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Decree for lifting martial law sent for royal command: Prayut

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The chap has already proven himself to be a liar, no coup... no designs on politics.. no wish to be PM etc and here he is, scrapping martial law to give himself ultimate power by removing the military from their power base? I have a question. Once section 44 is employed, will he be answerable even to the King? I seem to remember Thaksin's detractors accusing him of wanting to be more powerful than the King, has this bloke achieved that? I really hope HRH the King lives on for a good few years yet because his passing would really impact badly for Thailand's future right now.

"I have a question. Once section 44 is employed, will he be answerable even to the King?"

With the Interim Constitution no more and no less than with the 2007 or the 1997 Constitution.


who needs FOX entertainment news when you have all of these fear mongers here on TVF? Too funny......look out the sky may be falling too. Amazing the same people did not seem so concerned when babies were getting blown up with RPG's. Priorities my friends, priorities!!!

Sounds like a repeat of one of your previous posts ¨The sky is falling¨ Not terribly imaginative, however.

Babies being blown up with RPG´s? Where did the RPG´s come from? Across the boarder controlled by the army, or from the army themselves?

If the army (and police) had done their job in the first place it would never have come to this, oh but then again that´s why it did come to this.

I can imagine AK47´s and Chinese / Russian made RPG´s coming across the boarders (Lao, Myanmar, Cambodia) but not M16ś, M4ś and American / NATO made weapons, which I believe are ONLY used here in Thailand......

Maybe you should consider changing your username to something more appropriate......

I think our Eye meant the M60something grenades fired from M79 launchers. American brand, used in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam.

EIT replace 'steve' by 'eye'. I need to buy new glasses I fear sad.png

  • Like 1

You all spilled your guts out about lifting martial Law.

Here it is, he is lifting it.

Now you found article 44 you don't agree with.

Doesn't matter what he does, doesn't matter what he says, you will never agree.

Because you never opened your eyes and ears to see what the man has done already for Thailand.

I will just remind you of some.

1. He got rid of the Sinawatra clan of thieves and deceptors.

2. He is reforming the police and already we can see the results of that as they started doing their job and most of te bad seeds have gone away.

3. He is fighting corruption on all levels of society, many high corrupt officials and others have been caught.

4. He is trying to bring the beautiful Thai sea sides back to their natural state, kicking out the vermin occupying them.

5. He is fighting against human trafficking...we heard already of results.

6. He is trying to bring some morals back to the Thai society as nearly nothing has left after so many years under the so called democratic governments.

7. He is going to improve the railways and roads of Thailand.

But the most important of all he has brought calm and tranquility in this county.

No shootings any more, no more killings and abuse of innocent people.

In a year he has given the Thai people much more than any other government.

What does it take to satisfy you?

But doesn't really matter if you are satisfied or not and that includes me as we will never have anything to do with Thai politics as we can't vote.

So carry on being awkward and negative as before....nobody is listening to you....and neither to me.


Article 44 is worse than Martial Law.

It won't take long until Thais are screaming for a return to the grim days of martial law.

When killings benefit the Generals, there are killing, when killings don't benefit the Generals, there are no killings!


Funny old world.

There are those on this forum who say 'shut up, it's nothing to do with you and you should not be critical of anything the Thai 'government' do' (I use that phrase loosely).

I've just watched a documentary from the UK where some recently arrived immigrants were asked about the UK general election and what they thought of the intention to extend the period they had to live in the UK before they could claim benefits.

They were quite strong in their opinions. I didn't get offended by their right to express the opinions, even though they had no vote. Whether I agreed with them or not, as someone who does have a vote, is neither here nor there, but they are entitled to an opinion. smile.png

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So Prayuth needs Royal permission to cease Martial Law. Did he need Royal permission to impose it? Just wondering.

Didn't you read the Interim Constitution?

It starts with

"Phrabat Somdet Phra Paramintharamaha Bhumibol Aduyadej Mahitalathibet Ramathibodi Chakkri Narubodin Sayamintharathirat Borommanatthabophit is graciously pleased to proclaim that"



Funny old world.

