means to an end ? Your prediction is pure, rose colored fantasy.

Holding unquestionable power and using it are not on the same page.

He is wise to quieten dissenters as they misunderstand his good intentions and a quiet word in their ear and being told to behave themselves has never killed anybody.

As to the fishing industry above humanity comment I fail to grasp what you mean by this. All I do know is that his finger is on the pulse on this as he has ordered it to be cleaned up urgently as the fishermen's exploitation has landed (excuse the pun) Thailand at the bottom rung of the Human Rights Watch list and he is disturbed by the affect that it has on Thailand's reputation in the world. He means to end it as it's means to an end!!

"never killed anybody." Interesting low standard.

Your rosy outlook may have kept you from reading about how your good general assailed a reporter for investigating Thai Fishermen languishing in an Indonesian jail. His main concern was with trying to preserve the reputation of the industry and its wealthy owners, not with the fishermen's predicament,

Or he may have been extremely miffed because they see him everyday but didn't actually make him aware of the problem prior to releasing the report.. I would be pissed of as well!

It's a two way street, especially if Thai lives are at stake.. Who's worse the investigating reporter for NOT reporting the finding earlier or Prayuth who one day later started the return of said fishermen!

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"We're gonna take off your handcuffs" (gov)

"Great! long live the junta!" (prisoner)

"Have to do that so we can chain you to the wall" (gov)

"May I have a ball and chain also so that I don't feel any unrest?" (prisoner)

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>>Prayut said the Cabinet did not discuss the lifting of martial law during its meeting at the Hua Hin Cabinet retreat Friday because the issue is under his authority as the NCPO chief.<<

Why waste time and taxpayer money on playing democracy??

Prayut is clearly aiming at absolute power!!

I agree, no reason to play democracy. Just stay in power and thereby ensure the usual corrupt and criminal politicians and paid for voters stay out of power.

Democracy is for developed countries with a mature and informed voter base.

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>>Prayut said the Cabinet did not discuss the lifting of martial law during its meeting at the Hua Hin Cabinet retreat Friday because the issue is under his authority as the NCPO chief.<<

Why waste time and taxpayer money on playing democracy??

Prayut is clearly aiming at absolute power!!

I agree, no reason to play democracy. Just stay in power and thereby ensure the usual corrupt and criminal politicians and paid for voters stay out of power.

Democracy is for developed countries with a mature and informed voter base.

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You say:'Democracy is for developed countries with a mature and informed voter base'.

Surely you know much more about Thai politics than the average Thai voter. You must be fluent in Thai, speaking and reading. Congratulations.

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Your spectacles may be rosy, but what about invoking laws which give him unquestionable power, rounding up those who peacefully disagree for intimidation (attitude adjustment) and putting the fishing industry above humanity ? Means to an end ? Your prediction is pure, rose colored fantasy.

Holding unquestionable power and using it are not on the same page.

He is wise to quieten dissenters as they misunderstand his good intentions and a quiet word in their ear and being told to behave themselves has never killed anybody.

As to the fishing industry above humanity comment I fail to grasp what you mean by this. All I do know is that his finger is on the pulse on this as he has ordered it to be cleaned up urgently as the fishermen's exploitation has landed (excuse the pun) Thailand at the bottom rung of the Human Rights Watch list and he is disturbed by the affect that it has on Thailand's reputation in the world. He means to end it as it's means to an end!!

"never killed anybody." Interesting low standard.

Your rosy outlook may have kept you from reading about how your good general assailed a reporter for investigating Thai Fishermen languishing in an Indonesian jail. His main concern was with trying to preserve the reputation of the industry and its wealthy owners, not with the fishermen's predicament,

....and Yingluck's concern was in trying desperately to save her fragile government rather than deal with the rice farmers predicament,

I think I trump you on that one!!!

If you can only think in terms of Yingluck's p!ss-poor proxy administration to qualify your adulation of the incumbent and his proposals, then there's no point in considering your comments as being anything more than just the annoying enthusiasm of the naive.

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