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Work permit on a Non O visa?

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A good friend who has been in Thailand for a while on a Non O, marriage based visa has been offered work at a local school.

It is all above board and the school will take care of work permits and the like.

Is it possible for him to obtain the work permit and not change to a type B visa.

I have read that it is better to keep the Non O visa in the event that the job does not work out, so you can avoid starting the visa process over again if you find yourself unemployed.

He told me he mentioned this to the school, but the school was not sure a work permit could be obtained on a Non O visa.

What's the real story on this?

Thanks in advance ( Joe )

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A person with a non-o visa based upon marriage can get a work permit and work. It is the same if they are on an extension of stay based upon marriage.

It is also possible to use the income from working to meet the 40k baht income requirement for an extension of stay.

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Can one also get a WP and work when on a Non Imm O visa based upon having Thai child?

Yes you can.


I thought one could only work and get WP when on Non Imm O, only when that visa is based upon marriage, instead of based on having Thai child.

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Can one also get a WP and work when on a Non Imm O visa based upon having Thai child?

Yes you can.


I thought one could only work and get WP when on Non Imm O, only when that visa is based upon marriage, instead of based on having Thai child.

You thought wrong.

But you may have to prove you are the legal parent of your child by way of marriage or legitimization.

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