There are those on this forum who say 'shut up, it's nothing to do with you and you should not be critical of anything the Thai 'government' do' (I use that phrase loosely).

I've just watched a documentary from the UK where some recently arrived immigrants were asked about the UK general election and what they thought of the intention to extend the period they had to live in the UK before they could claim benefits.

They were quite strong in their opinions. I didn't get offended by their right to express the opinions, even though they had no vote. Whether I agreed with them or not, as someone who does have a vote, is neither here nor there, but they are entitled to an opinion. smile.png

My dear Emilie, in Thailand recent Immigrants get deported, for decades already. That's independent of whether they protest or agree.

So, maybe you as Thai should help the government to get better laws and actual enforcement of them. Did you offer help in Reforms ?


You all spilled your guts out about lifting martial Law.

Here it is, he is lifting it.

Now you found article 44 you don't agree with.

Doesn't matter what he does, doesn't matter what he says, you will never agree.

Because you never opened your eyes and ears to see what the man has done already for Thailand.

I will just remind you of some.

1. He got rid of the Sinawatra clan of thieves and deceptors.

2. He is reforming the police and already we can see the results of that as they started doing their job and most of te bad seeds have gone away.

3. He is fighting corruption on all levels of society, many high corrupt officials and others have been caught.

4. He is trying to bring the beautiful Thai sea sides back to their natural state, kicking out the vermin occupying them.

5. He is fighting against human trafficking...we heard already of results.

6. He is trying to bring some morals back to the Thai society as nearly nothing has left after so many years under the so called democratic governments.

7. He is going to improve the railways and roads of Thailand.

But the most important of all he has brought calm and tranquility in this county.

No shootings any more, no more killings and abuse of innocent people.

In a year he has given the Thai people much more than any other government.

What does it take to satisfy you?

But doesn't really matter if you are satisfied or not and that includes me as we will never have anything to do with Thai politics as we can't vote.

So carry on being awkward and negative as before....nobody is listening to you....and neither to me.

At what price? Democracy is not something that can be bought and sold but easily oppressed. Noted your points but what exactly are you talking about because everything on that list is just words; nothing has yet been achieved.

I doubt anyone wants to see Thailand go further down hill but this is no way for a country to go. I wouldn't wish such a regime on my worst enemy.

It'll mean a witch hunt on fashion designers selling sexy clothes and on social media and online game kiddies....


While I don't particularly like stern, absolutist type of power running a government, I tend to more detest a society wherein the "have nots" by means of their sheer numbers can vote themselves (and their votes openly and crassly bought off) whatever it is they desire of someone else's labors.

To what extent this has been the case in Thailand under the Shinawatra dynasty, can be argued to the extent, but it was definitely happening. Then of course there was the arrogant corruption during that period. But worst of all, Thailand was very close to delving into civil war before the military stepped in. Is that a good thing ??? Or was a civil war the "righteous" thing to have happen in the name of "democracy" ???

Democracy by itself is flawed unless it is joined at the hip with the concept of "liberty", which can be described as simply as this: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

And it is not just in Thailand that this scenario is being played out. In my home country, it has become quite fashionable to lavish the less fortunate and illegal immigrants with all sorts of giveaways such that they refuse to embrace ambition, common sense and wisdom to better themselves. In return, these people multiply like rabbits on Viagra and continue to vote in the same "populist" party. If that isn't corruption and utter stupidity, then I don't know what is.

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Well, apart from our little Greek friend I think everyone else is in agreement Article 44 could invoke Rule 7.62 if things go pear shaped. I hope not, but you just never can tell.....

Your so old fashioned.. Rule 5.5!


While I don't particularly like stern, absolutist type of power running a government, I tend to more detest a society wherein the "have nots" by means of their sheer numbers can vote themselves (and their votes openly and crassly bought off) whatever it is they desire of someone else's labors.

