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A friend of mine needs help ASAP. She lives with her ill father and in a few weeks, the house that they live in will be evicted. I am trying to help her find a nursing home for her father where he can stay for 2-3 months until property issues are resolved.

If anyone knows any good nursing homes in Bangkok or just outside of it, please help us with the information. We want to find a place that is reliable and really take care of the elders. The money is obviously an issue at this point so if you know any places (non profit agencies) that provides good care, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you and god bless all of you.

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There have been a few threads regarding nursing homes in thailand, and I would suggest that a search of those might help you. I can summerize them like this. Nursing homes are almost non-existant in Thailand. Older people live with their children here.

Good Luck!!!

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My husband's elderly father is at Ramkaemhaeng Hospital, where the room is just over 1k baht a day. The family takes in the food and pays helpers to stay with him to help with this and that. There's no medical charge unless he needs something. They have also got the medicine from a government hospital, where they get a full reimbursement on the cost. The room at Ramkaem, tho, is cheaper than an equivalent at the government hospitals, which tend to have fewer for long stays as they're more focused on acute care.

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