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London Street comes to Bangkok

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Bangkok:- London Street has literally materialized in Bangkok thanks to a new initiative of MK Restaurant Group.

Developed under Bt300million budget, this initiative has created a food mall on the Pattanakarn Road under the “London chic” theme.

So, this mall exudes the feel of London from the exterior to the interior. Replicas of Big Ben, a red rear-entrance bus, and a black cab are what visitors to London Street can enjoy.

But apart from opportunities to indulge in London-like atmosphere, customers can also enjoy MK Restaurant Group’s food. The mall features five MK Restaurant Group brands: MK itself, Le Siam, Miyazaki, Yayoi, and Le Petit.

Sitting on a 1.8 rai plot of land, London Street offers 2,500 square meters of utility space.

MK Restaurant Group’s chief executive officer Rit Thirakomen says its London-chic concept is based on not just his personal taste but also the fact that many other Thais fall in love with London.

“So, I think the London-chic design will color up our group’s first food mall,” he says.

If London Street becomes a success, MK Restaurant Group plans to develop three such food malls in other corners of Bangkok. Their décor will be different though.

“We are planning to develop the new food malls in the theme of Italy, France and New York,” Rit discloses, “But the plan will also depend on how well London Street performs”.

MK Restaurant Group has decided to launch its first food mall on the Pattanakarn Road because the area has high traffic and purchasing power. In addition, there is no MK Restaurant Group’s outlet within 5-km radius from where the London Street is located.

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London street will be full of Romanians in blue track suit bottoms sitting outside Costa Coffee plotting credit card fraud, discarded beer cans and whiskey bottles thrown on the floor by Eastern European builders coming home from work, a variety of fast foods thrown on the pavement and mashed into a runny pulp, maybe a few rats scurrying along, 24hr supermarkets with fruit and veg stacked up outside, Polish and Romanian supermarkets, mobile phone repair shops with potential tierrorrosts hanging outside, shadow of large mosques overlooking most towns ..... if you see an English person .... let me know.

Now. Now mother. Settle down or we will send you back.coffee1.gif

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London street will be full of Romanians in blue track suit bottoms sitting outside Costa Coffee plotting credit card fraud, discarded beer cans and whiskey bottles thrown on the floor by Eastern European builders coming home from work, a variety of fast foods thrown on the pavement and mashed into a runny pulp, maybe a few rats scurrying along, 24hr supermarkets with fruit and veg stacked up outside, Polish and Romanian supermarkets, mobile phone repair shops with potential tierrorrosts hanging outside, shadow of large mosques overlooking most towns ..... if you see an English person .... let me know.

Jeremy Clarkson is that you? Escaping the pressure of London?

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Where's the local pub, British Beer, and pub grub? Apart from no English eateries, Big Ben is not a building it is a bell inside the top of the building. The building used to be known as the Clock Tower but was changed to the Elizabeth Tower to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee. Big Ben is only a nickname for the clock and the clock tower. Then, I am not a tourist but a pure Londoner, from Fulham, and neither am I one of the enamoured Thais that are mentioned, "...based on not just his personal taste but also the fact that many other Thais fall in love with London."

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To reflect a genuine UK high street it will need a couple of curry houses, takeaways, Western Union Signs, as said a few ATM Scammers hanging about, Shoplifters, Polish Deli's, Asian supermarkets/Halal butchers, plenty eastern euorpean immigrants and black african nationals with 'Cafes' (Shabeens) and street beggers with the dog in tow, Yep good Ol' Blighty!

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The mall features five MK Restaurant Group brands: MK itself, Le Siam, Miyazaki, Yayoi, and Le Petit. I know that London is multi-cultural, but these places are not remotely related to London. Idiots.

If they brought Borough Market to Pattanakan I'd be there every week. tongue.png

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London street will be full of Romanians in blue track suit bottoms sitting outside Costa Coffee plotting credit card fraud, discarded beer cans and whiskey bottles thrown on the floor by Eastern European builders coming home from work, a variety of fast foods thrown on the pavement and mashed into a runny pulp, maybe a few rats scurrying along, 24hr supermarkets with fruit and veg stacked up outside, Polish and Romanian supermarkets, mobile phone repair shops with potential tierrorrosts hanging outside, shadow of large mosques overlooking most towns ..... if you see an English person .... let me know.

Xenophobia is a close cousin of negativism, closed-mindedness and runaway imagination.

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London street will be full of Romanians in blue track suit bottoms sitting outside Costa Coffee plotting credit card fraud, discarded beer cans and whiskey bottles thrown on the floor by Eastern European builders coming home from work, a variety of fast foods thrown on the pavement and mashed into a runny pulp, maybe a few rats scurrying along, 24hr supermarkets with fruit and veg stacked up outside, Polish and Romanian supermarkets, mobile phone repair shops with potential tierrorrosts hanging outside, shadow of large mosques overlooking most towns ..... if you see an English person .... let me know.

Xenophobia is a close cousin of negativism, closed-mindedness and runaway imagination.

Nothing wrong with a fear of foreign immigrants in the UK, most a thieving, lying scum.

Edited by jacky54
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London street will be full of Romanians in blue track suit bottoms sitting outside Costa Coffee plotting credit card fraud, discarded beer cans and whiskey bottles thrown on the floor by Eastern European builders coming home from work, a variety of fast foods thrown on the pavement and mashed into a runny pulp, maybe a few rats scurrying along, 24hr supermarkets with fruit and veg stacked up outside, Polish and Romanian supermarkets, mobile phone repair shops with potential tierrorrosts hanging outside, shadow of large mosques overlooking most towns ..... if you see an English person .... let me know.

The English will be the tattooed chavs and ladettes staggering out of the clubs at 2 am and puking into the bushes.

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London street will be full of Romanians in blue track suit bottoms sitting outside Costa Coffee plotting credit card fraud, discarded beer cans and whiskey bottles thrown on the floor by Eastern European builders coming home from work, a variety of fast foods thrown on the pavement and mashed into a runny pulp, maybe a few rats scurrying along, 24hr supermarkets with fruit and veg stacked up outside, Polish and Romanian supermarkets, mobile phone repair shops with potential tierrorrosts hanging outside, shadow of large mosques overlooking most towns ..... if you see an English person .... let me know.

Xenophobia is a close cousin of negativism, closed-mindedness and runaway imagination.

Nothing wrong with a fear of foreign immigrants in the UK, most a thieving, lying scum.

There are of course no thieving, lying English scum in England.

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...........and can Londoners work there ? Oh NO !! Must be and can only be Thais.................

I wish we would reciprocate in England and insist all Thai restaurants have at least 5 English workers per Thai.

Maybe then and ONLY then would Thais realise the unfairness of their racist system, go home, and lobby their government for changes to the way foreigners are treated.

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London street will be full of Romanians in blue track suit bottoms sitting outside Costa Coffee plotting credit card fraud, discarded beer cans and whiskey bottles thrown on the floor by Eastern European builders coming home from work, a variety of fast foods thrown on the pavement and mashed into a runny pulp, maybe a few rats scurrying along, 24hr supermarkets with fruit and veg stacked up outside, Polish and Romanian supermarkets, mobile phone repair shops with potential tierrorrosts hanging outside, shadow of large mosques overlooking most towns ..... if you see an English person .... let me know.

Xenophobia is a close cousin of negativism, closed-mindedness and runaway imagination.

Nothing wrong with a fear of foreign immigrants in the UK, most a thieving, lying scum.

There are of course no thieving, lying English scum in England.

Of course there are, but we don't need to import more.

We already have enough home grown scum

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