To what extent this has been the case in Thailand under the Shinawatra dynasty, can be argued to the extent, but it was definitely happening. Then of course there was the arrogant corruption during that period. But worst of all, Thailand was very close to delving into civil war before the military stepped in. Is that a good thing ??? Or was a civil war the "righteous" thing to have happen in the name of "democracy" ???

Democracy by itself is flawed unless it is joined at the hip with the concept of "liberty", which can be described as simply as this: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

And it is not just in Thailand that this scenario is being played out. In my home country, it has become quite fashionable to lavish the less fortunate and illegal immigrants with all sorts of giveaways such that they refuse to embrace ambition, common sense and wisdom to better themselves. In return, these people multiply like rabbits on Viagra and continue to vote in the same "populist" party. If that isn't corruption and utter stupidity, then I don't know what is.

Excuse me Sir.

In what century was you born??

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

Just one comment. The self-sufficiency theory is just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!

  • Like 2

You all spilled your guts out about lifting martial Law.

Here it is, he is lifting it.

Now you found article 44 you don't agree with.

Doesn't matter what he does, doesn't matter what he says, you will never agree.

Because you never opened your eyes and ears to see what the man has done already for Thailand.

I will just remind you of some.

1. He got rid of the Sinawatra clan of thieves and deceptors.

2. He is reforming the police and already we can see the results of that as they started doing their job and most of te bad seeds have gone away.

3. He is fighting corruption on all levels of society, many high corrupt officials and others have been caught.

4. He is trying to bring the beautiful Thai sea sides back to their natural state, kicking out the vermin occupying them.

5. He is fighting against human trafficking...we heard already of results.

6. He is trying to bring some morals back to the Thai society as nearly nothing has left after so many years under the so called democratic governments.

7. He is going to improve the railways and roads of Thailand.

But the most important of all he has brought calm and tranquility in this county.

No shootings any more, no more killings and abuse of innocent people.

In a year he has given the Thai people much more than any other government.

What does it take to satisfy you?

But doesn't really matter if you are satisfied or not and that includes me as we will never have anything to do with Thai politics as we can't vote.

So carry on being awkward and negative as before....nobody is listening to you....and neither to me.

Good to see you back on track . Well said .


Ok give the PM a chance

Give absolute, unquestionable power with no rule of law or oversight, no ability for citizens to vote or even express their opinion, and country wide intimidation at the point of a gun a chance? That's sick.


Ok give the PM a chance

Give absolute, unquestionable power with no rule of law or oversight, no ability to citizens to vote or express their opinion, and country wide intimidation at the point of a gun a chance.

Well we will see how he uses absolute power!


I had a post removed for equating the barmy general to Pol Pot months ago Will this be removed also or will it be acknowledged that the path he is treading has amassing similarities. Let us hope and pray the end game is not similar. However let us not forget that those who live by the sword must consider metaphorically that they may die by the sword.

In what way does Prayuth resemble Pol Pot. What similarities are there?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You all spilled your guts out about lifting martial Law.

Here it is, he is lifting it.

Now you found article 44 you don't agree with.

Doesn't matter what he does, doesn't matter what he says, you will never agree.

Because you never opened your eyes and ears to see what the man has done already for Thailand.

I will just remind you of some.

1. He got rid of the Sinawatra clan of thieves and deceptors.

2. He is reforming the police and already we can see the results of that as they started doing their job and most of te bad seeds have gone away.

3. He is fighting corruption on all levels of society, many high corrupt officials and others have been caught.

4. He is trying to bring the beautiful Thai sea sides back to their natural state, kicking out the vermin occupying them.

5. He is fighting against human trafficking...we heard already of results.

6. He is trying to bring some morals back to the Thai society as nearly nothing has left after so many years under the so called democratic governments.

7. He is going to improve the railways and roads of Thailand.

But the most important of all he has brought calm and tranquility in this county.

No shootings any more, no more killings and abuse of innocent people.

In a year he has given the Thai people much more than any other government.

What does it take to satisfy you?

But doesn't really matter if you are satisfied or not and that includes me as we will never have anything to do with Thai politics as we can't vote.

So carry on being awkward and negative as before....nobody is listening to you....and neither to me.

