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Prayut to enact new NCPO announcement to replace martial law enforcement

Lite Beer

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PM to lift martial law, invoke Section 44 of interim constitution


Is he waving to his imaginary fan club in this picture?

This guy is so full of himself that he will never hand over the power until his last breath.

It isn't very clear but is that the hunger salute or the Carabao salute?

he is making the "i lub you" sign.

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Martial Law to be lifted. is this supposed to sell it to, and fool, the international community while replacing it with Absolute Power for one man ?

The world reacted in a negative fashion to martial law and the coup and the words absolute power will resonate even louder but the PM will probably think he's pulled the wool over everyone's eyes.

I'm convinced the PM should start to look over his shoulder as likely opposition to his increasing authoritarian ways will come from within his own camp when someone decides enough is enough and he can do a better job. i would suggest the PM reads up on history but that would involve world history and since he's in his own little world the rest doesn't matter.

Et tu Brute

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Who do they think they're fooling?

There is international pressure to remove martial law because of the infringement this imposes on basic human rights. Section 44 is a draconian measure with no limits. At least there are some limits to martial law.

This is a major step backwards, not forwards, and the international community will not be fooled.

But as posted above, dark days ahead, because now real abuses can become a reality with no repercussions to the junta.

Who do they think they're serving with a mobile cabinet meeting?

#1 - Traffic cops that need some overtime pay to block traffic, and,

#2 - ?????

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I'm wondering if there are many who work for this guy who actually like him and are emotionally on his team. I'm looking at all of those people and wondering what they are thinking.........

They are probably terrified of him even more so now he has ultimate power. He would execute a journalist and if one of his people dare question his actions they would probably be hung, drawn and quartered in public.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

>>Prayut said the Cabinet did not discuss the lifting of martial law during its meeting at the Hua Hin Cabinet retreat Friday because the issue is under his authority as the NCPO chief.<<

Why waste time and taxpayer money on playing democracy??

Prayut is clearly aiming at absolute power!!

That's pure BS! Easy to throw words around now.

Looking forward to your comments when your worries aren't realize....

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Very scary times indeed.

And a sad day for Thailand.

Calm down!!!

Just because he has the power doesn't mean he will use it. It is a deterrent and nothing else.

Why are people not panicking because Russia and the US could destroy the world several times over with their nuclear capacity? True?

Get a grip. I doubt that it will be used at all, only if the anti-coup nutters decide to stir things up a little because Prayut has made them impotent do I foresee a need to use it. Go and have a cup of tea, think it through properly as to what it means and enjoy life as you won't even notice a single change in your daily life!!

Anyone would think that the sky has fallen on your head w00t.gif.

In a way you are right.


This is not about you and me. Many of us have Thai families/children, and it is about their future.

Lived here for many years under various governments, and honestly it hasn't made any difference to my personal life who has been in charge.

But I engage in the political debate here, because I want my Thai daughter to be able to go to the ballot box, cast her vote and have her voted respected!!

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Very scary times indeed.

And a sad day for Thailand.

Calm down!!!

Just because he has the power doesn't mean he will use it. It is a deterrent and nothing else.

Why are people not panicking because Russia and the US could destroy the world several times over with their nuclear capacity? True?

Get a grip. I doubt that it will be used at all, only if the anti-coup nutters decide to stir things up a little because Prayut has made them impotent do I foresee a need to use it. Go and have a cup of tea, think it through properly as to what it means and enjoy life as you won't even notice a single change in your daily life!!

Anyone would think that the sky has fallen on your head w00t.gif.

No it doesn't mean he will use it but it will be there and in the hands of an intolerant individual with a hair trigger temper which makes the chances of some aspect of the power being used highly likely and if he starts to feel really threatened ... !

Edited by Caveat Emptor
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Lets all have a sing song.....

"So who do you think you are kidding Mr H...sorry Prayuth"

A new Burma dawns

Is there a Thai equivalent to Aung San Suu Kyi? ( without a fancy coloured shirt and a gun)

I'm not sure Thai's have her courage for that kind of honourable peaceful protest at the destruction of their country.

Thailand has never been a 'real' democracy with the threat of the army perpetually waiting to take over and it never will be.

It just seems to me this country is moving inexorably towards an almighty confrontation.

And all inspired by power, greed and corruption dressed up in a variety of clothes and coloured shirts be they red or yellow.

What a shame for this beautiful country and the majority of its people.

No disrespect intended at all here to The Lord Buddha but...."Buddha has left the building"

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Very scary times indeed.

And a sad day for Thailand.

Calm down!!!

Just because he has the power doesn't mean he will use it. It is a deterrent and nothing else.

Why are people not panicking because Russia and the US could destroy the world several times over with their nuclear capacity? True?

Get a grip. I doubt that it will be used at all, only if the anti-coup nutters decide to stir things up a little because Prayut has made them impotent do I foresee a need to use it. Go and have a cup of tea, think it through properly as to what it means and enjoy life as you won't even notice a single change in your daily life!!

Anyone would think that the sky has fallen on your head w00t.gif.

In a way you are right.


This is not about you and me. Many of us have Thai families/children, and it is about their future.

