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Thanks J!

Everyone, this marvellous chap does some great work in and around SE Asia and I'd like you all to give him a warm welcome.


You're most welcome, Mr. Aximander.thumbsup.gif I have to get a lot closer with my lense then you to get a proper shot.sad.png Maybe one day I will have a big lense.

You even got the ball the kid kicks to scare the pigeons! That's a perfect shot to me. Excellent!

Keep 'm coming.


Welcome to the forum Jeremiah, may I call you Jez for short?

Some nice shots there, I particularly like the last one. I look forward to seeing more.

You even got the ball the kid kicks to scare the pigeons! That's a perfect shot to me. Excellent!

DAL you on the Ale tonight? That's a tree. cheesy.gif

DAL you on the Ale tonight? That's a tree. cheesy.gif

I thought photo's never lied!?blink.pngclap2.gifBut seriously: I make assessments like then when I'm sober, mate. So please dont blame the Ale..Besides correct me if I'm wrong but the photo would have been more awesome if that was indeed the ball.thumbsup.gif

[edit] Photo number 2: I'm positive these people are oblivious to the fact they're about to be eaten by a gaint illuminated ferris weel.w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif



Photos are shot at the moment in time, they are what they are, any photo could be more awesome in some way or another.

People could have told Michelangelo to include something extra in his sculptures or paintings.


Photos are shot at the moment in time, they are what they are, any photo could be more awesome in some way or another.

People could have told Michelangelo to include something extra in his sculptures or paintings.

I see it constructive like you usually do. There were people who (indirectly )revealed to Michelangelo to draw inspiration from his own work. People with a different frame of mind, who saw things he simply never saw.

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welcome aximander ! very nice photos indeed !

I particularly like the 'food hawker' and the 'lady at the water front'. the exactly the mood and tone describing what it supposed to be. also, it takes a lot of 'guts' with a camera in front of these people in the right moment. well done !


Sayon Soulsadai Aximander...& welcome!

Good to see the monkey man is still on Sisowath!

He's OK actually...so's the simian.


A big warm welcome from me also aximander,what a cracking set of images as your first post.Hope there are more like that to come!

Also,cheers to MJP....got any more mates like that???


A big warm welcome from me also aximander,what a cracking set of images as your first post.Hope there are more like that to come!

Also,cheers to MJP....got any more mates like that???

I've got hold of Stix. He's tempted to pick up his 5DMkIII again, been a bit dry on the old inspiration, as have I of late.

Can someone please drag Klaus back? I miss Klaus.

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