Great Post!


Ok give the PM a chance

Give absolute, unquestionable power with no rule of law or oversight, no ability to citizens to vote or express their opinion, and country wide intimidation at the point of a gun a chance.

Well we will see how he uses absolute power!

By lying through his teeth each step of the way, as he has so far?

It's not a coup.

Martial law is only temporary.

I have no interest in being prime minister.

Elections will be scheduled soon.

Oops - all blatant lies.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You all spilled your guts out about lifting martial Law.

Here it is, he is lifting it.

Now you found article 44 you don't agree with.

Doesn't matter what he does, doesn't matter what he says, you will never agree.

Because you never opened your eyes and ears to see what the man has done already for Thailand.

I will just remind you of some.

1. He got rid of the Sinawatra clan of thieves and deceptors.

2. He is reforming the police and already we can see the results of that as they started doing their job and most of te bad seeds have gone away.

3. He is fighting corruption on all levels of society, many high corrupt officials and others have been caught.

4. He is trying to bring the beautiful Thai sea sides back to their natural state, kicking out the vermin occupying them.

5. He is fighting against human trafficking...we heard already of results.

6. He is trying to bring some morals back to the Thai society as nearly nothing has left after so many years under the so called democratic governments.

7. He is going to improve the railways and roads of Thailand.

But the most important of all he has brought calm and tranquility in this county.

No shootings any more, no more killings and abuse of innocent people.

In a year he has given the Thai people much more than any other government.

What does it take to satisfy you?

But doesn't really matter if you are satisfied or not and that includes me as we will never have anything to do with Thai politics as we can't vote.

So carry on being awkward and negative as before....nobody is listening to you....and neither to me.

Great Post!

Except that most of what Costas wrote hasn't actually happened, or is absurdly exaggerated and childish.

  • Like 2

You all spilled your guts out about lifting martial Law.

Here it is, he is lifting it.

Now you found article 44 you don't agree with.

Doesn't matter what he does, doesn't matter what he says, you will never agree.

Because you never opened your eyes and ears to see what the man has done already for Thailand.

I will just remind you of some.

1. He got rid of the Sinawatra clan of thieves and deceptors.

2. He is reforming the police and already we can see the results of that as they started doing their job and most of te bad seeds have gone away.

3. He is fighting corruption on all levels of society, many high corrupt officials and others have been caught.

4. He is trying to bring the beautiful Thai sea sides back to their natural state, kicking out the vermin occupying them.

5. He is fighting against human trafficking...we heard already of results.

6. He is trying to bring some morals back to the Thai society as nearly nothing has left after so many years under the so called democratic governments.

7. He is going to improve the railways and roads of Thailand.

But the most important of all he has brought calm and tranquility in this county.

No shootings any more, no more killings and abuse of innocent people.

In a year he has given the Thai people much more than any other government.

What does it take to satisfy you?

But doesn't really matter if you are satisfied or not and that includes me as we will never have anything to do with Thai politics as we can't vote.

So carry on being awkward and negative as before....nobody is listening to you....and neither to me.


You have listed many things that were considered impossible 12 months ago...

But somehow I feel there are posters here who do not want Thailand to pull itself out of it's own cesspit...

And for the doubters, remember Rome was not built in a day, but I see great foundations being laid for a better Thailand.

  • Like 1

While I don't particularly like stern, absolutist type of power running a government, I tend to more detest a society wherein the "have nots" by means of their sheer numbers can vote themselves (and their votes openly and crassly bought off) whatever it is they desire of someone else's labors.

To what extent this has been the case in Thailand under the Shinawatra dynasty, can be argued to the extent, but it was definitely happening. Then of course there was the arrogant corruption during that period. But worst of all, Thailand was very close to delving into civil war before the military stepped in. Is that a good thing ??? Or was a civil war the "righteous" thing to have happen in the name of "democracy" ???