Lived here for many years under various governments, and honestly it hasn't made any difference to my personal life who has been in charge.

But I engage in the political debate here, because I want my Thai daughter to be able to go to the ballot box, cast her vote and have her voted respected!!

It's commendable that you hold your family as being what you care about the most, but don't worry, Thailand will be in a much better place come the time that your daughter gets to vote - a much better place, believe me!!!

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Who do they think they're fooling?

There is international pressure to remove martial law because of the infringement this imposes on basic human rights. Section 44 is a draconian measure with no limits. At least there are some limits to martial law.

This is a major step backwards, not forwards, and the international community will not be fooled.

But as posted above, dark days ahead, because now real abuses can become a reality with no repercussions to the junta.

I don't agree, the international community will be fooled because it wants to be fooled.

Thailand is friend number 1 in SE Asia so things that would be a cause for criticism and possible sanctions are not on the cards and never will be.

The west is happy with things it seems.

A completely unsubstantiated allegation that "the west is happy with things".


Borwornsak was speaking at the 4th KPI International Club Activity event held under the topic "The Path to New Constitution of Thailand" on Thursday night at the Nai Lert Park Hotel.

Diplomats from over 30 countries attended the forum.

However two-thirds of the embassies in Thailand did not send their most senior diplomats. The US embassy didn't send any representative

The West is not buying this. The US and the EU have called for "free and fair elections". They see the current situation with martial law, soon to be replaced with section 44, and the proposed aberration of a constitution, as not even close to a return to democracy with "free and fair elections".

Thailand hasn't had free and fair elections for over a decade. How refreshing to see that this will be achieved for the first time in so long once elections are held.

Stuff what other countries think - they are not Thai's and the majority of people here are delighted about the progress that has been made over the past 10 months!!

It is just so funny seeing your hysterical reactions - you should be delighted that he has listened and is going to remove marshal law.

A very naive comment by the keyboard hard guy who also said "so what if a few people were detained and tortured."

Please explain how this constitution will result in free and fair elections? The definition also means that those who are granted the people's mandate will also have some semblance of power.

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Who do they think they're fooling?

There is international pressure to remove martial law because of the infringement this imposes on basic human rights. Section 44 is a draconian measure with no limits. At least there are some limits to martial law.

This is a major step backwards, not forwards, and the international community will not be fooled.

But as posted above, dark days ahead, because now real abuses can become a reality with no repercussions to the junta.

Probablty why the pressure



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Wonder if Ban Ki Moon regrets inviting the good general to New York .

He may well do if the PM throws a hissy and the PM may regret accepting when the international media asks questions that he can't or won't answer and he suffers the negative consequences. Could make for good television though..

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PM to lift martial law, invoke Section 44 of interim constitution


Is he waving to his imaginary fan club in this picture?

This guy is so full of himself that he will never hand over the power until his last breath.

It isn't very clear but is that the hunger salute or the Carabao salute?

I received the exact same salute at Chinese new year, wow, what a moment! Waited hours on blocked off yaowarat, then the good general passed by in a float, well, 2nd float......

He stared directly at me and gave me the peace sign, pinch myself, yes, the good general acknowledged my existence! A definite WOW moment in the land of smiles

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I don't recall using those exact same words. However, if you had said this about the US then that would stand up to scrutiny.

The constitution will result in free and fair elections because irresponsible populist policies will be forbidden and perpetual lies and false promises to sway voters voting intentions will also be outlawed as they are an unethical and immoral means towards garnering support.

The elections, when they are held, will be freer and fairer than they will have ever been - the new electoral system will ensure that.

Prayut, like Suthep promised he would, will have walked away from politics for good proud in the notion as to what and how much he has achieved.

I think that a lot of TV posters are going to be surprised how rosy things will turn out and maybe one day they will wake up and laugh about how irrational their arguments were and how wrong their thinking was on this very subject!! I, on the other hand will have a happy life in Thailand reflecting on how well things ended up after the violence and killings in the dark old days of my early years in Thailand, thanks to Prayut.

It is quite obvious that you really don't have a grasp on the realities of the new constitution.

The goal is not to better Thailand, but just to keep out the political foes. If you consider the repressive Thailand of the 80's to be rosy, then things will turn out "rosy" for you. But based on your comments, I see you identify with tired, old reactionaries.

But for the rest of the country, they will be a sent back 30 years.

No, I don't, and neither do you as even the draft hasn't come out yet.

The newly drawn up electoral system (once it is finalised) will keep the 'bad boys' away. They may even opt out as the potential for ill gotten riches won't be there for them any more.

Instead, you will get educated MPs that will have learnt from the past mistakes of ignoring the plight of the poor and disadvantaged people and will make sure that they are not neglected as before.

Thai politics will spring into the modern world and secure it's future with this improved 'out of all recognition' constitution!! Everyone will be happy, the farmers will be growing new crops (organic I hope) and they will finally shake off the shackles of poverty.

A new form of (diluted) democracy will appear and corruption will take a nose dive - either that, or build several more prisons.

Thailand will be the envy of Asia and the role model to look up to. Think I rate Prayut, you bet I do!!!

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