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In Australia I used to grab Schweppes bitter lemon to mix with vodka every so often but here everything is sweet and nothing is even close to having a bite. Has anyone found anything thats similar to bitter lemon here or is it a lost cause, been looking for years but yet to find something and orange juice is simply too sweet. If I want a drink now all I can do is buy the smirnoff ice mixer with the lemon flavour


or grow up and drink vodka pure.....licklips.gif.pagespeed.ce.v-hsVd-WpuUk8n

These mixes are something for children and girls.....

Dziękuję bardzo

Don't speak Polish, but I drink Polish (vodka).thumbsup.gif

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It is hard to get decent non sugary drinks here,even the orange juice seems to have added sugar,this is a reason why many Thai's now have blood sugar problems and are obese,when i first came here in 1989,no way was there so many fatties,why,because back then,there were no 7/11.no western food[apart from the big hotels],jeez,we could hardly get any bread,in Bangkok,Koa san road had a few bars,and a few cheap guest houses,i went to Koh samet,and was always hungry,for chips[crisps],and chocolate bars like snickers,now like the Usa,sugar in everything.

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A triple distiled vodka with a fleck of vinegar in the lime twangs it up......from a buddy who bartends at the Beverly Hills Hotel...........

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On the Singapore airways flight last week i notched Bitter Lemon on the menu .Genuine Schweppes it was. Had myself a couple just to test for quality but because it contains quinine i have to be careful with my my medications . But anything in near moderation i guess.

​Tonic Water is a good substitute .

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Bitter Lemon readily available in Macro

search everytime we go in and have never found it, all the lemon drinks are sweet


Buy soda water and squeeze a fresh lemon into it.

MOVED to the Pub

thats what I drink now but it lacks the real bite


Schweppes bitter lemon ... ahh, memories. I like to make a couple of litres of cold brewed tea every week, and then top it up with lots of fresh squeezed lime. Arghhh, brrrrrr (rubber lips), yik-yik-yik. Dammn that's nice.

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Tops have bickfords lemon, lime or ginger ale flavour..add that to soda water

Brickfords also market a bitter lemon cordial in Oz . Not too bad but still has a tad too much sugar sweetness . I sometimes think we are to scared to really savor bitter as a sensation and a flavor in itself. I should add i can eat a lemon or lime just as easily as a mandarin.The bitter lemon cordial is nice mixed with lemonade or soda water . It is no where good enough to let it pollute good gin though . The Brickfords ginger is good too.

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thanks everyone, found Manao soda at Macro and its not bad, has a bite to so should go well, thanks again for all the help, I appreciate it.


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