Democracy by itself is flawed unless it is joined at the hip with the concept of "liberty", which can be described as simply as this: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

And it is not just in Thailand that this scenario is being played out. In my home country, it has become quite fashionable to lavish the less fortunate and illegal immigrants with all sorts of giveaways such that they refuse to embrace ambition, common sense and wisdom to better themselves. In return, these people multiply like rabbits on Viagra and continue to vote in the same "populist" party. If that isn't corruption and utter stupidity, then I don't know what is.

Excuse me Sir.

In what century was you born??

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

Just one comment. The self-sufficiency theory is just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!

Right and those silly election promises? Like the RPPS which according to Ms. Yingluck served it's purpose reaching the right people? The 'trickle down' theory doesn't seem too helpful either.

From one born in the previous century wai.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You all spilled your guts out about lifting martial Law.

Here it is, he is lifting it.

Now you found article 44 you don't agree with.

Doesn't matter what he does, doesn't matter what he says, you will never agree.

Because you never opened your eyes and ears to see what the man has done already for Thailand.

I will just remind you of some.

1. He got rid of the Sinawatra clan of thieves and deceptors.

2. He is reforming the police and already we can see the results of that as they started doing their job and most of te bad seeds have gone away.

3. He is fighting corruption on all levels of society, many high corrupt officials and others have been caught.

4. He is trying to bring the beautiful Thai sea sides back to their natural state, kicking out the vermin occupying them.

5. He is fighting against human trafficking...we heard already of results.

6. He is trying to bring some morals back to the Thai society as nearly nothing has left after so many years under the so called democratic governments.

7. He is going to improve the railways and roads of Thailand.

But the most important of all he has brought calm and tranquility in this county.

No shootings any more, no more killings and abuse of innocent people.

In a year he has given the Thai people much more than any other government.

What does it take to satisfy you?

But doesn't really matter if you are satisfied or not and that includes me as we will never have anything to do with Thai politics as we can't vote.

So carry on being awkward and negative as before....nobody is listening to you....and neither to me.

Great Post!

Except that most of what Costas wrote hasn't actually happened, or is absurdly exaggerated and childish.

Correct. Take for instance point 1, at the very beginning. Apart from a typo in the Shinawatra name, the PM didn't get rid of the Shinawatra clan. He's even trying to keep some in Thailand, like Ms. Yingluck who didn't get travel allowance.

Oh, by te way, English is indeed a difficult language (as non-native English speaker I know), but Costas writes about what is going on, not about what has been finished. So, while it hasn't happened, it is happening while you have the privilege to watch it happen.

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You all spilled your guts out about lifting martial Law.

Here it is, he is lifting it.

Now you found article 44 you don't agree with.

Doesn't matter what he does, doesn't matter what he says, you will never agree.

Because you never opened your eyes and ears to see what the man has done already for Thailand.

I will just remind you of some.

1. He got rid of the Sinawatra clan of thieves and deceptors.

2. He is reforming the police and already we can see the results of that as they started doing their job and most of te bad seeds have gone away.

3. He is fighting corruption on all levels of society, many high corrupt officials and others have been caught.

4. He is trying to bring the beautiful Thai sea sides back to their natural state, kicking out the vermin occupying them.

5. He is fighting against human trafficking...we heard already of results.

6. He is trying to bring some morals back to the Thai society as nearly nothing has left after so many years under the so called democratic governments.

7. He is going to improve the railways and roads of Thailand.

But the most important of all he has brought calm and tranquility in this county.

No shootings any more, no more killings and abuse of innocent people.

In a year he has given the Thai people much more than any other government.

What does it take to satisfy you?

But doesn't really matter if you are satisfied or not and that includes me as we will never have anything to do with Thai politics as we can't vote.

So carry on being awkward and negative as before....nobody is listening to you....and neither to me.

Great Post!

Except that most of what Costas wrote hasn't actually happened, or is absurdly exaggerated and childish.

Correct. Take for instance point 1, at the very beginning. Apart from a typo in the Shinawatra name, the PM didn't get rid of the Shinawatra clan. He's even trying to keep some in Thailand, like Ms. Yingluck who didn't get travel allowance.

