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Which country do you think produces the best tasting Beer?

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If you drive from Washington state, Oregon, California........The Craft beers are amazing stuff.......there are alot of craft brewery's cropping up all around the world. You have to divide the beer scene into 2. New world vs Old world and you get some pretty tasty stuff from each.

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I have been all over the world and I found that every country seems to have at least 1 good premium quality beer. Even Egypt, and the small Island of Malta.

I do miss my Labatts Blue, as you can only get that in Canada, but Pint for Pint the Germans make the Best Beer. Always have! Probably always will!

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I think at this point, it could be the United States. Now, that is only a new thing, like really within the last 15-20 years. But as JDinasia said, there are some great microbreweries in the States

Edited by Smurkster
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I used to be embarrassed when my European friends came to visit me in the USA and they wanted beer. Except for Anchor Steam from SFO, there was nothing fit to drink. But that's changed big time since the micro-brewery revolution started in Seattle and Portland. Now there are dozens of micro-breweries throughout the USA ... esp. northern California, Oregon and Washington state.

Yes, Germany, Belgium, and other European countries have superb beers ... some of which have been brewed for 1 or 2 hundreds of years. But now I get a big smile on my face when my European friends visit my Oregon home and ask "Do you have any beer" and I can proudly serve them some of my favorite local brews.

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Germany - nowhere else in the world you have a greater choice of beer....

Actually that's a myth. Belgium offers the most brands of beers.

I'm not that familiar with Belgium beers. Over here it's mainly Stella which I do quite enjoy once in a while

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Germany - nowhere else in the world you have a greater choice of beer....

the OP's question is the equivalent of "in which country is a piece of string longer?"

and choice does not mean quality. moreover, it depends on an individual's taste which brand he/she might consider "best".

i drank excellent beers in Nigeria, Botswana and South Africa.

Real beers or pilsner types?

please define "real beer".

It's the ones he likes.

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My vote goes to Germany for high density of great beers and the purity law.

The purity law (Reinheitsgebot) was repealed in 1987.
It was replaced by a beer Gesetz in 1993, wich is a result of European intervention and allows for more ingredients. Anyway, reputable German brewers still advertise following the old purity law.

Rice has nothing to do in beer, is however used in Bud and I believe Corona etc. Just my opinion.

Corona is made with malted corn ... and it sucks! My favorite Mexican beer by far in Bohemia, and if that's not available, Superior is pretty good.

Edited by HerbalEd
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I don't know if it's just me but Chang beer seems to be like a headache in a can. Every time I drink it a migraine starts coming on.

Every time? Then pray tell why do you continue drinking it?

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I don't know if it's just me but Chang beer seems to be like a headache in a can. Every time I drink it a migraine starts coming on.

Every time? Then pray tell why do you continue drinking it?

Should of wrote every time I had drank it before but don't anymore.

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It must be Thailand...because whenever I see a foreigner here he is drinking Leo,Chang or Singha...

I really miss Kloster which, from what I've heard, was driven out of business by Singha. Also, Lao Beer is a decent brand and recently ... thank Buddha ... it's become available at 7/11.

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Nobody can say what the best beer is,,,,,,,,It comes down to taste,,,,,some like XXXX,,,,some like Heineken,,,,some like Trappiste ,,some like Grolsch,,some like Paleo,,,,some like Leo,,Who gives a shit.

It's very evident that you do.

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Nobody drinks Budweiser anymore, at least not in the US. This is not 1978. There's Anchor Steam, Dogfish Head, Lagunitas, Bell's and those are just a few large breweries. Several hundred different beers are brewed in and around a minor city and thousands around a major one. You could drink a different beer in the U.S for every beer you ever had and not run out, even if you stuck to a certain variety like 'Belgian White' or IPA. Google it.

When I was a kid I once tried rolling rock, quite enjoyed it but I'm not sure if they even sell it here in the UK anymore

That's OK ... we all do stupid stuff when we're kids. Including me who drank Rolling Rock not because it was good but because it was cheap.

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Firstly to me budweiser (US version) is not really a beer. It's made with rice!
Best beers are generally Czech, German and Belgian, Also great are some British and Irish.
I hate flavored Micro brew things.
Many countries produce a couple good beers.
To argue that bud must be best, based on sales is not correct. Not always the best selling is qualitatively the best product. Sales are determined by many factors besides quality, like price, availability etc. To stay with beverages, what is the best wine, whiskey or Cognac? Certainly not the ones that sell most.
Again question was which country. My vote goes to Germany for high density of great beers and the purity law.

Rice, like wheat, rye and other grains have been an adjunct in beer for centuries. I don't like Bud because it's <deleted> but not because of the rice. Singapore Tiger lager has rice but has won gold medals for lager beers.

The purity law isn't Germany, it's Bavaria, and excludes many many wheat beers from Belgium that are world class brews .Many Belgian beers don't qualify under the purity law.

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Germany - nowhere else in the world you have a greater choice of beer....

Actually that's a myth. Belgium offers the most brands of beers.

Not true at all. there are more beers in the US than any other country.

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Too broad a topic.

Many countries have produced many styles of fantastic brew over the centuries.

There is such a diversity of flavours and styles that one must separate them according to personal taste.

A spiced wheat beer is going to taste so different to an English porter that you can't honestly compare them.

But the USA is the world leader in the craft beer industry with so many fine brews that I would have to say Americans make the best beer.

Using UK and European traditional styles as their inspiration, US brewers have taken craft brewing to a new level.

It pains me, as a Canuck, to admit the Yanks make the best beer ( based on European tradition)

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I spent a few hours transiting through Munich airport and that was enough time for me to say that German beer is the best. Sat outside in the beer garden drinking locally brewed unfiltered beer. Heaven

Never tried Belgian beers except for Stella so I'll have to try some time. Peroni Malto from Italy is quite nice. Nothing like standard Peroni.

As for warm flat English ale, the less said the better.

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In reply to the original question, I would say "whichever country you are in". There are very good reasons why a particular style of beer is brewed in a country - the climate, the local cuisine etc. In addition, top quality beer is a notoriously bad traveller, which explains the popularity of craft breweries/microbreweries. Think Boddingtons, a name which became world famous despite not being available within 100 kilometres of the brewery in Manchester. Until, that is, it was taken over in 1989 by a large multinational, who managed to remove its individuality and inflict a substandard product on the rest of the world.

I tell my friends back in the UK that the only thing I miss is the beer, but I realise that the Thai climate would be unsuitable for regular imbibing of it over here. Think I'll stick to Leo, Chang, Cheers and BeerLao (well, almost local)

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Pilsener was invented in Pilsen, but not by the Czech. After destroying their undrinkable Ale, they hired the Bavarian Josef Groll to learn about Bavarian brewing techniques. He created the first Pilsener.


Some mentioned South African ciders, like Hunters or Savannah.

I wanted to import Savannah Dry (a cider) to Thailand. Too late. I found it at Foodland.

My number 1 beer available in Thailand must be Paulaner Hefeweizen from Munich. Having one right now.


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