Oh, by te way, English is indeed a difficult language (as non-native English speaker I know), but Costas writes about what is going on, not about what has been finished. So, while it hasn't happened, it is happening while you have the privilege to watch it happen.

Wow...'the privlege to watch it happen'? That's a ridiculous thing to write.


Great Post!

Except that most of what Costas wrote hasn't actually happened, or is absurdly exaggerated and childish.

Correct. Take for instance point 1, at the very beginning. Apart from a typo in the Shinawatra name, the PM didn't get rid of the Shinawatra clan. He's even trying to keep some in Thailand, like Ms. Yingluck who didn't get travel allowance.

Oh, by te way, English is indeed a difficult language (as non-native English speaker I know), but Costas writes about what is going on, not about what has been finished. So, while it hasn't happened, it is happening while you have the privilege to watch it happen.

What you write is nonsense.

Which probably translates to "I don't agree with what you write". That is, as far as I understand English wink.png

EDIT I was a bit quick with my reply it seems as you change the line to

"Wow...'the privlege to watch it happen'? That's a ridiculous thing to write."

Mind you, I don't think I have to change my response.


What you write is nonsense.

Which probably translates to "I don't agree with what you write". That is, as far as I understand English wink.png

A better translation would be: 'You are repeating mindless propaganda. And the world outside of Thialand knows it, and soon will come major sanctions from the west in protest of his obvious abuse of power. And while I've never been a supporter of the Shins (in any way), this self-elected PM is has done great damage to the country, and all the fake polls and progaganda don't change that.'

Clearer for you?

  • Like 2

What you write is nonsense.

Which probably translates to "I don't agree with what you write". That is, as far as I understand English wink.png

A better translation would be: 'You are repeating mindless propaganda. And the world outside of Thialand knows it, and soon will come major sanctions from the west in protest of his obvious abuse of power. And while I've never been a supporter of the Shins (in any way), this self-elected PM is has done great damage to the country, and all the fake polls and progaganda don't change that.'

Clearer for you?

Right, QED and so.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

While I don't particularly like stern, absolutist type of power running a government, I tend to more detest a society wherein the "have nots" by means of their sheer numbers can vote themselves (and their votes openly and crassly bought off) whatever it is they desire of someone else's labors.

To what extent this has been the case in Thailand under the Shinawatra dynasty, can be argued to the extent, but it was definitely happening. Then of course there was the arrogant corruption during that period. But worst of all, Thailand was very close to delving into civil war before the military stepped in. Is that a good thing ??? Or was a civil war the "righteous" thing to have happen in the name of "democracy" ???

Democracy by itself is flawed unless it is joined at the hip with the concept of "liberty", which can be described as simply as this: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

And it is not just in Thailand that this scenario is being played out. In my home country, it has become quite fashionable to lavish the less fortunate and illegal immigrants with all sorts of giveaways such that they refuse to embrace ambition, common sense and wisdom to better themselves. In return, these people multiply like rabbits on Viagra and continue to vote in the same "populist" party. If that isn't corruption and utter stupidity, then I don't know what is.

Excuse me Sir.

In what century was you born??

While I soberly understand the plight of the rural poor in Thailand, they will NOT be made strong and prosperous by way of tearing down the strong and prosperous while they use such largesse for purposes other than bettering themselves to become self-sufficient at a higher standard of living, and tempered with strict limits to such largesse.

Just one comment. The self-sufficiency theory is just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!

Excuse ME sir...What country I am from should not make any difference. And I strongly disagree with you that the self-sufficiency theory is "just another excuse for keeping the poor poor!!"...Look at the so-called "enlightened, progressive/socialist" type countries that have been shoveling money at "the poor" for decades in an effort to raise them to a higher level of productivity and personal responsibility. And what has resulted is "it's not my fault"..."I have needs so you owe me." Utter nonsense. And before you try to play "the privilege" card on me, my first job was a janitor and all other forms of menial labor. I have lived what I am advocating. You and others can choose whatever warped ideology you so choose, but accept the consequences of that decision.

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